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Fresh cheese

Wheat flour

Step by Step

Step 1

Put the cassava to cook and let it be tender or well cooked so that you can then crush it and make
a cassava puree by removing the roots

Step 2

In a bowl, make the puree and add approximately 8 tablespoons of flour or until you see that it
does not stick to your hands, that is, it should look like a dough. extent that allows us to close it

Step 3

Once the caribañolas are assembled, we put them in very hot oil and cover them, be aware
because they seal quickly and that's it.
coffee flan


Milk -

Sugar -

Eggs -

for the caramel



lemon juice

1 To prepare the caramel in a saucepan, add the sugar without water. Bring to a simmer and stir
with a wooden spoon. Little by little the sugar will melt. When the caramel turns wheat color
(don't let it get dark than bitter).

Add a tablespoon of water, stir and add another and so on until the rest of the water and lemon
juice are incorporated. Pour the caramel into the flan or mold where we will later make the flan.

Preheat oven to 120 degrees.

In a saucepan add the milk and coffee and mix it

Beat the eggs with a whisk and add a tablespoon of sugar. We continue beating and again another
tablespoon until we can add all the sugar. Mix the eggs with the milk and coffee, beat for a few
seconds and pour into the mold where we have the caramel

For the flan to set, we will use the 'bain-marie' technique. It is very easy, but it requires 2 things:
low temperature in the oven and patience. Place a tray or baking dish larger than the flanera. Fill
the tray with water and put it in the oven. Place the flanera in the center of the baking dish. The
water should reach only half of the flan

Cover the flan with aluminum foil to prevent it from making a crust.

Bake for an hour at 120 degrees. After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven and let it rest for
five minutes. Take the coffee flan out of the oven and let it warm up as soon as possible in the
fridge for at least two hours before serving.

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