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Name: Nur Rohmah

NIM: 1910631060038

1. Title: Engaging Secondary Students in Podcast-Mediated Listening Comprehension: A

Classroom Action Research
The title should include: Outcome, participants, constructs/variables and research design)

2. The purpose of the study (at least 100 words)

The study method that will be used in this research is to use Classroom Action
Research. At this point, the researcher will solve the anxiety in Students’ self who feel
problematic in mastering English listening skills. Construct of this research entitled
“Engaging Secondary Students in Podcast-Mediated Listening Comprehension: A
Classroom Action Research” is mediated podcast on Learning Listening Skills.
Therefore, the participants in this research are grade 10th students who are intended to
evaluate and improve their understanding of learning listening skills. The location that
will be used in this research is students from Senior High School. To improve listening
skills in English learning activities in this study, they will be assisted by their devices in
the use of podcasts that are involved in learning listening. Furthermore, in the
implementation of improving listening skills, the researcher will apply discipline in the
form of understanding learning time, have openness in carrying out learning, and the
researcher will help each student’s difficulties by asking the question to each student in
learning listening skills.

3. Instructional procedures (If you want to teach participants): Adopted from

Widodo, H. P., & Rozak, R. R. (2016). Engaging Student Teachers in Collaborative and
Reflective Online Video-Assisted Extensive Listening in an Indonesian Initial Teacher
Education (ITE) Contex. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. 13, No.
2, pp. 229-244. Mentor Text!

Adopted X Adapted Yes

Activity Lecturer/teacher Students
1. Modeling Spoken Text: Teacher will Student listen to the
demonstrate how to select teacher’s explanation about
audio materials; how to the modeling of Podcast-
complete and discuss the Mediated.
listening in groups; how to
use the audio; how to play
the audio Podcast; how to
mediated Podcast. This
teacher modeling
facilitated the Student in
completing a variety of
pre-listening, while-
listening, and post-listening
2. Self – selection of The teacher will build The participants/students
online Audios Student autonomy to select will afford the opportunity
spoken texts at their own to choose their own audio
convenience or based on based on a decision made in
their listening needs. groups. By self-selecting
Certainly, they could use listening materials or texts,
resources available. they could see EL as a
Learners should choose personal activity.
what to listen or pick audio
or video texts. Learners
should listen to spoken
texts as much as possible.
3. Listening The teacher will give The participants/ students
comprehension background information will ask to view selected
through podcats- about Listening online audio of 8-25
Mediated Comprehension through minutes on a daily basis.
podcast-mediated. While listening the audio,
they discuss what they
learned and possible
challenges and concerns.
This peer discussion while
doing Podcast-Mediated
allow the student to
engaging in a meaning
making activity. In this
activity learners focus on
the gist or discourse of
spoken texts. They construe
meaning from a certain
4. Online discussion Teacher will explain the After the participants/
purposes of listening students discusses the audio
pertain to listening for online and listening that
pleasure, listening for audio in groups, they will
information, and listening ask how to see another
for general understanding. audio Podcast as mediated
With these goals in mind, in listening comprehension.
Listening Comprehension Throughout this online
places much emphasis on discussion, the teacher
meaning in context. Thus, educator monitor how the
students need to engage participants responded to
with complete spoken each other regarding their
texts. work. She sometimes
encouraged the participant/
students to become active in
the online discussion. This
online discussion will
schedule three times a week,
and the materials of the
discussion will draw from
daily listening audio. In this
online discussion, the
participants focused on
different listening purposes,
such as listening for
pleasure, listening for
information, and listening
for understanding.
5. Self – monitoring The teacher will monitor Over the project, the
and Discussion the students to have their Students will ask to self-
own listening progress, in monitor their own listening
this project the students progress at least on a
will ask to write 300 – 500 weekly basis. This self-
word as reflective monitoring and reflection
experience when their will be a part of action
learning listening learning (AL) in which the
comprehension Podcast- participants made sense of
Mediated. their experiences in
Podcast-Mediated. Upon the
completion of the project,
the participant will ask to
write a 300-500 word
reflective account of their
experience with Podcast-
Mediated Listening

4. Data collections (instruments used to collect the data)

In this research on Engaging Secondary Students in Podcast-Mediated Listening
Comprehension: A Classroom Action Research, the researcher will use some techniques
in collecting the data. The technique data will be collected by the researcher is interview.
The students will tell to write a reflective account comprising (1) What I know, (2) what I
have learned, and (3) what I will need to learn more. Qualitative data garnered from the
listening logs, reflective accounts, and interviews will analysis using thematic content
analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Qualitative interviewing is a technique and requires considerable skill of the staff.
An interviewer who defines and controls the conversation. Qualitative interviews allow
respondents to share their life experiences and views in their own words.
This creates a close personal interaction between researchers and researchers.
subjects. Interviewers play a key role in conducting qualitative interviews and can track
detailed information about the topic. Kvale (1996)
A miner metaphor that describes the role of the interviewer. like one
Miners unearth buried metal, and a miner's main job is to transform it
At its finest and purest, an interviewer examines a 'nugget of the essentials'
meaning. "
Qualitative interviewing has been an essential part of ethnography from its
earliest improvement, however, was not completely diagnosed as a research technique in
its personal proper until the mid-1990s. Denzin and Lincoln (1994) posed the image of
the qualitative researcher as a bricoleur, a “jack of all trades” who uses a selection of
equipment and sometimes needs to invent tools to create and report the unique
observations and experiences that arise in the interview. The researcher presents the
results as a college or bricolage of patterns, insights, and details to form a comprehensible
whole that can then be shared with others. rather than simply generating numbers or
generalized facts, the qualitative interview is used to create a photograph of the lived
reports and insights of participants.

