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At the end of the topic the students must have:
1. described electromagnetic waves using Maxwell’s equation
2. explained the mathematical relationship between the magnetic field strength and the electrical
field strength
3. explained why the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave
4. drawn a simplified electromagnetic spectrum, indicating the relative positions, frequencies, and
spacing of the different types of radiation bands
5. explained the different methods by which electromagnetic waves are produced across the
6. explained how the energy and amplitude of an electromagnetic wave are related

Electromagnetic waves are all around us. Like any other wave, they can transport energy and
momentum as they are traveling disturbances. They consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which
conceived as transverse waves. Since they are periodic, their amplitude, frequency, wavelength, speed and
energy can be used to describe them. On the other hand, electromagnetic waves also have some unique
properties compared to other waves. Unlike mechanical waves, they can travel matter and a vacuum.
It is worth noting at the outset that the general phenomenon of electromagnetic waves was predicted
by theory before it was realized that light is a form of electromagnetic wave. The prediction was made by
James Clerk Maxwell in the mid-19th century when he formulated a single theory combining all the electric
and magnetic effects known by scientists at that time. “Electromagnetic waves” was the name he gave to the
phenomena his theory predicted. Such a theoretical prediction followed by experimental verification is an
indication of the power of science in general, and physics in particular. The underlying connections and
unity of physics allow certain great minds to solve puzzles without having all the pieces. The prediction of
electromagnetic waves is one of the most spectacular examples of this power.
The beauty of a coral reef, the warmth of sunshine, sunburn, an X-ray image revealing a broken
bone, even microwave popcorn—all involve electromagnetic waves. What are electromagnetic waves? How
are they created, and how do they travel? How can we understand and conceptualize their widely varying
properties? What is their relationship to electric and magnetic effects? These and other questions will be
explored in this module.


At the end of the topic the students must have:
1. described electromagnetic waves using Maxwell’s equation
2. explained the mathematical relationship between the magnetic field strength and the electrical
field strength

Video Links:
 What are electromagnetic waves?

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 1

 EM Waves

Scotsman James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879)

 greatest theoretical physicist of the 19th century.
 formulated a complete electromagnetic theory, represented by Maxwell’s equations,
 developed the kinetic theory of gases
 contributed significantly to the understanding of color vision and the nature of Saturn’s rings.

Maxwell brought together all the work that had been done by brilliant physicists such as Oersted,
Coulomb, Gauss, and Faraday, and added his own insights to develop the overarching theory of

Maxwell’s Equations

1. Electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges. The electric
field is defined as the force per unit charge on a test charge, and the strength of the force is related to the
electric constant ε0, also known as the permittivity of free space. From Maxwell’s first equation we obtain a
special form of Coulomb’s law known as Gauss’s law for electricity.

2. Magnetic field lines are continuous, having no beginning or end. No magnetic monopoles are
known to exist. The strength of the magnetic force is related to the magnetic constant µ 0, also known as the
permeability of free space. This second of Maxwell’s equations is known as Gauss’s law for magnetism.

3. A changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (emf) and, hence, an electric field. The
direction of the emf opposes the change. This third of Maxwell’s equations is Faraday’s law of induction,
and includes Lenz’s law.

4. Magnetic fields are generated by moving charges or by changing electric fields. This fourth of
Maxwell’s equation encompasses Ampere’s law and adds another source of magnetism—changing electric
Maxwell’s equations encompass the major laws of electricity and magnetism. What is not so
apparent is the symmetry that Maxwell introduced in his mathematical framework. Especially important is
his addition of the hypothesis that changing electric fields create magnetic fields.
Since changing electric fields create relatively weak magnetic fields, they could not be easily
detected at the time of Maxwell’s hypothesis. Maxwell realized, however, that oscillating charges, like those
in AC circuits, produce changing electric fields. He predicted that these changing fields would propagate
from the source like waves generated on a lake by a jumping fish. The waves predicted by Maxwell would
consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields—defined to be electromagnetic waves (EM waves).
Electromagnetic waves would be capable of exerting forces on charges great distances from their source and
might thus be detectable. Maxwell calculated that electromagnetic waves would propagate at a speed given
by the equation

When the values for µ0 and ε0 are entered into the equation for c, we find that

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 2

which is the speed of light. Thus, Maxwell concluded that light is an electromagnetic wave having
such wavelengths that it can be detected by the eye.

