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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Sorsogon City
School ID: 302279

Topic: STEMitigation: A STEM Design Challenge for Disaster Management and Mitigation
Subjects: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction, Earth Science, General Mathematics, Practical
Research 2, Oral Communication, Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik,
Physical Education and Health 2, Basic Calculus, General Biology 2, General Chemistry 2
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before,
during, and after the occurrence of events that cause geological and hydrometeorological hazards
Earth Science
Make a plan that the community may use to conserve and protect its resources for future
generations; Prepare a plan that the community may implement to minimize waste when people utilize
materials and resources
Make a simple map showing places where erosion and landslides may pose risks in the community;
Using maps, diagrams, or models, predict what could happen in the future as the tectonic plates continue to
General Mathematics
Appropriately apply a method of proof and disproof in real-life situations.
Practical Research 2
Describe adequately quantitative research designs, sample, instrument used, intervention (if
applicable), data collection, and analysis procedures
Gather and analyze data with intellectual honesty, using suitable techniques
1. form logical conclusions
2. make recommendations based on conclusions
Oral Communication
The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik
Nakasusulat ng isang panimulang pananaliksik sa mga penomenang kultural at panlipunan sa
Physical Education and Health 2
The learner leads events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively
Basic Calculus
Formulate and solve accurately situational problems involving related rates
General Biology 2
Develop a presentation to show how an organism maintains homeostasis through the interaction of
the various organ systems in the body
General Chemistry 2
Prepare a poster on a specific application of one of the following:
A. Acid-base equilibrium
B. Electrochemistry Include in the poster the concepts, principles, and chemical reactions involved,
and diagrams of processes and other relevant materials

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Apply mitigation strategies to prevent loss of lives and properties (DRR11/12-IIa-b-31)
Earth Science
Explain how different activities affect the quality & availability of water for human use (S11ES-Ig-16)
Identify human activities, such as farming, construction of structures, and waste disposal, that affect
the quality and quantity of soil (S11ES-Ih-17)
Give ways of conserving and protecting the soil for future generations (S11ES-Ih-18)
Explain how different types of waste affect people’s health and the environment (S11ES-Ij-20)
Describe the changes in mineral components and texture of rocks due to changes in pressure
and temperature (metamorphism) (S11ES-IIc-d-26)
Describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as compression, pulling
apart, and shearing (S11ES-IId-27)
General Mathematics
Establishes the validity and falsity of real-life arguments using logical propositions (M11GM-IIi-3)
Practical Research 2
Describes intervention (if applicable) (CS_RS12-IIa-c-4)
Plans data collection procedure (CS_RS12-IIa-c-5)
Formulates recommendations (CS_RS12-IIh-j-2)
Oral Communication
Employs various communicative strategies in different situations (EN11/12OCIIab-22)
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik
Nagagamit ang mga katwirang lohikal at ugnayan ng mga ideya sa pagsulat ng isang pananaliksik
(F11WG –IVgh – 92)
Physical Education and Health 2
Participates in an organized event that addresses health issues and concerns (PEH11FH-IIk-o-13)
Basic Calculus
Solve situational problems involving related rates (STEM_BC11D-IIIj-2)
General Biology 2
Explain how organisms maintain steady internal conditions (STEM_BIO11/12-IVi-j-2)
General Chemistry 2
State the Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it qualitatively to describe the effect of changes in
pressure, concentration and temperature on a system at equilibrium (STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-149)


All Grade 11 STEM students are challenged to brainstorm and propose a solution to an identified
disaster that a specific community may encounter. The students may design a product, a device or a
service to address the specific problem assigned to each group. The students will discuss the details of
their solutions in the following outputs:
1. Concept Paper – this will serve as a guide as they develop a feasible plan.
2. Video Pitch – this must be created to accurately explain their proposal.

The word hints supplied inside the boxes may assist them in crafting their output.


The students are asked to recommend a product, process, or service thru concept paper and video
pitch to help save lives and properties, before, during, or after a disaster. Also, they will consider what
interventions might be effective in addressing the issues and concerns raised. Moreover, the students are
also expected to present the project's advantages and impacts to their classmates and/or community
through a video pitch.