5. Data analysis (Theory used to analyze the data)

The data analysis procedure of this method is a thematic analysis which will be
adopted from (Braun, V., & Clark, V). Braun, V., & Clark, V. (2006), p. 77-101 clarified
that thematic analysis is a method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns
(themes) within the data. Then, at that point, there are six-stage to dissect the information.
The first phase is familiarizing with the data. In this stage, the author will interpret and
read the information which acquires from open-ended questions and interviews a few
times. The second one is generating initial codes. The author will recognize and
underlined ideas, views, and concepts of the data. The third one is searching for themes.
In this stage, the author will organize the underlying codes previously and search for the
comparability of each code. 15The fourth stage is reviewing the theme. The author will
ensure that every one of the code's main concepts of each theme. Besides, the fifth stage
defining and naming the themes, in naming the themes of a few codes which will be
entered in a similar table by the author. The sixth is producing the report. In this stage,
the author will report the result of the data or the finding of the Research. Every student
has their personal experience with learning English, especially in Engaging Secondary
Students in Podcast-Mediated Listening Comprehension.

References (at least 5 international qualified journal articles for mentor texts, 25 international
qualified journal articles all together)

Abdulrahman, T. R., Basalama, N., & Widodo, M. R. (2018). The Impact of Podcasts on EFL
Students’ Listening Comprehension. International Journal of English Linguistics,
8(6), 122-130.

Al Qasim, N., & Al Fadda, H. (2013). From CALL to MALL: The effectiveness of podcast on
EFL higher education students’ listening comprehension. English Language
Teaching, 6(9), 30-41.
Besser, E. D., Blackwell, L. E., & Saenz, M. (2021). Engaging Students Through Educational
Podcasting: Three Stories of Implementation. Technology, Knowledge and
Learning. doi:10.1007/s10758-021-09503-8.

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in
Psychology, 3, 77–101.

Cross, J. (2018). Collaborative listening. The TESOl encyclopedia of English language teaching.
Wiley online Library.

Duong Duc Minh, Luong Hanh Ngan (2019); An Action Research on Applying a Blended
Learning Program to Enhance Students’ TOEIC Listening Program; International
Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 9(5) (ISSN: 2250-3153),

Gilakjani, A. P., Ahmadi, M. R. (2011). A Study of Factors affecting EFL Learners’ English
Listening Comprehension and the Strategies for Improvement. Journal of
Language Teaching and Research. doi:

Gilakjani, A. P., & Sabouri, N. B. (2016). The significance of Listening Comprehension in

English Language Teaching. Academy publication Theory and Practice in
Language Studies.

Goh, C. C. M. (2018). Academic Listening. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language


Ikhsanudin, I., Sudarsono, S., & Salam, U. (2019). Using magic trick problem-based activities to
improve engagement in a listening class. Journal of English Language Teaching
Innovations and Materials. 1(1), ISSN 2567-1617.

Liontas, John I. (2018). International Association, TESOL; DelliCarpini, Margo. The TESOL
Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching || Listening for Details, 1- 6.

Pratiwi, A., Mobit., & Ahmad, Yousef Bani. (2020). Podcast-Mediated Classroom Listening
Practice in an Indonesian EFL Setting. English Ideas: Journal of English
Language Education, 1(1), e-ISSN: 2746-6361.
Prentice, C. M. (2017). Interviews, Qualitative. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural
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Rahimi, M., & Katal, M. (2012). The role of metacognitive listening strategies awareness and
podcast-use readiness in using podcasting for learning English as a foreig.
Computers in Human Behavior , 28(4), 1153–1161. 

Rezqa Gusrizal, Hermawati Syarif, Jufri Jufri, "The Comparison of Podcast media and Real
Object Media in Listening Comprehension Instruction", International Journal of
Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019, pp. 608-

Saeedakhtar, A., Haqju, R., Rouhi, A., (2021). The impact of collaborative listening to podcasts
on high school learners’ listening comprehension and vocabulary learning.

Subudhi, Rabi N.; Mishra, Sumita (2019). Methodological Issues in Management Research:

Advances, Challenges, and the Way Ahead || Qualitative Interviewing.,
10.1108/9781789739732(), 79–91. doi:10.1108/978-1-78973-973-220191006

Widodo, M. R., & Gunawan, A. (2019). Investigating the Effect of Using Podcast On Students’
Listening Comprehension.

List of interview question

1. Tell me about your learning experience in the use of online audio Podcast-Mediated in
listening comprehension
2. What did you enjoy about listening comprehension through different learning platforms?
3. How did you interact with your teacher, peers, and the materials generally?
4. What do you think of learning to listen and listening to learn?
5. What do you think of using a variety of online audio in independent listening?
6. How much did you spend doing listening comprehension activities on a daily basis?
7. What successes did you achieve when working on the online audio Podcast-Mediated
Listening comprehension project?
8. What challenges did you encounter in this project?
9. How did you overcome these challenges?
10. What did you learn from this Listening comprehension project as whole?
Author notes

Elih Sutisna Yanto is a reviewer for the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education,
published by EMERALD and Cogent Arts & Humanities published by Taylor & Francis. Elih is
a board member of the Exploratory Practice Indonesian Community (EPiC) and faculty member
of teacher training and education at Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia. He can be
contacted through e-mail at

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