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[KMBN-207] Digital Marketing and E-Commerce (UNIT-2)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of orienting your website to rank higher on
a search engine results page (SERP) so that you receive more traffic. The aim is typically to rank
on the first page of Google results for search terms that mean the most to your target

How do search engines work?

Search engines provide results for any search query a user enters. To do so, they survey and
“understand” the vast network of websites that make up the web. They run a sophisticated
algorithm that determines what results to display for each search query.

The role of SEO:

The goal of SEO is to raise your ranking in organic search results. There are different practices
for optimizing AdWords, shopping, and local results.

While it may appear that so many competing elements taking up real estate on SERPs push the
organic listings down, SEO can still be a very powerful, lucrative effort.

Considering that Google processes billions of search queries daily, organic search results are a
very large slice of a very large pie. And while there is some up-front and ongoing investment
required to secure and maintain organic rankings, every click that sends traffic to your website
is completely free.

SEO Keyword Planner Tools:

If you've ever launched a website, published content, or sold something online, you know
search engine optimization (SEO) is key to getting eyes on what you build. And keyword
research is a core part of optimizing your site.

There's no shortage of tools purpose-built for keyword research (literally hundreds of them),
and they run the gamut from beginner-focused to highly advanced. They also range from totally
basic and unhelpful to super valuable.

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When done right, the best SEO keyword research tools simplify and streamline your SEO
workflow. They make it easier to find the right keywords to target and give you the data you
need to actually rank for them. When done poorly, they can complicate your search and slow
you down.

That's why it's important to choose the right keyword planner tool. To help, we considered over
50 tools for keyword research. After in-depth testing, here are the eight best, including the all-
around greats and apps built for more specific use cases.

The best SEO keyword research tools in 2021:

• Moz Keyword Explorer for the best all-around SEO keyword research tool
• Semrush for advanced SEO professionals
• Wincher for optimizing your entire website
• RankIQ for creating SEO-driven content
• GetKeywords for local SEO keyword research
• QuestionDB for finding question-based keywords
• Jaaxy for affiliate marketers
• Keyword Surfer for an SEO keyword research browser extension

On Page SEO Techniques:

On Page SEO: On-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your

On Page SEO Check List:

Title Tags

Put your targeted keywords in the title tag of each page on your site. There are many best
practices that go into writing an effective title tag.
• Limit your title tags to 55-60 characters (including spaces)
• Push the keyword closer to the beginning of the title (ONLY if it sounds natural)

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• Don’t stuff your keywords

• Include brand at the end of the title tag, separated by a pipe bar (|)
Example: “Chicago SEO | Digital Third Coast”

Headings (H1)

Headings are usually the largest words on the page, and for that reason, search engines give
them a little more weight than your other page copy. It is a good idea to work your target
keywords into the headings of each web page but make sure you accurately reflect your page’s
great content.

Make sure your H1s limited to one per page, all other headers are H2 or H3

URL structure

Put keywords into your URLs if possible. However, do not go changing all of your current
URLs just so they have keywords in them. You shouldn’t change old URLs unless you plan
on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult a professional before doing this.
• Label your directories and folders in a way that makes sense for users
• Don’t repeat keywords in your URL more than once. Keywords are
helpful, but overdoing it effects user experience.
Example: /best-socks-comparison-best-socks-best-socks?
• Keep URLs as short as possible

Alt text for images

Any content management system should allow you to add something called “alt text” to all
images on your website. This text isn’t visible to the average visitor – alt text is in fact used by
screen reader software to help blind internet users understand the content of your images.
Search engines crawl images in a similar way, so inserting some relevant keywords while
accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page’s content.

Writing an alt attribute for each image keeps your website in compliance with WCAG (Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines). Keep the following things in mind when writing alt text:

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• Thoroughly describe the image in 8-10 words

• Include your targeted keyword where it sounds most natural
• Include, if relevant, a geo-locator (e.g., Chicago)

Fast-loading pages, or page load speed

Google wants to help its users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible to provide the
best user experience. Therefore, optimizing your pages to load faster helps your site rank
higher in the search results.

Google has a tool called PageSpeed Insights that will analyze your site on both mobile and
desktop. and then suggest tips to optimize page speed. There are also several quick fixes to
eliminate whatever is bogging your site down and slowing your page load time. Key site speed
factors to consider:

• Minimizing HTTP requests

• Making sure server response time is <200ms
• Setting browser caching to at least a week or longer
• Enabling Gzip compression
• Having image sizes under 100kb (.jpg, .png, .gif)
• Placing all CSS in an external style sheet
• Minifying all JS, CSS and HTML
• Prioritizing above the fold content loading

Mobile Friendliness

In recent years, Google has prioritized mobile page loading speed as a key ranking metric.

How do you know if your website is mobile-friendly? You can plug in the site’s URL into
this test, and Google will tell you how friendly the website is based on its current algorithm.
Beyond mobile page load, website design needs to factor in the mobile user experience. One
way to check and optimize website layout for mobile is to generate a Mobile Usability
Report which identifies any issues your website may have.

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Page content

The content on your pages needs to be useful to people. If they search for something too
specific to find your page, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for. It needs to be
easy to read and provide value to the end user. Google has various ways to measure if your
content is useful.
• Aim for at least 500 words of copy. Although there is no exact formula for how many words a
page should have, Google seems to prefer when a page has a lot of great content surrounding
your targeted keywords
• Copy must be unique to each page, not duplicated from other pages on your site, and should
directly address your visitors’ search queries
• Push the keyword closer to the beginning of the title, but ONLY if it sounds natural

Internal Linking

Linking internally to other pages on your website is useful to visitors and it is also useful to
search engines. Here’s an internal link to another blog post on our site that talks more about
internal linking. Very meta.

When adding internal links, make sure to have relevant anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable
text in a hyperlink (usually indicated by blue font color and underline). To optimize your anchor
text, make sure the selected word or phrase is relevant to the page you’re linking to.

On-page SEO ensures that your site can be read by both potential customers and search engine
robots. With good on-page SEO, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand
what your site is about, and easily navigate the structure and content of your website, thus
ranking your site accordingly. As a best practice, make sure your page content includes 1-3
relevant internal links.

Schema Markup

Adding structured data helps Google better understand the content of a page. Google also uses
certain types of structured data to display “rich results” in SERPs such as a recipe with start
ratings or step-by-step instructions with an image carousel. These rich results often appear at

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or near the top of SERPs and generally have higher click-through-rates than normal organic

Google prefers structured data to use vocabulary, and recommends using JSON-LD
format. They also provide a handy Rich Results Test tool to check your code. While there are a
variety of ways to add structured data to your website (plugins, Google Tag Manager, etc.), it’s
always best to get a professional involved if you’re not comfortable writing code.
Check out Google’s guide structured data and rich results here.

Social Tags

Having your content shared on social tells Google that people find your content relevant,
helpful and reputable. Not every page on your site is share-worthy, but you can optimize the
pages that are with these tips:

• Make sure you have Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards installed
• Make it easy with “tweet this quote” links, or social share buttons for each post

Core Web Vitals

User experience is key to a website’s long-term success. In spring 2020, Google unveiled Core
Web Vitals, a common set of signals that they deem “critical” to all users’ web experiences.

