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arXiv:2306.01326v1 [math.AG] 2 Jun 2023


Abstract. We explore the relationship between fibrations arising nat-

urally from a surjective morphism to an abelian variety. These fibrations
encode geometric information about the morphism. Our study focuses
on the interplay of these fibrations and presents several applications.
Then we propose a generalization of the Iitaka conjecture which pre-
dicts an equality of Kodaira dimension of fibrations, and prove it when
the base is a smooth projective variety of maximal Albanese dimension.

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Applications 1
1.2. A generalization of the Iitaka conjecture 5
1.3. Main theorems 6
2. Preliminaries 9
3. Proofs of main results 11
4. Results on Conjecture 1.8 20
References 27

1. Introduction
In this paper, we explore the relationship between fibrations arising nat-
urally from a surjective morphism to an abelian variety over C. These fibra-
tions encode geometric information about the morphism. Our study focuses
on the interplay of these fibrations and presents several applications. To
enhance clarity, we begin by discussing the applications before introducing
the main theorems.
1.1. Applications. The famous Iitaka conjecture predicts the subadditiv-
ity of Kodaira dimension of fibrations. A fibration is a projective surjective
morphism with connected fibers. Although the conjecture has been estab-
lished in various cases, it is not fully known yet. When the base is an

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14D06, 14K05.

Keywords: Kodaira dimension, fibrations, abelian varieties.

abelian variety, Cao and Păun proved in [CP17] that if f : X → A is a fi-

bration from a klt pair (X, ∆) to an abelian variety A with general fiber F ,
then κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ). By applying the techniques of this
paper, we give an equality of Kodaira dimension when the base is an abelian
Theorem 1.1. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a klt pair
(X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, F the general fiber of f , m > 1 a rational
number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆) and
f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. For every positive integer l, we have
c ∗ OX (lD))
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detf
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (lD)).
c ∗ OX (lD) is the reflexive hull of det f∗ OX (lD). Let
The line bundle detf
F be a coherent sheaf on an abelian variety A. The cohomological support
locus V 0 (A, F) is defined by
V 0 (A, F) = {α ∈ Pic0 (A) | dim H 0 (A, F ⊗ α) > 0},
see also Definition 2.2.
It is known that κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) by [CP17], which is
the subadditivity of Kodaira dimension of fibrations over abelian varieties.
It is also known that we have the stronger inequality κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥
κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (lD)) if m ≥ 1 by [Men22]. Theorem
1.1 finds the difference between κ(X, KX + ∆) and κ(F, KF + ∆|F ), and
shows that the inequalities in [Men22, Theorem 1.6] are actually equalities
if m > 1. When X is smooth and ∆ = 0, an immediate corollary is the
Corollary 1.2. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a smooth
projective variety X to an abelian variety A and F the general fiber of f .
For every integer m > 1 such that f∗ ωX 6= 0, we have
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) = κ(F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ ω ⊗m ).
κ(X) = κ(F ) + κ(A, detf X X

By estimating the dimension of V 0 (A, f∗ OX (lD)), we have the following

corollary of Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.3. Let g : X → Y be a smooth model of the Iitaka fibration
associated to KX + ∆ where (X, ∆) is a klt pair and Y is a smooth projective
variety. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism to an abelian variety A
with general fiber F . Then
κ(X, KX + ∆) ≤ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + q(Y ).
Given a projective variety Y , q(Y ) denotes the irregularity of Y , see
Definition 2.1. It is known that
κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim A − q(G)

