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• Nonapeptide-neurohormone, synthesized in the hypothalamus, stored & secreted in post. Pituitary

• Different names: Vasopressin, arginine vasopressin, argipressin.
• Has oxytocin-like activity which causes side effects with ADH drugs in ♀.

• Pharmacological & Physiological Actions:

V1 V2

Neurotransmitter in V1 R’s, CNS • ↑ H2O reabsorption from collecting ducts

V1a V1b (antidiuresis)
• Vasoconstriction
• ↑ synthesis of certain clotting factors, e.g., VIII
• ↑ platelet aggregation • ↑ ACTH release
& Von Willebrand

• Factors affecting ADH:

Factors ↑ ADH ↓ ADH
• hypovolemia, hyperosmolarity, • hypervolemia, hypoosmolarity
Physiologic pain, stress, nausea, fever, hypoxia
• Ang II & prostaglandins • ANP, GABA, Cortisol
• Nicotine, • Alcohol, Phenytoin,
Drugs cholinergic agonists, β-adrenergics, Anticholinergics, α-adrenergics
tricyclic antidepressants, insulin,
morphine, vincristine (cancer drug)

• Disorders affecting ADH release:

Excess ADH Deficiency of ADH
Disorder • inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) • Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
→ consequence: dilutional hyponatremia → consequence: polyuria
• idiopathic, congenital, familial, gestational DI
Cause Head trauma, encephalitis, meningitis, oat • hypothalamic surgery, head trauma,malignancies
cell carcinoma • overproduction Or ↓ clearance of vasopressinase
• water restriction (Rx of choice) • ADH preparations: (HRT)
• hypertonic saline solution 1.Pitressin (Natural human ADH)
• Fludrocortisone → ↑ Na+ blood level short ½ life 15 mins, IM, SC
• Loop diuretics (Furosemide) 2. Lypressin (synthetic, porcine source)
Short DOA (4hrs), intranasal, IM, IV
Rx • ADH antagonist: 3. Desmopressin (synthetic ADH analogue)
- Conivaptan → V1 & V2 antagonist, IV Most widely used, long DOA (12hrs), oral,
administration intranasal, SC, IM
- Tolvaptan → V2 antagonist (selective), P.O. 4. Felypressin (synthetic ADH analogue)
Strong vasoconstrictor, used in dentistry
E.g., Lixivaptan, Satavaptan
Clinical uses of ADH drugs: DI, Nocturnal
*also used in fluid accumulation conditions enuresis, Hemophilia, bleeding esophageal
like CHF & Liver Cirrhosis varices Side effects of ADH drugs:
• Allergy, pallor
• headache, nausea, abdominal pain (♀)
• Anginal Pain (coronary artery vasospasm)
• H2O intoxication in massive doses
• Gangrene → Desmopressin, V2 Affinity
ADH Antagonists & 6) Which of the following ADH drugs is
commonly used in the treatment of central
Preparations diabetes insipidus?
a) Desmopressin
1) The antidiuretic action of Desmopressin b) Furosemide
is due to activation of which receptor? c) Spironolactone
a) V1a receptor d) Hydrochlorothiazide
b) V2 receptor
c) V1b receptor 7) ADH drugs are contraindicated in
d) V1 and V2 receptor patients with:
a) Hypothyroidism
2) All of the followings are non-renal b) Hypertension
actions of anti-diuretic hormone except c) Hypernatremia
a) neurotransmitter in the central d) Diabetes mellitus
nervous system
b) promotes hemostasis 8) Which of the following ADH drugs is
c) is a potent vasoconstrictor available in intranasal formulation?
d) increases the permeability of the a) Desmopressin
membrane to water b) Vasopressin
c) Conivaptan
3) Based on the V2 receptor, followings are d) Tolvaptan
the therapeutic uses of vasopressin,
a) Diabetes insipidus 9) Which of the following is an example of
b) Bedwetting in children a synthetic ADH analog?
c) Bleeding esophageal varices a) Vasopressin
d) All of the above b) Desmopressin
c) Conivaptan
4) What is the primary function of ADH d) Tolvaptan
drugs (preparations)?
a) Decrease blood pressure 10) A 63-year-oldwoman with euvolemic
