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q Standard Specification for i Aluminum 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes’ en ‘This standard is issued under the fice designation B 230; the sumberimmedately folowing the designation indicates the year cf sogton of, in theese of revision, te yea of st evion. A sumberin pirenbeses indices he yea O Ws reaproval. & é Sipescpt eoslon () indicates as elitralshaage since ut la erison ot respproval ‘This speifctsion hasbeen approved for use by agencies ofthe Deparment of Dense and for lism inthe Dad fades of Specetions : nd Standards 1. Scope 1.1 This speciication covers aluminum 1350-H19 round wie for electrical purposes. we L-Prior to 1973,caluminam 1350 was designated as EC | "Nore ?—The aluminum and temper designations conform to ANSI |:ta5:1 Aluminum 1380 comesponds to UNS A91360 in eccerdance wath Practice $27 | Ta Tae ales nated i inch-pound unis are to be regarded atthe | andar withthe exception of density and resistivity. The ST equiva: fas of iach-pound units may be approximate 22 references Documents 241 ASTM Standards B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials? B 233 Specification for Aluminum 1330 Drawing Stock for Electrical Purposes" B 354 Definitions of Terms Relating to Uninsulated | _ Metallic Electrical Conductors? | BSST Methods of Tension Testing Wrought and Cast ‘Aluminum. and Magnesium-Alloy Products* E29 Recommended Practice for Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significent in Specified Limiting Values* 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)* 2.2 ANSI Standard: ‘ANSI H35.1 American National Standard for iAlloy and ‘Temper Designation Systems for, Aluminum’, 2.2. Other Docuiment: NBS Handbook 100-Copper Wire Tables of the National * Bureau of Standards? 3, Ordering Information 3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information: Ke I: > ‘This specication is wader the jusadistion of ASTM Commitee Bt oo ecticl Conductor anti he direst respoasbity of Subcommittee £01.07 02 Conductors of Light Metis ‘Citeat elton approved Avg. 30, 1985. Published April 1986. Orgnaly [> hes ne 8250 48°. Lat reeviousedion B 230 ~ 82 [5 "2 drmual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 02.01 and 02.03. 2 Anmaal 800k of ASTM Standards, VOL 02.03 ‘ dnmaal 200k of ASTM Standards, Vols 02.02 and (2.03 4 Anal Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 02.03 and 14.02. ‘dna 3008 of ASTM Standards, Nol 010 |) > Avaisbe foes Americas National Standards laritte Ine, 1430 rantway, |: Ney You, NY 10018, NST Nala rom National TecnicalIaformaton Service, 5285 Pert Royal Re, Tpviefed, VA T2LCH Quantity of each size. Wire size; diameter in inches (see 9.1 and Table 1), Special tension test, if required, (see 5.2 and 5.3), Frequency of bending test (see 6.1 and 12.2.2), Special jointing procedures, if permitted (see 10.2), Place of inspection (see 14.2), Package size and type (see 15.1), and “8 Special package marking, if required (Section 16). 3.2 In addition, Supplementary Requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the inquiry, con- tact, or purchase order for direct procurement by agencies of the U.S, Government (SI, $2, and $3). ' Es 3 4 5 6 6 1 i Il Il 4, Materials and Manufacture 4,1. The aliminum wire shall be made from drawing stock meeting the requirements of Specification B 2: 5, Tensile Properties 5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation—The wire shall con- form to the requirements as to tensile strength and clonga- tion prescribed in Table 1 (Explanatory Note 1). $.2 When requested by the purchaser, tension tests shall be made of specimens of wire containing joints made in the wire prior to final drawing or in the drawing stock. Such tests shall not show less than 90% of the minimum strength specified in Table | for individual tests 5.3 When requested by the purchaser, tension tests of specimens containing joints made in the finished wire or Curing the final drawing, if permitted, shall be made, Such tests shall show the tensile strength to be not less than 11 000 psi (76 MPa) for electric-butt welded joints, and not less than 21 000 psi (145 MPa) for cold-pressure welded joints and electric-butt, cold-upset welded joints. 6. Bending Properties 6.1 The wire shall be free of brittleness as evidenced by its ability to be coiled or looped around its own diameter with of without a mandrel. No fracture shall occur. Slight surface checks shall not constitute cause for rejection. 1. Resistivity 7.1 The electrical resistivity shall not exceed the values shown in Table 2 (Explanatory Note 2). 