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4A COMMUNICATIVE  Me and my opinions

Student A

 a Complete the sentences to make them true for you.

1 I like people who can
dance urban music .
2 My main reason for learning English is that I want to be
able to live in othercountry.
3 I’ve always wanted to be able to act in a musical comedy .
4 I can play the guitar well because I’ve practised a lot.

1 A politician should be able to
be empathic with the people
2 In a relationship, it’s important to be able to with each other .
3 In the future, people will be able to use technology much better.
4 If you want to improve your English, you can r ead more books .

 b Read your ABOUT ME sentences to B. Ask What about you? after each sentence. Then listen to B’s
ABOUT ME sentences and tell him / her about you.

 c Read your MY OPINIONS sentences to B. Does he / she agree? Then listen to his / her MY OPINIONS.
Do you agree? Give your reasons.

Student B

 a Complete the sentences to make them true for you.

1 I couldn’t won a r unning race when I was little.
2 I can speak in English, but I can’t speak in fr
ench .
3 I get stressed when I can’t be on time .
4 When I finish this course, I want to be able to speakfluently .

1 Teenagers should be able to be patient .
2 Humans will never be able to live in peace .
3 I admire people who can tr avel around the wor
4 To be successful in life, you have to be able to be self confident .

 b Listen to A’s ABOUT ME sentences and tell him / her about you. Then read your ABOUT ME
sentences to A. Ask What about you? after each sentence.

 c Listen to A’s MY OPINIONS sentences. Do you agree? Give your reasons. Then read your
MY OPINIONS sentences to A. Does he / she agree?

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Intermediate  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press

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4A GRAMMAR  obligation and prohibition: have to, must, should
 a Circle the correct verb. Tick (✓) if both are possible.

1 No, thanks. I mustn’t / shouldn’t eat any more cake. I’m on a diet. ✓
2 You mustn’t / don’t have to tell anyone what I’ve just told you. It’s a secret.
3 Living at home is great. I mustn’t / don’t have to do anything because my mum does it all for me!
4 You must / have to get a visa if you want to go to Cuba.
5 You ought to / have to pay a fine if you don’t return your library books on time.
6 Jerry doesn’t have to / mustn’t get up early this morning. He isn’t going to work.
7 It’s Hannah’s birthday tomorrow. I mustn’t / shouldn’t forget to phone her.
8 You mustn’t / don’t have to touch electrical things when your hands are wet. It’s very dangerous.
9 I think you should / must go to bed early tonight. You look really tired.
When I was a child, I had to / must tidy my room every weekend.
If you’re late for class, you ought to / should say sorry to the teacher.
He doesn’t have to / shouldn’t watch so much TV. It’s a waste of time.

 b Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, have to, or don’t have to. Sometimes two answers
are possible.

1 You have to pay for food and drinks separately.

2 You
mustn´t drive at more than 70 mph.
3 Service is included, so you don´
t have to leave a tip.
4 You
have to wait here before showing your passport.
5 You have to pay on Sundays.
6 You must fasten your seatbelt now.
7 You mustn´ t leave your bags unattended.
8 You have to leave your hotel room before 12 o’clock.

Test your memory. Cover the sentences in b. Look at the pictures and remember the sentences.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Intermediate  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press

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4B GRAMMAR  ability and possibility: can, could, be able to
 a Circle the correct verb. Sometimes both verbs are possible.

It’s never too late

My 78-year-old father 1 couldn’t / wasn’t able to
even turn on a computer until about two years
ago. All that changed when he decided that he
wanted to 2 can / be able to use the internet
and he did a course at his local Adult Education
Centre. Although he really enjoyed the course,
he 3 couldn’t / wasn’t able to put what he learnt
in his classes into practice because he didn’t
have a computer. So, for his birthday, I bought
him his own laptop and that’s when he really
started learning! Now, he 4 ’s able to / can use the
internet really well and send emails. What he loves
most is 5 can / being able to speak to and see his
grandchildren on Skype at least once a week. We
live in Australia, but he lives in the UK. If he didn’t
have a computer, he 6 couldn’t / wouldn’t be
able to keep in touch with us so much.

 b Complete the sentences with can / can’t or could / couldn’t. If a form of can / could isn’t possible,
complete the sentence with a form of be able to.

1 At the end of the six-week course, 7 M

 iriam hates not be able to play chess
you ’ll be able to design your own website. as well as Luke. He always beats her and she’s
a really bad loser!
2 Masha called me yesterday because she
couldn´t remember how to get to 8 S
 ometimes when you’re on Skype you
my house. can hear the other person
very well.
3 Simon isn’t going to be able to finish
the report by the end of the day. 9 I’m afraid I won’t be able to go away
this weekend. I’m too busy.
4 Pierre has passed his driving test, so now he
can drive his father’s car. Y
10  ou should be able to do this exercise
without any help. It’s quite easy.
5 I haven’t been able to speak to Harry for
over three weeks. He never answers his phone. 11
can´t park here; there are
no spaces.
6 The train was delayed, so I couldn´t
get to the meeting on time. 12
 being able to do what you like is the best
thing about a holiday.

Complete the sentences about yourself.
i finished school
1 I’ve been able to playvolleyball since .
2 I used to be able to swim everyweekend .
3 I enjoy being able to cook pizza at fr
idaynight .
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Intermediate  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press

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