The purpose of these signals is to quantify the user experience with a website, from page visual
stability and load time, to interactive experiences.

• Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – measures perceived page loading speed and marks the point at
which the majority of the page content has downloaded.
• First Input Delay – quantifies user experience of a user’s initial engagement with a page.
• Cumulative Layout Shift – quantifies the amount of layout shift on visible page content and
measures visual stability of a page. It’s usually causes by images without dimensions,
dynamically injected content, web fonts causing FOIT/FOUT, and other embeds added without

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To check your LCP score, access your Google PageSpeed Insights and make sure your page hits
LCP within 2.5 seconds. To accomplish this, remove unnecessary third-party scripts that may be
running, upgrading your web host, activating “lazy loading” so page elements load only as users
scroll down the page, and remove any large page elements that may be slowing it down.

One of the simplest ways to optimize cumulative layout shift is to add height and width
dimensions to each new site element. Also, avoid adding new content above existing content
on a page (unless responding to user interaction).

Page Experience

Google is working on a new ranking signal (likely to come out in 2021) that prioritizes websites
with positive user experiences.

The ‘page experience signal’ will consist of Core Web Vitals, plus mobile-friendliness, safe-
browsing, HTTPS security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.

According to Google, “optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users
across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on
mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more
engaged and can transact with less friction.”

How do search engines work?

Search engines work through three primary functions:

1. Crawling: Scour the Internet for content, looking over the code/content for each URL
they find.
2. Indexing: Store and organize the content found during the crawling process. Once a
page is in the index, it’s in the running to be displayed as a result to relevant queries.
3. Ranking: Provide the pieces of content that will best answer a searcher's query, which
means that results are ordered by most relevant to least relevant.

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What is search engine crawling?

Crawling is the discovery process in which search engines send out a team of robots (known as
crawlers or spiders) to find new and updated content. Content can vary — it could be a
webpage, an image, a video, a PDF, etc. —

What is a search engine index?

Search engines process and store information they find in an index, a huge database of all the
content they’ve discovered and deem good enough to serve up to searchers.

Search engine ranking

When someone performs a search, search engines scour their index for highly relevant content
and then orders that content in the hopes of solving the searcher's query. This ordering of
search results by relevance is known as ranking. In general, you can assume that the higher a
website is ranked, the more relevant the search engine believes that site is to the query.

It’s possible to block search engine crawlers from part or all of your site, or instruct search
engines to avoid storing certain pages in their index. While there can be reasons for doing this,
if you want your content found by searchers, you have to first make sure it’s accessible to
crawlers and is indexable. Otherwise, it’s as good as invisible.

Keyword Placement:

Proper keyword placement is when keywords are placed strategically throughout the content
of your website so that the search engines can properly index your site for those relevant
keywords. Also, it entices searchers to visit your page and visitors to stay on your page.

When keyword placement is done right, you are able to rank better for your chosen
keywords in the SERPs. Choosing the right keywords and putting them in the right places is a

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necessary element of SEO. This brings people with relevant search queries to your site.
Remember, though: it’s the content that makes a visitor stay.

Content Planning and Optimization:

A content marketing strategy starts with the target audience and dives deeper into
understanding your brand’s expertise and unique value proposition. Keyword research is great
at uncovering how people talk about topics relevant to your brand, but it is limiting when it
comes to audience understanding.

Think about one of your prospective customer’s journey to conversion. Is search the only
channel they utilize to get information? If you are collecting lead information or serving up
remarketing ads, hopefully not. So, why should your audience understanding be limited to
keyword research?

A content strategy is a holistic plan that tackles questions like:

Who is my audience?

What are their pain points and needs?

What types of content do these people want to consume?

Where are they currently having conversations (online or offline)

What unique expertise does our brand offer?

How can we match our expertise to our audience’s needs?

How to build your content strategy?

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1. Set your goals.

Start at the end. What you are ultimately trying to accomplish? Do you want to increase leads
by a certain percentage? Do you want to drive a certain number increase in sales? Are you
trying to drive subscribers to a newsletter? Document these goals first. This will help you figure
out what type of content you want to create and what the calls-to-action should be.

If you're a business like Kaplan and leads are your ultimate goal, a proven strategy is to create
ungated content that provides good insights, but leaves room for a deeper dive. Have your
calls-to-action point to a gated piece of content requiring some form of contact information
that goes into more depth.

A business like a car dealership is going to have a primary goal of getting people into their
dealership to buy a car. Their content doesn’t necessarily need to be gated, but it should have a
local spin and speak to common questions people have about the car buying process, as well as
show the human elements that make the dealership unique to establish trust and show how
customers will be treated. Trust is especially important in that industry because they have to
combat the used car salesman stereotype.

2. Identify your primary audience and their pain points.

The next step is to identify who you're targeting with your content. There are a lot of people at
your disposal to help you with this part of the process. Within your organization, consider
talking to these teams:

• Customer Service
• Sales
• Technical Support
• Product Management
• Product Marketing
• Social Media Marketing

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These are often the people who interact the most with customers. Find out what your audience
is struggling with and what content could be created to help answer their questions. You can
also do some of this research on your own by searching forums and social media. Subreddits
within Reddit related to your topic can be a goldmine. Other times there are active, related
groups on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. If you’ve ever been to the
MozCon Facebook group, you know how much content could be created answering common
questions people have related to SEO.

3. Determine your brand’s unique expertise.

Again, dig deeper and figure out what makes your brand truly unique. It likely isn’t the product
itself. Think about who your subject matter experts are and how they contribute to the
organization. Think about how your products are developed.

Even expertise that may seem boring on the surface can be extremely valuable. I’ve
seen Marcus Sheridan speak a couple of times and he has one of the most compelling success
stories I’ve ever heard about not being afraid to get too niche with expertise. He had a
struggling swimming pool installation business until he started blogging. He knew his expertise
was in pools — buying fiberglass pools, specifically. He answered every question he could think
of related to that buying process and became the world thought leader on fiberglass pools. Is it
a glamorous topic? No. But, it’s helpful to the exact audience he wanted to reach. There aren’t
hundreds of thousands of people searching for fiberglass pool information online, but the ones
that are searching are the ones he wanted to capture. And he did.

4. Figure out your content tilt.

Now put your answers for #2 and #3 together and figure out what your unique content angle
will look like.

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5. Develop a list of potential content topics based on your content tilt.

It’s time to brainstorm topics. Now that you know your content tilt, it’s a lot easier to come up
with topics your brand should be creating content about. Plus, they’re topics you know your
audience cares about! This is a good step to get other people involved from around your
organization, from departments like sales, product management, and customer service. Just
make sure your content tilt is clear to them prior to the brainstorm to ensure you don’t get off-

6. Conduct keyword research.

Now that you’ve got a list of good content topics, it’s time to really dive into long-tail keyword
research and figure out the best keyword targets around the topics.

There are plenty of good tools out there to help you with this. Here are a few of my go-tos:

• Moz Keyword Explorer (freemium): If you have it, it’s a great tool for uncovering
keywords as questions, looking at the keyword competitive landscape, and finding other
related keywords to your topic.
• (free): One of the only keyword discovery tools out there that will give
you keyword research by search engine. If you are looking for YouTube or App Store
keywords, for instance, this is a great idea generation tool.
• (free): Type in one keyword and Ubersuggest will give you a plethora of
other ideas organized in a list alphabetically or in a word cloud.

