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Which of the following is a type of malicious software that disguises itself as a legitimate
program but actually performs unauthorized actions on a computer system?

a) Trojan

b) Worm

c) Spyware

d) Adware

2. What is the primary characteristic of a worm in terms of computer security?

a) It spreads itself to other systems without user intervention.

b) It steals sensitive information from the user's computer.

c) It displays unwanted advertisements on the user's screen.

d) It encrypts files and demands a ransom for their release.

3. What is the main purpose of spyware in terms of computer security?

a) To replicate itself and spread across a network of computers.

b) To display unwanted pop-up advertisements.

c) To secretly gather user information and monitor activities.

d) To encrypt files and prevent users from accessing them.

4. Which of the following types of malwares is designed to generate revenue through unwanted
and intrusive advertising?

a) Trojan

b) Worm

c) Spyware

d) Adware

5. How does malware typically enter a computer system?

a) Through vulnerabilities in software or operating systems.

b) Through physical access to the computer's hardware.

c) Through social engineering techniques, such as phishing.

d) Through network devices such as routers or switches.

6. Which of the following best describes computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in education?

a) The use of computers as a tool to enhance and support teaching and learning.

b) The use of computers to replace traditional instructional methods completely.

c) The use of computers to assess and grade student performance.

d) The use of computers for administrative tasks in educational institutions.

7. What is the main characteristic of computer-mediated instruction (CMI) in education?

a) It involves the use of computers to facilitate communication and interaction between

learners and instructors.

b) It focuses on using computers to deliver pre-recorded instructional materials.

c) It emphasizes using computers to automate administrative tasks in education.

d) It relies on computer-based assessments to measure student learning outcomes.

8. Which of the following best describes Web 1.0 in the context of ICT in education?

a) A static web environment where information is mainly consumed by users.

b) An interactive web environment where users actively participate and contribute content.

c) An advanced web environment that utilizes artificial intelligence for personalized learning.

d) A platform where users engage in virtual reality-based learning experiences.

9. What is the primary characteristic of Web 2.0 in the context of ICT in education?

a) It emphasizes user-generated content and collaborative learning.

b) It focuses on providing access to educational resources through online platforms.

c) It uses virtual reality technology to simulate real-life learning environments.

d) It involves the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to personalize instruction.

10. What is the main concept behind Web 3.0 in the context of ICT in education?

a) The semantic web, where information is organized and linked intelligently.

b) The use of cloud computing to store and access educational resources.

c) The integration of wearable technology in teaching and learning.

d) The application of blockchain technology for secure student records.

11. What does CIET stand for in the context of educational technology?

a) Central Institute of Education Technology

b) Computer Instruction and Educational Training

c) Communication and Information Enhancement Technology

d) Center for Innovative Educational Technologies

12. Which of the following is an initiative of CIET in India?



c) AKSHAYA Project

13. What is the primary purpose of SIET in the field of educational technology?

a) To develop satellite-based instructional programs.

b) To promote the use of information and communication technologies in education.

c) To provide computer training to teachers and students.

d) To establish digital resource centers for educational technology.

14. What is the main objective of the EDUSAT project in India?

a) To provide digital devices to every student in schools.

b) To establish virtual classrooms and deliver educational content via satellite.

c) To develop educational software applications for mobile devices.

d) To create a network of computer training centers for teachers.

15. Which Indian state launched the AKSHAYA Project, a comprehensive IT literacy program?

a) Karnataka

b) Kerala

c) Tamil Nadu

d) Maharashtra

16. What is the primary purpose of cyber privacy measures?

a) To protect personal information and online privacy of individuals.

b) To prevent unauthorized access to computer networks.

c) To promote free sharing of information on the internet.

d) To regulate the use of social media platforms.

17. Which of the following is a type of software designed to detect and remove malicious programs
from computer systems?

a) Anti-virus

b) Firewall

c) Encryption software

d) Spyware

18. What is the full form of the "IT Act" in the context of technology and cyber laws?

a) Information Technology Act

b) Internet Technology Act

c) Information Transfer Act

d) International Technology Act

19. Which of the following is an example of intellectual property that can be protected under
copyright law?

a) Inventions and discoveries

b) Ideas and concepts

c) Computer programs and software

d) Natural resources and raw materials

20. What is the primary purpose of copyright laws?

a) To protect the rights of individuals to control the use and distribution of their creative

b) To regulate the use of internet services and social media platforms.

c) To enforce strict limitations on the copying and sharing of digital content.

d) To promote the public domain and free access to all types of creative works.

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