8. Density 8.1 For the purpose of calculating weights, cross section, ‘tc, the density of aluminum 1350 shall be taken as 2705 kee/in’ (0.0975 Ibyin.) at 20°C (68°F). m1 i) B 230 TABLE 1 Tensile Requremerts Cargatonh 10 or Terao Seg in be AER cane Sameer. vege forsake Tats ‘naroeier” hha — ks MPs ksi MPe alors Tests % o2momo2n 604» $397 25 182 zs 18 23 22 Szeto Sse waar Bo i Bo 18 i 20 Ctomieere Lara 98 id ee io 16 Fa + Orstow eit «SBI SEE 25 18 as 18 i v8 o.wooioeia: 9.8800 9051 250 a 25 18 18 1" Srwwero S046 02787 ies ve io 16 7 te Oroow Eto BTR a8K8 260 sr 25 18 % cS osw00w eco: 2540» 2288 zo ws cory as ‘ Stooow cost Bee 2038 as 30 te 1 irs Steooweor: Base 1781 Ad 285 16 18 v4 Sorooweos: 47610 1527 bes 0 ie 48 13 Sopoow tos 1824101278 280 70 i ia 12 Seso0!eno10s 1270100267 250 Bo i TABLE 2 Elecvical Resistivity Requirements at 20°C (68°F) ‘Eel Ress. max. Volime Covauetiy, ree reagan a Tene ve” "ees vesi7e erase e261 Nore 3—The term “weight” is used in this specification because of established trade usage, in place of the technically correct term “mass,” 9. Diameter 9.1. The diameter of the wire shell be expressed in decimal fractions of an inch 10 the nearest 0.1 mil (0.0001 in.) (0.003, mm). The wire shall not vary from the specified diameter by ‘more than the amounts shown in Table 3 10. Joints 10.1 No joints shall be made in the completed wire, except as provided in 10,2, Joints may be made in wire and drawing stock prior to final drawing, and shall be in accordance with good commercial practice 10.2 If agreed upon between the manufacturer and the yrehaser, joints may be made during inal drawing or in the unished wire by electric-butt welding, by cold-pressure welding, or by electric-butt, cold-upset welding with the following provisions. 10.2.1" For sizes 0.0500 to 0.0105 in. (1.270 t0 0.267 mm) in diameter, not more than three such joints shall be present in any reel, spool, or coil of the specified nominal weight. 10.2.2 For sizes larger than 0.0800 in, (1.270 mm) in diameter, not more than 10 % of the reels. spools. or coils TABLE 3 Diameter Tolerances quai meee Pare Viaone ot 2 ean Damar ron 7 ) Soeated Oanete, Pus Gatobieaiote ne _ ee e240 ae Grae C00 ZED W]OS4, —O0OK0 In. (0025 nmi 2.0060. iat Unce 08940 to Under 091460267, 00006 n-(0819 nm att et shall contain such joints and no such joints shall be close than 50 fi (15 m) to another or to either end of the wire and not more than two such joints shall be present in any ree, ‘spool, or coil of the specified nominal weight 11, Finish, LL.1 The wire shall be free of imperfections not consistent ‘with good commercial practice. 12. Sampling for Tests and Retests 12,1 Any lot of wire, the samples of which comply with the conformance criteria of this section, shall be considered as complying with the requirements of Section 5, 6, 7,9, and 11, Individual production units that fail to meet one or more of the requirements shall be rejected. Failure of a sample group-offour from 2 lot to meet one or more of the following criteria shall constitute cause for rejection of the | lot. The conformance criteria for each of the prescribed properties given in Sections 5. 6, 7, 9, 11 are as follows: 12.1.1 Tensile Strength, Elongation, and Resistivtty—Toe Jot shall be considered acceptable if the average tensile strength and elongation of the four specimens is not less than the average value for a lot shown in Table 1, and the average resistivity of the four specimens is not more than 0.028172 Q-mm?/m at 20°C. Any individual production unit, the specimen from which has tensile strength or elongation lest than the appropriate values for individual wires shown in Table | or a resistivity more than- 0.028265 0-mm?/m at 20°C, shall be rejected. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the requirement(s) if the average of the four specimens is les than the average value of tensile strength or elongation shown in Table |, or have an average resistance of more than 0.028172 Q+-mm?/m at 20°C and the tensile strength o- elongation of any of the individual specimens is less than the appropriate values for individual wires showa in Table | o: havea resistance more than 0.028265 Q-mm?/m et 20°C. Ifthe average tensile strength or elongation of the four specimens is less than the average values shown in Table 1, of the average resistivity of the four specimens is more than 0.028172 1: mm'/m at 20°C, and if the tensile strength or elongation of each individual specimen is equal to o: qh 8 more than the appropriate value for individual tests shown in Table 1, or the resistivity of each individual specimen is equal to or less than 0.028265 +mm?/m at 20°C. six sdditional specimens from six production units other than the four originally sampled shall be tested. The lot shall be considered acceptable if the tensile strength and elongztion ofeach of the ten specimens are not less than the appropriate value(s) for individual wires shown in Table 1, and the Rsistivity of each of the ten specimens is not more then (1028265 @-mm"/m at 20°C and if the average tensile firength and elongation of the ten specimens are not less than the average value(s) shown in Table 1 and the average resistivity of the ten specimens is not more than 0.028172 Q-mm?