The role of the students is to situate themselves as young and promising Engineers in the
Sorsogon City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) who will propose projects
that will address issues and concerns in the community assigned to them.


The audience of this performance task is the students’ target barangay/community including the
barangay officials and its residents; stakeholders including administrators, teachers, staff members,
students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as
school board members.

A need for the young and promising Sorsogon City CDRRMO Engineers to propose a solution to a
specific disaster that the community may encounter. They are to address one of these disasters:
Volcanic Eruption

Students must submit a Concept Paper as well as a Video Pitch


A scoring rubric to rate the student’s concept paper will be used.

Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
The paper demonstrates The paper demonstrates that The paper demonstrates that The paper fails to
that the the proponents/students for the proponents/students to a demonstrate the concepts
proponents/students fully the most part understand and limited extent understand and learned in the course.
Integration of understand and have have applied concepts learned have applied concepts learned
Knowledge applied concepts learned in in the course. Some of the in the course.
(All subjects) the course. The conclusions, however, are not
proponents/students provide supported in the body of the
concluding remarks that paper.
show analysis and synthesis
of ideas.
Balanced presentation of Information provides Information supports a central Information supports a
relevant and legitimate reasonable support for a purpose or argument at times. central purpose or argument
information that clearly central purpose or argument Analysis is basic or general. at times. Analysis is basic or
Content and supports a central purpose and displays evidence of a Reader gains few insights. general. Reader gains few
Depth of or argument and shows a basic analysis of a significant Central purpose or argument insights. Central purpose or
Discussion thoughtful, in-depth analysis topic. Reader gains some is not clearly identified. argument is not clearly
(All subjects) of a significant topic. Reader insights. Analysis is vague or not identified. Analysis is vague
gains important insights. evident. Reader is confused or or not evident. Reader is
may be misinformed. confused or may be
Paper flows from one issue Paper flows with only some Paper does not flow – Paper does not flow and
to the next. disjointedness. disjointedness is apparent. appears to be created from
Proponents/Students’ Proponents/Students’ writing Proponents/Students’ writing disparate issues. Writing
writing demonstrates an demonstrates an does not demonstrate an does not demonstrate any
understanding of the understanding of understanding of relationships between
Cohesiveness relationship among the relationship among the relationship among sources.
(PR 2, Oral materials obtained from all materials obtained material obtained from
Com, Pagbasa) sources. from all sources. all sources.

Writing is clear, concise, Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear and/or Writing is unclear and
and well organized with concise, and well organized disorganized. There are not disorganized. There are
excellent with good sentence/paragraph more than five spelling, numerous spelling,
sentence/paragraph construction. There are no grammar, or syntax errors per grammar, or syntax errors
construction. No spelling, more than three spelling, page of writing. throughout the writing.
Mechanics grammar, or syntax errors grammar, or syntax errors per
(PR 2, Oral per page of writing. page of writing.
Com, Pagbasa)

Highly significant and Highly significant and relevant, Significant and relevant, Not significant and relevant
Relevance and relevant, beneficiaries are beneficiaries are clearly cited beneficiaries are cited and at all.
Significance of clearly cited and benefits but benefits are not clearly benefits are stated
the Project are clearly stated stated
(All subjects)


