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REG. NO: BPU/SLT/ND/21/053

Presentation assignment
Discuss the classification of computer based on the following parameters:-
- Generation
- Size
- Type and
- Purpose

Classification of computer definition

Classification of computer is a process of organizing or arranging the computer
system based on vital feature. Classification of computers by generation is a
process of arranging computers based on the period of invention.
Classification of computers by generation
After the invention of the first computer in 1945 which filled the entire room,
subsequent computers showed improved capabilities.
These improved capabilities are captured in the following features
- Higher processing power and computation strength
- Reduced size and power consumption
- Lower cost of production, acquisition and maintenance
- Better and improved programming language
This shows the chronological improvement of the computer systems as
technology advanced.
First generation computers
These computers were developed between 1945 and 1956. They are based on
vacuum tubes and have the following:
Feature Description
Vacuum tubes Used for circuitry
Magnetic drums Used for memory and storage
Size Very large
Power consumption Consume a lot of power and generates a lot of
Cost Very expensive to buy and maintain
Speed Very slow (computation time in milliseconds)
Programming language Machine language
Input/ output Punched cards/ print outs
Second generation computers
The second generation computers were developed between 1956 and 1963
with transistors replacing vacuum tubes. Some of the characteristics include
Features Description
Transistors Used for circuitry
Magnetic core technology Instructions stored in memory magnetic
tape for mass storage
Size Large
Power consumption Consume less power and generates less
heat than 1st generation
Cost Less expensive than first generation
Speed Slow (computation time in microseconds)
Programming language Assembly language
Input/output Punched card/ print outs
Examples IBM1401, PDPL, UNIVAC1107

Third generation computers

Third generation computers were developed between 1964 and 1971 with
integrated circuits. Other notable characteristic are

