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Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 24, 169 171. © 1992 The Geological Society

Discussion on 'Mackintosh-vs-vane estimation of undrained shear

strength correlation for a sabkha clay of Saudi Arabia'
by D. Hossain & K. M. Ali

(Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 23, 269-272)

A. N. JAMES and A. L. LITTLE write: Hossain and Ali the sandy sabkha. In the hot summer months, the
have presented an interesting set of results obtained sandy sabkha could sustain light vehicular traffic
for an Obhor sabkha clay near Jedda, suggesting a (except at occasional soft spots) but in the winter even
tentative correlation between undrained shear strength walking across the sabkha area was difficult. An
(measured by a field vane test) and the M-value important feature of the sandy sabkha described was
(number of blows for 0.3m penetration) obtained the presence of artesian water, proved in about 38
using a Mackintosh probe. Figures 2-4 of the paper boreholes at all parts of the site. It is believed this has
show clearly that one of the difficulties in dealing with an important influence on the performance, mainten-
'sabkha' is the considerable scatter of results and the ance and possibly the formation of the sabkha.
variation in the nature of the basic material comprising The improvement of strength of the Obhor Sabkha
the sabkha. in summer is explicable at least in part by desiccation
In a previous paper, Hossain & Ali (1988) divided of the (sensitive) clay or by changing salinities and ion
the upper 5 metres of the Obhor Sabkha into two main exchange (Mitchell 1976) during seasonal cycles; high
zones: salt contents in summer giving way to lower values in
Zone I: a landward zone, predominantly clayey winter. However, this cannot be the explanation of
beneath a thin (c. 0.5 m) layer of loose sand; increase in bearing capacity of the loose sand forming
Zone II: a seaward zone, predominantly sandy with a the sabkha described by James & Little which must be
thin (c. 0.5 m) cemented sandy crust. due to a cementing agent. Stipho (1985) has previously
noted the high salt contents of sabkhas, the cementing
A small subzone, IIA, is described as 'clay over sandy action of the contained salts and strength reduction
sabkha'. For the upper soft clay (at Zone I) they give consequent on leaching. A1-Sanad et al. (1990) have
liquid limits between 20% and 50% for the top crust commented on similar effects created by rising ground-
and 36% to 60% for the main claybody with plasticity water caused by over-irrigation and leaking services in
indices ranging from 5 to 20 for the crust and 20 to 35 Kuwait. In the investigation by the present authors, the
for the main body; 'clay' is an acceptable description presence of salts (mostly NaC1 but also gypsum) was
for this type of soil. The medium sensitivity referred proved to exist in considerable quantity in upper
to by the authors may reflect conditioning by ion sabkha layers. Unless there were some mechanism of
exchange processes, brought about by gypsiferous pore renewal, leaching action with time would gradually
water or by changes in salinity (Mitchell 1976). remove the salt cement completely. Some authorities
James & Little (1986) gave some results from an (e.g. Fookes et al. 1985; Stipho 1985) postulate several
extensive investigation into another coastal deposit also different agents of salt intrusion, including flooding by
known locally as 'sabkha' which, although containing seawater, aeolian agency or groundwater.
silt and sometimes clay, is seen from the particle size The authors believe that artesian groundwater was
chart in Fig. 1 to be predominantly sand. the principal agent in the case they studied. A
It is clear therefore that the term 'sabkha' used on considerable natural barrier of sand existed between
its own does not convey a meaningful geotechnical the sabkha and the sea which, together with ground-
description. A reference to the soil type is also required water flow towards the sea, makes seawater an unlikely
(e.g. 'sandy' or clayey' sabkha) and it is unfortunate source of salts. The most likely origin of the cementing
the distinction is omitted in other reference works agent is from the artesian flow, possibly with the
describing sabkhas (cf Watson 1979; Sonnenfeld 1984). addition of some windborne material. The upward-
In their paper, Hossain & Ali say " . . . t h e r e are seeping water, driven by artesian pressure, was ana-
indications that the strength of the sabkha clay lysed chemically and shown to have low concentrations
improves to some extent from winter to summer and of salts at depth rising to as much as 23% near
vice versa." This seasonal variation in bearing capacity groundwater surface (Table 1). Hot weather evapor-
is a notable characteristic which seems to be common ation leaves the salts dispersed through the upper
to all sabkha and was noted by the present authors for layers of sabkha as other chemical analyses proved.
Downloaded from by Richard John Evans on April 30, 2019


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!Ill !i-- I li]~ 1 i 1ifi i~
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z ii
_ 1/ r ~
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~:~11i ti /I 2 iiii " -i

=IN il ~1 i fi 'i~ i
of!i 0.002 C-~06
It 0,02 ~
i!i I 0.2
i ii
O*o •
irl ~0
! 200
ICLAY I Fine I Medium [ ~r~ I Fine [ U~liurni Cc.=t~e i 'Fine i ~(~ium i C~,,rseICIZ)BBLESI BCWLjCERS]

FiG. 1. Particle size distribution of sand.