7. Create an editorial calendar.

Based on your keyword research findings, develop an editorial calendar for your content. Make
sure to include what your keyword target(s) are so if you have someone else developing the
content, they know what is important to include in it.

Here are a couple resources to check out for getting started:

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• HubSpot’s free editorial calendar templates (Google Sheet or Excel)

• Content Marketing Institute’s free editorial calendar template (Google Sheet)

8. Determine how to measure success.

Once you know what content you're going to create, you’ll need to figure out how you'll
measure success. Continuing on with the Kaplan example, lead generation was our focus. So,
we focused our efforts on measuring leads to our gated content and conversions of those leads
to sales over a certain time period. We also measured organic entrances to our ungated
content. If our organic entrances were growing (or not growing) disproportionate to our leads,
then we’d take deeper dives into what individual pieces of content were converting well and
what pieces were not, then make tweaks accordingly.

9. Create content!

Now that all the pieces are there, it’s time to do the creation work. This is the fun part! With
your content tilt in mind and your keyword research completed, gather the information or
research you need and outline what you want the content to look like.

Take this straightforward article called How to Get Your Series 7 License as an example. To
become a registered representative (stockbroker), you have to pass this exam. The primary
keyword target here is: Series 7 license. It’s an incredibly competitive keyword with between
2.9K–4.3K monthly searches, according to the Keyword Explorer tool. Other important
semantically related keywords include: how to get the Series 7 license, Series 7 license
requirements, Series 7 Exam, General Securities Registered Representative license, and Series 7
license pass rate.

Based on our content tilt and competitive landscape for the primary keyword, it made the most
sense to make this into a how-to article explaining the process in non-jargon terms to someone
just starting in the industry. We perfectly exact-match each keyword target, but the topics are
covered well enough for us to rank on the front page for all but one of them. Plus, we won the

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Google Answer Box for "how to get your Series 7 license." We also positioned ourselves well for
anticipated future searches around a new licensing component called the SIE exam and how it’ll
change the licensing process.

Once you've created your content and launched it, like with any SEO work, you will have a lag
before you see any results. Be sure to build a report or dashboard based on your content goals
so you can keep track of the performance of your content on a regular basis. If you find that the
growth isn’t there after several months, it is a good idea to go back through the content
strategy and assess whether you’ve got your tilt right. Borrowing from Joe Pulizzi, ask yourself:
"What if our content disappeared? Would it leave a gap in the marketplace?" If the answer is
no, then it’s definitely time to revisit your tilt. It’s the toughest piece to get right, but once you
do, the results will follow.

Content Optimization:

Content optimization in SEO involves ensuring content is written and presented in a way that
search engines can understand and serve it to your target audience.

The process essentially means making sure your site’s pages are attractive to both search
engines and users.

Going hand in hand with SEO, solid content optimization creates a strong foundation for high
performing web pages.

Why is Content Optimization Important?

Content optimization matters for SEO purposes.

Creating relevant, engaging content is not enough to rank highly in SERPs if each piece isn’t
properly optimized.

Optimizing your content will give it the best possible chance to rank well and receive high
volumes of organic traffic.

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How to Optimize Content:

1. Perform In-Depth Keyword Research

Uncover a few relevant keywords to target within the piece of content.

2. Include Target Keywords throughout the Content

Implement the target keywords in a natural-sounding way. Be careful not to overstuff the
keywords and risk a Google penalty.

Below is an extreme example of the kind of harmful keyword stuffing you should avoid at all

As well as in the text, include the keywords in a few of the headers.

3. Ensure Correct Spelling and Grammar

Nothing makes a site look less reliable than inaccurate spelling and grammar. Run your content
through a spell-checker a few times before hitting publish.

4. Build Internal Links

Internally linking to other relevant pieces of content on your site is a good idea. This helps
Google index these pages more quickly and gives you more of a chance of showing up in search

5. Include Multimedia

There’s nothing worse for readers than a big block of text with nothing to break it up.

Adding images, graphics and videos is a great way of keeping your users engaged with the
content and increasing dwell time.

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6. Don’t Forget Meta Descriptions or Title Tags

Create enticing meta descriptions and catchy title tags to grab your readers’ attention while
they browse the search results.

How do I Know if my Site's Content Needs Optimization?

• If you’re not targeting any specific keywords, content optimization will really boost
your pages. Concentrating on a few target keywords will help your pages perform well in

• Is your content appearing in results pages? If the answer is no and you can’t find your
content on the first couple of pages, content optimization will benefit your web pages.

• If your content appears at the bottom of page 1 or on page 2, it’s likely a quick boost
from content optimization will push your content up further in the SERPs.

Tools with Content Optimization Features:

1. Surfer SEO

2. Frase

3. GrowthBar

4. Dashword

Display Advertizing:

A type of online advertisement that combines text, images, and a URL that links to a website
where a customer can learn more about or buy products. There are many ad formats. These
ads can be static with an image or animated with multiple images, video, or changing text (also
called rich media ads). An ad campaign can have different goals, and some display ads educate
about the product while others are designed to entertain and engage through simple games or
puzzles. Banner ads are a common form of display ads that are frequently used for awareness

What is display advertising?

You've seen display advertising before, even if you didn't realize it at the time. Display
advertising appears on third-party websites and uses video, image, or text elements to market
products or services.

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There are many types of display advertising. Banner ads are an example of display advertising.
So are desktop and mobile leaderboard ads. Most ads are rectangular or square in shape, and
the content they contain is typically designed to align with that of the host website and the
selected audience preferences.

Display advertising campaigns can be run through advertising networks such as Facebook
advertising or Google ads that provide powerful audience targeting features as well as
advertising formats (that you can also combine with search ads).

Types of display ads

Display ads vary greatly in terms of who they target and how they work. Here’s a breakdown of
the different display ad options and what they do.
1. Remarketing ads
Most display ads you see today are remarketing ads, also known as retargeting ads. Thanks to
the trend toward ad personalization, retargeting campaigns have become widespread.
According to Accenture Interactive, 91% of consumers prefer to buy from brands that
remember their interests and provide offers based on their needs. Retargeting ads do just that,
and they're easy for brands to implement. Here's how they work.

• To start, place a small section of code onto your website that collects information about visitors'
browsing behavior, including when they navigate to a category or product page.
• From the information you collect, develop lists of customer types and what kinds of advertising
messages would most likely appeal to them.
• Then create and place display ads based on the different categories of interest you have

A dynamic remarketing campaign is an effective way to keep your brand present in the minds of
shoppers who have already shown interest in what you have to offer.

2. Personalized ads
Google considers remarketing to be a subcategory of personalized advertising. Personalized ads
target consumers based on demographic targeting and the interests they have shown online,
that you can use to set a custom audience.

In addition to remarketing, Google recognizes 4 distinct types of personalized ads. Each

incorporates general user behavior and preferences rather than interactions with any particular
brand as a targeting option.

Affinity targeting

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Affinity targeting shows your ads to consumers who have demonstrated an active interest in
your market. These affinity groups can be relatively broad—like “car enthusiasts” or “movie
lovers”—letting you reach large numbers of people.

