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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật


The Project Planning Stage

Giai đoạn hoạch định dự án

Phuong TT Tran
Project Appraisal & Management


‰ Introduction

‰ The Planning Stage

(Planning Project Documents)

Trần Thiện Trúc Phượng 1

Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

Key Outputs of Project Stage

Initiation Planning Implementing Implementing Closing

(Executing) (Controlling)
Project Charter Project

2. The Planning Stage

ƒ The Planning Stage focuses on developing a detailed

project plan that can be executed to acquire all project
deliverables according to project specifications
ƒ The following are some of the major project management
9 Determining the Scope of Work 9 Developing a Resource Mngmt Plan
9 Understanding and Creating the WBS 9 Developing Communication Plan
9 Planning the Time Element 9 Developing a Procurement Plan
9 Planning the Cost Element 9 Developing HR Mngmt Plan
9 Planning the Quality Element 9 Developing the Risk Plan

Project Plan Temnplate 01


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4 Planning the Cost Element

ƒ Consult from Scope docs: Project Constraint & Assumption Æ Cost.

ƒ All tasks that achieve a particular goal or deliverable are limited by the
j t d costt constraints
t i t for
f that
th t goall or deliverable.
d li bl
ƒ Cost assumptions can be improved as planning the cost element

1. Xác định nguồn lực (Resource Identifiaction): xác định

những nguồn lực nào (con người, trang thiết bị, nguyên vật liệu)

à với
ới số
ố lượng
l b nhiêu
bao hiê sẽẽ được
đ sử
ử dụng
d t
trong d án.
dự á
2. Ước tính chi phí (Cost Estimating): phát triển việc ước tính
chi phí các nguồn lực để hoàn thành dự án.
3. Lập dự thảo ngân sách chi phí (Cost Budgeting): phân
phối tổng chi phí ước tính cho từng khoản mục công việc nhỏ để
thiết lập ranh giới (baseline) cho việc đo lường hiệu quả công
4. Kiểm soát chi phí (Cost Control): kiểm soát sự thay đổi
đến ngân sách của dự án. (Æ trình bày trong Implementing

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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.1 Resource Planning / Resource identification

ƒ Every task needs resources to be completed and these

resources cost something to provide.
ƒ Resource includes (i) Human,
Human (ii) Equipments and
and, (iii)
ƒ Required documents before resource planning:
ƒ The Project WBS
ƒ Historical information (resources using in similar task of similar project)
ƒ Scope
S statement
t t t
ƒ Resource pool description (which one is available)
ƒ Organizational policies (buy/ rent,… procurement policy)
ƒ Project Calendar
ƒ Project Schedule

2.4.1 Examples of common resources or costs

ƒ Human resource ƒ Desks

ƒ Equipment
q p costs ƒ Technology
gy infrastructure
ƒ Travel expense ƒ Administrative costs
ƒ Special skills sets ƒ Overhead
ƒ Telephone bills ƒ Materials and supplies
ƒ Computers
p ƒ Others
ƒ Software
ƒ Office space

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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.1 Resource Planning (cont)

ƒ Planning method:
ƒ SMEs
ƒ Alternative Solution
ƒ Software
ƒ Resource Identification: shows resource list and resource
schedule for each task in WBS.

tit Resource List D
ti St t Date
Start D t Finish
Fi i h Date
D t
For Excavate for foundations

1 Site excavation contractor 3 days 2/20 2/22

1 Site supervisor 3 days 2/20 2/22
1 Excavation Tractor 1 day 2/20 2/20
2 Site Lights 3 days 2/20 2/22
3 Site Workmen (A) 2 days 2/21 2/22

2.4.2 Cost Estimating

ƒ Cost estimating is a process of assembling and predicting

the cost of necessary resource to complete project.
ƒ Cost Estimation Methods:
ƒ SMEs ƒ Bottom-up
ƒ Previous Projects ƒ Top-down
ƒ Quantitative methods

ƒ Administration costs: 5% - 30% total pproject

j costs.
ƒ Buffer cost: Buffer costs create a buffer to prevent costs
from running over the project’s budget or cost estimates.
Should be <= 20% total cost.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.2 Cost Estimating example