Production of Electromagnetic Waves

Whenever a current varies, associated electric and magnetic fields vary, moving out from the source
like waves. Study figure 3.1.1 to visualize a varying current in a long straight wire, produced by an AC
generator at its center.

Figure 3.1.1. This long straight gray wire with an AC generator at its center becomes a broadcast antenna for
electromagnetic waves. Shown here are the charge distributions at four different times. The electric
field (E) propagates away from the antenna at the speed of light, forming part of an electromagnetic
The electric field (E) shown surrounding the wire is produced by the charge distribution on the wire.
Both the E and the charge distribution vary as the current changes. The changing field propagates outward at
the speed of light.
There is an associated magnetic field (B) that propagates outward as well (see Figure 3.1.1). The
electric and magnetic fields are closely related and propagate as electromagnetic waves. This is what
happens in broadcast antennae such as those in radio and TV stations.
A closer examination of the one complete cycle shown in Figure 3.1.1 reveals the periodic nature of
the generator-driven charges oscillating up and down in the antenna and the electric field produced. At time t
= 0, there is the maximum separation of charge, with negative charges at the top and positive charges at the
bottom, producing the maximum magnitude of the electric field (or E-field) in the upward direction. One-
fourth of a cycle later, there is no charge separation and the field next to the antenna is zero, while the
maximum E-field has moved away at speed c.
As the process continues, the charge separation reverses and the field reaches its maximum
downward value, returns to zero, and rises to its maximum upward value at the end of one complete cycle.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 3

The outgoing wave has an amplitude proportional to the maximum separation of charge. Its wavelength (λ)
is proportional to the period of the oscillation and, hence, is smaller for short periods or high frequencies.

Electric and Magnetic Waves: Moving Together

The relationship between E and B is shown in Figure 3.1.2a. As the current varies, the magnetic field
varies in magnitude and direction.

Figure 3.1.2. (a) The current in the antenna produces the circular magnetic field lines. The
current (I) produces the separation of charge along the wire, which in turn creates the electric
field as shown. (b) The electric and magnetic fields (E and B) near the wire are
perpendicular; they are shown here for one point in space. (c) The magnetic field varies
with current and propagates away from the antenna at the speed of light.

The magnetic field lines also propagate away from the antenna at the speed of light, forming the
other part of the electromagnetic wave, as seen in Figure 3.1.2b. The magnetic part of the wave has the same
period and wavelength as the electric part since they are both produced by the same movement and
separation of charges in the antenna. The electric and magnetic waves are shown together at one instant in
time in Figure 3.1.3. The electric and magnetic fields produced by a long straight wire antenna are exactly in
phase. Note that they are perpendicular to one another and to the direction of propagation, making this a
transverse wave.

Figure 3.1.3. A part of the electromagnetic wave sent out from the antenna at one instant in time. The electric
and magnetic fields (E and B) are in phase, and they are perpendicular to one another and the
direction of propagation. For clarity, the waves are shown only along one direction, but they
propagate out in other directions too.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 4

Electromagnetic waves generally propagate out from a source in all directions, sometimes forming a
complex radiation pattern. For example, a linear antenna like this one will not radiate parallel to its length.
Note that an electromagnetic wave, as shown in Figure 3.1.3, is the result of a changing electric field causing
a changing magnetic field, which causes a changing electric field, and so on. Therefore, unlike other waves,
an electromagnetic wave is self-propagating, even in a vacuum (empty space). It does not need a medium to
travel through.

Receiving Electromagnetic Waves

An incoming electromagnetic wave accelerates electrons in the antenna, receiver antennas are
specially designed to resonate at particular frequencies. For instance, if the radio or TV is switched on,
electrical components pick up and amplify the signal formed by the accelerating electrons. The signal is then
converted to audio and/or video format. Sometimes big receiver dishes are used to focus the signal onto an
antenna. In fact, charges radiate whenever they are accelerated. Thus, this mostly true that when designing
circuits, we assume that energy does not quickly escape AC circuits. A broadcast antenna is specially
designed to enhance the rate of electromagnetic radiation, and shielding is necessary to keep the radiation
close to zero. Your microwave oven, for example, sends electromagnetic waves, called microwaves, from a
concealed antenna that has an oscillating current imposed on it.

