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This '{Hff(ion p ~ CONllins 4 priaud pages.

lbMr &IJ No. ······- - -· ............_

SL No. of Ques. Paper : 4633 BC
Unique Poper Codi! : 12101402
Name of Paper : Texts or Westen Philosophy
Na,ne of Course : B.A. (Hons.) Philosophy, CBCS
Sernester : IV
Duration : J hours
Maximum Marks : 75

(lffitc your RoU No. on th< top ilnntcdluiely ~

o,, r,:ceipt ofthb question papa.)

m, JIR-'r.f .. ~ (I· .SW~ ~ r.mnG

'.Jfl) •
P1R ' " ~

.,:p,;>n,,; fl:rfitq

NoTE:- Answers may be wriuen ~ in English or in

Hind~· but the sam"-~ should bt! used
throughout the paper ~
fc.tQUH:- '(ff R41-t4:I q:;r~Jfq'eft llT ~ ft#.HI ~
=~ wit...,"".,.,,. fl" ;ti
l empt all five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

'flffl rmT JfRf ~ ;rm_ i/lNIQ. I

'Rtft rrr-ff *~ tt41-I fI
I. " Man is condemned to be free." Discuss the
implications of this statement of Sanre with special
reference to the sense of Anguish and Abandonment
P. T. 0 .
2 ) ~

Critically analyze Rorty's idea o( "P hilosophy in the

""!'II m;r ~ 1'; ~ ~"I t 1" Sartre ir. {tl ;;;tT-1
. CunvC1$DUOD or Mankind".
1'; f.!ft,TI1f q;\ '"~ am 'lftl<IT'T ir. 31:1~ ~ f<m1I
ffllfl'fl!~ I "1TR?I .rrfil ~. ,,iaf..,iq if ~ "- Rorly 11,'\ fH

0 r ( 3111111)
6ithli{Dii cliJ Sii~il'11t'1i;fi n-t~t(Oi ~ ·I 15
How docs Sartre dc£cnd himself agalnsl lhe various
c harge, o f aubjcctivi,m? Elucidate. 4. Discuss the various cool em in which, according 10

~ tllf'IR ~ TI ~
Nagel. rcuaoo 01 ren•oniog can be criticiu:d. What
-gaf~ Satttc 3N-l1 doci N•gcl mean by aoylng thnt auch criliciun., will
ti1 ~ t ?lflil~I t(lf~ I O 15 ullima,~ly run o u1 orc,xh•ust lbomM:lvca?
Q. Nagel t ~ ~ ~'lln -q1~ ~ ~ -~ ,
2. Whnl docs Hcidc~ge1· meon by aayon~ · 1 anguo~e
,~ MIR l!'(fT/f if fll;li1 ~ lr.6111 1_ lll fll;tl1 1Ttl1 t,
il the h OUIC or '(king"? Eaplafn iu lh .• , or h1'
'Lcut-r un lfum1nisn·1·. ~ ;r:;<1,, ,fTIII\IT tilt~ I '° ~ l) N•gcl <1,1 'Pl1 ~

"'\lJ!ll mt. lfil amtm t ,.. lleidegger { { I ~~ ~ ~ (11, Q;ff llW1 ~ ffl'! 11 ~ ?
a:r,J lm'lfa t 7 m h "mt iif:I ~flr-!'T-~ A o, (3111aT)
~1' if l'll! ~ I 7 ~/ ~ 1)111lngul1h Nagel'• nr11umcnts in 1up11or1 11r
~ nbjcc1ivl1m rrom Rorty's arguments In fovour of
Or(3111aT) ""'/ •ubjeelivi,m, u dlscu.ucd by Nngcl In The Lut Word.
Di,c:u.u H.:hleggcr'• view• on "Humanbm'', •.,JK •
,'/,_. Rorty ~ fl:<)· ,ra
~ ~ '!~ q 1!ftl;1il it'll
" (~f.!¥1" ir, F<m' ~~ ~ lfo1doggcr =tl llr.lm '!(I 'L~.., \Ill! if~'~ N•gol , . ; I ~ ii=; Jiim ~~
-;r,;f ~ I I5 I \Nosel- Toe Last Word ) IS

3. Discus, Rorty's dis1inc1ion bclwccn Epfs1emology and S. Write an esuy on any ,,,,, of the following:
Hermeneutics as ideal oppo1itc,.
(•) Sarue- " E,riatcncc prcccdea1 essence"'
flro,ff l1R'lit
:IIHiflqi111 ll'll Hcrmcncutit:$ ,Ii) Rorty
(b) Heidegger- Existence and Ek-,illcncc
:t~-.ft.loll iri:~fo-lll,lq,jf~,
(c) Rorty- Sysicmatic & Edifying Philosophy
Or ( 3111111)
P. T.O.
4411 4

(d ) N ag el - Defense of Descartes' ~Cogit

f-1Hft:tfaa r•11zif if it r~,tft ""5fci11.1q 'R F➔-t ◄' liif&1t
(a ) Sa rt re - 31ftiliil flR ff ~ f
(b) H ei de gg er - atflaiil t(ci 1 {f fr ~
(cJ R or ty - c1121Fttra l(E( ,f«eni(t -r:rR"
lcUi1 1 ~

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