/m at 20°C. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the requirement(s) if the tensile strength or elonga- tion of any individual specimen is is less than the appropriate value for individual tests shown in Table 1, or if the ‘tivity of any individual specimen is more than 0.028265 usmm?/m at 20°C, of if the average tensile sirengih or dlongation of the ten specimens is less than the average value(s) shown in Table 1, or if the average resistivity of the ten specimens is more than 0.028172 2+mm?/m at 20°C. In the event a lot of wire fails to meet any of the above requirements, each individual production unit in the lot may be tested. However, in this case, the requirement to be met by ezch individual production unit shall be the same tumerical value as the average-of-four requirement in Bld 12.1.2 Diameter—The lot shall be considered accepuable ifthe diameters of each of the four specimens are within the permissible variations of Table 3. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the diameter quirements of the lot. 12.1.3 Finish—The surface finish of the four specimens shall meet the requirements of 11.1. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the surface-finish requirements of the lot. 122 Sample Size—The number of production units in a ‘ple (Explanatory Note 5) shall be as follows: 12.2.1 For tensile strength, elongation, resistivity, dimen- ions, and surface finish determinations, the sample shall forsist of four production units. From each unit, one test ‘oesimen of sufficient length shall be removed for the performance of the required tests. 12.2.2 For the brittleness test, any coil or reel may be sted, but the frequency of production sampling and testing all be by agreement between the manufacturer and pur- chaser, 13. Test Methods 13.1. Tensile Sirength and Elongation—Obiain the tensile furengih, expressed in pounds-foree per square inch and iccrmined in accordance with Methods B $57, by dividing fie maximum load carried by the specimen during the jon test, by the original cross-sectional area of the frecimen. Tensile strength and elongation may be deter- simultaneously on the same specimen (Explanatory Nate |) 13.1.1 Determine the elongation of wire whose nominal eter is greater than 0.0500 in. (1.270 mm) in diameter the permanent increase in length, expressed in percent of 173 230 the original length due fo the breaking of the wire in tension, measured between gage marks, placed originally 10 in. (250 mm) apart, upon the test specimen. 13.1.2 Ifany part of the fracture takes place outside the gaye marks or in the jaws of the tension testing machine, or if an examination of the specimen indicates a flaw, the value obiained may not be representative of the material, In such cases the test may be discarded and a new test made. 13.1.3 Wire elongation measurements are not required on wires of diameters less than 0.05 in. (1.3 mm). 13.2. Resistivity—Determine the electrical resistivity of the material in acvordance with Test Method B 193 (Explan- atory Nate 2) 3.3, Diameter Meusurements—Measure diameter with a micrometer caliper gradvated in 0.0001 in. (0.003 mm). Take measurements on each specimen selected for this test. Measure the diameter of the wire at two points, spaced approximately 90° apart, around the circumference of the wire, Take the average of these two readings as the diameter of the specimen, 13.4 Finish—Make a surface-finish inspection with the unaided eye (corrective lenses acceptable). 14, Inspection 14.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur- chase ordet, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements speci fied 14.2. All esis and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase. 14.3 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector repre- senting the purchaser all reasonable manufectures's facilites to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification. 14.4 Unless otherwise agreed to by the purchaser and the manufacturer, conformance of the wire to the various requirements listed in Sections 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 shall be determined on samples taken from each lot of wire presented for acceptance (Explanatory Note 3). 145 The manufacturer shall, if requested prior to inspec- tion, cenify that all wire in the lot was made under such conditions that the product as a whole conforms to the requirements of this specification 2s determined by regularly made and recorded tesis (Explanatory Note 5) 14.6 Description of Inspection Terms. 14.6.1 Loc—A lot is any emount of wire up to 30 000 Ib (13 600 kg) of one type and size presented for acceptance at one time, produced over a specific period of time under escentally the same conditions (Explanatory Notes 3 and 4). 