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1. What is the typical timeline and process for implementing your HRIS? How long does it take to
go live?
2. Do you provide implementation support, including project management and assistance with data

Customization/ Enhancements/ Change Requests:

1. How do you handle customization/ enhancements/ change requests during the implementation
and post-implementation phases?
2. What is the process for requesting and implementing customization/ enhancements/ changes to
the HRIS?
3. Are there any costs associated with change requests? If yes, how are they determined?

1. What security measures and protocols are in place to protect sensitive employee data within your
2. Is data encryption used both in transit and at rest? How is data access controlled and monitored?
3. Does your HRIS provide an audit trail functionality? Can you explain how it works?
4. What types of activities and events are tracked in the audit trail? Are user actions, system
changes, and data modifications included?
5. Can the audit trail capture both read and write operations within the system?
6. How long is the audit trail retained? Is there a specific data retention period, or is it customizable?
7. Does the audit trail capture details such as the date, time, user ID, and IP address associated with
each activity or event?
8. Can the audit trail be exported or provided in a report format for compliance or investigative
9. Are there any additional features or functionalities related to the audit trail that we should be
aware of?

Password and Login Controls:

1. What password and login controls does your HRIS provide to ensure data security?
2. Can we enforce password complexity rules, expiration periods, and two-factor authentication
for user accounts?
3. How are login credentials stored and encrypted within the system?
4. Are there role-based access controls that allow us to define user permissions and restrict
access to sensitive data?

Bank Files:
1. Can your HRIS generate bank files for payroll processing?
2. What file formats are supported for bank files?

Disaster Recovery:
1. What is your disaster recovery plan for the HRIS? Can you provide an overview of the key
components and processes involved?
2. How frequently do you perform backups of the HRIS data? Is it done daily, weekly, or in real
3. Where are the backups stored? Are they stored in multiple geographically diverse locations to
mitigate the risk of data loss?
4. Do you conduct regular testing of your disaster recovery plan to validate its effectiveness? If so,
how often?
5. What are the estimated recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) for the
HRIS in the event of a disaster or data loss?
6. Are backups encrypted to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data?
7. How are backups and disaster recovery procedures protected against unauthorized access or data

Maker/Checker Feature:
1. Does your HRIS have a maker/checker feature or a similar workflow control mechanism?
2. Can the maker/checker feature be customized to align with our organization's specific approval
hierarchy or workflow requirements?
3. Are there reporting or tracking capabilities to monitor the status of items in the maker/checker
4. How does the HRIS handle situations where the maker and the checker are the same person?
5. Can the maker/checker process be audited or tracked for compliance or internal control purposes?

After-sales Support:
1. What level of ongoing support do you provide after the implementation is complete?
2. What are the available support channels (e.g., phone, email, ticketing system) and their response
3. Is there a dedicated support team, and how can we reach them for assistance?
4. Are there any additional costs associated with ongoing support, such as annual maintenance fees
or support packages?

Ticketing System:
1. Do you have a ticketing system for your HRIS for issue tracking and resolution?
2. What is the typical response time for support tickets, and what are the escalation procedures for
urgent issues?
3. What are your escalation procedures in the event of critical and high incidents?

1. Is there a comprehensive user guide or manual available that covers the functionality and features
of the HRIS?
2. Are there any video tutorials or training materials available to help users understand and navigate
the HRIS?
3. Are there Documentation for Entity Relationship Diagram, System Flowcharts, Network
Interface Diagram
Updates/ New Versions:
1. How frequently do you release updates or new versions of your HRIS?
2. What is the process for notifying customers about upcoming updates and releases?
3. Do you provide release notes that detail the changes, enhancements, and bug fixes included in
each update?
4. How far in advance do you typically communicate release dates and update details?
5. Are there any costs associated with receiving updates or upgrading to new versions of the HRIS?
6. Can we opt to delay or schedule updates to minimize disruption to our HR operations?
7. How do you ensure backward compatibility with existing system configurations and integrations
when rolling out updates?
8. Is there a sandbox or test environment available where we can preview and test updates before
implementing them in our live HRIS?

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