WI - Concept Paper GAS 2 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Of Sorsogon City
School ID: 302279

Topic: Work Immersion Concept Paper Subject: Work Immersion
Strand: General Academic Strand

3I’s: No Performance Standard is indicated in the Curriculum Guide

Applied Economics: Conduct a socioeconomic impact study on consumers (new product and services);
suppliers; investors (capital, income) government (tax revenues, poverty alleviation, basic services);
households (standard of living, employment) and international trade (exports and imports of goods and
services) leading to options in venturing into a business,
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st century: The learner creates a social map that
traces the various roles that students play in the community (family members, community leader, etc.) and
rank the significance of the roles played within the community.
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY: The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or
any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their / his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions
of the different resources of media and information.


3I’s: Form logical conclusions, make recommendations based on conclusions and write clear report.
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st century: Identify the significant social roles students
play within the community by creating a social map of their relationships.
Media and Information Literacy: Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-
based, and manipulative-based presentation using design principle and elements.



(See attached template for Work Immersion Concept Paper)


Students are asked to identify three issues or concerns in the school and community that they would like to
address. Also, make a list of the project's goals and consider what interventions might be effective in
addressing the issues and concerns raised. Moreover, the students are also expected to present the
project's advantages and impacts to their classmates and/or community through an infographic.


Students will act as the driving force or the proponent behind school/community-based projects that
address issues and concerns in the classroom and/or community.

Th possible audience for the expected outputs are as follow: Respective communities/barangay including
the barangay officials and its residents; stakeholders including administrators, teachers, staff members,
students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as
school board members.

To propose a school/community-based concept paper addressing school/community issues and concerns.

A concept paper that addresses school and community concerns and issues.
An infographic as visual presentation of the results.


A scoring rubric to rate the student’s concept paper will be used.

Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
The paper demonstrates that The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates The paper fails to
the proponents/students fully proponents/students for the most that the demonstrate the
understand and have applied part understand and have applied proponents/students to a concepts learned in
Integration of concepts learned in the concepts learned in the course. limited extent understand the course.
Knowledge course. The Some of the conclusions, and have applied
proponents/students provide however, are not supported in the concepts learned in the
concluding remarks that body of the paper. course.
show analysis and synthesis
of ideas.
Content and Depth of Balanced presentation of Information provides reasonable Information supports a Information supports
Discussion relevant and legitimate support for a central purpose or central purpose or a central purpose or
information that clearly argument and displays evidence argument at times. argument at times.
supports a central purpose or of a basic analysis of a significant Analysis is basic or Analysis is basic or
argument and shows a topic. Reader gains some insights. general. Reader gains general. Reader
thoughtful, in-depth analysis few insights. Central gains few insights.
of a significant topic. Reader purpose or argument is Central purpose or
gains important insights. not clearly identified. argument is not
Analysis is vague or not clearly identified.
evident. Reader is Analysis is vague or
confused or may be not evident. Reader
misinformed. is confused or may
be misinformed.
Paper flows from one issue Paper flows with only some Paper does not flow – Paper does not flow
to the next. disjointedness. disjointedness is and appears to be
Proponents/Students’ writing Proponents/Students’ writing apparent. created from
demonstrates an demonstrates an understanding of Proponents/Students’ disparate issues.
understanding of the the relationship among materials writing does not Writing does not
relationship among materials obtained demonstrate an demonstrate any
Cohesiveness obtained from all from all sources. understanding of relationships
sources. the relationship among between sources.
material obtained from
all sources.
Writing is clear, concise, and Writing is mostly clear, concise, Writing is unclear and/or Writing is unclear
well organized with excellent and well organized with good disorganized. There are and disorganized.
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph construction. not more than five There are numerous
construction. No spelling, There are no more than three spelling, grammar, or spelling, grammar, or
grammar, or syntax errors spelling, grammar, or syntax syntax errors per page of syntax errors
Mechanics per page of writing. errors per page of writing. writing. throughout the
Relevance and Highly significant and Highly significant and relevant, Significant and relevant, Not significant and
Significance of the relevant, beneficiaries are beneficiaries are clearly cited but beneficiaries are cited relevant at all.
Project clearly cited and benefits are benefits are not clearly stated and benefits are stated
clearly stated
Content Content is accurate and all Content is accurate but some Content is accurate but Content is
required information is required information is missing some required questionable.
presented in a logical order. and/or not presented in a logical information is missing Information is not
order, but is still generally easy to and/or not presented in a presented in a logical
follow. logical order, making it order, making it
difficult to follow. difficult to follow.
Presentation of Presentation flows well and Presentation flows well. Tools are Presentation flows well. Presentation is
Information logically. Presentation used correctly. Overall Some tools are used to unorganized. Tools
reflects extensive use of presentation is interesting. show acceptable are not used in a
tools in a creative way. understanding. relevant manner.
Organization of Text The organization of elements The organization of elements is There is an organization There is an
Elements is smartly thought of. clear and direct. of the elements but a organization of the
portion is confusing. elements but multiple
portions are
Use of Visual Design Use of visual design Visual design elements are Most visual design Visual design
elements are appropriate. appropriate. Layout is cluttered. elements are appropriate elements are
Layout is pleasing to the eye. inappropriate or
layout is messy
Use of Visual Design Use of visual design A visual design principle is Two visual design Many visual design
Principles principles are used violated. principles are violated. principles were used
appropriately. inappropriately.
Mechanics No spelling errors. No Few spelling errors. Few grammar Some spelling errors. Some spelling errors.
grammar errors. Text is in errors. Text is in authors’ own Some grammar errors. Some grammar
authors’ own words. words. Text is in authors’ own errors. Most of text is
words in authors’ own
Content Content is accurate and all Content is accurate but some Content is accurate but Content is
required information is required information is missing some required questionable.
presented in a logical order. and/or not presented in a logical information is missing Information is not
order, but is still generally easy to and/or not presented in a presented in a logical
follow. logical order, making it order, making it
difficult to follow. difficult to follow.
Presentation of Presentation flows well and Presentation flows well. Tools are Presentation flows well. Presentation is
Information logically. Presentation used correctly. Overall Some tools are used to unorganized. Tools
reflects extensive use of presentation is interesting. show acceptable are not used in a
tools in a creative way. understanding. relevant manner.
Organization of Text The organization of elements The organization of elements is There is an organization There is an
Elements is smartly thought of. clear and direct. of the elements but a organization of the
portion is confusing. elements but multiple
portions are
Use of Visual Design Use of visual design Visual design elements are Most visual design Visual design
elements are appropriate. appropriate. Layout is cluttered. elements are appropriate elements are
Layout is pleasing to the eye. inappropriate or
layout is messy