where G is the general fiber of g by [Men22, Corollary 1.7]. Corollary 1.3

gives an upper bound of κ(X, KX + ∆). In particular, if q(Y ) = 0, we have
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ).
We have a quick corollary of Theorem 1.1 if the Albanese morphism of
X is a surjective morphism. In Corollary 1.3, we let f be the Albanese
morphism of X. Then we deduce that
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + q(Y )
by Theorem 1.1 and [Men21, Theorem 1.5].
With more work, we can generalize Theorem 1.1 slightly.
Theorem 1.4. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a klt pair
(X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, F the general fiber of f , m > 1 a rational
number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆) and
f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. Let L be a divisor on A such that κ(A, L) ≥ 0. For every
positive integer l, we have
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L))
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detf
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L)).
When X is smooth, ∆ = 0, and f is a fibration, Kawamata proved that
κ(X, KX + f ∗ L) ≥ κ(F, KF ) + max{κ(A, L), Var(f )}
in [Kaw85a, Theorem 1.1(ii)] under the assumption that the general fiber F
has a good minimal model. For the definition of the variation Var(f ), see
[Kaw85a, Section 1]. Theorem 1.4 recovers his result when the base is an
abelian variety since
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) ≥ Var(f ) ≥ 0
κ(A, detf X
for some integer m > 1 by [Kaw85a, Theorem 1.1(i)] and thus
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ OA (L)) ≥ max{κ(A, L), Var(f )}.
κ(A, detf X
In a different but related direction, we have the following corollary as an
application of Theorems 1.11 and 1.12.
Corollary 1.5. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a smooth
projective variety X to an abelian variety A where f is smooth over an open
set V ⊆ A, and m a positive integer. Then
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) ≥ dim V 0 (A, f∗ ω ⊗m ).
κ(V ) ≥ κ(A, detf X X
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ ω ⊗m ).
If m > 1, then κ(A, detf X X

Given a smooth quasi-projective variety V , κ(V ) denotes the log Kodaira

dimension, defined as follows: for any smooth projective compactification Y
of V such that D = Y \ V is a divisor with simple normal crossing support,
we have κ(V ) = κ(Y, KY + D).

If κ(V ) = 0, Corollary 1.5 is known by [MP21, Theorem B]. By [Men22,

Theorem 3.6, Remark 3.7 and Lemma 3.8], it is already known that (even
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) ≥ dim V 0 (A, f∗ ω ⊗m ), and κ(A, detf
for klt pairs) κ(A, detf c ∗ ω ⊗m ) =
0 ⊗m
dim V (A, f∗ ωX ) if m > 1 under the hypotheses of Corollary 1.5. If the
morphism f is a fibration, we also know that κ(V ) ≥ κ(A, detf c ∗ ω ⊗m ) by
[Men22, Theorem 1.1]. Corollary 1.5 shows that κ(V ) ≥ κ(A, detf c ∗ ω ⊗m )
when f is a surjective morphism but not necessarily a fibration, which could
not be obtained by the method in [Men22]. Instead, it is obtained as a
corollary of Theorems 1.11 and 1.12 which are proved by a different method.
We remark that we also have
c ∗ OX )
κ(V ) ≥ κ(A, detf
by using the same method as in the proof of Theorem 1.11, which is the first
part of the inequality in Corollary 1.5 when m = 0.
Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.5 have many applications, see [Men22, Corol-
laries 1.2, 1.3, 1.7 and 1.8].
With more work, we can generalize Corollary 1.5 to the case when the
base is a smooth projective variety of maximal Albanese dimension. A
smooth projective variety is of maximal Albanese dimension if its Albanese
morphism is generically finite onto its image.
Theorem 1.6. Let f : X → Y be a fibration from a smooth projective variety
X to a smooth projective variety Y of maximal Albanese dimension where
f is smooth over an open set V ⊆ Y , and m a positive integer. Then
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).
κ(V ) ≥ κ(Y, detf X

By [Kaw85a, Theorem 1.1(i)], Theorem 1.6 implies a special case of the

Kebekus–Kovács conjecture when the base V compactifies to a smooth pro-
jective variety Y of maximal Albanese dimension. This conjecture bounds
Var(f ) from above by the log Kodaira dimension κ(V ) assuming that the
general fiber of f has a good minimal model.
Next, we consider another interesting problem. Let f : X → A be a
surjective morphism from a klt pair (X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, m ≥ 1 a
rational number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆).
We decide when
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))
κ(A, detf
holds using the techniques of this paper. These quantities have appeared
many times in this paper and are very interesting in their own right. We have
c ∗ OX (D)) ≥ dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)), and κ(A, detf
that κ(A, detf c ∗ OX (D)) =
dim V (A, f∗ OX (D)) if m > 1 by [Men22, Theorem 3.6, Remark 3.7 and
Lemma 3.8]. However, the inequality can be strict if m = 1. For example,
in [EL97, Example 1.13], Ein and Lazarsfeld constructed a smooth projec-
tive threefold X of general type and of maximal Albanese dimension and a
generically finite surjective morphism f : X → A to an abelian threefold A