14.6.2 Surmple—A sample is a quantity of production units (coils, bobbins, ele.) selected at random from the lot for the purpose of determining conformance of the lot to the requirements of this specification. 14.6.3 Specimen—A specimen isa length of wire removed for test purposes from any individual production unit of the sample. 15, Packaging and Shipping 15.1. Package sizes and types shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser in the placing of individual orders. _ordinary-haadling and shipping ih B 230 15.2. Unless otherwise specified, the wire shall be supplied in one continuous length on each reel, coil, or spool. 15.3 The wire shall be protected against damage in EXPLANATORY NOTES Nore 1—In tension tess. the values obtsined may be affected by testing speed. It is recommended thet for conformance eritere the testing speed should not exceed 0.5 in.jn, (0.8 mm/mm) of gage length ‘or distance between grips per minute Nove2—Relaionships that may be viol in connection with the valves of electrical resstivity prescrined in Table 2 are shown in Tale 4 Resistivity units are based on the Internatioral Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) adopted by TEC in 1913. which is Yse @-mmé/m at 20°C (68°F) for 100 % conductivity. The valve of OD17241 -mam?/n, at 20°C (68°F) isthe interaticnal equvilent of volume ressivity af annealed copper equal to 10) % conductivity. A complet discussion of this subject is contained in NBS Handhock 100. The use of five signficam figures in expressing restivity does not imply he need for fealer accuracy of rmearurement than that specified in Test Methed 4193. The wie of five significant figures is required for resonabiy accurate reversible conversion from one set of resistivity unis 10 another, The equivalent resistivny values in the t2ble were cerved from the fundamental IEC value (Yn Q-mmni/m) computed to seven sini cant figares and then rounded to five siniicant figures TABLE 4 Equivalent Resistivity Values at 20°C (68°F) * material. If additional information is to be required on the 16, Marking 16.1 Each package shall bear a tag showing the manufac. turer's name or trademark, temper,_size, and_mass_of. tags, it shall be arranged with the manufacturer at the time of placing the order. Note 3~A lot should comprise materiel taken from a product regularly meeting the requirements of this specification. Inspection of individual lots of less than S006 Ib (2300 kg) of wire cannot be justified cconomically, For small lois of $00 1b or less the purchaser may agree fo the manuficturer’s regular inspection of the product at a whole as evidence of accepsability of such small lots. ‘Nore 4—Evidence of stitial control must be demonstrated. To do ‘his control charts, as desorbed in Part 3 of ASTM STP 3D, may 0 sed ‘Nore S—Cumulative results secured on the product of a singe manufacturer, indicating continued conformance to the criteria, ae necessary to ensure an overall product meeting the requirements of tis Specification. The sample sizes and conformance criteria given for tie Uarioue charactenstice are applicable only to lots produced under these conditions 2 Aanual on Presentation af Date and Central Chart Anais, ASTM STPISD, 197% Fesistviy Constants Mater) Volume Conduct. UGS. ‘vou Wait Ta anata on mee ani wane oe 700 wo371 ‘017241 ‘oara7e 7808 97520 ‘6978 a 610 17.002 0.078255 1128 2a2es, 43623 0.076999 a 612 18908 O.e8t72 11081 2ere 4431 2.076149 The ecuvden restiviy values fr 100 TAGS canductuly were esd) computed from he Undamenta IEC vale (Ve rym) using carvers factors oath sccurale wo a Yeast seven sgrtcart Rgwres. Corresponding values Tor etter conducies(aurinury were dred Yor Use by multipin by Ve Teabroca of Be onductfty rates and where acpleabe aso by the Sarat rate. bot accurate to at east Seven sgrean Fees SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREM The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purcheser in the inquiry contract, or order, for agencies of the US, Government. Sl, Referenced Documents $1.1 The following documents form a part of this specifi- cation to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifi- cations and Standards (DODISS} and supplement thereto. cited in the solicitation. |. S12 Military Specifications: |, -MIL-C-12000 Ceble, Cord, and Wire, Electric; Packaging "© avaliable fom Neval Fublcatons and Forms Cent ‘Phlaeipsa, Pa 19120. $2. Inspect 1 The government shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification when such tests are deemed necessary to assure that the material conforms to the prescribed requirements. 