Mobilization and demobilization Lot 1

2 Temporary facility 1

3 Insurance 1

4 Site supervision 1

5 Safety Officer 2

6 Safety expenditure 1


2.4.2 Cost Estimating example

ƒ Resource: Site Lights

ƒ Unit Cost: $20/hour
ƒ No of Units:
ƒ Project Calendar: 24 hour work day
ƒ Resource Schedule: 3 days
ƒ No of Units = 24 * 3 = 72

ƒ Project Cost per Site Light: Unit Cost * No. of Units = 72 * $20 = $1440
ƒ Cost for two Site Lights = $1440 * 2 = $2880


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.2 Cost Estimating example

Start Projected
Quantity Resource List Duration Finish Date
Date Costs
1 Site excavation contractor 3 days 2/20 2/22 $1200
1 Site supervisor 3 days 2/20 2/22 $960
1 Excavation Tractor 1 day 2/20 2/20 $600
2 Site Lights 3 days 2/20 2/22 $2880
3 Site Workmen (A) 2 days 2/21 2/22 $1450
Total Task Costs $7,090


2.4.2 Cost Estimating example

Project Task: Excavate for foundations

ƒ Task Specific Resource List:

y Resource List Duration Start Date
1 Site excavation contractor 3 days 2/20 2/22
1 Site supervisor 3 days 2/20 2/22
1 Excavation Tractor 1 day 2/20 2/20
2 Site Lights 3 days 2/20 2/22
3 Site Workmen (A) 2 days 2/21 2/22

ƒ Compensation
p rate: $40/hour
ƒ Total Man-hours: 3 days x 8 hour day = 24 hours
ƒ Estimated costs = 24 hours * $40 = $960
ƒ Other compensation: None


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.2 Cost Estimating example

Project Task: Excavate for foundations

Start Finish Estimated

Quantity Resource List Duration
Date Date Costs

1 Site excavation contractor 3 days 2/20 2/22

1 Site supervisor 3 days 2/20 2/22 $960
1 Excavation Tractor 1 day 2/20 2/20
2 Site Lights 3 days 2/20 2/22
3 Site Workmen (A) 2 days 2/21 2/22

ƒ Assigning resources and Assigning responsibility: each task

has resources and will be responsible with the project
member(s) who is assign to the task.


2.4.3 Cost budgeting

ƒ Cost PlanÆ BCWS


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.4.3 Cost budgeting

Cumulative 75,000






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ƒ Update Cost plan Æ Cost Baseline Æ BCWS (Budgeted Cost

of Work Scheduled

2.5 Procurement Plan

ƒ Procurement Plan is essentially the strategy for determining

how to secure the resources for the tasks in your project Æ
affect on the cost estimations of a project.
ƒ Procurement Methods:
ƒ Make
ƒ Buy
ƒ Rent
Advantages vs Disadvantages?
ƒ Lease
ƒ Outsource
ƒ License
ƒ The Procurement Criteria includes costs, duration need,
technical requirements, availability, dependability and other

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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ Make: This means that you will create or make the actual resource.
This may have several advantages, such as ownership of copyrights,
trademarks, patents and trade secrets,
trademarks secrets which may allow you to license
the resource. Making may be cheaper than buying the resource.
Depending on the nature of the project and the resource, this may be
advantageous. Resources that you make can be sold with or without
rights to recover costs.
ƒ However, making the resource means time and increased
management to ensure delivery and quality. Additionally, you may
need to acquire other things to make the resource such as the
necessary skill sets. You would probably have to put an entire process
in place. Not all resources can be made and in making the resource,
you may face other procurement challenges.


2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ Buy: This means that you will purchase the resource. This may
provide several benefits such as immediate availability and
guaranteed quality
quality. Additionally
Additionally, buying may be cheaper than making
the resource. Buying the resource will increase the assets of the
company; these assets can increase in value or depreciate with time.
Resources that you buy can be sold to recover costs.
ƒ Moreover, when you buy the resource, you may not own its
copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. Additionally, you
may have to purchase extended warranties for the life of the project to
ensure resource availability. Most resources can be purchased.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ Rent: Rentals tend to be very useful for short term arrangements.