c ∗ ωX ) = 3 > dim V 0 (A, f∗ ωX ) = 2, see also [CDJ14, Ex-

such that κ(A, detf
ample 4.1]. We decide when the equality holds as an application of Theorem
Theorem 1.7. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a klt pair
(X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, m ≥ 1 a rational number, and D a Cartier
divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆). Then
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))
κ(A, detf
if and only if V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is irreducible for sufficiently divisible pos-
itive integer M .
The set V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is defined by
V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M = {α⊗M ∈ Pic0 (A) | α ∈ V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))},
which is a closed subset of Pic0 (A).
If m > 1, it is known that V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is irreducible for suffi-
ciently divisible positive integer M by [Men22, Theorem 2.6] and [LPS20,
Lemma 3.3], and κ(A, detf c ∗ OX (D)) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) by [Men22,
Lemma 3.8]. Thus Theorem 1.7 follows automatically if m > 1. However,
things become subtle if m = 1. In the previous example constructed by Ein
and Lazarsfeld, V 0 (A, f∗ ωX )⊗M has three irreducible components for every
c ∗ ωX ) > dim V 0 (A, f∗ ωX ).
positive integer M , and κ(A, detf
1.2. A generalization of the Iitaka conjecture. Iitaka proposed the
following conjecture which predicts the subadditivity of Kodaira dimension
of fibrations.
Iitaka conjecture. Let f : X → Y be a fibration between smooth projective
varieties with general fiber F . Then
κ(X) ≥ κ(F ) + κ(Y ).
The Iitaka conjecture is known in various cases but not fully known yet.
For example, it is known when Y is of general type by [Vie83a], Y is a curve
by [Kaw82], F has a good minimal model by [Kaw85a], F is of general type
by [Kol87], Y is an abelian variety by [CP17] (see also [HPS18]), Y is of
maximal Albanese dimension by [HPS18], or Y is a surface by [Cao18].
Viehweg proposed the following conjecture as a strengthening of the Iitaka
Viehweg conjecture. Let f : X → Y be a fibration between smooth pro-
jective varieties with general fiber F and κ(Y ) ≥ 0. Then,
κ(X) ≥ κ(F ) + max{κ(Y ), Var(f )}.
Unlike the Iitaka conjecture, the Viehweg conjecture is only known in very
few cases. For example, it is known when Y is of general type by [Vie83a], F
has a good minimal model by [Kaw85a], or F is of general type by [Kol87].

Recently, Popa proposed several conjectures on the superadditivity of

Kodaira dimension of fibrations, see [Pop21] for details.
In a different but related direction, we propose the following conjecture
which predicts an equality of Kodaira dimension of fibrations.
Conjecture 1.8. Let f : X → Y be a fibration between smooth projective
varieties with general fiber F and κ(Y ) ≥ 0. For sufficiently divisible positive
integer m such that f∗ ωX 6= 0, then
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).
κ(X) = κ(F ) + κ(Y, detf X

If κ(F ) = −∞, then κ(X) = −∞ and the equality is trivial. If κ(F ) ≥ 0,

the good minimal model conjecture implies that F has a good minimal
model. We deduce that
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) ≥ Var(f ) ≥ 0
κ(Y, detf X/Y

for some sufficiently divisible positive integer m by [Kaw85a, Theorem 1.1(i)].