Custom affinity groups

Smaller custom affinity groups like “long-distance runners” and “orchid growers” let you get
more specific about the interests you want to target. Bear in mind that when you use narrower
groups, you’ll reach smaller audiences.

Custom intent and in-market ads

Custom intent and in-market ads target consumers who are actively searching for products or
services like yours. You'll reach fewer people than with either affinity or custom affinity
targeting, but the people who do see your ad will be closer to making a purchase.

Similar audience ads

Similar audience ads target people who have interests or characteristics in common with your
current visitors. To create lists of new but similar audiences, Google compares the profiles of
people on your remarketing lists with those of other users, then identifies commonalities.

3. Contextually targeted ads

Instead of displaying your ads to people based on their user profiles, contextually targeted ads
are placed on websites according to certain criteria, including:

• Your ad's topic and keywords

• Your language and location preferences
• The host website's overarching theme
• The browsing histories of the website’s recent visitors

You can let Google make these determinations, or you can take an active role in it yourself
through topic targeting.

Topic targeting

Google allows you to pick from a list of topics and will match your ad to relevant pages on
the Display Network or YouTube. It also lets you specifically exclude topics that are
underperforming or unrelated to your message.

Topic targeting is a lot like affinity targeting, except that your ads are matched with websites
rather than users.

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4. Site-placed ads
If you'd prefer to hand-pick the websites that will host your ad, website placement targeting is
your best bet. You can select entire sites or individual pages within sites.

You can even combine placement targeting with contextual targeting. With this approach, you
choose a site and let Google select the most relevant pages for your ad.

Display ads versus native ads

If you count offline as well as online ads, display advertising is as old as business itself. The
internet’s first ever display ad was a 1994 AT&T ad, and they've been increasing in prevalence
ever since.

Display ads are still popular, but a new strategy called native advertising has begun to take
some of their market share.

Native ads are designed to blend in with the other content on a page. These are especially
common in social media news feeds. These ads look like regular user posts, although they
are legally required to display the word “sponsored” to minimize deception.

Native ads are less obvious than display ads and can sometimes reach users who have ad
blocking software enabled. They can be a great way to engage potential customers as most
people respond better to content when it’s not an obvious ad. But there's always the risk that
when they reach the end and find out that the post or article they just read was advertising,
they'll end up feeling tricked.

Native advertising marketers also risk hiding their brand logo and information too well. There’s
a chance that readers might not notice it, let alone remember it. They might remember the
message—but that's not worth much if they can't recall who posted it.

Pros and cons of display ads

No form of advertising is perfect for every company. Before you decide whether or not to invest
in display ads, consider the benefits and drawbacks.
Pro #1: Display ads lead to better brand awareness.
Unlike native ads that mimic editorial content, display ads are clearly advertisements. While
that sometimes means that people will ignore them on principle, it also means that audiences
immediately recognize that they’re seeing a message from your brand.
Pro #2: Display ads convey your message quickly.
Most display ads are based on visuals, not text. Your audience doesn’t have to read all the way
through an article or infographic to get to your brand message the way they do with content

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marketing or native ads. Even when people scroll past these messages, they still make an
Pro #3: Display ads are easy to create and place.
Compared to other forms of digital advertising, display ads don't require complex integration
with publisher sites. They can go up on almost any site that's part of the participating ad
network without much technical expertise.
Pro #4: Display ads reach customers at every stage of the funnel.
A well-thought-out digital advertising campaign can help you reach your target audience at any
stage of the decision making process, from need awareness to purchase readiness. All you need
is a knowledge of targeting methods.

For example, if you sell home appliances, you could post custom intent ads to reach people
who have been searching for new models of stoves or washing machines. You could then cast a
wider net by posting a contextually targeted ad on home improvement sites, real estate blogs,
or even parenting forums.

Pro #5: Display ads provide great value for your money.
While relatively few people actually click display ads, they can help you reach the largest
segment in your target market. Their reach is as broad as that of traditional advertising while
being less obtrusive. A display ad is much less disruptive than a television or radio spot,
especially if it’s been matched with relevant content.
Con #1: People don't like ads.
Consumers today believe that ads are more frequent and intrusive than they were in the past.
Overt advertising makes many people feel annoyed—and when people are annoyed with online
ads, they tend to use ad blocking software so that they don't see them at all.
Con #2: Display ads can be too minimal.
Display ads are meant to deliver your message as quickly and simply as possible, but their short
length can work against them. Venture capitalist Gilad de Vries has found that they are most
effective when they lead viewers to longform content. While display advertising is useful, it
probably won’t be the real powerhouse behind your marketing strategy.
Con #3: They have relatively low click-through and conversion rates.
Click-through rates for banner ads average around 0.1%, a lower total than many other forms
of online advertising. This usually translates to lower conversions.

Most people see banner ads early on in their buying journey, so they're best used as part of a
long-term marketing plan. Your display ads can pique a potential customer’s interest and
prepare them for more in-depth content later.

Various SEO Plug-in:

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Top 6 WordPress SEO Plugins & Tools:

With an SEO Plugin helping to make your optimisation tasks quicker, more efficient, and even
automated, that frees up time to focus on improving communications and collaboration
between your SEO, Marketing, and Sales teams. Here is a comprehensive list of Top 6
WordPress SEO Plugins and Tools that you can choose from to enhance SEO performance and
implement effective strategies:

• Yoast SEO
• Ahrefs
• SEOPress
• All-In-One-SEO
• RankMath
• Semrush

WordPress SEO Plugin: Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a leading WordPress SEO Plugin with an excellent 5-star rating. Yoast has an
impressive interface and is one of the most user-friendly options for turning blog posts and
product pages to stand out. Yoast has free and paid versions, an informative blog to learn more
about SEO, and a thriving community in the forum section. It also has SEO Courses for
beginners, intermediates, and advanced users.

With Yoast, users can see how their pages will look on the Google Search Engine, allowing users
to adjust the Meta Description and Title to make it more keyword-rich and appealing. They can
also run readability checks on all pages to analyze if you need to add elements or break up
paragraphs like numbered lists or headers.

The premium Yoast Plugin sells for $89 per site, and those on a budget can use a free
WordPress SEO Plugin, which beats out most SEO-based WordPress Plugins by a long shot. With
Yoast SEO Premium, users get access to advanced features like previewing pages on Twitter and
Facebook, keyword optimization for five keywords on every page, and internal link suggestions.

WordPress SEO Plugin: Aherfs

Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool for Bloggers, Marketers, and Businesses. It is a popular
alternative to SEMRush, offering similar tools and features. Ahrefs gives you insights into your
competition, finds backlinks, and suggests keywords for your blog or business. It’s also excellent
for locating keywords that your competitors might not yet have taken advantage of. Ahrefs
Dashboard provides several charts, tickers, and graphs to check organic keywords, referring
domains, and paid keywords.

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It’s a higher-end WordPress SEO Plugin with pricing starting at $99 per month for one user and
is suitable for an eCommerce store or blog. Ahrefs can also work for other websites not using
WordPress since it comes with a comprehensive Site Explorer and Dashboard, separate from

Ahrefs has four pricing plans: Lite, Standard, Advanced, and Agency, costing $99, $179, $399,
and $999 per month, respectively.