Relating E -Field and B -Field Strengths

There is a relationship between the E - and B - field strengths in an electromagnetic wave. This can
be understood by again considering the antenna just described. The stronger the E -field created by a
separation of charge, the greater the current and, hence, the greater the B-field created. Since the current is
directly proportional to voltage (Ohm’s law) and voltage is directly proportional to E -field strength, the two
should be directly proportional. It can be shown that the magnitudes of the fields do have a constant ratio,
equal to the speed of light. That is,

is the ratio of E -field strength to B -field strength in any electromagnetic wave. This is true at all
times and at all locations in space.

Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields

Broadcast radio waves from KPhET. Wiggle the transmitter electron manually or have it oscillate
automatically. Display the field as a curve or vectors. The strip chart shows the electron positions at the
transmitter and at the receiver. Use the simulation link below.



Take-Home Experiment: Antennas

For your TV or radio at home, identify the antenna, and sketch its shape. If you don’t have cable, you
might have an outdoor or indoor TV antenna. Estimate its size. If the TV signal is between 60 and 216 MHz
for basic channels, then what is the wavelength of those EM waves?
Turn the radio on and note the small range of frequencies at which a reasonable signal for that station
is received. Explain why some frequencies indicated in your radio cannot be reached.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 5



At the end of the topic the students must have:
1. explained why the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave
2. drawn a simplified electromagnetic spectrum, indicating the relative positions, frequencies, and
spacing of the different types of radiation bands
3. explained the different methods by which electromagnetic waves are produced across the
4. explained how the energy and amplitude of an electromagnetic wave are related


Eight years after Maxwell’s death in 1887 EM waves were first generated and detected
experimentally by Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894). These waves travel at the speed of light and exhibit all the
characteristics of light such as reflection, refraction, and interference.
Electromagnetic (EM) waves have a vast range of practical everyday applications such as
communication by cell phone and radio broadcasting, wifi, cooking, vision, medical imaging, and treating
cancer. EM waves are classified into radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and so on.
The different categories of electromagnetic waves differ in their wavelength range, or equivalently,
in their corresponding frequency ranges. Their properties change smoothly from one frequency range to the
next, with different applications in each range.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic waves or EM radiation have been produced or detected over a wide range of
frequencies known as the electromagnetic spectrum. An overview of the production and utilization of
electromagnetic waves is found in Table 3.2.1.
The relationship c = f λ between frequency f and wavelength λ applies to all waves and ensures that
greater frequency means smaller wavelength. Figure 3.2.1 shows how the various types of electromagnetic
waves are categorized according to their wavelengths and frequencies—that is, it shows the electromagnetic

Figure 3.2.1. The electromagnetic spectrum showing the major categories of electromagnetic waves.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 6


Table 3.2.1. Electromagnetic Waves

Radio Waves

Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths greater than about 0.1 m and are commonly used for
audio communications (i.e., for radios). Radio waves typically result from an alternating current in the wires
of a broadcast antenna. They cover a very broad wavelength range and are divided into many sub-ranges,
including microwaves, electromagnetic waves used for AM and FM radio, cellular telephones, and TV
signals. There is no lowest frequency of radio waves, but ELF waves, or “extremely low frequency” are
among the lowest frequencies commonly encountered, from 3 Hz to 3 kHz. The accelerating charge in the ac
currents of electrical power lines produce electromagnetic waves in this range. ELF waves are able to
penetrate sea water, which strongly absorbs electromagnetic waves of higher frequency, and therefore are
useful for submarine communications. In order to use an electromagnetic wave to transmit information, the
amplitude, frequency, or phase of the wave is modulated, or varied in a controlled way that encodes the
intended information into the wave.
In AM radio transmission, the amplitude of the wave is modulated to mimic the vibrations of the
sound being conveyed. Fourier’s theorem implies that the modulated AM wave amounts to a superposition
of waves covering some narrow frequency range. Each AM station is assigned a specific carrier frequency
that, by international agreement, is allowed to vary by ±5 kHz.
In FM radio transmission, the frequency of the wave is modulated to carry this information, as
illustrated in Figure 16.18, and the frequency of each station is allowed to use 100 kHz on each side of its
carrier frequency. The electromagnetic wave produces a current in a receiving antenna, and the radio or
television processes the signal to produce the sound and any image.
The higher the frequency of the radio wave used to carry the data, the greater the detailed variation
of the wave that can be carried by modulating it over each time unit, and the more data that can be
Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 7
transmitted per unit of time. The assigned frequencies for AM broadcasting are 540 to 1600 kHz, and for
FM are 88 MHz to108 MHz
Cell phone conversations, and television voice and video images are commonly transmitted as digital
data, by converting the signal into a sequence of binary ones and zeros.