Since κ(Y ) ≥ 0, we deduce that
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ω
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ) = κ(Y, detf ⊗(mr+1)
κ(Y, detf X X/Y Y ) ≥ max{κ(Y ), Var(f )}
where r = rank f∗ ωX/Y . Thus Conjecture 1.8 implies Viehweg conjecture
assuming the good minimal model conjecture.
We prove that Conjecture 1.8 is true in several cases.
Theorem 1.9. Conjecture 1.8 is true when
(1) Y is of maximal Albanese dimension.
(2) Y is of general type.
(3) Y is a curve.
The case when Y is of general type follows directly from [Vie83a, Theorem
III and Corollary IV]. The case when Y is a curve follows from the case
when Y is of maximal Albanese dimension since a curve with nonnegative
Kodaira dimension is of maximal Albanese dimension. For the case when Y
is of maximal Albanese dimension, we prove the following stronger theorem.
Theorem 1.1 is an important ingredient in its proof.
Theorem 1.10. Let f : X → Y be a fibration from a klt pair (X, ∆) to a
smooth projective variety Y of maximal Albanese dimension, F the general
fiber of f , m > 1 a rational number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such
that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆) and f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. Let L be a divisor on Y such
that κ(Y, L) ≥ 0. For every positive integer l, we have
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OY (KY + L)).
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(Y, detf
1.3. Main theorems.
Theorem 1.11. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a smooth
projective variety X to an abelian variety A where f is smooth away from
a closed set Z ⊆ A such that Z = W ∪ D where W ⊆ A is a closed set

with codimA W ≥ 2 and D is an effective divisor on A. Let m be a positive

integer and T a divisor on A such that f∗ ωX⊗m
6= 0 and OA (T ) ∼ c ∗ ω ⊗m .
= detf X
(1) There exists a fibration h : A → C to an abelian variety C such that
T ∼Q h∗ N where N is an ample effective Q-divisor on C.
(2) Let h : A → C be any fibration satisfying statement (1). Let g : A →
B be any fibration to an abelian variety B such that D = g∗ H where
H is an ample effective divisor on B. Then there exists a fibration
t : B → C such that h = t ◦ g.

The fibration g : A → B in the theorem above always exists due to a
well-known structural theorem for effective divisors on abelian varieties.
Statement (1) of the theorem above follows directly from [Men22, Lemma
3.3] and a well-known structural theorem for effective divisors on abelian va-
rieties. The central part of Theorem 1.11 is its statement (2). The positivity
c ∗ ω ⊗m is encoded by the abelian variety C and the
of the line bundle detf X
ample effective Q-divisor N on C. Similarly, the positivity of the divisor
D is encoded by the abelian variety B and the ample effective divisor H
on B. Thus statement (2) of the theorem above shows that the positivity
c ∗ ω ⊗m is controlled by the positivity of D in a concrete way which is
of detf X
given by the fibration t : B → C.
The next theorem compares the positivity of the line bundle detf c ∗ ω ⊗m
with the positivity of the coherent sheaf f∗ ωX . It works for X with mild
Theorem 1.12. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a klt pair
(X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, m ≥ 1 a rational number, and D a Cartier
divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆) and f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. Let T be a
divisor on A such that OA (T ) ∼ c ∗ OX (D). Then
= detf
(1) There exists a fibration h : A → C to an abelian variety C such that
T ∼Q h∗ N where N is an ample effective Q-divisor on C.
(2) Let h : A → C be any fibration satisfying statement (1). Let
f∗ OX (D) ∼ = (αi ⊗ p∗i Fi )

be any finite direct sum decomposition of f∗ OX (D) such that each

Ai is an abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each Fi is

a nonzero M-regular coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is

a torsion line bundle. Then there exists a fibration ti : C → Ai such
that pi = ti ◦ h for every i ∈ I.

(X, ∆)
A Ai

See Definition 2.3 for the definition of M-regular coherent sheaves. The
decomposition in the theorem above is called the Chen–Jiang decomposi-
tion of f∗ OX (D). It is known that pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles
under morphisms to abelian varieties have the Chen–Jiang decomposition
by [CJ18, PPS17, LPS20] in increasing generality, and pushforwards of klt
pairs under morphisms to abelian varieties have the Chen–Jiang decompo-
sition, as proved independently in [Jia21] and [Men21]. In particular, under
the hypotheses of Theorem 1.12, f∗ OX (D) always has the Chen–Jiang de-
composition by [Men21, Theorem 1.3], see also [Jia21, Theorem 1.3] for the
case when m ≥ 1 is an integer.
Statement (1) of the theorem above follows directly from [Men22, Lemma
3.3] and a well-known structural theorem for effective divisors on abelian va-
rieties. The central part of Theorem 1.12 is its statement (2). The positivity
of the coherent sheaf f∗ OX (D) is encoded by its Chen–Jiang decomposi-
tion. Thus statement (2) of the theorem above shows that the positivity
c ∗ OX (D) in a concrete
of f∗ OX (D) is controlled by the positivity of detf
way which is given by the fibrations ti : C → Ai . The proof of Theorem
1.12 is more complicated than the proof of Theorem 1.11 and requires more
We immediately have the following corollary of Theorems 1.11 and 1.12
by combining them together.