3, Packaging 'S3.1 Packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-C-12000. ‘The Americ Sock fer Testing and Matera tak ne postin respecting the val of ery tert rights assert in connocton wit ay fa mentioned Inthe stanaer. Users oft sanded we expressly advised that determination ofthe vay cf any auch Paton lass, ond the nak of intngament of such igh, ar ental fer ows reiporsiDity. ‘This tenders eubjctto revision at any io bythe respensile tani! conmite and mut be reviewed ery ve years and 1 gee tine: votppraved or witaraen. Your Gonmente te riage To revsion of bs standart fr edeltona atendarss ce uis be asareeted fo AGTH Heacuarers. Your cimmarts wit recavecx'tu cotsideeon a! a meeting o! fe respansbile ‘(Conical comante, nies yeu nay ater. you Fel tat your comments hae not received afar heang you aheuld make your iowa inown tothe ASTM Conmitae on Siandare, 1916 Mace S., Pruadephi, PA 19193. fy) Designation? B 230M ~ 65 METRIC Loss state eae See “Alum Scope 1.1 This specification covers aluminum |, hard) round wire for electrical purposes HI9 (extra Nore I—Prior 0 1975, aluminum 1380 was designated as FC aluminum, Note 2—The dluminum and temper designations conform 10 ANSI H35.1(M), Aluminum 1380 corresponds to UNS A91380 in accordance with Practice E 577 1.2 This specification is the metric counterpart of Specifi- cation B 230, The values stated in ST units are to be regarded as the standard, 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials? B 233 Specification for Aluminum 1350 Drawing Stock for Electrical Purposes? BSS7M. Methods of Tension Testing Wrough! and Cast Aluminum. and Magnesium-Alloy Products [Metric]? E 29 Recommended Practice for Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values* E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)* 2.2 ANSI Standard. ‘ANSI H35.1(M) American National Standard for Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (Meirio 23 Other Document: NBS Handbook 160—Copper Wire Tables ofthe National Bureau of Stendards* 3. Ordering Information 3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information: 3.1.1 Quantity of each size, 3.12 Wite size: diameter in millimetres (see 9.1), 3.1.3 Special tension tes, if required (see 5.2 and 5.3), ‘4 Frequency of bending test (see 6.1 and 12.2.2) "Thi speciation i under the juredition of ASTM Commitee Rel on Elearical Conductors and isthe direct esponsibility of Suhcommitee 301.97 on Contucirs of Lint Meals ‘Current edition approved De, 27, 1985. Publish Apri 1986. YAnual Book of ASTM Stasdards. Vol02.03. nual Book of ASTM Stasdards. Vol 02.02. “Annual Bock of ASTI Standards. Vols 0203 an 14.02. Annual Boak of ASTM Standovds, Voli O11 snd 02.03 “Availabe fom American National Standards Insitute, Inc, 1430 Broadway [New York, NY 10018. aval rm National Teshnial Information Service. £248 Port Roz Rl Springfield, VA22161 ee ea Cat revise, A umber in patches ineales te ya of ast approval. A sr ‘kante since the last rvton or anor hain tm 5. Special jointing procedures, if permitted (see 10.2),.” 6 Place of inspection (see 14.2), 7 Package size and type (see 15.1), and g i Special package marking, if required (Section 16). n addition, Supplementary Requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the inguiry, con- traci, or purchase order for cirect procurement by agencies of the US. Govemnment ($1, $2, and $3). 1 1 1 1 2 4. Materials and Manufacture 4.1 The wire shall be made from drawing stock meeting the requirements of Specification B 233. 5. Tensile Properties 5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation—The wire shall con- form to the tensile requirements prescribed in Table 1 (Explanatory Not 1}. 5.2 When requested by the purchaser, tension tests shell be made of specimens of wire containing joints made in the wire prior to final drawing or in the drawing stock. Such tests, shall show not less than 90% of the minimum strength specified in Table | for individual tests. 5.3 When requested by the purchaser, tension tests shall bbe made of specimens containing joints made in the finished wire or during the final drawing, if permitted. Such tests shell show the tensile strength to be not less than 75 MPa for electric-butt welded joints, and not less than 150 MPa for cold-pressure welded joints and electric-butt, cold-upset welded joints. 6. Bending Properties, 6.1 The wire shall be free of brittleness as evidenced by its ability to be coiled or looped around its own diameter with or without ¢ mandrel, No fracture shall occur. Slight surface checks shall not constitute cause for rejection. 7. Resistivity 7.1 The electrical resistivity shall not exceed the values shown in Table 2 (Explanatory Note 2). 8. Density &.