LM-Evaluation-Tool - LM 1 Visual

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Rachel D. Lee
Name Of evaluator: ______________________ 36
Age: ____________
Teacher III
Position Title: ___________________________ 14
Number of Years Teaching: ______
Highest Educational Attainment: ____________________________________________
Master of Education (CAR)
Units Earned (if not graduated): ____________________________________________
General Physics 1 & 2, Practical Research 2
Subject Taught: ____________________________________________________

The researcher is currently working on her master’s thesis entitled

“Supplementary Learning Materials in Grade 9 Physics for Mainstreamed Special
Education Students”. The study aims to develop supplementary learning materials for
mainstreamed special education students in Grade 9 Physics that will address their
needs and different abilities. The indicators in the LRMDS Evaluation Sheet for print
resources will be adopted to evaluate the content of the learning materials. The
materials will also integrate contextualization, differentiation according to exceptionality
and the multiple intelligence strength and use of multimedia.

In this regard, may I sincerely request your knowledge and expertise in validating
the Supplementary Learning Material for Mainstreamed Special Education students
according to the indicator stated herein.

The comments and suggestions to farther improve this material are sincerely

Please rate the material based on the following indicators using the scale below:
5 – Excellent 2 - Poor
4 – Very Satisfactory 1 – Not Satisfactory
3 – Satisfactory or Not Applicable

For a rating below 4, write your comments/justifications on each evaluation

criterion. If an evaluation criterion is Not Applicable (NA), the material is rated 3 on that
criteria. (Not Applicable means that the criteria is not relevant to the resource being
evaluated. It is given the score of 3 so that the evaluation score for each factor reflects
only the performance against criteria that are relevant to the nature of the resource
being evaluated).

Part I. Adopted from the LRMDS Evaluation Sheet for Print Resources
5 4 3 2 1
Factor I. Content
1. Content is suitable to the student's level of

2. Material contributes to the achievement of specific
objectives of the subject area and grade/year level for 
which it is intended.
3. Material provides for the development of higher cognitive
skills such as critical thinking, creativity, learning by 
doing, inquiry, problem solving, etc.
4. Material is free of ideological, cultural, religious, racial,

And gender biases and prejudices.
5. Material enhances the development of desirable values
and traits such as: (Put a check ( √ ) mark only to the
applicable values and traits)
 5.1 Pride in being a Filipino  5.8 Honesty and trustworthiness
 5.2 Specific attitude and reasoning 5.9 Ability to know right from
 5.3 Desire for excellence 5.10 Respect
5.4 Love for country  5.11 Critical and Creative
5.5 Helpfulness/ Teamwork/ 5.12 Productive Work
5.6 Unity 5.13 Others, please specify
 5.7 Desire to learn new things
Factor 1. Content (continuation) 5 4 3 2 1
6. Material has the potential to arouse interest of target

7. Adequate warning/cautionary notes are provided in
topics and activities where safety and health are of 
Comments and suggestions:
A situation may be provided where the momentum is equal even when the objects
have different masses.

Using eggs for activity 2 (and needing to drop it at least three times for each setup)
may be costly and will be a waste of food. Using a different material that is more cost-
efficient may be considered. A small balloon with water when released from a high
enough place, can produce the same desired effect.

Cautionary notes may be added to the activities.

Factor 2. Format 5 4 3 2 1
1.1 Size of letters is appropriate to the intended user. 
1.2 Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading. 
1.3 Font is easy to read. 
1.4 Printing is of good quality (i.e., no broken letters, even
density, correct alignment, properly placed screen 
2.1 Simple and easily recognizable. 
2.2 Clarify and supplement the text. 
2.3 Properly labelled or captioned (if applicable) 
2.4 Realistic / appropriate colors. 
2.5 Attractive and appealing. 
2.6 Culturally relevant. 
3.1 Attractive and pleasing to look at. 
3.2 Simple (i.e., does not distract the attention of the 
3.3 Adequate illustration in relation to text.

3.4 Harmonious blending of elements (e.g.,

illustrations and text).
4. Paper and Binding 5 4 3 2 1
4.1 Paper used contributes to easy reading. 
4.2 Durable binding to withstand frequent use 
5. Size and Weight of Resource 
5.1 Easy to handle. 
5.2 Relatively light. 
Comments and suggestions:
Indicators 1.4 and all indicators for Paper and Binding are given a rating of 3 because
LM evaluated is not a printed copy.

