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Grammar Notes – 9.Choose the correct answer.

Tests for your success They want their ... to become a surgeon. They
don't even think that she can be against it.
1. Choose the correct answer. A) sixteen years old girl B) sixteen-years girl
Every time I .... a sandcastle, the waves came in C) sixteen-year-old girl D) a sixteen-year-aged girl
and washed it away.
A) finish B) finished C) am finishing 10. Choose the correct answer.
D) have finished You can clean your windows with wet newspaper .
. . them really shine.
2.Choose the correct answer. A) to make B) be making C) made D) to be made
I ... the garden but I can’t find the spade.
A) am digging B) was going to dig C) dug 11. Choose the correct answer.
D) has dug Victor felt sleepy and tired. 'All I need is . . . cup of
coffee', he said to himself, 'with sugar'.
3. Choose the correct answer. A) a B) an C) the D) -
When he needed extra money, he . . . work
overtime. 12.Choose the right answer.
A) would B) should C) must D) can Annie felt tired when she was coming home from
the store because the bag of groceries . . . too heavy
4. Choose the correct answer. for her to carry.
A vacancy for an office manager ... in the A) was B) were C) are D) is
newspaper last week.
A) advertised B) was advertised 13. Choose the correct answer.
C) advertise D) had been advertised Most women live longer than men. … have an
average life expectancy of 77 years.
5. Choose the correct answer. A) They B) Them C) She D) He
It takes a long time to write a novel even if you ...
hard. And then you have to get it .... 14.Choose the correct answer.
A) will work / publish B) work / published The day care center was established to take care of
C) worked / publish D) work / to publish children . . . parents work during the day.
A) who B) which C) what D) whose
6. Choose the correct answer.
A: I wish I ... your gift for languages. 15.Choose the correct answer.
B: I ... it a gift. Where there's a will, there's a way, They covered . . . three miles and came to a point
you know. where they couldn't see any vegetation: . . . was
A) have/shan't call B) would have/won't call covered with snow.
C) shall have/don't call D) had/shouldn't call A) other / each B) another / everything
C) another / each D) other / everything
7. Choose the correct answer.
A: It’s almost dinner time, and you haven't eaten 16. Choose the correct answer.
since breakfast. Aren't you hungry? Your car is the same make . . . mine.
B: .... I'm dying of hunger. Let's go to eat. A) than B) as C) then D) from
A) Yes, I was. B) Yes, I am. C) No, I won't.
D) No, I wasn't. 17.Choose the correct answer.
The president ... Uzbekistan pays great attention
8.Choose the correct answer. ... the education of the youth.
She says, "I'll be grateful if you come" She says . . . A) in/of B) of/to C) to/to D) to/of
A) she will be grateful if I come
B) she will be grateful if you come 18. Choose the correct answer.
C) she would be grateful if I come There was complete silence ... the sound of the
D) he would be grateful if I come birds.
A) besides B) except for C) beside D) apart