Corollary 1.13. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a smooth

projective variety X to an abelian variety A where f is smooth away from a
closed set Z ⊆ A such that Z = W ∪ D where W ⊆ A is a closed set with
codimA W ≥ 2 and D is an effective divisor on A. Let g : A → B be any
fibration to an abelian variety B such that D = g∗ H where H is an ample
effective divisor on B. Let m be any positive integer such that f∗ ωX 6= 0.
⊗m ∼
f∗ ωX = (αi ⊗ p∗i Fi )

be any finite direct sum decomposition of f∗ ωX such that each Ai is an
abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each Fi is a nonzero M-
regular coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion line bundle.
Then there exists a fibration si : B → Ai such that pi = si ◦ g for every i ∈ I.

A Ai
Corollary 1.13 establishes relationship between the singularity of the sur-
jective morphism f and the positivity of f∗ ωX . Concretely speaking, it es-
tablishes relationship between the divisorial part D of the closed set Z ⊆ A
which f is smooth away from and the Chen–Jiang decomposition of f∗ ωX .
It can be viewed as a generalization of [MP21, Theorem B] to the case when
D is not necessarily the zero divisor. [MP21, Theorem B] gives the struc-
tures of pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles of smooth projective vari-
eties under surjective morphisms to abelian varieties when the morphisms
are smooth away from a closed set of codimension at least 2 in the abelian
In the proofs of the main theorems, we employ results from [Men21],
[MP21] and [Men22], and arguments on positivity properties of coherent
c ∗ OX (D) plays an important role in the proofs.
sheaves. The line bundle detf
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Jungkai Alfred Chen, Christo-
pher D. Hacon, Mircea Mustaţă, Mihnea Popa, Vyacheslav Shokurov and
Ziquan Zhuang for helpful discussions.

2. Preliminaries
We work over C. Let F be a coherent sheaf on a projective variety X, we
denote HomOX (F, OX ) by F ∨ . Let L be a Q-Cartier Q-divisor on a normal
projective variety X. We denote the Iitaka dimension of L by κ(X, L), see
We recall several definitions first.
Definition 2.1. Let X be a smooth projective variety. The irregularity
q(X) is defined as h1 (X, OX ). If X is a projective variety, the irregularity
q(X) is defined as the irregularity of any resolution of X.
If X is a normal projective variety with rational singularities, then the
irregularity q(X) is equal to the dimension of its Albanese variety Alb(X)
since its Albanese variety coincides with the Albanese variety of any of its
resolutions by [Rei83, Proposition 2.3] and [Kaw85a, Lemma 8.1].

Definition 2.2. Let F be a coherent sheaf on an abelian variety A. The

cohomological support loci Vli (A, F) for i ∈ N and l ∈ N are defined by
Vli (A, F) = {α ∈ Pic0 (A) | dim H i (A, F ⊗ α) ≥ l}.
We use V i (A, F) to denote V1i (A, F).
Definition 2.3. A coherent sheaf F on an abelian variety A
(1) is a GV-sheaf if codimPic0 (A) V i (A, F) ≥ i for every i > 0.
(2) is M-regular if codimPic0 (A) V i (A, F) > i for every i > 0.
(3) satisfies IT0 if V i (A, F) = ∅ for every i > 0.
It is known that M-regular sheaves are ample by [Deb06, Corollary 3.2],
and GV-sheaves are nef by [PP11, Theorem 4.1].
We now give the definition of the Chen–Jiang decomposition.
Definition 2.4. Let F be a coherent sheaf on an abelian variety A. The
sheaf F is said to have the Chen–Jiang decomposition if F admits a finite
direct sum decomposition
F=∼ (αi ⊗ p∗ Fi ),
where each Ai is an abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each
Fi is a nonzero M-regular coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a
torsion line bundle.
We include a useful lemma here which is [Men22, Lemma 3.2].
Lemma 2.5. Let f : X → Y and g : Y → Z be surjective morphisms where
Y is a smooth projective variety, and X and Z are normal projective vari-
eties. Consider the following base change diagram.
Xz X
fz f