Some typographical errors (missing letters) in the LM were observed. It is suggested

to use the same font size for the captions in the Reflection part.

Factor 3. Presentation and Organization 5 4 3 2 1

1. Presentation is engaging, interesting, and

2. There is logical and smooth flow of ideas. 
3. Vocabulary level is adapted to target reader's likely

experience and level of understanding.
4. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension

level of the target reader.
5. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and

interesting to the target reader.
Comments and suggestions:
Students may be asked to make a generalization to make sure that the concept is
clear to the learner.

Factor 4. Accuracy and Up-to-Datedness of

Note down observations about the information contained in 5 4 3 2 1
the material, citing specific pages where the following
errors are found
1. Conceptual errors.
2. Factual errors.
3. Grammatical errors.
4. Computational errors.
5. Obsolete information.
6. Typographical and other minor errors (e.g., inappropriate
or unclear illustrations, missing labels, wrong captions,
Comments and suggestions:
Conceptual: Impulse of Force or Impulse is different from impulsive force. Impulse is
change in momentum. An object can undergo the same impulse but experience
different impulsive force (as shown in the illustration in the presentation of the concept
for impulse).

Typographical Errors: p1
Part II. Appropriateness
5 4 3 2 1
1. The words and graphics used in the activity are 
appropriate to the level and capabilities of the Grade 9
mainstreamed special education students;
2. The activity responds to the difficulties of the 
mainstreamed students in using learning materials
such as difficult to read with small letters and wordy
3. The objective is appropriate to the activity to be 
4. The texts, images, and graphic organizers are 
consistent and appropriate to the objective;
5. The activity is appropriate to the intelligence 
preferences of the learner;
6. The examples and illustrations on the activity 
appropriately depict real-life scenarios.
Comments and suggestions:

Part III. Presence of features

5 4 3 2 1
A. Differentiation
1. The activity responds to the following identified 
difficulties of the students in using the existing learning
a. Texts are too small
b. Pictures are small and abstract
c. Gets bored reading

2. The activity responds to the following identified 

difficulties of the students in understanding the
3. Activities are engaging and captures the interest and 
motivation of the students;
4. The activity contains the following features of multiple
5 4 3 2 1
intelligence preferences:
4.1 Visual – Spatial
a. Use maps, charts, videos and pictures
b. Use graphic organizers when necessary.
c. Contains good visuals and 3D representations.
d. Includes patterns and illustrations that are
appropriate and informative

Logical – Mathematical 
a. Includes solving logical word problems.
b. Organized presentation of objectives and tasks to be 
c. Provide opportunities to enhance problem solving 
Bodily – Kinesthetic
a. Includes activities that encourage active body
b. Provide opportunities for hands-on activities.
c. Encourages active participation through physical
Interpersonal 
a. Encourages collaborative activities.
b. Tasks are to be accomplished in groups where each
member is assigned a specific responsibility. 
c. Provides opportunities for students to accomplish
goals through active interaction with groupmates. 
a. Encourages social justice in the tasks to be
b. Uphold moral beliefs in the situation exemplified.
c. Provides opportunities to foster emotional
a. Provides opportunities for categorizing and
classifying things.
b. Includes nature, animals and ecology in the
c. Encourages hierarchical arrangements.
a. Integrates religious beliefs in the tasks to be
b. Provides pportunities for students to appreciate
philosophical views and beliefs.
c. Helps students appreciate the meaning and
relevance of Physics concepts to real-life
Comments and suggestions:

B. Contextualization 5 4 3 2 1
1. The learning activity allows students to discover ways 
that the Physics concepts are used in daily life
2. The activity enables students to make meaningful 
relationships between abstract ideas and real-life
3. Students can appreciate relevance of Physics 
concepts to real-life experiences;
4. Students utilize prior knowledge and actual 
experiences to deepen understanding of Physics
5. The activity encourages students to apply concepts 
and ideas into useful contexts in real life.
Comments and suggestions:

Some comments were already mentioned in the previous parts of this tool

C. Use of Multimedia 5 4 3 2 1
1. The activity makes use of print, digital and real or 
actual media to encourage active student
2. Technological tools were used accurately to address 
the needs of the learners.
3. Various forms of media were used in each activity. 
4. The texts and graphics suit needed suit the type of 
media used.
Comments and suggestions:


Thank you very much and God bless you always!

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