Microwaves are the highest-frequency electromagnetic waves that can be produced by currents in
macroscopic circuits and devices. Microwave frequencies range from about 109 Hz to nearly 1012 Hz. Their
high frequencies correspond to short wavelengths compared with other radio wave. Microwaves also occur
naturally as the cosmic background radiation left over from the origin of the universe.
Most satellite-transmitted information is carried on microwaves. RADAR is a common application of
Microwaves of 2.45 GHz are commonly used in microwave ovens.
A cell phone has a radio receiver and a weak radio transmitter, both of which can quickly tune to
hundreds of specifically assigned microwave frequencies. The low intensity of the transmitted signal gives it
an intentionally limited range.
Microwaves also provide the WiFi that enables owners of cell phones, laptop computers, and similar
devices to connect wirelessly to the Internet at home and at coffee shops and airports.
The microwaves are in the range of 2.4 GHz to 5.0 GHz range. Other wireless technologies also use
microwaves to provide everyday communications between devices.
Bluetooth developed alongside WiFi as a standard for radio communication in the 2.4-GHz range
between nearby devices, for example, to link to headphones and audio earpieces to devices such as radios, or
a driver’s cell phone to a hands-free device to allow answering phone calls without fumbling directly with
the cell phone.
Microwaves find use also in radio tagging, using RFID (radio frequency identification) technology.
Examples are RFID tags attached to store merchandize, transponder for toll booths use attached to the
windshield of a car, or even a chip embedded into a pet’s skin. The device responds to a microwave signal
by emitting a signal of its own with encoded information, allowing stores to quickly ring up items at their
cash registers, drivers to charge tolls to their account without stopping, and lost pets to be reunited with their
NFC (near field communication) works similarly, except it is much shorter range. Its mechanism of
interaction is the induced magnetic field at microwave frequencies between two coils. Cell phones that have
NFC capability and the right software can supply information for purchases using the cell phone instead of a
physical credit card.

Infrared Radiation

Infrared radiation is generally produced by thermal motion, and the vibration and rotation of atoms
and molecules. Electronic transitions in atoms and molecules can also produce infrared radiation. About half
of the solar energy arriving at Earth is in the infrared region, with most of the rest in the visible part of the
spectrum. About 23% of the solar energy is absorbed in the atmosphere, about 48% is absorbed at Earth’s
surface, and about 29% is reflected back into space.
The range of infrared frequencies extends up to the lower limit of visible light, just below red. In
fact, infrared means “below red.” Water molecules rotate and vibrate particularly well at infrared
frequencies. Reconnaissance satellites can detect buildings, vehicles, and even individual humans by their
infrared emissions, whose power radiation is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
More mundanely, we use infrared lamps, including those called quartz heaters, to preferentially warm us
because we absorb infrared better than our surroundings.
The familiar handheld “remotes” for changing channels and settings on television sets often transmit
their signal by modulating an infrared beam.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 8


Visible Light

Visible light is the narrow segment of the electromagnetic spectrum between about 400 nm and
about 750 nm to which the normal human eye responds. Visible light is produced by vibrations and rotations
of atoms and molecules, as well as by electronic transitions within atoms and molecules.
The receivers or detectors of light largely utilize electronic transitions. Red light has the lowest
frequencies and longest wavelengths, whereas violet has the highest frequencies and shortest wavelengths
(Figure 3.2.2). Blackbody radiation from the Sun peaks in the visible part of the spectrum but is more
intense in the red than in the violet, making the sun yellowish in appearance.