WordPress SEO Plugin: SEOPress

SEOPress is another user-friendly yet powerful WordPress SEO Plugin. It comes with all the
features you would expect from a WordPress SEO Plugin like meta description, image/content
XML sitemaps, open graph support, redirects, and more. SEOPress has a straightforward
setup for beginners and offers advanced controls for more experienced users. The paid version
of the SEOPress Plugin is cheaper than some other premium WordPress SEO Plugins on the

It’s fast and powerful, allowing users to manage all of your titles and meta descriptions for
posts, pages, and post types. You can track your visitors with Google Analytics, create XML and
HTML sitemaps, and optimize tags for Social Media sharing. The free version also offers Content
Analysis to help web admins write better SEO-optimized posts.

SEOPress has three pricing plans: Pro, Insights, and Bundle costing $39/year, $99/year, and
$118/year. There is also a free plan, but it doesn’t come with an advanced plan.

WordPress SEO Plugin: All-In-One SEO

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) for WordPress SEO Plugin has over 2+ million users and is the most
comprehensive SEO toolkit to improve search rankings without the complicated SEO jargon. It
has an easy setup wizard that automatically helps businesses choose the best SEO settings. All
in One SEO shows TruSEO, an actionable checklist to optimize your posts and pages.

The On-page SEO Checklist comes with a Smart Meta Tag Generator where you can use
dynamic values (current year, month, day, author info, custom fields, and much more) in your
SEO title and descriptions. All in One SEO also comes with smart XML sitemaps, SEO health
check, rich snippet schema markup, and other useful features to grow your Search Engine

You also get access to built-in social media integration to add Open Graph Metadata and
choose thumbnail images for Social Media Sharing. All in One SEO also has built-
in WooCommerce SEO tools for eCommerce sites. It comes with features like individual product
page optimizations, product image SEO, dynamic optimizations, and other handy features to
drive more organic traffic to your website.

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AIOSEO has four plans: Basic, Plus, Pro, and Elite. The basic plan costs $49.50/year and is
available for one website. Plus plan costs $89.55/ year, Pro costs $159.60/ year, and Elite costs
$209.65/ year.

WordPress SEO Plugin: RankMath

RankMath is one of the most important tools for WordPress. It’s one of the best WordPress SEO
Plugins. It comes with On-page SEO and combines the power of multiple plugins to bring
everything into one lightweight, easy-to-manage plugin. With RankMath, you can manage the
On-page SEO of your posts, products, and pages. You can also control the meta tags of
individual posts or pages. It tightly integrates with Google Search Console and provides
information like keywords, impressions, and errors right inside your WordPress Admin
Dashboard. Apart from that, RankMath also comes with inbuilt Redirections, 404 Monitor, Rich
Snippets, XML Sitemaps, Local SEO, Automated Image SEO, Internal Link Building
recommendations, etc.

RankMath has three plans: Pro, Business, and Agency. The first plan is Pro, and it costs $59 per
year. The next plan is Business costing $199 per year, and the last plan is Agency that costs
$499 per year.

WordPress SEO Plugin: Semrush

SEMRush has a relatively simple interface for users getting started with SEO. SEMRush focuses
on paid traffic, social media, SEO, and content. The Technical SEO Audit sections have tons of
information. Another reason to use SEMRush is their Analytics section. It does an excellent job
of comparing paid traffic vs. organic traffic and also offers an Ad Strategy Analysis. It helps
companies learn how to post Google Ads more strategically.

Used by professional SEO experts, Bloggers, Marketers, and businesses of all sizes, SEMRush
provides a comprehensive set of tools to grow both Organic and Paid traffic. You can use it to
find organic keywords and search terms that are easy to rank for. With SEMRush, users can do
competitive research and find keywords that the competitors rank for. The SEMRush SEO
Writing Assistant tool helps you improve your website content to beat the top 10 results for
your focus keyword. It integrates with WordPress, which will help you write more SEO-friendly

SEMRush has three pricing plans: Pro for small in-house teams starting at $119.95/mo; Guru
for SMEs, Growing Agencies, and Marketing Consultants starting at $229.95/mo; Business for
Large Agencies & Enterprises starting at $449.95/mo.

Off-Page SEO Techniques:

Off-page SEO techniques are crucial for improving the trustworthiness and visibility of your site.
Here are five steps to strengthen your off-page SEO, and to increase your domain authority.

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What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO refers to all the activities those take place away from your website, which
determines where you rank within the search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimising for
off-site SEO ranking factors is crucial for improving the relevance, trustworthiness and
authority of your website. This is mirrored in Google’s algorithm factors, with off-page
SEO contributing to over 50% of the ranking factors. Having a strong off-page SEO strategy
can be the difference between where you and your competitors feature within the SERPs.

How off-page SEO techniques can improve your Domain Authority (DA)

Improving your off-page SEO performance will directly correlate with your Domain
Authority score (DA). Your site’s DA is a ranking score that determines the ability of your
site to rank within the SERPs. This score is from 1-100 which is based upon numerous
factors including linking root domains, and the number of total links. The DA of your site is
not a metric used by Google in determining where you rank, but is a good indicator for
how well your site is performing from an off-site SEO perspective.

Here are five off-site SEO techniques that you can follow to ensure your website has the
best opportunity to improve its domain authority, and ultimately rank higher within the

1. Creating valuable backlinks

Creating backlinks is at the core of off-site SEO and is a technique that is crucial for any
site with the aspiration of ranking on page one. Backlinks are the number one ranking
factor when Google determines where your site ranks. Google will more likely rank a sit e
higher than another if one domain has more backlinks. Furthermore, Google also take into
account the quality of this link, a site with a higher domain that links to you is much more
effective than a link from a site with a low DA. Nevertheless, Google’s algorithm does take
into consideration the relevancy of the link to your domain.

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There are two types of links that can be created to boost your off-page SEO performance:

1. Natural links: a link that is generated without any action taken. This can be either a
blogger for example, who has a positive view towards your content and links to it
from their site. This type of link can be a great sign of trust, appreciation, and

2. Links created through self-promotion: These links can be created through

promoting or marketing your business online. This type of link can be gained
through asking clients to link to your site or an influencer sharing your content.

Creating authoritative and relevant backlinks in line with the guidance provided by major
search engine like Google should be at the forefront of any digital strategy. Links will bring
referral traffic to your site, and Google will view your site as a trustworthy, reli able source
of data. Yet building links is hard work and requires a long-term strategic approach but if
done correctly, the average ranking position of your website in search results is likely to
improve significantly.

2. Social Media Marketing

One of the most effective off-page SEO techniques is using social media. Using social
media platforms is a great way to extend the reach of your content. Not only can social
media encourage more clicks to your latest piece of content, but it can be a crucial source
of valuable backlinks from a site with a high DA:

• LinkedIn (DA:98)

• Facebook (DA:96)

• Twitter (DA:94)

• Instagram (DA:93)

Google hasn’t directly stated that a link from a social media platform will benefit your
SEO, although they have said that social platforms are crawled for data in the same way to
any other site on the web.

Whilst the SEO impact of a backlink from a social platform remains unsure, one certainty
is your social profile’s ranking in the SERPs. Not only will your social profile’s rank, they’re
likely to rank towards the top for any brand-related search term. With this in mind,
ensuring your social profiles positively reflect your company and what it stands for can

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influence a user’s first impressions, particularly if they’re unfamiliar with your b rand.
Moreover, amplifying insightful content through social platforms is likely to get shared,
increasing the visibility and the likelihood of your content being linked to.