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross, sections, etc. the density of aluminum 1350 shall be taken as 2705 kg/m? at 20°C. 9. Diameter 9.1 The diameter of the wire shall be expressed in decimal fractions of a millimetre using 2 places of decimals for wires of diameter 1.00 mm and larger and 3 places of decimals for diameters under 1.000 mm. 9.2 The permissible variations in diameter are as follows: {> 8 230m TABLE 1. Tensile Requirements Dareixinm —— TewleStegh mn EeaON | Over “Through Average Individual «Average indivi! tee. "wie, tame W ee woe RO smote te ete % i is ie 8 oo tk m i tm ie it a ne 225 2508s 1% ts 15 2 1} i este iets th ig oe en) dase perinitevriion of Nice oan tom seataa Dae Specie Diet, ma, sand snes User 69 10300 ie Oise sy we. O83 am vee BPs Solatae 10. Joints 10.1 No joints shall be made in the finished wire, except is provided in 10.2. Joints may be made in drawing stock ané in the wire prior to final drawing and shall be in accordance with good commercial practice 10.2 If agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, joints may be made during final drawing or in the finished wire by eleciric-butt welding, by cold-pressure velding, or by eleciric-butt, coldupset’ welding, with the following provisions. 10.2.1 For sizes 0.225 through 1.25 mm in diameter not Inore than three such joints shall be present in any reel, coll spool of the specified nominal mass 10.2.2 For sizes larger than 1.25 mm in diameter, not Imoce then 10% of the reels, coilt, or spools shall contain Jnch joints and no such joint shall be closer than 1S m to. mother or to either end of the wire and not more than two uch joints shall be present in any reel, coil, or spool of the specified nominal mass. 1, Finish "11.1 The wire shall be free of imperfections not consistent vith good commercial practice. 12. Sampling for Tests and Retests 12.1 Any lot of wire, the samples of which comply with tis section, shall be considered as complying with the Iequirements of Sections 5, 6, 7, 9, and Il. Individual TABLE 2_ Electrical Resistivity Requirements at 20°C Enotreal Reset Volume Conausny ax, mntin min,% ACS “hrerape Ins ‘Average aus! fraet vee fa wees oneer72 0.028285 612 6.0. 7 production units that fail to meet one or more of the Tequirements shall be rejected. Failure of a sample group-of- four from a lot to meei one or more of the following criteria shall constitute cause for rejection of the lot. The sampling criteria for each of the prescribed properties given in Sections 5, 6,7, 9, and 11 are as follows: 12.1.1 Tensile Strength, Elongation, and Resistivity —The Jot shall be considered acceptable if the average tensile strength and elongation of the four specimens is rot less than the average value for a lot shown in Table 1, and if the average resistivity of the four specimens is not more than 0.028172 @+mm#/m_ at 20°C. Any individual production Unit, the specimen from which has a tensile strength or elongation less than the appropriate values for individual Wires shown in Table |, or a ressitvity more than 0.0282 St-mm?/m at 20°C, shall be rejected The lor shall be considered to have failed to meet the requirement(s if the average of the four specimens is less than the average valud of tensile strength or clongation shown in Table 1, or have an average resistance of more than 0.028172 @-mm?/m at 20'C and the tensile strength or elongation of any of the individual specimens is less than the appropriate values for individual wires shown, in Table 1 or have a resistance more than 0.028265 9-mm/m at 20°C. If the average tensile strength or elongation of the four specimens is less than the average values shown in Table 1, or if the average resistivity of the four specimens is more than 0.028172 {t+ mm?/m at 20°C, and if the tensile strength or elongation of each individual specimen is equal to or more than the appropriate value for individual tests shown in Table 1, or the resistivity of each individual specimen is equal to or less than 0.028265 Q-mm?/m at 20°C, six additional specimens from six production units other than the four originally sampled shall be tested. The lot shall be considered acceptable if the tensile strength and elongation ofeach of the ten specimens are not less than the appropriate value(s) for individual wires shown in Table 1, and the resistivity of each of the ten specimens is not more than 0.028265 Q-mm#/m at 20°C and if the average tensile strength and elongation of the ten, specimens are not less than the average value(s) shown in Table | and the average resistivity of the tea specimens is not more than 0.028172 Q-mm?/m at 20°C. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the requirements) if the tensile strength or elonga- tion of any individual specimen is less than the appropriate value for individual tests shown in Table 1, or if the resistivity of any individual specimen is more than 0.028265 Q-mm4/m at 20°C, or if the average tensile strength or elongation of the ten specimens is less than the average value(s) shown in Table 1, or if the average resistivity of the ten specimens is more than 0.028172 -mm*/m at 20°C. 121.1.3 In the event a lot of wire fails to meet any of the above requirements, each individual production unit in the lot may be tested. However, in this case, the requirement to ‘be met by each individual production unit shall be the same numerical value os the average-of-four requirement in 1240 12.1.2 Diameier—The lot shall be considered acceptable it the diameters of each of the four specimens are within the permissible variations of 9.2. Failure to meet this require- (jj B 230m ‘ment shall constitute failure to meet the diameter require ments of the lot 121.3 Finish—The surface finish of the four specimens —shai it requirement shall constitute failure to meet the surface-finish requirements of the lot 12.2 Sample Size—The number of production units in @ sample (see 14.4 and Explanatory Note 3) shall be as follows, 12.2.1 For tensile strength, elongation, resistivity, diem- eter, and finish determinations, the sample shall consist of four production units. From each unit, one test specimen of sufficient length shall be removed for the performance of the required tests. 