Figure 3.2.2. A small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes its visible components. The
divisions between infrared, visible, and ultraviolet are not perfectly distinct, nor are those between the
seven rainbow colors.

Living things—plants and animals—have evolved to utilize and respond to parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum in which they are embedded. We enjoy the beauty of nature through visible light.
Plants are more selective. Photosynthesis uses parts of the visible spectrum to make sugars.

Ultraviolet Radiation

The electromagnetic frequencies of ultraviolet radiation (UV) extend upward from violet, the
highest-frequency visible light which overlaps with the lowest-frequency X-rays. The wavelengths of
ultraviolet extend from 400 nm down to about 10 nm at its highest frequencies.
Ultraviolet is produced by atomic and molecular motions and electronic transitions. UV radiation
from the Sun is broadly subdivided into three wavelength ranges: UV-A (320–400 nm) is the lowest
frequency, then UV-B (290–320 nm) and UV-C (220–290 nm). Most UV-B and all UV-C are absorbed by
ozone (O3) molecules in the upper atmosphere. Consequently, 99% of the solar UV radiation reaching
Earth’s surface is UV-A.
Sunburn is caused by large exposures to UV-B and UV-C, and repeated exposure can increase the
likelihood of skin cancer. The tanning response is a defense mechanism in which the body produces
pigments in inert skin layers to reduce exposure of the living cells below.
The shorter the wavelength of light, the greater the energy change of an atom or molecule that
absorbs the light in an electronic transition. This makes short-wavelength ultraviolet light damaging to living
cells. It also explains why ultraviolet radiation is better able than visible light to cause some materials to
glow, or fluoresce.
Besides the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, there are also benefits of exposure in nature and
uses in technology. Vitamin D production in the skin results from exposure to UV-B radiation, generally
from sunlight. Several studies suggest vitamin D deficiency is associated with the development of a range of
cancers (prostate, breast, colon), as well as osteoporosis. Low-intensity ultraviolet has applications such as
providing the energy to cause certain dyes to fluoresce and emit visible light, for example, in printed money
to display hidden watermarks as counterfeit protection.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 9


X-rays have wavelengths from about 10−8m to 10−12m. They have shorter wavelengths, and higher
frequencies, than ultraviolet, so that the energy they transfer at an atomic level is greater. As a result, X-rays
have adverse effects on living cells similar to those of ultraviolet radiation, but they are more penetrating.
Cancer and genetic defects can be induced by X-rays. Because of their effect on rapidly dividing cells, X-
rays can also be used to treat and even cure cancer. The widest use of X-rays is for imaging objects that are
opaque to visible light, such as the human body or aircraft parts. In humans, the risk of cell damage is
weighed carefully against the benefit of the diagnostic information obtained.

Gamma Rays

The most penetrating nuclear radiation, the gamma ray (γ ray), was later found to be an extremely
high-frequency electromagnetic wave. The lower end of the γ- ray frequency range overlaps the upper end
of the X-ray range.
Gamma rays have characteristics identical to X-rays of the same frequency—they differ only in
source. The name “gamma rays” is generally used for electromagnetic radiation emitted by a nucleus, while
X-rays are generally produced by bombarding a target with energetic electrons in an X-ray tube. At higher
frequencies, γ rays are more penetrating and more damaging to living tissue. They have many of the same
uses as X-rays, including cancer therapy. Gamma radiation from radioactive materials is used in nuclear

Energy in Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves can bring energy into a system by virtue of their electric and magnetic fields.
These fields can exert forces and move charges in the system and, thus, do work on them. If the frequency of
the electromagnetic wave is the same as the natural frequencies of the system (such as microwaves at the
resonant frequency of water molecules), the transfer of energy is much more efficient.
Electromagnetic waves have energy, whether it is absorbed or not. Once created, the fields carry
energy away from a source. If absorbed, the field strengths are diminished and anything left travels on.
Clearly, the larger the strength of the electric and magnetic fields, the more work they can do and the greater
the energy the electromagnetic wave carries.
A wave’s energy is proportional to its amplitude squared (E 2 or B2). In electromagnetic waves, the
amplitude is the maximum field strength of the electric and magnetic fields (Figure 3.2.3).