3. Guest Content

Provide third party websites with guest content is another effect ive online marketing
technique that can also yield off-site SEO benefits. This could be a thought-leadership
piece through to ‘how to’ video content, something that will capture the attention of their
readers. You should look to reach out to third-party websites whose target audience is
similar to your own, such as niche online trade publications. This way you will be
increasing exposure and brand awareness amongst potential customers and heighten the
chance of driving referral traffic from that website. Of course, you will also benefit from a
valuable backlink. Nurturing online relationships through providing insightful content can
be a fundamental source of qualified traffic and leads.

Remember, placing content on a website with a strong DA, requires you t o provide them
with content or data in which is totally unique, and is likely to be in high demand from
their audience.

Always remember to be strategic with sites that you target in order to place guest
content, and ensure that you are reaching out to sites which are trustworthy, and relevant
to your own target audience.

4. Forum Posting

A forum posting site is an online discussion board that allows users to have meaningful
conversations in the form of a posted message. When carried out correctly, forum pos ting
can bring multiple benefits for your business:

• Exposure to new customers

• Better understanding of your customers

• Opportunities to answer any questions customers or potential customers might


Forum posting requires a long-term approach in order to build a trustworthy reputation

amongst other members of the forum. Identifying forums with a ready-made community,
who are discussing a service like which you offer. This is a great way of engaging with
existing or potential customers online.

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Identify forums threads on topics relevant to your business that you can add value to,
such as expert knowledge on a specific topic to help answer a user’s question. Where
appropriate, there may also be the opportunity to add a link back to your website as part
of a forum discussion. However, always ensure that this activity is carried out sparingly,
and a backlink to your website is only ever posted if it is highly relevant to the
conversation, and genuinely helps to answer another user’s question.

5. Local Listings

Also known as directory listings, local SEO has always been a consistent off -page SEO
technique. When done correctly, submitting your business into local listings can be vital
for increasing revenue, reputation and rankings, particularly in localised search r esults.
Localised search results include those results where the user referenced a location as part
of their search, as well as those where the results served are determined by the user’s IP
address or location. The latter includes searches often reference phrases such as ‘near
me’ or ‘nearby’. Local listings are largely free and can be extremely powerful.

Not only can your business benefit from an increased amount of exposure and traffic, but
being listed in local directories presents the opportunity of building a valuable backlink
from a high DA site. Many directories are well-known on the web, and you are probably
already familiar with many of them:

• Google my business (DA:100)

• Foursquare (DA:92)

• Yelp (DA:70)

• Central Index (DA:58)

Submitting a local listing may seem easy, but ensuring that you provide identical
information across each listing is crucial for this off-page SEO technique. Business
information such as the business name, address and contact number must be identical
across all listings. This may seem simple, but discrepancies like abbreviations, or
misspellings can have huge impacts on your listings as it can create confusion for Google.
In the likelihood of this happening, Google may display the wrong information, or even
not show your listing at all in the SERPs.

However, when local listings are implemented correctly they can be extremely powerful
and can bring additional business from both national, and international audiences.

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Email Marketing:

Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as

digital marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can
help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your
marketing automation efforts.

It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand
awareness, building relationships or keeping customers engaged between purchases
through different types of marketing emails.

A brief history of email:

In October 1969, the very first message was sent from one computer to other on

Roy Tomlinson was the first inventor of Electronic mail in 1971. He developed the first
system that sent electronic emails between one system to multiple hosts across
the ARPANET with the @ symbol to link the user name with the destination server.

It was a question from many of the people that How would one indicate within a network
where the message should go when sending messages from one computer to another?
Roy Tomlinson had an answer:

This concept of communicating through the organization via emails was the inspiration for
the advent of the internet.

By the 1980s, the Internet, the infancy period of Internet Service Providers (ISP), had
started connecting people around the world, and emailing “hosting” sites, clamoring for
their piece of the pie.

For many new Internet users, electronic mail was the first practical application of this
exciting new medium. By 1993, the term “electronic mail” had been replaced by “email”
in public email, and Internet usage had become more widespread.

Over the next few years, America Online (AOL), Accomail, Hotmail, and Yahoo shaped the
Internet and email landscape. He pumped in marketing dollars to expand the reach and
expose a vastly wider audience to the benefits of the World Wide Web. Internet usage
exploded in the late 1990s, growing from 55 million users in 1997 to 400 million by 1999.

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Significance of Email Marketing:

1. Stay in contact with your audience

Emails have the ability to keep your customers informed. Consumers are capable of
checking their email when it is convenient for them. It can give them a feeling that you are
thinking of them. This email can be as simple as saying: “Hi, you’re on our mind, here is a
special offer!” or “Here is an update on what has been going on here in recent weeks.”
Those that have signed up to your email list have already made a commitment to receive
these notes. So they will likely enjoy these emails (as long as you give them something
worth reading) and it will boost engagement with your customers.

2. Reach customers in real-time

According to Litmus, 54% of all emails were opened on a mobile device. This is significant
and should come into play when planning any marketing strategy. More and more
consumers are using their mobile devices to access not only emails but all other types of
media and information. Not only that, well-designed emails produce higher conversion
rates on mobile than any other medium. Hit ’em on the go!

3. People engage with emails

For a long time now, over 40 years actually, email has been a form of communication. As
the years have gone by, email has fast become one of our main choices of communication.
We have all been groomed to reply to an email in some fashion. Whether it is to reply, to
forward, click through to something else embedded within the email, delete, or to buy
something, or to sign up. We tend to do something with the email. Knowing this, you can
use email to drive people to your website, to pick up the phone and call or any other call
to action. In fact, over 25 percent of sales last year were attributed to email marketing.

4. Email marketing is easy to measure

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Most email marketing tools offer the ability to track what happens after you have sent out
your email campaign. You can track delivery rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click
through rates, and open rates. This gives you a better understanding of how your email
campaigns are working, which ones to tweak or which ones to get rid of altogether. These
metrics should not be ignored. They are an important part of your internet marketing
campaign as a whole. While there are various studies and surveys that present “optimal”
numbers to aim for, it all depends on your industry and target audience. If your customers
not only want but expect daily emails, you better provide them. However, sending too
many emails to consumers who don’t want more than one a week will see your
unsubscribe rate increase. It’s all about knowing your customers and providing valuable

5. It’s affordable

Yes, we know you were waiting for us to address this one. You can reach a large number
of consumers for less than pennies per message. The cost per (possible) conve rsion is so
low with email marketing, I cannot believe every company does not participate, or engage
more often.

Email marketing services such as SendGrid costs $0.0006 cents per message at their
Platinum Marketing Email level. Mail Chimp allows you to send up to 12,000 emails a
month for free. They also do offer larger monthly plans for growing businesses with up to
600,000 subscribers and high volume sender plans for anything over that. Another email
marketing company, Vertical Response, offers free email marketing up to 4,000 emails a
month and 1,000 email contacts. They also offer subscription services for higher -volume

So, yes, while it does offer a significant ROI, it might be a wise idea to hire someone to
manage these efforts. According to Shout It Out Designs, at a 15,000 email database, your
company would spend about 152 hours per year managing the campaign. This would
include writing, drafting, scheduling, sending, etc. of the emails, answering any questions

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about offers, missing coupons or other concerns and database maintenance: adding and
deleting members, updating information and other tasks.