b) Increase urine output hyponatremia due to heart failure was
c) Promote water reabsorption started on a medication to help with the
d) Inhibit sodium reabsorption excretion of free water with minimal
electrolyte loss. The to the concern for
5) Which of the following conditions is osmotic demyelination. What medication
commonly treated with ADH drugs? was most likely prescribed?
a) Diabetes insipidus a) Bumetanide
b) Hypertension b) Desmopressin
c) Hyperthyroidism c) Eplerenone
d) Asthma d) Mannitol
e) Tolvaptan
11) Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is Answers:
a condition in which the kidneys are 1) B 2) D 3) D
unable to respond to antidiuretic hormone 4) C 5) A 6) A
(ADH), also known as vasopressin. This 7) C 8) A 9) B
leads to an inability to concentrate urine 10) E 11) B 12) D
and excessive urination, which can cause 13)B
dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and
other complications. NOTES:
Drug of choice for nephrogenic diabetes Q2 Explanation: ADH has several non-renal
insipidus is: actions. it acts as a neurotransmitter in the central
a) Lypressin nervous system, where it plays a role in social
behavior, memory, and learning. It also promotes
b) Hydrochlorothiazide
hemostasis by causing vasoconstriction and
c) Terlipressin increasing platelet aggregation, which can help to
d) Vasopressin prevent bleeding. In addition, ADH is a potent
vasoconstrictor, which can increase blood pressure
Extra by constricting blood vessels. This effect is
12) Which statement about antidiuretic mediated by a specific type of receptor called V1
hormone (ADH) is true? receptors.
A) It is synthesized in the posterior
pituitary gland Q3: Nocturnal enuresis → bedwetting in children
B) It increases salt and water
reabsorption in the collecting tubules Q11 Explanation: Two types of diabetes
insipidus: either (Central DI) due to insufficient
and ducts secretion of ADH from pituitary also known as ADH
C) It stimulates thirst deficiency, drugs of choice are ADH drugs
D) It has opposite effects on urine and (preparations) OR (Nephrogenic DI) failure of the
plasma osmolality kidneys to respond to ADH where thiazides are
used for Tx.
13) A patient has nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus. Of the following options, which
outcome would be expected or which
intervention would be suggested?
A) Expected outcome: decreased plasma
sodium con- centration
B) Expected outcome: increased
secretion of ADH from the supraoptic
and paraventricular nuclei
C) Expected outcome: high urine
D) Suggested intervention: water
E) Suggested intervention: ADH
antagonists (vaptans)
Uterine Stimulants
• MOA: ↑ intracellular Ca+2 → depolarization → contraction of uterine muscle
↑ Prostaglandin release
∴ Clinical uses: labor induction (*Drug of choice* I.V) & abortifacient ( I.V, ≥ 20 WG)
∴ most serious side effect is rupture of uterus
• ineffective in early pregnancy X due to ↓ uterus sensitivity
• Ejects milk by contracting myoepithelial cells of the breast.
∴ Clinical use: breast engorgement (intranasal)
• ADH-like activity → side effect: water intoxication & hypertension
• Antagonist: tocolytics e.g., Atosiban
Drug Dinoprostone Dinoprost Carboprost Gemeprost
• Abortifacient • Abortifacient Prime the cervix &
Use • labor induction • Postpartum hemorrhage uterine contraction
Pessaries, inserts, gel, tab IV & IM & Intraamniotic Pessaries
Administration Intraamniotic

Ergot alkaloids
• Drugs of choice for postpartum hemorrhage
→ potency > oxytocin; produces prolonged, sustained contractions + less toxic
• Examples: Ergonovine, (Methyl)ergonovine
• Administration: IM, Oral
• Contraindicated as delivery inducers (↑ fetal distress & mortality)

