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Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Nama :____________________________

Kelas :V

Mata Pelajaran : English language

Waktu : 30 menit
Hari, Tanggal :

Petunjuk mengerjakan ujian:

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan ujian.
2. Tulis nama, hari, dan tanggal di tempat yang disediakan.
3. Baca se ap pertanyaan dengan teli .
4. Kerjakan soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu.
5. Tulis jawaban dengan jelas dan rapi.
6. Periksa kembali se ap jawaban sebelum menyerahkan.
Guru Orangtua Siswa

Read the instructions carefully, then answer the questions below. This test contains multiple
questions. You will face 5 multiple-choice questions (A, B, C, or D) and 5 short answer
questions. Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answers. You can score up to
100% for this test.

Scoring chart

Max % per question Criterium Max % test result

Multiple-choice (5 5% Correct answer 25%


Short answer (5 15% Grammar 5%, spelling 75%

questions) 5%, punctuation and
style 5%

Total questions: 10 Total score: 100%





Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

Past form of verb "swim" is ...

A) swum B) swam

C) swimming D) swimmed

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

Past form of verb "walk" is ...

A) walk B) walke

C) walked D) walking

Task 3. Choose the correct answer.

Past form of verb "play" is ...

A) plaid B) played

C) plaied D) playing

Task 4. Read the sentence below. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks.

She ________ up at five o'clock this morning.

A) wake B) waked

C) woke D) waking

Task 5. Read the sentence below. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks.

My parents ________ me to my favorite fast food place.

A) taken B) took

C) taking D) taked

Answer questions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 similarly to the examples given below.


What time did you go to school?

I went to school at 6 o'clock.


Did you go to the supermarket yesterday?

Yes I did. / No, I didn't.

Task 6. Answer the question below. Use a full sentence. Use Past Simple Tense.

What time did you wake up yesterday?



Task 7. Answer the question below. Use a full sentence. Use Past Simple Tense.

Did you take a shower yesterday?



Task 8. Answer the question below. Use a full sentence. Use Past Simple Tense.

Did you go to school yesterday?



Task 9. Answer the question below. Use a full sentence. Use Past Simple Tense.

Did you go to the supermarket yesterday?



Task 10. Answer the question below. Use a full sentence. Use Past Simple Tense.

Did you eat breakfast yesterday?



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