TABLE 1. Sodium chloride concentrations in ground- to have any data on groundwater movements in the
water Obhor Sabkha with special reference to artesian
conditions there or elsewhere.
Depth (m) NaCI (%)
D. HOSSAIN and K. M. ALI reply: we would like to
0.5 (open hole) 11.4 thank Drs James and Little for their interest in the
0.5 (open hole) 13.1 Technical Note and contribution to the discussion.
0.5 (open hole) 6.2 The correlation proposed by Hossain and Ali was
0.5 (open hole) 2.4 for the 'soft clay' occurring in the landward zone and
0.5 (open hole) 13.4
0.5 (open hole) 23.0 a small sub-zone (within the seaward zone) of Obhor
0.8 (borehole) 17.6 Sabkha. The thickness of the surfacial layer of loose
1.3 (borehole) 13.4 sand in these areas is generally around 10 to 20cm,
8.1 (borehole) 0.6 although Fig. 2(A) of Hossain & All (1988) suggests it
10.2 (borehole) 1.3 to be a little thicker.
11.0 (borehole) 0.2 Figure 7 of Hossain & Ali (1988) showed that most
24.5 (borehole) 0.25
of the sensitivity values of the soft clay in Obhor were
in the range 2 to 16 and this clay was described by the
authors as medium sensitive to extra-sensitive accord-
The mechanism of renewal outlined above accounts ing to Skempton & Northeys (1952) classification. The
for the continued existence of the sabkha studied which contributors noted its sensitivity as medium (i.e.
would otherwise have reverted to loose sand similar to between 2 and 4), probably through oversight or by
the near-by dunes from which it probably originated. reference to some other classification system. Some of
A more speculative and possibly controversial idea is the possible causes of the sensitivity of this clay were
that the sabkha studied by the present authors (and discussed by Hossain & Ali (1988) while others are
perhaps other sabkhas as well) originated as a result of suggested by the contributors. It is likely that all of
this mechanism. Sand blown seawards encountered them are operating together. An assessment of the
waterlogged areas, was unable to make further pro- degree of influence of each of the factors such as
gress and was cemented by the process described. As salinity, ion-exchange, percentage of monovalent
the smooth, almost level, area so created afforded no cations and cementation, needs further study. It is
opportunity for further dunes to develop, surplus sand worth mentioning that Fig. 11.16 of Mitchell (1976)
was blown into the sea. The waterlogged areas thus may suggest that mere increase of salinity of the pore
developed into sabkha. water of a soil beyond that of sea water, as in the case
It would be interesting to have Messrs Hossain and of sabkhas, would hardly affect its sensitivity. Further,
Ali's opinions on the views expressed and in particular, it remains to be seen if the sabkhas follow the same
Downloaded from by Richard John Evans on April 30, 2019


trend of sensitivity increase with the percentage of as the contributors assume it to be and the absence of
monovalent cations in the pore water as observed in a lagoon at present in the area may not preclude the
the clays of low salinity (ref. Fig. 11.17 of Mitchell possibility of an old one (now buried), particularly
1976). because the distance to the sea is not so large. Further,
The authors agree with the contributors with regard it does not appear reasonable to extend the artesian
to the need for mentioning the soil type (e.g. sandy, water hypothesis of sabkha formation, inferred by the
silty or clayey) in the geotechnical description of contributors for Jubail, to other sabkhas without
sabkhas because sabkhas with different grain size supporting data.
characteristics are now being identified. It is under-
standable that the omission of soil type in the earlier
works on sabkhas was because the sabkha deposits
studied earlier were predominantly sandy in nature. References
The contributors' explanation of the cause of the
seasonal variation of sabkha strength is in order except
for the fact that they tend to restrict unnecessarily the LUMSDEN, A. C. 1990. The influence of groundwater
concept of cementation to the sandy sabkhas. levels on the geotechnical behaviour of desert sands.
The possibility of having an artesian water in Obhor Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 23, 357-364.
Sabkha has not been investigated specifically. How- FOOKES, P. W., FRENCH, W. J. & RICE, S. M. M. 1985. The
ever, a large number of boreholes extending 0.5 to influence of ground and groundwater geochemistry on
construction in the Middle East. Quarterly Journal of
1.0m into the gravelly sand of stiff clay layer
Engineering Geology, 18, 101-127.
underlying the soft clay and four other boreholes 9 to HOSSAIN, D. & ALl, K. M. 1988. Shear strength and
15m deep were made in this sabkha. Two of these consolidation characteristics of the Obhor sabkha.
deeper holes were shown in Figure 2 of Hossain & Ali Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 21, 347-359.
(1988). Water table observations in these holes did not JAMES, A. N. & LITTLE, A. L. 1986. Discussion of Fookes et
provide any indication of artesian pressure. Hence it al. 1985, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 19,
appears that the hydrogeological situation in Obhor is 209-214.
MITCHELL, J. K. 1976. Fundamentals Qf Soil Behaviour. Wiley,
somewhat different from that in Jubail, where the Chichester.
contributors observed artesian conditions. The authors SKEMPTON, A. W. & NORTHEY, R. P. 1952. The sensitivity of
consider that a more detailed presentation of the clays. Gkotechnique, 3, 30-52.
geology, geomorphology and hydrogeological setting SONNENFELD, P. 1984. Brines and Evaporites Academic, New
of the Jubail sabkha and its surroundings could help to York.
STIPHO, A. S. 1985. On the engineering properties of
improve understanding of the relative contributions of engineering soils. QuarterO' Journal of Engineering
artesian inland water and sea water to the salt Geology, 18, 129 137.
intrusion in that sabkha. The sandy area between the WATSON, A. 1979. Gy' :~um crusts in deserts. Journal of Arid
sabkha and the Gulf may not be as efficient a barrier Environments, 2, :-30.

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