Eye contact Holds attention of entire Consistent use of direct eye Displays minimal eye Holds no eye contact
audience with the use of contact with audience, but still contact with audience, with audience, as
direct eye contact, seldom returns to notes while reading mostly from entire report is read
looking at notes. the notes. from notes.
Ability to respond to Demonstrates full knowledge Is at ease with expected answers Is uncomfortable with Does not have grasp
questions by answering all class to all questions, without information and is able to of information and
questions with explanations elaboration. answer only rudimentary cannot answer
and elaboration. questions. questions about
Presentation Provides clear purpose and Has somewhat clear purpose and Attempts to define Does not clearly
subject; pertinent examples, subject; some examples, facts, purpose and subject; define subject and
facts, and/or statistics; and/or statistics that support the provides weak examples, purpose; provides
supports conclusions/ideas. subject; includes some data or facts, and/ or statistics, weak or no support
The slides are readable from evidence that supports which do not adequately of subject; gives
anywhere in the room. conclusions support the subject; insufficient support
Most slides are readable. includes very thin data or for ideas or
evidence conclusions.
A few slides are readable. Most of the slides are
Enthusiasm/Audience Demonstrates strong Shows some enthusiastic feelings • Shows little or mixed Shows no interest in
Awareness enthusiasm about topic about topic. Raises audience feelings about the topic topic presented. Fails
during entire presentation. understanding and awareness of being presented. Raises to increase audience
Significantly increases most points audience understanding understanding of
audience understanding and and knowledge of some knowledge of topic.
knowledge of topic; points.
convinces an audience to
recognize the validity and
importance of the subject
Speaking Skills and Student speaks clearly all of Student speaks clearly most of the Student speaks clearly Student often
Delivery the time, volume is time, volume is appropriate most some of the time, strays mumbles and/or
appropriate, stays on topic of the time, generally stays on from topic, and is cannot be
100% of the time, topic, and usually uses vocabulary sometimes poor, volume understood, hard to
establishes and uses appropriate for audience. is not consistent, tell what topic is, and
vocabulary that is vocabulary is poor. makes major
appropriate for the audience. grammatical and


Name of Participant Grade and Section

Name of School District

Division Region

Introduction What is your understanding of Work Immersion as a subject?

maximum of 100 words What is the role of your school/ local community in delivering the objectives of Work


Problem Description Nominate three issues and/or concerns in your school/ school/local community that
you would like to work on.

For each problem, answer the following questions. Give quantifiable or

observable indicators.

(1) What is the problem? (maximum 20 words)

(2) When does the problem happen? (maximum 20 words)
(3) Where does the problem happen? (maximum 20 words)
(4) Who are affected by the problem? (maximum 20 words)

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Statement of Project After identifying three issues and concern in school and local community, start defining
Objective your project objectives.

For each problem, answer the following questions. Develop SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result-Oriented and Relevant, and Time Bound) Objectives

(1) What exactly do you want to accomplish?

(2) What are the reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the objective?
(3) What significant social roles do you play within your school and community
(Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21ST Century)
(4) Who is involved?
(5) How will you know when objective is accomplished?
(6) Do you have sufficient financial capacity to accomplish your objective?
(7) Do you have personnel with sufficient abilities and skills to accomplish your
objective (including evaluation)?
(8) What other types of resources do you need to attain your objectives (i.e.,
technology, space, equipment, etc.)
(9) Will the project be worthwhile?
(10) When will you achieve this objective?
(11) When will you undertake activities to achieve our objective?
(12) When can we expect to see some short-term outcomes?

Objective 1

Intervention 1

Discussion 1

Objective 2

Intervention 2

Discussion 2

Objective 3

Intervention 3

Discussion 3

Benefits of solving the After defining the project objectives, make an impression about the would-be projects
problem and interventions addressing the issues and concerns in school and local community.

Guide Questions:
(1) What might be the impact or benefits of the would-be school/community-
based projects?
(2) What conclusions can you draw from solving these problems? (Inquiries,
Investigation and Immersion)
(3) What recommendations can you suggest based on the conclusions?
(Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion)

Problem/Intervention 1

Problem/Intervention 2

Problem/Intervention 3

Your signature over Date submitted

printed name

Prepared by:
Cesar D. Herrera Jr. – Grade 12 – GAS 1 Prudence
Blazy R. Formacil – Grade 12 – GAS 5 Sustainability
Lea J. Digo – Grade 12 – GAS 4 Persuasiveness

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