12.2.2 For the bending properties test. any coil or reel ‘may be tested, but the frequency of production sampling and testing shall be by agreement between the manufaciurer and the purchaser, 13, Test Methods 13.1 Tensile Strength and Flongasion—The _ensile -rength, expressed in megapascals and determined in act cordance with Methods B 557M, shall be obtained by dividing the maximum load carried by the specimen during the tension test, by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen. Tensile strength and elongation may be deter- mined simultaneously on the same specimen (Explanatory Note 1), 13.1.1 ‘The elongation of wire whose nominal diameter is equal to or greater than 1.25 mm in diameier shall be determined as the permanent inerease in length, expressed in percent of the orginal lergth due to the breaking of the wire in tension, measired between gage marks, placed originally 250 mm apart, upon the test specimen, 13.1.2 Tf any part of the fracture takes place outside the gage marks or in the jaws of the tensile machine. or if an examination of the specimen indicates a flaw, the value obtained may not be representative of the material. In such ceases, the test may de discarded and a new test made, 131.3. Wire elongation measurements aze not required on wires of diameters less than 1,25 mm. 132 Resistiviiy—The electrical resistivity of the material -hall be determined in accordance with Test Method B 193 (Explanatory Note 2). 13.3 Diameter Measurements—Diameter measurements shall be made with a micrometer caliper. with minimum scale divisions no greater than 0.0] mm for wires of nominal diameter of 1.00 mm or larger and with minimum scale divisions no greater than 0.005 mm for wires of nominal diameter smaller than 1.000 mm. Measurements shall be made on each specimen selected for this test. The diameter of the wire shall be measured at two points. spaced approxi- ‘mately 90° apart. around the circumference of the wire. The average of these two readings shall be taken as the diameter of the specimen with the third decimal place. if required, EXPLANATORY NOTES. Nore I—In tension tests the values obtained may be affected by testing speed. It is recommended that for conformance criteria the 178 ents-of Het —Faiture-to-meet this —the unaided eve teorrective tenses acceptable). ——— shown as an 0 or a 5, whichever is closer to the average measured 13.4 Finish—Surface-finish inspection shall be made with 14. Inspection 14.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur hase order, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements spec fied 14.2 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of fF manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed to by the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the purchase. 14.3 The manufacturer shell afford the inspector repre- senting the purchaser all reasonable manufacturer's facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished inf accordance with this specification. 14.4 Unless otherwise agreed 10 by the purchaser and the manufacturer, conformance of the wire to the various requirements listed in Sections 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 shall be determined on samples taken from each lot of wire presented for acceptance (Explanatory Note 4), 14.5 The manufacturer shall, if requested prior to inspec tion, certify thet all wire in the lot was made under such conditions that the product as a whole meets the require- ments of this specification as determined by regularly made and recorded tests (Eaplanatory Note 3). 14.6 Descriptions of Inspection Terms: 146.1 Loi—A lot is any amount of wire up to and including 15 000 ke of one type and size presented for aoceptenct at one time, produced over a specific period cf time under essentially ‘the same conditions (Explanatory Notes ¢ and 5). 14.6.2 Sampie—A sample is a quantity of production unis (reels, coils, eic,) selected at random from the lot for the purpose of determining that the lot meets the requirements Of this specification 14.6.3. Specimen—A specimen is a length of wire removed for test purposes from any individual production unit of the sample. 