Rental has the benefit of on-demand availability.
ƒ However, rental can be more expensive in the long run than buying,
making, or leasing. Rental also provides no ownership, and hence the
resources cannot be resold. Not all resources may be available for
lease. Ensure that warranties are applicable during the rental period.


2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ Lease: Lease contracts are very useful for long term arrangements.
The lease can ensure certain legal and service protections,
performance requirements and basically any other term that you
require. Leases tend to be less expensive than rentals in the long
term. They can also provide a path to ownership in lease-to-own
contracts. Additionally, leases may give you the option of subleasing
the resource.
ƒ However, leases may require financial evaluations and insurance
contracts. Leases may bind you into a long-term financial obligation.
Leases may or may not be transferable.
f In addition, not all resources
may be available for lease. Ensure that warranties are applicable for
the entire lease period.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ Outsource: Certain resources can be outsourced, which allows the

resource and the service provided by that resource, to be handled by another
party. Every resource has an accompanying service, for example: the
excavation tractor provides excavation services. Outsourcing has the benefit
of removing the management burden associated with the resource and may
prove to be very cost effective. Outsourced service providers may be uniquely
skilled at providing their service, and this can result in increased quality and
reduced costs. Outsourced services may also combine the human resource
costs with the resource costs that reduce cost estimates. Additionally, this
would allow the project team to concentrate on essential tasks and functions.
Outsourced services may also provide an option to warranty the work itself itself.
ƒ However, without proper quality of service contracts, you may not be able to
control the quality and delivery of the service provided by the resource.
Outsourced services provide no ownership, and, as such, the resource cannot
be sold after use.


2.5 Procurement Plan (cont)

ƒ License: Licensing is very useful for acquiring resources where you

need access to copyright, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.
Additionally, licensing may give you the option of sublicensing.
Additionally sublicensing
Licenses may or may not be transferable and may have expiration
dates which need to be considered based upon the project schedule.
Licenses provide a limited form of ownership.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.5 Example of Procurement Analysis

Resource List Make Buy Rent Lease License Outsource

Delivery Truck No Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Shuffles No Yes Yes No No No

Excavation Tractor No Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Site Lights Yes Yes Yes No No No


2.5 Example of Procedure Criteria

ƒ The Vendor Must : Provide room air conditioners that earn the ENERGY STAR
and meet the ENERGY STAR criteria for energy efficiency as outlined below.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.5 Example of Procedure Plan

Thuê Tự cung
Công việc Mua ngoài Ghi chú
ngoài cấp
Công tác khảo sát  Yes Khảo sát thực hiện cùng đơn vị thi công

Yes Thuê đơn vị thiết kế nhà máy (Công ty Green 

Công tác thiết kế kiến trúc  Solution)
Công tác thiết kế nội thất  Yes Chủ đầu tư thực hiện
Xin phép xây dựng
Thuê ngoài:
1. Giấy phép kinh doanh
Yes Yes
Tự thực hiện:
1. Giấy phép sản xuất
2. Giấy phép y tế

Yes Nhà thầu xây dựng thực hiện dưới sự giám sát 

Công tác thi công công trình  của chủ đầu tư.
Công tác giám sát thi công công trình Yes Chủ đầu tư thực hiện
Nghiệm thu công trình
Nghiệm thu công trình Yes Chủ đầu tư
đầu tư thực hiện
thực hiện

Yes CÔng ty tư vấn Green Solution cung cấp & lắp 

Dây chuyền lọc nước đặt

Yes CÔng ty tư vấn Green Solution cung cấp & lắp 

Hệ thống thanh trùng đặt

Yes CÔng ty tư vấn Green Solution cung cấp & lắp 

Hệ thống đóng chai & thành phNm đặt
Nguyên vật tư sản xuất Yes Chủ đầu tư thực hiện


