Listening 650+

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= S41 BA] BS tte Siu 650 Ani Oval Al Ad AM 213 4 ee @ cempe3ie Stccaye Ww Bessa SEeceze Up DERE ———_Y2™ sears ate responsitty fo a the materia cntined nhs rot, whi ETS does not review endorse. YBM sae 650 atl BOA Ii LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time Statement (C), “They're sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE once 3 G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 412. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 413. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 46. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. PART 3 answer three questions about what the speakers sai Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 32. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) Asales deal (B) Anewsletter article (C) performance evaluation (0) Ajob application 33. What does the woman offer to do? (A) Write a recommendation letter (B) Help with an assignment (C) Drive a car toa site (0) Provide regular status updates 39. 34, Who is the woman? (A) A supervisor (8)A recruiter (C)A professor (0) Actient 35. Where is the conversation taking place? (A) At a bank (8) Ata hotel (C)Atan airport (D)Ata theater 41. 36. What problem does the woman tell the man about? (A) Some food was not delivered. (B) An area is very crowded. (C) Some machines have been damaged. (D) A reservation has been lost 42. 37. What does the man say he wants to do? (A) Take a nap (B) Check some records (C) Eat a meal (D) Upgrade some tickets 38. What does the woman give the man? (A) Aschedule of events (B)A ticket for a drawing (C)Aname tag (O)A facility map Why does the man have a Gold Pass? (A) He won it as a prize. (B) He paid extra for it. (C) He is an invited speaker. (0) He is an association member. . According to the woman, what can only Gold 43. Pass holders do? (A) Receive a gift (B) Go to any workshop (C) Enter the exposition early (D) Meet some officials Why is the man calling? (A) To give some feedback (8) To report a found item (C) To arrange a tour (D) To modify a reservation What type of business does the woman work for? (A) Amuseum (B) A bookstore (C)A catering company (D)An automobile rental agency What does the man mean when he says, “we said we'd pack everything up"? (A) He is sorry about a mess. (B) He will work iong hours tomorrow. (C) He does not want to leave anything behind. (D) He will need more packing materials. GO.ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Le 7 44, Where are the speakers? (A) In an office (B) Ina retail store (C) Ina factory (0) Ina photography studio 45. What does the man mention about a ‘computer model? (A) Itis compact. (8) Itis currently sold out. (©) Itis difficult to repair. (0) Itis used by professionals. 46. Who does the woman say she will call? (A) Asupplier (B) A coworker (C) technician (D) Adelivery driver 47. Who is the man? (A) A receptionist (B) An event organizer (C) company owner (0) Ajournalist 48. What does Ms. Beverly say she will do during her presentation? (A) Play a video recording (B) Give a skills demonstration (C) Encourage posting on social media (0) Bring audience members onstage 49. What does Ms. Beverly ask Da-Hee to prepare? (A) Some printed handouts (8) Some extra seats (C) Some refreshments (D) Some audio equipment 50. Why is the woman calling? (A) To make a complaint (B) To place an order (C) To propose a partnership (D) To ask about a job opening 51. What problem does the man mention? (A) An advertisement contained an error. (B) A business is fully staffed (C) Amanager is unavailable. (D) A product has been discontinued, 52. What does the woman say she will do? (A) Drop off a form (B) Mark her calendar (C) Pay for a special service (O) Wait for a phone call 53. How does the man say he learned about Canvass Cellular? (A) From a television commercial (B) From a newspaper article (C) From a Web page post (0) From a telemarketing call 54, What does the woman say is special about Canvass Cellular? (A) Its customer support (B) Its data usage limits (C) Its coverage area (0) Its service prices 55. What does the woman offer to do for the man? (A) Call him back at a later time (B) Purchase his used mobile phone (C) Connect him to a salesperson (D) Waive a sign-up charge 56. Why does the woman say, “I finished my assessment of the Washburn property"? (A) To volunteer to help the man (B) To explain where she has been (C) To indicate that she needs a new assignment (0) To bring up a topic of discussion 57. What does the man say he will do in the afternoon? (A) Speak with a builder (B) Visit a construction site (C) Purchase gardening supplies (D) Prepare for an inspection ‘58. What problem does the woman mention? (A) Some ground is unstable. (B) A budget has been reduced. (C) Some data is inaccurate (D) A building is being renovated. 59. What are the men in charge of planning? (A) A holiday banquet (B) A charity auction (C)Amanagement retreat (D) Apress conference 60. Why is the woman concerned? (A) The weather could make a venue inaccessible. (8) Many people have accepted an invit (C)Astrategy has not been finalized yet. (0) The company’s busy season is approaching. 61. What does Russell agree to do? (A) Prepare an alternative activity (B) Make a telephone inquiry (C) Double the size of an order (D) Clear his afternoon schedule Payroll Department Name | Ext. | Specialty Ross Simpson | 501 | Timekeeping Joe Cobb 502 | Benefit administration Crystal Ruiz | 503 | Expense reimbursement Jenny Daliry | 504 | Tax compliance 62. What problem is the man having? (A) A calculation seems incorrect. (B) He did not receive a payment. (C) He cannot find a folder. (0) A device is malfunctioning. 63. Look at the graphic. Who most likely contacted the man? (A) Mr. Simpson (B) Mr. Cobb (C) Ms. Ruiz (0) Ms. Daltry . What does the woman tell the man to do? (A) Go to a department in person (B) Request a deadline extension (C) Send a document over the Internet (0) Read company memos more carefully GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Hen eat 9 Schedule for: Carol Hampton 8:00 aw. Conference call | 9:00 a.m. Library Floor Plan 40:00 Am. Interview with job candidate 11:00 a.m, Noon Lunch 1:00 Pmt 65. What does the man tell the woman? (A) He has begun attending a class. (B) He has visited a distributor's office. (C) He has finished making some graphics. (D) He has been working on the weekends. 