Sales Document Types

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Sales Document Types

Sales Document Header

The following sections contain information on controlling the different sales document types.
The sales document types represent the different business transactions in sales, such as inquiry
processing, quotation processing, consignment stock processing.

In addition to the definition and control of the sales document types themselves, you must also
take the following settings into account:

 language conversion

 number ranges

 screen sequence groups

 field selection per document header

 blocks per sales document type

 purchase order types

 reasons for rejection

 usage indicators

 Assignments to the various organizational units

Sales Document Types
Sales and Distribution è Sales è Sales Documents è Sales Document Header è
Define Sales Document Types à Copy From OR / RE/ IN/ QT/ BV etc.
T Code: VOV8

Define Sales Document Types

An indicator for controlling the sales documents defined in the system that allows the system to
process different business transactions in different ways.

The standard version of the SAP System includes pre-defined sales document types or you can
also define your own. Three examples of sales document types are:
 Inquiry (IN)
 Quotation (QT)
 Standard order (OR)

Sales document types are grouped into processing groups (sales document categories).

The sales document types represent the different business transactions in Sales and perform a
central controlling function for the entire sales order process. The definition and configuration of
sales document types can be divided into three parts:

1. Definition of the sales document types themselves (for example, standard order OR)
2. Definition of additional sales document functions (for example, number ranges)
3. Configurations for general sales and distribution functions (for example, pricing)

1. Defining sales document types

To define sales document types, you must make a large number of controlling
specifications which are listed below. Be careful that the sales document types are not
isolated but are always closely linked with delivery types and billing types. When
defining sales document types, you must therefore take settings into account which are
listed for deliveries and billing documents.
This connection is apparent in the following examples:
o You can allow a billing block to be proposed that must be checked by the billing
department for each sales document type (for example, in the case of returns).

o You can allow a certain delivery type to be proposed for a sales document type
during delivery processing.

o For each sales document type, you can configure the system to automatically
propose the current date as a delivery date.
2. Defining additional sales document functions

When defining your own sales document types or adjusting the standard document types
to your company-specific requirements, take the following settings into account in
addition to the actual sales document types:
o Language conversion

o Number ranges

o Screen sequence groups

o Blocks for each sales document type

o Order types

o Reasons for rejection

o Usage indicator

o Assignments to the different organizational units

3. Setting general SD functions

You have to configure a number of general SD functions for sales document types.
You can, for example, perform a certain type of pricing for each sales document type. In
this case, process the sales document type and the pricing independently and allocate the
required document pricing procedure for pricing to the sales document type.
You can also propose your own output for each sales document type. To do this, allocate
your own output types and output determination procedures to the sales document type.
You have finished defining a sales document type when youi have processed the
following general SD functions:
 Pricing
 Output determination
 Incompleteness
 Statistics
 Text determination
 Credit limit
 Shipping requirements
 Scheduling

General procedure when setting up sales document types

You have three options for configuring new sales document types:

1. Change an existing sales document type.

2. Copy an existing sales document type and changee it according to your requirements.
3. Create a new sales document type.


For small changes, SAP recommends that you copy similar existing sales document types in the
standard SAP R/3 System and make the appropriate changes. Small changes might, for example,
be, a changed description, a different number range or a different increment for the numbering of
items.  The name is to start with the letter Z as SAP keeps this range free in the standard system.
This procedure has the following advantages:

 All the specifications of the existing sales document type are copied. In particular, the
data concerning, for example, partner determination, pricing or document flow which you
would otherwise have to edit manually is copied.

 You can test your new sales document types in respect to the settings made without
having to edit the other settings.

 When copying sales document types, item categories and schedule line categories, the
SAP R/3 System automatically creates a log with the copied data. Using the log, you can
check whether all of the copied data applies to your sales document type or whether you
need to make changes.


1. If you need to make further changes, you should define new sales document types. To
do this, you enter an alphanumeric key with a maximum of four characters for a sales
document type and a textual description for the key.

2. Maintain the specifications on the detail screen according to your requirements.

Type Description Block
1 Cust.Independent Req
AA Promotion Order
AE Qtn from Serv. Order
AEBO Standard order
AEBQ Offer
IN Inquiry
QT Quotation
AP Project Quotation A
AR Repair Quotation
AS Service Quotation
SI Sales Information
AV Quotation f.Contract
B1 Reb.Credit Memo Req. A
B1E Exptd RebateCredMemo A
B2 Rebate Correctn Rqst A
B2E Rebate P.Correctn Rt A
B3 PartRebSettl.Request A
B3E Exp.PartRebSettl.Req A
B4 Reb.Req.f.Man.Accrls A
BIND Indir. Sales Rebate
BK1 Agrmt Cred.Memo Req. A
BK3 Agrmt Cred.Memo Req. A
BM1 Agrmnt Deb.Memo Req. A
BM3 Agrmnt Deb.Memo Req. A
BV Cash Sale
CH Contract Handling
CLRP Requests + Returns
CMDM Standard Order
CMR Standard Order
CMRC Standard Order
CMRP Standard Order
CRMC CRM Complaint
CRMR CRM Returns
DHU SlsDocTypeDelyHUmvmt X
DL Order Type Sched.Ag. X
DLR Ord.Type Returns Del X
DMRB Standard Order
DMRP Standard Order
DMRR Standard Order
DZL Dec. Dely Order Type X
ED Issue by Ext. Agent
EDKO Correction f.ExtAgnt
CR Credit Memo Request
G2WT Credit Memo Req. Val
GK Master Contract
ICOR ICPL Standard Order
KA Consignment Pick-up
KAZU ConsignPick-up CompS
KB Consignment Fill-up
KE Consignment Issue
FD Deliv.Free of Charge
CQ Quantity Contract
SD Subs.Dlv.Free of Ch.
KR Consignment Returns
KRZU ConsignReturn CompS
DR Debit Memo Request
L2DM Expense:DebitMemoReq
L2DP Expense:Payment Req.
L2WT Debit Memo Req Value
LA Ret.Packaging Pickup
LK Sched.Agreement ExAg
LN Ret.Packaging Issue
LP Scheduling Agreement
LV Deb.MemoReq. f.Ctrct
LZ Sched. Agr. w/ Rel.
LZM SchedAgrt w/Dly Ord.
LZS SA:Self-bill w/Inv.
MAKO Dely Order Correctn
MV Rental Contract
NL Replenishment Dlv. X
PLPA Pendulum List Req.
PLPR Pendulum List Ret.
PLPS Pendulum List Cancel
PV Item Proposal
RA Repair Request
RAS Repairs / Service
RE Returns
RK Invoice Correct. Req
RM Delvy Order Returns
RTTC SPE Return to Cust.
RTTR SPE Return Over.
RZ Returns Sched.Agrmnt
SO Rush Order
OR Standard Order
TAF Standard Order (FPl)
TAM Delivery Order
TAV Standard Order(VMI)
TSA Telephone Sales
TSC CRM Sales/Complaint
UPRR Used Parts Returns
UUPR New Parts Returns
WA Rel. to Value Contr.
WK1 Value Contract- Gen.
WK2 Matl-rel. Value Cont
WMPP WM Prod.Supply
WV Service and Maint.
ZDOM KTPL Domestic Order
ZEX KTPL Export Order
ZIP KTPLItemProposal_TST
ZQTY KTPL Qty Contract
ZRE KTPL Returns

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