15, Packeging and Shipping 15.1. Package sizes and types shall be agreed upon by the manufecturer and the purchascr in the placing of individual orders, 15.2 Unless otherwise specified, the wire shall be supplied in one continuous length on each reel, coil, or spool 15.3 The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary handling and shipping. 16, Marking 16,1. Each package shall bear a tag showing the manufac turer's name or trademark, aluminum designation, temper, size. and mass of material. If additional information is to be required on the tags, it shall be arranged with the manufac turer at the time of placing the orddr. testing epeed should not exceed 6.$ men/mm ef gage length or distance between grips per minate That may be useful in connection with the talucs of electrical resistivity prescribed in Table 2 are shows in Table 3. Resistivity unite are bated on the International Annealed Copper Sndard (JACS) adopted by IEC in 1913, which is 1/88 0 mm?/m at °C for 100 % conductivity, The value of 0.017241 1+ mm/m at 20°C ' the international equivalent of volume resistivity of annealed copper ‘qual to 100 $ conductivity. A complete discussion of ths su contained in NBS Handbook 100. The use of five significant figures in capressing resistivity does not imply the need for greater accuracy of TABLE 3 Equivalent Resistivity Values at 20°C eure Recichity Constante” Votre, Matera) Caneuctty, © ib ered (ues i Copper 100 ‘nian sun s0 o.c28255 nema 512 0.008172 “The equivaent restity values fr 100% ACS candustiy were each sonputed fom the fundamental IEC value (1/58 Donen) using conversion ‘actos each exrastad fo at ast seven sigvficantfoures.Coresrending values ‘cher conducts (uinun) were davec from these by mubpiyng by De ‘groca of te sonoucty aos ang where applicable aise by the Sersty "es, town accurate toa as! saxon signioan gues. SUPPLEMENTARY i) B 230M ‘measurement than that specified in Test Method B 193, The use of five significant figures is required for reasonably accurate reversible conver~ Sion from one set of resitivity units to another. The equivalent resistivity values in the wbles were derived from the fundamental IEC value (1/58 2 mm*/m) computed to seven significant figures and then rounded to fie significant figures. [NOTE 3—Cumulative results on the product ofa single manufacturer, indicating contisued adherence to the sampling requirements, are necessary 1o ensure an overall product meeting the requirements ofthis cation. The sample sizes and requirements given for the various characteristics are applicable only to lots produced under these condi- tioss. Note 4—A lot should comprise material taken from a product, regalarly meciing the requirements of this specification, Inspection of individual fois of iss than 2500 kg of wire cansot be justified economically. For small ots of 2500 igor less the purchaser may agree to the manufacturer's regular inspection of the product as a whole as evidence of acceptability of such small 11s, Nowe 5—Evidence of sutistical contre! should be demonstrated. To do this, control chars, at deterbed in Part 3 of ASTM STP 15D, may be used, om Presentation of Data and Castral Chart Analy, ASTM STP REQUIREMENTS : The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the incuiry, contract, or order, for agencies of the U.S. Government. SI. Referenced Documents S1.1 The following documents form a part of this specifi- ‘ation to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifi- j cations and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, Cited in the solicitation. S12 Military Specification? , *avalable fiom Naval Publications ard Forms Cente, $801 Tabor Ave Paisdelphia, PA 19120, MIL-C-12000 Cable, Cord, and Wire, Electric; Packaging of S2. Inspection $2.1 The government shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification when such tests are deemed necessary to assure that the material conforms to the prescribed requirements. S3. Packaging $3.1 Packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-C-12000. The American Sockty lr Tastng and ate teres ro poston respecting the vst of ary patent rights asserted in connection wen any hom mortioned i thie ancers. Us refine slancard are oxpreebyaovaed Dat ‘ator! QM, andthe risk of nfingorent of such rights, are antl lemiaion af re vai of any such jer own respensilty Thi stancara fs subjct trevsion a any ime by ihe response techical committee ana must be rviewad every the years and tack revise, other reapproved of witcrenn. You coriments are invted othe: fr revision ous starcard or for sao! Sanders ‘and shouldbe acaressed to ASTM Heacouaters.Yaur cammenis wil recoie care! considerzion a! a meeting ofthe rqoonste {eahncal conte, whieh you may eter. yeu To! fat your comments have ot resolved ali hewing you SPOU mck your views how lo the ASTM Conamtae on Standars, 1916 Race St

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