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The Last House of the Master – THE IMPERFECT HOUSE

An elderly construction teacher was ready to retire to enjoy his retirement pension. He told his boss
about his plans to quit to lead a more enjoyable life with his wife and family. He was going to miss his
monthly salary, but he needed to retire; they would manage somehow...

The boss realized that it was inevitable that his good employee would leave the company and asked
him, as a personal favor, to make the last effort: build one more house. The man agreed and began his
work, but it was clear that he was not putting his heart into what he was doing. He used inferior materials,
and his work, like that of his assistants, was poor. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the bricklayer finished the job, the boss went to inspect the house and handed him the keys to
the front door. “This is your house, dear friend,” he said. It is a gift for you".

If the bricklayer had known that he was building his own house, surely he would have made it totally
different. Now he would have to live in the imperfect house he had built!

In my opinion, what this story reflects is that the way to face things is not reluctantly and as if it were not
important. Absolutely everything we do is important and in some way creates our future. If you don't put
effort into your work, you will never be good at it, no matter how much you think it's not your life's work.
If otherwise, and despite not being the work of your life, you put effort into it (heart), that will be seen by
others and perhaps without knowing how going through that job will bring you closer to the job of your

A good friend once told me that work is where we spend the most time along with when we sleep. I
realized that it really is like that, so why not be comfortable in our workplace? Really, if we are not
comfortable, we are condemning ourselves to spend most of our lives in discomfort.

This is applicable to any area of our lives. In any case, it is a program that many of us have had since
we were little. When at home they forced me to do housework, I did it reluctantly, first so that, when my
parents realized it, they would release me from the task and do it themselves, and second (if the first
way didn't work) not pay so much attention to that task and distract myself thinking about other things
that made me do it really bad. What I was looking for at that moment was to escape from something I
didn't like. He really got what he wanted. In the first case, the objective was easily achieved and they
were doing me a great favor at that moment. They were actually teaching me that to get rid of something
you have to do it wrong. In the second case, he didn't learn anything from what he was doing either, so
it wasn't very useful.

Qué conclusiones puede dar de la lectura:


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