Uterine Relaxants
• Also known as Tocolytics
• Clinical Use: premature delivery (weeks 20-30) to improve the survival of the newborn
• Contraindicated in fetal distress.
Drugs Acting on The Uterus 6. Which one of the following consider as
a side effect of oxytocin?
1. The drug used for cervical priming to a) Vaginal bleeding
facilitate labour is b) Hypertension
(a) Oxytocin c) gangrene
(b) Stilboestrol
7. A 29-year-old pregnant lady came to
(c) Progesterone
the clinic complaining of ankle edema
(d) Prostaglanding E2
that she noticed 5 days ago. After taking
2. Following delivery of a healthy baby, a the history she said that she is taking a
young woman begins to bleed extensively drug for premature labor but she forgot
because her uterus has failed to contract. the name of the drug. Which one of the
Which one of the following drugs should following drugs she most likely uses?
be administered to this woman? a) Ergometrine
(a) Desmopressin b) Misoprostol
(b) Octreotide c) Nifedipine
(c) Oxytocin d) Ritodrine
(d) Prolactin
8. A 16-year-old pregnant girl came to the
3. A 29-year-old woman who was in ER with severe vaginal bleeding. After
her 41st week of gestation had been in doing routine procedures it is learned that
labor for 12 hours. Although her uterine the baby is dead.
contractions had been strong and regular While taking the history the patient told
initially, they had diminished in force the doctor that her friend gave her a
during the past hour. Which of the suppository to induce abortion. Which
following drugs would be administered to one of the following drugs she most likely
facilitate this woman’s labor and took?
delivery? a) Dinoprost
(a) Dopamine b) Dinoprostone
(b) Leuprolide c) Carboprost
(c) Oxytocin d) Oxytocin
(d) Prolactin
9. The drug of choice for controlling
4. which one of the following is the clinical postpartum Hemorrhage is:
use of ergot alkaloids? a) Oxytocin
a) Induction of birth b) Methylergonovine
b) Postpartum bleeding c) Dihydroergotamine
c) Both d) Prostaglandin E2

5. The effect of oxytocin on the uterus is? 10. Select the drug that has been used to
a) Increase ca influx suppress Labor:
b) Increase k influx a) Atropine
c) Decrease ca influx b) Ritodrine
c) Prostaglandin E2
d) Progesterone
11. Use of ritodrine to arrest premature the mouth of the nursing infant, what
labor can cause the following must occur?
complications except: A) Myoepithelial cells must relax
a) Tachycardia B) Prolactin levels must fall
b) Fall in blood pressure C) Oxytocin secretion from the posterior
c) Hypoglycaemia pituitary must take place
d) Pulmonary edema D) The baby’s mouth must develop a
strong negative pressure over the nipple
12. A 36-year-old multiparous pregnant E) All the above
lady (who had cesarean sections for all
her previous pregnancies) is now 10 16. Which of the following could inhibit
months pregnant, her obstetrician decides the initiation of labor?
to induce labor so he gave her an intra- A) Administration of an antagonist of
amniotic injection. After giving birth to a the actions of progesterone
healthy baby the patient complained of B) Administration of LH
abdominal pain and died of a C) Administration of an antagonist of
hypovolemic shock a few hours later. PGE2 effects
Which one of the following drugs did the D) Mechanically dilating and
doctor give her? stimulating the cervix
a) Carboprost E) Administration of oxytocin
b) Dinoprostone
c) Oxytocin Answers: 1-D 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-B
d) Ergometrine 9-B 10-B 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-C 16-C

13. Which pituitary hormone has a

chemical structure most similar to that of
A) Oxytocin
E) Prolactin

14. Release of which hormone is an

example of neuroendocrine secretion?
B) Cortisol
C) Oxytocin
D) Prolactin

15. For milk to flow from the nipple of the

mother into

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