Heimlich Maneuver Checklist Latest

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Nursing Procedure Checklist

Heimlich Maneuver for Newborn

Instruction: Check under Correctly Done if identified skill is correctly performed; Incorrectly Done if skill is
not performed correctly; and Not Done if the student failed to perform the skill.
Correctly Incorrectly Not
Procedure Done Done Done
1. Verify if the newborn is choking by checking to see if the newborn is
crying or coughing forcefully.
2. If the newborn is crying or coughing, allow the newborn to keep
coughing and be prepared to give the first aid for choking if the
newborn’s condition changes.
3. Position the newborn. Place your forearm along the newborn’s back,
cradling back of the newborn’s head with your hand.
4. Place your other forearm along the newborn’s front supporting the
newborn’s jaw with your thumb and fingers.
5. Turn the newborn over so that he/ she is face-down along your
6. Lower your arm onto your thigh so that the newborn’s head is lower
than his/her chest.
7. Give 5 back blows. Firmly strike the newborn between the shoulder
blades with the heel of your hand. Keep your fingers up to avoid hitting
the newborn’s head and neck.
8. Reposition the newborn. Place one hand along the newborn’s back,
cradling the back of the newborn with your hand.
9. While continuing to support the newborn’s jaw with the thumb and
fingers of your other hand, support the newborn between your
forearms and turn the newborn over so that he/ she is face- up along
your forearm.
10. Lower your arm onto your other thigh so that the newborn’s head is
lower that his/ her chest.
11. Give 5 chest thrusts. Place the pads of two fingers in the center of
the newborn’s chest on the breastbone, just below the nipple line.
12. Press down about 1 ½ inches and then let the chest return to its
normal position. (Note: Always support the newborn’s head, neck and
back while giving back blows and chest thrusts.)
13. Continue giving sets of 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts
alternately: until the newborn can cough forcefully, cry or can breathe
14. If the newborn becomes unresponsive, lower him/ her to a firm, flat
surface and begin CPR starting with compression. After each set of
compression and before attempting rescue breaths, open the newborn’s
mouth, look for the object and remove it if seen. Never put your finger
in newborn’s mouth unless you actually see the object.
15. Perform hand hygiene and document the procedure in patient’s
chart (in the hospital setting)


Score: ___/15

Name of Student:                                                           Date Performed:                      

                                      (Signature Over Printed Name)

Evaluated by:                                                                  Date of Evaluation:                 

                                       (Signature Over Printed Name)

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