18.02.2020 Grammar Notes Grammar test

Grammar Notes

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for A) show that different people have different
each question below (19-22). definitions of happiness.
B) define virtue.
Good things are commonly divided into three C) prove that his definition of happiness is valid.
classes: (1) external goods, (2) goods of the soul, D) explain the relationship between happiness
and (3) goods of the body. Of these, we call the and goodness.
goods pertaining to the soul goods in the highest
and fullest sense. But in speaking of “soul,” we Read the text. Then choose the correct answer
refer to our soul’s actions and activities. Thus, our for each question below (23-25)
definition [of good] tallies with this opinion The seemingly simple question of “what defines
which has been current for a long time and to a sport?” has been the fodder for argument and
which philosophers subscribe. conversation for years, among professional and
We are also right in defining the end as armchair athletes alike. There seems to be no
consisting of actions and activities; for in this way doubt that vigorous and highly competitive
the end is included among the goods of the soul activities such as baseball, football, and soccer are
and not among external goods. truly “sports,” but when the subject of other
Also the view that a happy man lives well and activities such as darts, chess, and shuffleboard is
fares well fits in with our definition: for we have broached we find ourselves at the heart of a
all but defined happiness as a kind of good life and controversy.
well-being. If say, billiards, is not a sport, then what exactly
Moreover, the characteristics which one looks is it? Those who would dispute it to be a sport
for in happiness are all included in our definition. would respond that it is a simple leisure activity.
For some people think that happiness is a virtue, They would go on to claim a true sport first and
others that it is practical wisdom, others that it is foremost requires some form of physical exertion.
some kind of theoretical wisdom; others again More to the point, if a player does not break a
believe it to be all or some of these accompanied sweat, what he or she plays is not a sport. Beyond
by, or not devoid of, pleasure; and some people that, more important criteria would be the need
also include external prosperity in its definition. for decent hand-eye coordination, and the ever-
present possibility of sustaining injury. Billiards
19. According to the passage, the greatest goods only fits one of those specifications (hand-eye
are those that coordination), so according to the doubters, it is
A) are theoretical not a real sport.
B) are spiritual To help resolve this dispute, the first text to
C) are intellectual consult would have to be the dictionary.
D) create happiness According to one dictionary, a sport is defined as
“a diversion” or a “recreation.” Assuming one
20. The word tallies in line 7 means strictly adheres to the simple guidelines laid out in
A) keeps count that definition, it would seem that almost any
B) records activity that provides enjoyment could be
C) labels classified as a sport. And if, according to the
D) corresponds dictionary, watching a sport on television is a
sport itself, I guess that would make a couch
21. The author’s definition of happiness in lines potato an athlete. Play ball!
14–17 is related to the definition of good in that
A) living a good life will bring you happiness. 23. The author’s tone in this passage could be
B) happiness is the same as goodness. described as
C) happiness is often sacrificed to attain the good. A) serious
D) all things that create happiness are good B) light-hearted
things. C) confrontational
e. happiness is a virtue. D) dark

22. In lines 18-25, the author’s main purpose is to 24. The word vigorous in line 5 most nearly
18.02.2020 Grammar Notes Grammar test
Grammar Notes

A) languorous 27. The passage suggests that the author goes to

B) boring. school
C) intricate. A) in shabby clothing.
D) strenuous. B) in a taxi cab.
C) in warm sweaters and shorts.
25. According to the criteria given in lines 14-23, D) on a bicycle.
all of the following would be considered a “true”
sport EXCEPT 28. The word pass as used in line 23 means to
A) cheerleading. A) move ahead of.
B) skiing. B) go by without stopping.
C) race car driving. C) be approved or adopted.
D) horseshoes D) utter

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer 29. The author quotes his school masters saying
for each question below (26-30) Ye have no right to raise your hands to a better
We go to school through lanes and back streets class of people so ye don’t (lines 27–28) in order
so that we won’t meet the respectable boys who go to
to the Christian Brothers’ School or the rich ones A) demonstrate how strict his school masters
who go to the Jesuit school, Crescent College. The were.
Christian Brothers’ boys wear tweed jackets, B) contrast his school to the Christian Brothers’
warm woolen sweaters, shirts, ties, and shiny new School and Crescent College.
boots. We know they’re the ones who will get jobs C) show how his teachers reinforced class lines.
in the civil service and help the people who run the D) prove that the author was meant for greater
world. The Crescent College boys wear blazers and things.
school scarves tossed around their necks and over
their shoulders to show they’re cock o’ the walk. 30. The passage implies that
They have long hair which falls across their A) the author was determined to go to England.
foreheads and over their eyes so that they can toss B) the author was determined to be someone who
their quaffs like Englishmen. We know they’re the will run the world.
ones who will go to university, take over the family C) the author often got into fights.
business, run the government, run the world. D) one’s class determined one’s future
We’ll be the messenger boys on bicycles who
deliver their groceries or we’ll go to England to
work on the building sites. Our sisters will mind
their children and scrub their floors unless they go
off to England, too. We know that. We’re
ashamed of the way we look and if boys from the
rich schools pass remarks we’ll get into a fight
and wind up with bloody noses or torn clothes.
Our masters will have no patience with us and our
fights because their sons go to the rich schools
and, Ye have no right to raise your hands to a
better class of people so ye don’t.

26. The “we” the author uses throughout the

passage refers to
A) his family.
B) the poor children in his neighborhood
C) the children who attend rich schools.
D) the author and his brother.

18.02.2020 Grammar Notes Grammar test

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