Salome Project

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Office technology is the application of scientific knowledge, devices and systems

to facilitate and enhance the information processes and delivery of same. It is also

viewed as a concept tha is associated with office automation, electronic technology

and office globalization. Office technology and management (OTM) is a new

academic programme in Nigeria tertiary institution designed to replace the

secretarial studies programme.

The need to prepare and make students secretarial studies competent, skillful

and employable in the world of work, which is being derived by technological

content in the erctwhile secretrail stided programme in the nations tertiary

institution gave birth to office technology and management. The programme is

designed to equip student with secretarial. Office skills for employment in barious

fields of endeavour.

Akwa citinf NETE asserted that in addition to the acquisition of vocational

skills in office technology and management, the students are equipped with

effective work competenies and socio psychological work skills which are very

essential in everyday interaction with others. According to Omeje (2008) asserted

that secretaute duties as a course in business setting is been taught in Benue State
Polytechnic, Ugbokolo which is aimed at preparing students who understood the

subject both theoretically and practically and at the end of the course paseed the

prescribed examinations which tagged them successful secretaries. A very solid

foundation should begin at secondary level of education. This means that the

effective teaching and learning of education on the contraru, ineffective teahing

and learning office technology and management (OTM) bill opportunites which

await thm at the end of the course.

According to Gabriel, (1996) the problem hindering the study of business

education in secondary school (republished) furthermore students excellent

performed in the school is influenced by the attitude towards the subject they are

expected to read. This involved around the various experience which they

expected to pas through is reading a particular course is related to success. They

will by the idea of working hard on the subject. On the other hand, if reading the

subject is reserved, reverse will be the case that they will develop apathy for the

subject and will not work to pass the subject

Obande (2009) assert that, if teachers wants students to develop positive

attitude towards secretarial course of a business subject taught in schools, they

must ensure that subjects must be taught in the interesting and attractive manner at

the early stages of the educational process, so that students first impression of the

subject will not be negative.

According to AGbo (200) opined that students apathy found office

technology and management (OTM) course may occur as a result of poor

presentation of the subjects by the lecturer who fails to teach the basic rules

involed appropriately, Segun (2003), stated that the lecturers being aware of the

students dislike of the subject should be able to assist his student by giving them

special or permedical excerise in relation to basic rules that might aid the students

to learn the subject effectively, once the students find out that there is success

coming their way, they will be motivated to study as well as develop positive

attitude towards the subject.

Audu (2011) ascerts that th problem of admission of student toread office

technology and management courses is one of the challenges the adven or miracls

centers compound the problems students are found with good credit but from

investigation they did not write the SSCE themselves.

Another challenger of reading as a course in benue state polytechnic is lack of

equipment, lecturrs attidue to teaching, adequate classroom or lecturers hall

protenting and parents attitude toward their children education is also not

encourage this of course is due to the level of poverty abound in the country

okwole and Abuja (2011).


The secretary is the prde of any organization because of her level of development

and devotion to work, a good secretary substitutes the boss whether the boss is not

in the office are thse qulaites still matained in the office> are the lecturers

dedicated or they would to be. There is low output of secretaries in the recent past

and those who are available lack the dedication to the secretaries of the past. Or the

recent secretaries is poort to the lend questions started to be asked.

The problem therefore is to ideify challenges in reading office techonology nd

management as a course at polytechnic lead in same.

The makor purpose of the study is to idenifty challenges in reading office

tehchnology and management as a carb in tertiary institution in benue state.

Specifically this study will;

1. Identify power supply as a challenge in reading Office Technology and

Management (OTM) as a course at polytechnic lend in Benue State.

2. Identifypoor background of teachers as a challenges in reading office

technology and management (OTM) as course at polytechnic lead in same


3. Identify poor teaching material challenge in reading office technology and

management (OTM) at polytechnic led in benue state.

4. Identify absence of laboratory as a challenge in reading office technology

and management (OTM) as course in polytechnic level in benue state

5. Identify cost or learning material as a challenge in reading office technology

and management (OTM) at polytechnic level in benue state


For the purpose of the study, the following questions are asked

a) What is power supply as a challenge in reading office technology and

management (OTM) at polytechnic level in beue state?

b) What is poor background or teachers of a challenge in reading office

technology and management (OTM) of polytechnic level in benue state

c) What is absence of laboratories as a challenge in reading office technology

and management (OTM) at polytechnic level in benue state

d) What is poor teaching material as a challenge in reading office technology

and management (OTM) at polytechnic level in benue state

e) What is cost of learning materials as a challenges in reading office

technology and management (OTM) at polytechnic level in benue state.


Ho1. Opinion of male and female does not differ significantly on power supply as

a challenge in reading office technology and management (OTM) at polytechnic

level in Benue State.

Ho2: Opinions of male and female does not differ significantly on poor

background of teachers as a challenge in reading office technology and

management (OTM) at polytechnic level in Benue State.

Ho3: Opinions of male and female does not differ significantly or absence of

laboratories as a challenge in reading office technology and management at

Polytechnic Level in Benue State.

Ho4: Opinions of male and female does not differ significantly or poor teaching

materials as a challenge in reading office technology and management (OTM) at

polytechnic level in Benue State.

Ho5: Opinion of male and female does not differ significantly or cost of learning

materials as a challenge in reading office technology in benue state.


The findings and recommendation will be of immense importance to the following

The research will be immense important of office technology and

management students as it will enable them to know siginfcantly what is repuied to

obtain skills and knowledge in the study of office technology and management.

The indeitification of these trends and the recommendation will also be

significant to the management of benue state polytechnic as it will inform them on

the challenges and the recommendation for successful sudy of office technology

and management. This will enable them strike in their efforts in their efforts in
provision of needed equipments posed as obstacle to the study of office technology

and management in the institution.

The policy makers who make education policies on the acquisition of office

technology management skill will find this study significant as it will encourage

them to explore better ways of impacting these polcies and skills and enforce the

implementation of these policies.

Students may found this study significant as a library material and it will

remove the mance of death of literature in identification of trends in office



The scope of the study revolves round the office management secretarial and

lectures who will benefit from this study and research.

It also includes challenges in reading office technology and management (OTM) as

a course at polytechnic level in benue state.


Several factors have delimited this project work among them are;

a) Time:


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