2.5 Procurement Plan (cont) - Tenders or Bids

ƒ Tenders or Bids: in case resources are supplied by different vendors and suppliers.
ƒ Scope of Work (SoW): in order to get a better understanding of the cost estimates for
the resources. You may include the scope of work, or the part of the scope of work,
th t is
that i relevant
l t to
t the
th IFB.
ƒ Invite a wide range of vendors and suppliers to tender to create comparative cost
estimates. Should be aware of contractual implications in using this method.
ƒ Documents include:
ƒ RFP, Request for Proposal (Yêu cầu đề xuất)
ƒ RFQ, Request for Quotation (Yêu cầu báo giá)
ƒ RFI, Request for Information
ƒ IFB, Invitation for Bid (Mời dự thầu)
ƒ Procurement and contracting is a task Æ can be documented + scheduled in WBS.
ƒ Procurement Criteria Æ evaluating bids and proposals.
ƒ Update Project Constraints and Assumptions.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.6 Human Resource management Plan

ƒ Reviewing task-specific resource list to determine the

needed human resources for each task.
ƒ Clarifying HR (workforce), SoW of HR, and the
compensation rate
ƒ Identifying project calendar and project schedule.
ƒ Recognizing other additional compensation
ƒ Payment
P t Schedule
S h d l
ƒ Update cost baseline and time baseline.


2.6 RASCI chart

ƒ R = Responsible (Người thực hiện) The person who is ultimately

responsible for delivering the project and/or task successfully.
t bl (N
ời ra quyết
ết định)
đị h) The
Th person who
h hhas
ultimate accountability and authority; they are the person to whom “R”
is accountable.
ƒ S = Supportive (Người cung cấp nguồn lực) The person or team of
individuals who can provide resources or other support to “R ”.
ƒ C = Consulted (Nhà tư vấn) Someone whose input adds value
and/or buy-in
buy in is essential for ultimate implementation
ƒ I = Informed (Người được thông báo) The person or groups of
individuals who need to be notified of results or actions taken but don’t
need to be involved in the decision-making process.


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.6 RASCI chart

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6

Task A
Task B
Task C
Task D
Task E

1 Identify
1. Id tif ttasks
k and
d lilistt th
them d
down th
the lleft
ft side
id off th
the chart.
h t
2. Identify roles (/people) and list them across the top of the chart
3. Identify who has each of 5 roles (RASCI) and put the appropriate letter
in each box.
4. Check that every task has only one R. Resolve overlap or gaps.

2.6 RASCI chart


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.7 Planning the Quality Element

ƒ WBS, project and tasks specifications are a major part of

planning the quality element for project.
ƒ Quality Project scope & deliverable specs
all tasks create that deliverable
ƒ By planning the project and task specifications, we have
really defined the quality of our work.
ƒ Specifications
p must be detailed and p
precise,, Æ define
both the Grade and Quality of the specification to produce
the desired standard of work.


2.7 Planning the Quality Element (cont)

ƒ Grade: represents a descriptive rating for each material

resource that we require.
ƒ Example: In creating a “soft drink can” we may need Grade 2
aluminum. This grade may not represent the quality, but just the
type of material that is required when making soft drink cans.

ƒ Quality: represents standards of workmanship or the

degree of excellence in the completed work.
ƒ Example: The standard of workmanship in creating our “soft
soft drink
can” must be excellent, reach the ISO 2000.

Quality means that something does that you needed it to do.

Grade described how much people value it
Quality and Grade affect cost + time element.

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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.8 Communication Plan

ƒ Communication time is 50% - 80% of total project time,

begun after project charter is authorized.
ƒ Communication cycle





2.8 Communication Plan (cont)

Methods of Communication


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.8 Communication Plan (cont)


2.9 Risk plan

ƒ The risk rating describes the risk in terms of its impact on

time, cost and quality elements.

Low Medium High
5 – 10 % > 10 %
Cost <5% increase
increase increase
5 – 10 % > 10 %
Time <5%
5% iincrease
increase increase

Quality Insignificant Significant Serious


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật

2.10 Sponsor Approval


The Project Plan Content

1. Scope of Work
2. WBS and Tasks
3. Schedule Plan
4. Cost Plan
5. Procurement Management Plan
6. HR Management Plan
7. Quality Plan
8 Communication Plan
9. Risk Plan
10. Sponsor Approval


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Khoa KTĐN, ĐH Kinh tế Luật


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