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Graduate School Department

1st Semester S.Y. 2021-2022


As we all know, ICT is useful and beneficial. Nowadays, the youth

are heavily exposed to technology as a result of its vast discovery of almost
everything. Since it has become a great concern for many educators, almost
all schools worldwide are incorporating ICT into the teaching and learning
process and using it to improve the education system.
At first, I had no idea what is the real purpose of ICT to us, but as the
lessons progressed, I realized many things, such as the importance of
technology to all of us. With the help of ICT, it guides us to complete our
works and tasks quickly. ICT also makes all schools “smarter”. As a result,
everyone receives different information and knowledge from it. For
example, if we are having difficulty in our studies, this is the fastest way to
look up the definition online. Gathering information for school projects is
now more convenient and less-time consuming as it was before. And
submitting work via email not only saves the teacher from having to carry
his/her students’ work around with him/her, but it also saves paper. So
far, ICT has made it easier to carry out the teaching-learning process.
Based on what I’ve learned about ICT, I’d probably use the skills in
my daily life because as we all know, computers and technology are
everywhere and anywhere. We are exposed to technologies, so we should
use them to solve problems and help others in the future. And we must
always remember that ICT both helps and destroys. Don’t let it take over
your life. Take control of it.

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