Features Description
Integrated circuits Used of circuitry
Hard ware/ software The advent of operating systems to
interface between hardware/ software
Size Small (magnetic tape for storage
Power consumption Less power and less heat
Cost Cheaper and available to the public
Speed High (computation time in nanoseconds)
Programming language High level language
Input/output Keyboards/ monitors
Examples IBM 360s, PDP 11, Honey well 6000s
Fourth generation computers
This generation took place around 1871, it marked the advent of
microprocessors in place of integrated circuits and it is still on use today. Other
major characteristics include:
Features Description
Microprocessor Used as single processing power
RAM and cache technology Stores computation instructions for the
Size Small and portable
Power consumption Less power and heat
Cost Less expensive
Speed Fast (computation time in picoseconds)
Programming language High-level language
Input/output Keyboard, mouse monitor, printer
Examples Altair 8800, star 1000, cray-1
Fifth generation computers
The movement for the fifth generation computer began in Japan in 1982
through the ministry of international trade and industry. The project was initiated
to create computers with parallel computing technology, pattern processing and
logic programming language
Features Description
Processing Parallel processing and computing
Purpose Capable of learning and organizing
Cost Expensive
Speed Very fast
Programming language Logic programming and algorithm
Example Apple siri
Fifth generation is used to the computer that are capable of learning and organizing
based on human behavioral algorithms. They are in continuous development and
are based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Computer on the basis of size can be classified into four major types
1. Super computer
- Super computers are the fastest, most powerful and most expensive
- It has the ability to recover automatically from failure
- It has the ability to support several giga bytes of RAM
- Unlike conventional computers, which have a single process multiple
instructions at a time
- Super computers are widely used in scientific applications such as
aerodynamic design and simulation, process of geological data
- One of the most powerful super computers today is “The cray-s and some
other are CRAY 1, CRAY-MP, Sx-2, HITAC S-300 etc
2. Mainframe computer
- A mainframe computer is usually slower, less power and less expensive than
super computers
- Very large in size with approximately 1000 square ft area
- Mainframe process several million instructions per seconds (MIPS). More
than 1000 remote work stations can be accommodated by a typical
mainframe computer
- Mainframe are used by banks and many more business to update inventory
- Many modern mainframe have multiprocessing capabilities
- Example. IBM 4300 series, IBM 308x series, HP 9000 etc
3. Mini computer
- These are also a general purpose computer smaller than mainframe
computer. Medium sized computer, occupying approximately 1059 ft of
- They have slower operating speed, smaller backup storage, limited hard
ware and less memory than mainframes
- Minicomputers are well adopted for functions such as accounting, word
processing, database management, statistical packages for social sciences.
- More than 50 terminals and large storage capacity device than micro
computers but smaller than mainframe computers e.g Prime 9755
4. Micro computer
- A micro computer is the smallest, least expensive of all the computers
- Micro computers have smallest memory and less power
- Micro computers are also called personal computer
- The most common type of microcomputer is a desktop computer, which is a
non-portable personal computer. Eg. Desktop , laptop, notebook computer
- Used to perform a variety of tasks including research, communication,
banking, learning institutions, libraries etc
Computers on the basis of type can be classified as follows:
1. Analog computer
An analog computer performs task using continuous data (the physical
amount that changes continuously). Analog computers are used primarily to
measure physical units like the voltage, pressure, electric current,
temperature and convert them into digits.
It is also used t measure and perform arithmetic calculations of numbers, the
length of an object or the amount of voltage that passes through a point in an
electric current, the efficiency of this computer increases when we get the
result of data in graphs etc. analog computers cannot store statistics.
They are used in the fields of technology, science, research, engineering etc.
An analog computer installed on a petrol pump measures the amount of
petrol coming out of the pump and appears n liters. And calculate its value.
These quantities vary continuously while measuring the amount, such as the
temperature of human body changes consistently.
A simple clocks, the vehicle’s speedometer voltmeter etc are examples of
analog computing.
2. Digital computer
As the name suggests, a digital computer represents the digital computer’
letter’s numerical values, or any other special symbols. This computer is the
computer that calculates the number for processing data
They run on electronic signs, and the binary numeral method binary system
0 or 1 is used for calculation. Their speed is fast.
It can perform arithmetic operations such as addition, occurrence,
subtraction, multiplication or division and all types of logical (mathematical)
operations. Today most of the computers available in the market are digital
Digital computers are built to bring the solution of equations to an unlimited
precision, but in a bit slow manner compared to analog computers.
Digital computers use discrete electrical signals for operation rather than the
continuous electrical signals as analog computers have, making them the
most common form of computers today because of their versatility, speed
and power.
Personal desktop computers, calculatiors, laptops, smart phones and tablets,
chrome books, digital watch, accounting machines, workstations, digital
clock etc.
3. Hybrid computer
A hybrid computer is a combined complex computer unit built using both
analog and digital properties and united by a single control system. The
purpose or designing hybrid computers is to provide functions and features
that can be found on both analog and digital devices.
The aim behind creating a hybrid computer is to create a kind of work unit
that offers the best of both types of computers. Hybrid computers are
extremely fast when driving equations, even when these calculations are
incredibly complex.
Incorporating the properties of both (analog and digital) computers makes it
possible to resolve more difficult equations immediately.
Application of hybrid computer
Hybrid computers are most commonly used in vast industries, research
centres, organizations and manufacturing firms (where many equations need
to be solved) hybrid computers are used in scientific calculations, for
nations’ defence and radar system as well
Auto gasoline pump is the example of a hybrid computer, this device is
installed on a petrol pump do not only to measure the amount of petrol but
also to calculate its value, in this way it is capable of both functions i.e
hybrid function.
Computers on the basis of purpose
1. General purpose
General purpose computers can do various every day tasks such as writing a
word processing letter, document preparation, recording, financial analysis,
printing documents, creating data bases and calculations with accuracy and
The size, storage capacity and cost of such computers are mainly less. It
useful for serving people’s basic need at home or in the work place in the
Desktop, laptop, smart phones and tablets are used on daily basis for general
2. Special purpose
These computers are designed to perform a particular or specialized task.
The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers mainly depend on the
nature and size of the work. The function of these computers is consistent
with any particular task. It needs specific and input and devices as well as
compatible mother board with the processor to conduct work efficiency.
They are used for special purposes in weather forecast, space research,
agriculture, engineering etc.
Automatic teller machines (ATM), washing machines, traffic control
computers, surveillance equipment etc.


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