Figure 3.2.3. Energy carried by a wave is proportional to its amplitude squared. With
electromagnetic waves, larger E -fields and B -fields exert larger forces and
can do more work.

Thus the energy carried and the intensity I of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to E 2 and B2.
In fact, for a continuous sinusoidal electromagnetic wave, the average intensity Iave is given by

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 10


c ε0 E 2
I ave= 0

where c is the speed of light, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and E0 is the maximum electric field
strength; intensity, as always, is power per unit area (here in W/m 2). The average intensity of an
electromagnetic wave Iave can also be expressed in terms of the magnetic field strength by using the
relationship B = E/c , and the fact that ε0 = 1/µ 0c2, where µ0 is the permeability of free space. Algebraic
manipulation produces the relationship
c B0
I ave=
2 μ0

where B0 is the maximum magnetic field strength. One more expression for Iave in terms of both
electric and magnetic field strengths is useful. Substituting the fact that c.B 0 = E0, the previous expression
E0 B 0
I ave=
2 μ0

whichever of the three preceding equations is most convenient can be used, since they are really just
different versions of the same principle: Energy in a wave is related to amplitude squared. Furthermore,
since these equations are based on the assumption that the electromagnetic waves are sinusoidal, peak
intensity is twice the average; that is, I0 = 2Iave.

Example: Calculate Microwave Intensities and Fields

On its highest power setting, a certain microwave oven projects 1.00 kW of microwaves onto a 30.0 by 40.0
cm area.
a) What is the intensity in W/m2?
b) Calculate the peak electric field strength E0 in these waves.
c) What is the peak magnetic field strength B0?

Strategy for part a)

We can find intensity from its definition as power per unit area. Once the intensity is known, we can
use the equations below to find the field strengths asked for in parts (b) and (c).

Solution for a)

Entering the given power into the definition of intensity, and noting the area is 0.300 by 0.400 m,


1.00 kW
0.300 m x 0.400m

Here I = Iave, , so that

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 11

1000 W
= 2
0.120 m

= 8.33 x 103 W/m2

Note that the peak intensity is twice the average:

I0 = 2Iave

= 2 (8.33 x 103 W/m2)

= 1.67×104 W/m2

Solution for (b)

To find E0,

E0 =
√ 2 I ave
εo c

√ 2 ( 8.33 x 10 ) W / m
3 2
( 8.85× 10−12 C 2 / N ⋅ m2 ) ( 3.00 ×108 m/s )

= 2.55 x 103 V/m

Solution for (c)

Perhaps the easiest way to find magnetic field strength, now that the electric field strength is known,
is to use the relationship given by

B0 =

2.55 x 10 3 V /m
( 3.00 ×108 m/s )

= 8.5 x 10-6 T


A relatively strong electric field is accompanied by a relatively weak magnetic field in an

electromagnetic wave, since Bo = Eo/c and c is a large number.


I. Conceptual Questions

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 12

1. When you stand outdoors in the sunlight, why can you feel the energy that the sunlight carries, but not the
momentum it carries?
2. How does an electromagnetic radiation emitted from accelerating electric charge apply in (a) radio waves,
and (b) infrared radiation?
3. Draw a simplified electromagnetic spectrum, indicating the relative positions, frequencies, spacing of the
different types of radiation band and their uses.

II. Problem Solving

4. (a) Two microwave frequencies are authorized for use in 900 and 2560 MHz microwave ovens. Calculate
the wavelength of each. (b) Which frequency would produce smaller hot spots in foods due to
interference effects?

5. During normal beating, the heart creates a maximum 4.00 mV potential across 0.300 m of a person’s
chest, creating a 1.00-Hz electromagnetic wave. (a) What is the maximum electric field strength created?
(b) What is the corresponding maximum magnetic field strength in the electromagnetic wave? (c) What is
the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave?

6. Assume the helium-neon lasers commonly used in student physics laboratories have power outputs of
0.250 mW. (a) If such a laser beam is projected onto a circular spot 1.00 mm in diameter, what is its
intensity? (b) Find the peak magnetic field strength. (c) Find the peak electric field strength.


Griffith, W.T. & Brosing, J. W. (2019) The Physics of Everyday Phenomena: A conceptual Introduction to
Physics. 9th Edition. Mc-Graw Hill Education. ISBN 978-1-260-08521-1

Knight, R. D., Jones, B. & Field, S. (2019). College Physics: A Strategic Approach. 4th Edition. Pearson
Education, Inc.