6. Allows for targeted messaging

Now let’s talk about the importance of email marketing when it comes to lead nurturing –
sometimes referred to as email lead marketing. The main idea here is that your potential
customers are at different stages of the buying cycle. Some may be in the consideration
stage, while others may be at the research and compare stage, and even others in the
ready-to-purchase stage. Creating buyer personas can help you determine what kind of
content to create for each step.

Segmenting these customers into appropriate email marketing lists helps businesses
target these groups more effectively. Customers need information to move them to the
next buying cycle stage; pushing the right content can do just that. It’s all abo ut moving
these prospects down your sales funnel – not as quickly as possible, but as efficiently as

7. Increase brand awareness

Nope, social media isn’t the only platform that helps a company’s brand awareness.
Possessing a customer or prospect’s email address means one thing: they showed a level
of interest in your business. Email marketing gives you the ability to increase that interest
level, that brand awareness, by staying top of mind.

This doesn’t mean to send four daily emails to every single customer. That’s actually a
great way to get customers to hate you… Instead, try some email marketing that
promotes your activeness in the local community. Too many times companies try to sell,
sell, sell their products via email marketing, and completely ignore the brand awareness
factor. By doing so, they’re also prohibiting the ultimate possibility of building customer
trust and adding a sense of personality to their brand.

8. It’s timely

Speaking of sell, sell, sell…

Yes, one of the benefits of email marketing can be to sell your products, if you approach it
in the correct fashion. It’s important to use all the customer data and information you
can. Sending customers a special offer on their birthday, or letting them know their
favorite dish is half off is much more effective than simply sending them a menu.

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This email marketing strategy also can incorporate seasonal offers, allowing you to
promote a holiday special or an annual sale. Be sure to create a sense of urgency for any
offer – customers are much more likely to purchase when a deal is ending soon.

9. Everyone (almost) uses email

A Hubspot survey states that 91% of consumers use email. That alone should be enough
to convince you to explore the tool. Unless your industry accounts for the remaining 9%
(hint: it doesn’t), email presents an incredible opportunity to reach customers. Not only
can you provide them with discounts, specials, new products, and more, they can share
and forward those emails to anyone they’d like. A good email market ing strategy is to
encourage customers to share offers as much as possible. Remember brand awareness?

Email is especially huge in the B2B world as it accounts for the most prominent form of
communication for 73% of businesses.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns:

1. Newsletters

Newsletters are effective for keeping your customers tuned into your brand. They
typically contain an intro, description, and links with images informing customers
regarding new products or services, industry news, important announcements, or any
changes in your business that you wish to convey.

2. Welcome Messages

These emails are typically sent out to first-time clients after online registration but are
also used for sales generation, lead follow up, or brand awareness. A welcome message
usually works best when combined with a special offer to further generate customer
interest or action.

3. Anniversary or Birthday Messages

This campaign boosts customer retention and loyalty. This type of email highlights
milestones important to the brand or the customer and is usually accompanied by a
special promo or discount code that they can use.

4. Limited Time Offers

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This email campaign is used to target customers in sales, especially those who have
purchased similar items or those who have not completed their purchase. These emails
also come with promotional codes or discounts that expire within a certain timeframe.

5. Abandoned Cart Emails

Again, for those involved in e-commerce, sending an email about an abandoned cart can
encourage customers to complete their purchases. These emails can be automated
messages that ask the customer to complete their purchase within a specific timeframe.

Campaigns Using Mail Chimp:

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps you share emails, ads, and other
messages with your audience. We call these messages "campaigns." When you create a
campaign in Mailchimp, we give you lots of flexible settings and design options, as well as
builder tools that walk you through every step of the process.


Any distributed content, that's created and measured in Mailchimp, including regular emails,
automations, landing pages, and ads.

A place for you to collect and manage your contacts in Mailchimp.

Someone whose email is stored in your account. A contact's email marketing status determines
what kind of content you can share with them. Statuses include subscribed, unsubscribed, non-
subscribed, cleaned, and archived.

Choose a campaign type

We've got campaigns for all of your business goals. You'll find options to send an email to all of
the subscribed contacts in your audience, target repeat customers, find new people on
Facebook, and more.

Here are the different types of campaigns you can create in Mailchimp.

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Email campaigns
There are four main types of email campaigns in Mailchimp.

• Regular
This is the most common type of campaign. Design and customize your content, and
choose whether to send immediately or schedule your campaign for later.
• Plain-text
The simplest form of mass email you can send. These campaigns contain only text and
have no formatting options.
• A/B testing
Send more than one version of the same campaign and see which one comes out on
top. Test subject lines, From names, content, and send times. If you're a Mailchimp
Pro user, you'll have the option to test up to eight different versions with a Multivariate
• Automated
Automated emails send when triggered by a specific date, event, or contact's activity.
You can create a custom automation from scratch, or use one of our many pre-built
automation campaigns.

Best Practices for Email Marketing

Build a Plain-Text Campaign
Create an A/B Testing Campaign
About Automation

Ad campaigns
We can help you buy and run ads on Google’s Ad Display Network, Facebook, and Instagram.
Target your Mailchimp contacts, people similar to your Mailchimp contacts, people whose
interests align with your brand, or people who visited your landing page or website.

Getting Started with Facebook Ad Campaigns

Getting Started with Facebook and Instagram Ads

Create a printed postcard campaign that recipients can hold in their hands. Reach the contacts
in your audience, or brand-new people who are similar to your contacts. If you’ve connected
your store to Mailchimp, you can set up an abandoned cart postcard that automatically sends
to people who browse your items without making a purchase.

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About Postcards
Create a One-Time Send Postcard

Social posts
Create a social post to reach your social media followers with Mailchimp. To combine your
marketing efforts, you can auto-post to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter when you send an
email campaign.

Create a Social Post

Auto-Post to Instagram
Auto-Post to Facebook
Connect or Disconnect Twitter

Landing Pages
Create standalone webpages to collect email addresses or promote a product or service. Design
a landing page in your account, then share the URL on the web or in another Mailchimp

About Landing Pages

Create a campaign

The way you build your campaign depends on which type of campaign you choose. Each
campaign type has a specific set of steps you'll follow to target your audience, add tracking
options, design your content, and make other changes.

Create a Regular Email Campaign

Design a Campaign in Mailchimp
Create a Landing Page
Create an Automation
Create a Social Post

About campaign templates

Templates are the HTML files that serve as the starting point for any email campaign. The
template you use determines the layout of your images and text.

We have a lot of predesigned templates for you to choose from, so if you aren't an HTML whiz,
you'll still be able to create and send great-looking email campaigns. Drag-and-drop templates
make the process even easier.

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If you are an experienced coder, you can also edit our templates, code your own, or create an
editable template with our Template Language.

Types of Templates
Create a Template With the Template Builder
Getting Started With Mailchimp's Template Language

View campaign reports

After you send or publish a campaign, you can monitor its performance in your campaign
report. These reports include important metrics such as email opens and clicks, ad impressions,
and social post shares. If you connect your store, you'll also be able to see purchase details.

