Authentic Happiness - 2

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16/11/2022 21:49 Authentic Happiness

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Optimism Test

Here are your scores on the Optimism Test. The following two sections will explain the two basic dimensions of optimism. There are
two crucial dimensions to your explanatory style: permanence and pervasiveness.
Certain scores cause the percentile graph to display incorrectly; we apologize if this happens and please ignore this.
For further information see the book Authentic Happiness

Nov 16, 2022

Score Range : 0 to 8
Permanence-Good Events : 3

Permanence-Good Events Score (You scored as high as or higher than...)

100 %
80 Sc…




Web Users Gender Age Group Occupation Education Zip Code
Group Level

People who believe good events have a permanent cause are more optimistic than those who believe they have temporary


If your score is 7 or 8, you are very optimistic about the likelihood of good events continuing; 6, moderately optimistic; 4 or

5, average; 3, moderately pessimistic; and 0, 1, or 2, very pessimistic.

Nov 16, 2022

Score Range : 0 to 8
Permanence-Bad Events : 6

Permanence-Bad Events Score (You scored as high as or higher than...)

100 %
80 Sc…




Web Users Gender Age Group Occupation Education Zip Code
Group Level

People who give up easily believe the causes of the bad events that happen to them are permanent—the bad events will

persist, are always going to be there to affect their lives. People who resist helplessness believe the causes of bad events

are temporary.

If your score is 0-1, you are very optimistic on this dimension; 2 or 3, moderately optimistic; 4 average, 5 or 6 quite

pessimistic; and if you got a 7 or 8 you are very pessimistic.

Nov 16, 2022

Score Range : 0 to 8
Pervasiveness-Bad Events : 6 1/3
16/11/2022 21:49 Authentic Happiness

Pervasiveness-Bad Events Score (You scored as high as or higher than...)

100 %
80 Sc…




Web Users Gender Age Group Occupation Education Zip Code
People who make universal (pessimistic) explanations for their failures Level
give up on everything when a failure strikes in one

area. People who make specific (optimistic) explanations may become helpless in that one part of their lives, yet march

stalwartly on in others.

If your score is 0-1, you are very optimistic on this dimension; 2 or 3, moderately so; 4 average, 5 or 6 quite pessimistic;

and if you got a 7 or 8 very pessimistic

Nov 16, 2022

Score Range : 0 to 8

Pervasiveness-Good Events : 3

Pervasiveness-Good Events Score (You scored as high as or higher than...)

100 %
80 Sc…




Web Users Gender Age Group Occupation Education Zip Code
Group Level

The optimist believes good events will enhance everything he does, while the pessimist believes good events are caused by

specific factors.

If your score is 7 or 8, you are very optimistic; 6, moderately optimistic; 4 or 5, average; 3, moderately pessimistic; and 0,

1, or 2, very pessimistic

Nov 16, 2022

Score Range : -16 to 16

Hopefulness : -6

Hopefulness Score (You scored as high as or higher than...)

100 %
80 Sc…




Web Users Gender Age Group Occupation Education Zip Code
Group Level

Whether or not we have hope depends on the two dimensions of Permanence and Pervasiveness taken together. Finding

permanent and universal causes of good events along with temporary and specific causes for misfortune is the art of hope

finding permanent and universal causes for misfortune and temporary and specific causes of good events is the practice of

despair. 2/3
16/11/2022 21:49 Authentic Happiness

If your score is 10 to 16, you are extraordinarily hopeful; 6 to 9, moderately hopeful; from 1 to 5, average, from minus 5 to

0, moderately hopeless; and below minus 5, severely hopeless.

Thank you for your kind contribution to this research. Please click the link below if you'd like to further participate in one
of our pioneering research projects - The World Well-Being Project has developed a revolutionary new way of capturing
well-being: automatically connecting words people use in spaces like Facebook or Twitter, to facets of their personality.
Click the link here to connect your survey results to Facebook
©2022, The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved. 3/3

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