Ling, S.J., Moebs, W., & Sanny, J. (2018) University Physics Volume 1 . OpenStax, Houston Texas. Access
for free at

Lyublinskaya, I. et al., (2017) College Physics for AP Courses. OpenStax, Houston Texas. Access for
free at

Young D. & Stadler S. (2019) Cutnell, & Johnson Physics. 11th Edition, Asia Regional Edition. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.


See the following attachments for reference:

1. Rubrics for Scoring the required Task
2. Reading Material: You may search/browse the given links for further readings:
Submission Options:
For Online:

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 13

1. Submit online your accomplished task via our learning group at your own pace but not later than the
specified deadline or a week after the date you received this task.
2. Compile all your submitted tasks/ papers and other requirements in your e-portfolio and submit on or
before the semester ends.

Prepared by:
Course Facilitator

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 14


Rubric for Conceptual Questions/Understanding

CATEGORY Inadequate (2) Adequate (3) Approaching Expectations (4) Exemplary (5) Total
Organization Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent and logically Writing is coherent and logically Writing shows high degree of
organization. It shows some organized. Some points remain organized with transitions used attention to logic and
coherence but ideas lack misplaced and stray from the between ideas and paragraphs to reasoning of points. Unity
unity. Serious errors. topic. Transitions evident but not create coherence. Overall unity of clearly leads the reader to the
used throughout essay. ideas is present. conclusion and stirs thought
regarding the topic.

Level of Content Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking and Content indicates original thinking Content indicates synthesis of
reasoning but most ideas are reasoning applied with original and develops ideas with sufficient ideas, in-depth analysis and
underdeveloped and thought on a few ideas. and firm evidence. evidences original thought and
unoriginal. support for the topic.

Organization Main points lack detailed Main points are present with Main points well developed with Main points well developed
development. Ideas are vague limited detail and development. quality supporting details and with high quality and quantity
with little evidence of critical Some critical thinking is present. quantity. Critical thinking is weaved support. Reveals high degree
thinking. into points of critical thinking.

Style Mostly in elementary form with Approaches mastery level usage Attains mastery level style; tone is Shows outstanding style going
little or no variety in sentence of some variety in sentence appropriate and rhetorical devices beyond expectations; creative
structure, rhetorical devices or patterns and rhetorical devices. used to enhance content; sentence use of sentence structure and
emphasis. variety used effectively. coordination.

Source: TOTAL:

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 15


Rubric for Web/Take Home Investigation

96 and Above 90-95 86-89 81-85 80 and below

Exemplary Strong Capable Developing Novice

 Student presents a  Student presents a clear,  Student meets  Student knowledge of  Student use of the topic
clear, specific specific understanding assignment expectations. the topic is partly is not shown.
understanding of the of the topic.  The student understood, but not  Steps through the
topic.  High interest and demonstrates new complete. process were not
 High interests and excitement leads the knowledge learned in  The tasks are followed.
excitements lead the student to an written tasks. incomplete and could be  Assigned task lack
student to an investigation that  The work is well organized better. organization, detail and
investigation that reaches beyond organized and complete.  Some resources have evidence of new
reaches far beyond the requirements.  The student understood been used, but it is not knowledge.
requirements.  The student has used as the task. clear what the student  Work does not meet
 Student has read related more resources than  He/she used the number understood. requirements.
materials and has used required; and of resources required  Some of the information  Parts are missing.
many sources of demonstrates new and organized included by the student  Basically, the student
information. knowledge and uses this information. was not important to the has failed to grasp new
 Student makes knowledge in his/her  All notes are complete; topic. concepts covered in the
connections between assignments. carefully done and meet  Student does most what topic.
past and present, cause-  New knowledge is the requirements and is required, but nothing
effect relationships, evident when student expectations. more.
willingness to change shows connections  All indicators meet the  Some of the works are
beliefs if necessary, and between past and standard level. finished.
results in the ability to present or cause-effect  Tasks are not carefully
make a prediction. relationships. done and the
information from the
resources is not used.

Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 16


Module 3: Electromagnetic Waves Page 17

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