Email Marketing Strategy:

An effective email marketing strategy boosts engagement and builds customer loyalty. An
ineffective email marketing strategy, on the other hand, can drive customers away. That’s why
it’s important to plan out your campaigns thoroughly before launching them.
For the best results, keep these essential tips in mind, especially during the early stages of the
Stages of an Email Marketing Strategy

1. Know Your Goal:

Don’t be vague about your reasons for sending an email. Simply telling yourself you want to
alert customers to the existence of a new feature or product isn’t precise enough.
What specific action do you want someone to take after reading your email: Do you want them
to buy your new product? Sign up for a new service? Use a new feature on your website to
increase conversion rates?
The nature of your overall goal will determine the content of the email. The more time you
spend developing concrete, achievable goals, the more effective your campaign is likely to be.
2. Know How You’ll Measure Your Progress:
Before launching a campaign, establish procedures to track your progress. Once you know what
your goals are, you need to have a plan for determining whether you’ve succeeded in
accomplishing them. A good place to start is monitoring your inbox rates. The first step in

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any successful email marketing campaign is getting your email into inboxes, which can be
accomplished by verifying email addresses.
You may need to modify your email strategy at times. By carefully tracking your progress, you
can more effectively identify what is and is not working.
3. Establish a Natural Reader Progression:
You probably already know that a strong email marketing strategy must include captivating
subject lines in order to prompt customers to open your emails.
That’s partially true, but it ignores another crucial point: Your subject lines must relate to the
content of the email in a natural, honest way. Customers may open your email if the subject
line piques their interest, but odds are they won’t read it through or take any desired action if
they discover the subject line was misleading.
More importantly, an accurate subject line will attract the specific types of customers you’re
targeting. Email marketing isn’t just about enticing customers to open your emails; it’s about
enticing the right customers to open your emails. These are the people more likely to convert
and take the desired actions to help an email campaign succeed.
4. Don’t Neglect the First Lines of Text:
When a customer sees your email in their inbox, they don’t merely see the subject line – they’ll
also see the first few words of text. Too often, marketers overlook the potential significance of
this content. When writing copy, design your first few sentences to attract readers.
There are a number of ways to do this. You could expand the subject line, giving yourself the
freedom to use two subject lines. Or you might summarize the content of the email, so
customers have a better understanding of what type of value they can hope to get from it. If
you’re sharing useful information with customers, share it up front, instead of burying the lede.
5. Edit Thoroughly:
You’ve probably read numerous emails that were far longer than necessary. You’ve also
probably closed a lot of those emails before finishing them.
The internet is full of potential distractions, and if customers have to read filler text before you
share the truly valuable content, they may dismiss the email as being unworthy of their time.
Emphasize concision when drafting copy. Edit yourself thoroughly. Because it can be difficult to

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identify what is and isn’t valuable in your own writing, it’s a good idea to test your emails on
trusted friends or colleagues first. Outside perspectives can help you better understand which
elements of your content are appealing and which you can discard.
6. Organize Your Content:
More than ever before, internet users are reading emails on mobile devices. Thus, your email
marketing strategy should be mobile-friendly. Keep your paragraphs brief, use clear headers to
organize your content, and incorporate visually interesting (but not distracting) elements to
make the content more easily digestible.
When it comes to design, you should determine the organizational template or format of your
email before you start writing it. Doing so will help you draft scannable content, and it will keep
you focused.
Monitoring Email Marketing Strategy:
Despite the fact that email marketing is one of the oldest forms of inbound marketing, it
continues to be one of the most effective. There are many reasons for this, including that with
over four billion daily email users, it’s one of the most practical ways to reach someone. Not to
mention that email marketing is incredibly cost-effective — email generates an estimated $42
for every $1 spent, giving it one of the highest returns on investment you could ask for.

However, simply running an email marketing campaign isn’t going to automatically translate to
success. The key is to monitor your email marketing efforts so that you can continuously adjust
and improve your strategy over the long term. The best way to do this is by analyzing your
email marketing metrics. With that in mind, the following are eight of the most important email
marketing metrics that you should monitor.

1. Open Rate

According to research, the average email open rate should be between 12-15%. If your open
rate is low, it means your subscribers have no interest in the emails you’re sending them and
they’re not even bothering to open them. If your subscribers aren’t opening your emails, then
there’s no hope in converting them. A low open rate can be indicative of a number of issues,
whether it’s bad timing, poorly crafted email subject lines, or email subject matter that’s simply
not relevant to your subscribers.

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2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Once subscribers open your emails, you want to make sure that they’re engaged with your
content to the point where they’ll follow any calls-to-action (CTAs) you may have. Your CTR
indicates whether or not subscribers are clicking on any of your links or not. If they read your
emails but don’t click-through to another page (like your website), it likely means that they
weren’t interested in the content, your CTAs weren’t convincing, or the content wasn’t relevant
to them.

The average CTR should be between 2-5%. But do not confuse CTR and CTOR (click-to-open
rate). How to calculate CTR? Divide the number of users who actually clicked on at least one
link by the number of emails delivered. At the same time, CTOR compares the number of
people that opened your email to the number that clicked. That’s why the average CTOR should
be higher — you’d better keep this metric at 10-22%.

3. Subscribe Rate

Your email list is going to naturally decline over time if you don’t sign up new subscribers at a
regular pace. As such, you need to monitor your email subscription rate. If it’s low, it means you
need to put more effort into building your list, whether it’s via your content marketing efforts,
your social efforts, or your paid advertising campaigns. The higher your subscription rate is, the
bigger your pool of potential leads becomes.
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4. Unsubscribe Rate

The last thing you want to see is people unsubscribing to your email list. However, monitoring
this metric is critical to identifying serious problems with your email strategy. A high
unsubscribe rate may mean that you’re attracting poor quality leads — or that your email
content just isn’t relevant to your audience.

5. Email Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate tells you how effective your emails are at converting leads. You can
compare the conversion rates of different email campaigns, landing pages, CTAs, types of
content, and more to determine what types of emails convert highly and what emails don’t to
help you plan future email campaigns. How to calculate email conversion rate? Divide the
number of people who completed the desired action by the number of total emails delivered.
And then multiply the result by 100.

6. Opening Time

The opening time shows you when your subscribers are opening your emails. If you notice that
the majority of subscribers open your emails in the evenings — and you’ve been sending out
your emails in the afternoons, then you can adjust your strategy to send out your emails closer
to when your audience is opening them. Doing so can help boost your open rate and allow you
to reach more of your subscribers at the right time.

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7. Time Spent Viewing Email

This email marketing metric is only useful if you’re attempting to engage your readers via your
emails. It’s not a useful metric if your emails are only a couple of sentences long since your
subscribers won’t spend much time on them. However, if you send longer articles, knowing
how long subscribers spend viewing your emails will be helpful. If they are spending a lot of
time on your email, it means the content is relevant and engaging. If they don’t, it means it’s

8. Active Audience

The active audience metric shows you how many subscribers on your list are actually active. A
subscriber that hasn’t opened an email from you in months can be considered inactive. You’ll
want to remove subscribers who are inactive for long periods of time from your email list every
three months or so. If you leave them on, they’ll negatively affect all of your other metrics,
making it difficult to analyze them effectively.

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