66. What will the speakers do when they meet? (A) Practice giving a joint presentation (8) Discuss expanding the man’s job duties (C) Evaluate some freelancers’ qualifications (D) Brainstorm ideas for a sales promotion 67. Look at the graphic. What time will the speakers meet? (A) At 9:00 am, (B) At 10:00 a.m. (C)At 11:00 am. (D) At 12:00 p.m, 10 T Meeting Rooms Area a ey | 6e 80 Area2 80 900 Copy Center Areal Aread EY Circulation Desk 68. What does the woman say she has just done? (A) She reviewed some survey results. (B) She went to a committee meeting. (C) She read an academic journal (D) She toured another library. 69. Look at the graphic. Which area does the woman suggest removing shelves from? (A)Area 1 (B) Area 2 (C) Area 3 (D) Area 4 70. What does the woman propose doing to some books? (A) Disposing of them (B) Relocating them to other shelves (C) Converting them to a digital format (D) Putting them in storage PART 4 book and will be spoken only one time. Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three | questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test 71. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To ask for directions (B) To suggest an additional service (C) To apologize for an error (D) To confirm an appointment 72. What does the speaker say he will bring to Tele-Heights Tower? (A) Alarge appliance (B) A moving truck (C) Some cleaning supplies (D) Some potted plants 73. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Pay a security deposit (B) Contact a building superintendent (C) Choose a time for a meeting (D) Leave a review online 77. What is the broadcast mainly about? (A) A construction project (B) An athletic event (C)Anew business (0) A\ocal politician 78. What is the reason for some criticism? (A) Aplan is complicated. (B)A location is inconvenient. (C) A celebration was canceled (0) A cost has increased 79. What will listeners most likely hear next? (A) An interview (8) Aweather report (C)An advertisement (D) A musical performance 74. What does the speaker's store sell? (A) Housewares (8) Security equipment (C) Musical instruments (D) Medical goods 75. What will the new policy prohibit store ‘employees from doing? (A) Using scented products (B) Trading shifts with each other (C) Wearing clothing that is in poor condition, (D) Complaining about the store on social media 76. What does the speaker mean when he says, “Brenda will be checking"? (A) The policy will be strictly enforced. (B) The listeners will receive assistance. (C) Brenda will make sure that an estimate is correct. (0) Brenda will take over one of his responsibilities. 80. What type of event is taking place? (A) A product launch (B) An office party (C)Astore opening (0) Atund-raiser 81. According to the speaker, what field has Mr. Cashwell mainly made contributions to? (A) Finance (8) Education (C) Publishing (D) Engineering 82, What will Mr. Cashwell speak about? (A) Aclass (B) A colleague (C) An invention (D)Atrip GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE So " 83. What is causing a problem? 84, 85. 87. 12 (A) A machine is performing poorly. (B) An employee is late to work. (C)A facility is very small (D) Apart is too expensive. What does the speaker suggest doing? (A) Apologizing to a client (B) Redistributing a workload (C) Hiring a new technician (D) Replacing some equipment What does the speaker imply when she says, “you're the regional manager, though"? (A) She is surprised by a request (B) The listener must make a decision. (C) She knows that the listener is very busy. () The listener can draw more attention to an issue. What is the topic of the radio program? (A) Sports (8) Music. (C) Business (0) Technology What does the speaker say Mr. Yoshida did recently? (A) He released an album. (B) He moved to a new city. (C) He appeared on television. (D) He created a Web site. What does the speaker encourage listeners to do? (A) Enter a local contest (B) Take some photographs (C) Join an online community (D) Watch a news program 89, Who are the listeners? (A) New hires (B) Team leaders (C) Board members (D) University students 90. What does the speaker mean when she says, “there's been a lot of talk about our current curriculum"? (A) Many institutions use the curriculum. (B) Anews report featured the curriculum. (C) There is some criticism of the curriculum. (D) A consulting firm designed the curriculum, 91. What should listeners do with some training materials? (A) Suggest revisions to them (8) Recommend them to others (C) Study them to gain tips (D) Make an outline of them 92. Where does the speaker work? (A) Ata fitness center (8) Ata technical support center (C) At an Internet service provider (D) Ata news publisher 93. What does the speaker offer to give the listener? (A) A free trial (B) An upgrade (C) A discounted price (D)An accessory 94, Why does the speaker encourage the listener to return a call? (A) To learn some details (B) To provide feedback (C) To renew a subscription (0) To schedule an appointment » Fulton Airline Services In-flight meal $15 ‘One checked bag $25 Two checked bags $50 Airport shuttle service $65 95. What does the speaker mention about ‘Sharpton City? (A) Its airport is large. (B) Its traffic is currently bad. (C) It is experiencing cold weather. (0) Ithas many tourist attractions. 96. According to the speaker, why should a passenger speak to a flight attendant? (A) To obtain more snacks (B) To submit a travel document (C) To ask about gate information (0) To buy a duty-free gift 97. Look at the graphic. How much money can a Fulton Frequent Flier save on every flight? (A) $15 (8) $25 (C) $50 (0) S65 98. 99. 100. Leese sere) Cornwallis Theater Seating = = Section Location = zs Wings Ld ees i K Front . L Rear M Balcony eee eee According to the speaker, what did the production win an award for? (A) Its script (B) Its acting (C) Its costumes (0) Its set decoration What does the speaker ask listeners to do? (A) Silence communication devices (B) Remain seated after the play (C) Make a financial contribution (0) Fill out a satisfaction survey Look at the graphic. Where are annual ticket holders sitting? (A) In Section J (B) In Section K (C) In Section L (D) In Section M This is the end of the Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book. GO.ON TO THE NEXT PAGE eee 13

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