Persuasively written; Shows the details of the Explains only a general plan Doesn’t explain the project
The Pitch
addresses all necessary project, including all for the video project. focus or represent the final
(All subjects)
components in detail. requested components. outcome.
Strong message. Covers Message is clearly Message is vaguely Message is unclear.
topic completely and in communicated. Includes communicated. Includes some Includes little essential
depth. Includes complete essential information. essential information with few information and one or two
(All subjects)
information. facts facts.
Digital enhancements are Any digital enhancements that Digital enhancements Little or no enhancements
planned and purposeful, are used combine smoothly accompany video, but there is add
adding impact to the story and effectively with the video. little sign of interest to the video, or
line or focus. reinforcement. Some tendency excessive use of random
or Effects
toward randomness with enhancements detracts
(All subjects)
effects. from the video.
Works well with others. Works well with others. Takes Works with others, but has Cannot work with others.
Assumes a clear role and part in most decisions and difficulty sharing decisions and Cannot share decisions or
Group Work
related responsibilities. contributes fair share to group. responsibilities. responsibilities.
(All subjects)
Motivates others.
Copyright Citations give proper credit. Citations are given, sources of Citations are given, but some There are no citations or are
(PR 2, Oral Every photo, graphic or multimedia are identified, but multimedia sources are not no references to copyright
Com, Pagbasa) sound file is either original permission to reproduce is identified with references, and information for photos,
or permission for its use by missing. permission to reproduce is graphics, and music created
the owner is documented missing. by others.
Presentation has no Presentation has no more Presentation has three Student's presentation
misspellings or grammatical than two misspellings Misspellings and/or has four or more spelling
(PR 2, Oral
errors. and/or grammatical errors. Grammatical errors. errors and/or grammatical
Com, Pagbasa)
Student speaks clearly all of Student speaks clearly most of Student speaks clearly some Student often mumbles
the time, volume is the time, volume is of the time, strays from topic, and/or cannot be
appropriate, stays on topic appropriate most of the time, and is sometimes poor, understood, hard to tell what
Speaking Skills
100% of the time, generally stays on topic, and volume is not consistent, topic is, and makes major
and Delivery
establishes and uses usually uses vocabulary vocabulary is poor. grammatical and
(Oral Com)
vocabulary that is appropriate for audience. pronunciation mistakes
appropriate for the

Prepared by:
RUEL G. FRAGO – Basic Calculus
ZARREN P. BENZON – General Mathematics
ELIAS DICHOSO JR. – Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
RACHEL D. LEE – Practical Research 2
BRYAN PHILIP J. BEJERANO – General Chemistry 2
LARRY S. DOMENS – General Biology 2
CHRISTEN JOY LLANETA – Pagbasa and Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo
sa Pananaliksik
JULIE ANN BALISORO – Pagbasa and Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo
sa Pananaliksik
ALECK GIOSEF GENEROSO – Physical Education and Health 2
JEFFERSON MARBELLA – Oral Communication
MARICRIS D. LABAYANDOY – Oral Communication

*Format: Times New Roman (TNR) 12, Justified, manuscript must be written in English

Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Proponents: (names should be arranged in alphabetical with corresponding section; male for the left side,
female right)
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________

Introduction (This section familiarizes the readers with the background and theoretical knowledge of the
study. Make sure to mention how your project relates to the learning competencies in the different subject
areas mentioned. Information should be presented in a concise manner)


Statement of the Problem (This section familiarizes the readers with the main objectives of the project.
Present this section with an introductory statement followed by the General Objectives then the Specific
Objectives (one to three objectives).
General: _________________________________________________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________

Significance of the Project (This section identifies the importance or the possible contribution of the
project to agencies or group of people. Present this according to who will benefit the most.)
Materials and Budget Estimate (This section provides a table of the possible materials needed to be able
to come up with the project. Present this section with an introductory statement followed by the table
indicating the materials, quantity, and their projected cost such as the following format. The table can also
be modified depending on the nature of your project e.g., professional fee for services rendered for the

Material Quantity (pcs.) Projected Cost (₱)

Total Cost
Add a short paragraph after the table that explains concisely the budget estimate for the entire
project. Some parts of the budget that are not necessarily reflected on the Materials table may be included
in this paragraph.

Methodology (In this section, a summary of the general procedures to be done in the development and
implementation of the project is presented in flowchart form. Depending on the nature of your project, the
parts of your flowchart must explain concisely the significant steps that will be taken to achieve your stated
objectives. Verbs are written in future perfect tense. Start this section with a short paragraph explaining the
nature of the project and introducing the flowchart. Include also the prototype of your project)

Conclusion and Recommendation (provide a clear justification that the project you will develop is

References (all your itemized references should follow APA format)

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