Yz Y
gz g

{z} Z
Let F be a locally free sheaf of finite rank on X. If z is a general point of
Z, then
c ∗ F)|Y ∼
(detf c
z = detfz ∗ (F|Xz ).

We include a useful lemma about the log Kodaira dimension on ambient

varieties of nonnegative Kodaira dimension which is [MP21, Lemma 2.6].
Lemma 2.6. Let X be a smooth projective variety with κ(X) ≥ 0, Z ⊆ X a
closed reduced subscheme, and V = X \ Z. Assume that Z = W ∪ D where
W is a closed set with codimX W ≥ 2 and D is a divisor. Then
κ(V ) = κ(X, KX + D).

3. Proofs of main results

We prove the main theorems first. We start with Theorem 1.11.
Proof of Theorem 1.11. We prove statement (1) first. By [Men22, Lemma
3.3], we have
c ∗ ω ⊗m ) ≥ 0.
κ(A, OA (T )) = κ(A, detf X
Thus there exists a positive integer k such that kT ∼ E ≥ 0 where E is an
effective divisor on A. By a well-known structural theorem, there exist a
fibration h : A → C between abelian varieties and an ample effective divisor

N ′ on C such that E = h∗ N ′ . We let N := Nk . Then N is an ample effective
Q-divisor on C, and we have
E h∗ N ′
T ∼Q = = h∗ N.
k k
Next, we prove statement (2). Let h : A → C be a fibration satisfying
statement (1). Let g : A → B be a fibration to an abelian variety B such
that D = g∗ H where H is an ample effective divisor on B. We consider
the following commutative diagram where b ∈ B is a general closed point,
and fb is obtained by base change from f via the closed immersion ib of the
closed fiber Ab of g over b.
Xb X
fb f
ib h
Ab A C

{b} B
We can choose b sufficiently general such that Xb is smooth, fb is surjective,
i−1 −1 ∗
b (D) = ∅, and codimAb ib (W ) ≥ 2 since D = g H and codimA W ≥ 2.
By Lemma 2.5, we can choose b sufficiently general such that
i∗b OA (T ) ∼ c ∗ ω ⊗m ∼
= i∗b detf c ⊗m ∼ c ⊗m
X = detfb ∗ (ωX |Xb ) = detfb ∗ ωXb .

Since codimAb i−1

b (W ) ≥ 2 and fb is surjective and smooth away from
−1 −1
ib (Z) = ib (W ), we deduce that
⊗m ∼
fb ∗ ωX b
= βi

by [MP21, Theorem B] where s is a positive integer and each βi is a torsion

line bundle. Thus
∗ ∼ c ⊗m ∼
ib OA (T ) = detfb ∗ ωXb = βi

is a torsion line bundle. In particular, we have κ(Ab , i∗b T ) = 0.


We claim that the image of Ab under the morphism h ◦ ib is a point for

sufficiently general closed point b. We prove the claim by contradiction.
Assume that it is not a point. Then the scheme theoretic image denoted
by (h ◦ ib )(Ab ) of h ◦ ib is an abelian variety of positive dimension since
h ◦ ib is a morphism between abelian varieties. We consider the following
commutative diagram where v is the closed immersion from (h ◦ ib )(Ab ) to
C, and u is the surjective morphism induced by h ◦ ib .
Ab A
u h
(h ◦ ib )(Ab ) C

Since v is a closed immersion, we deduce that v ∗ N is an ample Q-divisor on

(h ◦ ib )(Ab ). Since u is surjective, we have
0 = κ(Ab , i∗b T ) = κ(Ab , i∗b h∗ N ) = κ(Ab , u∗ v ∗ N )

= κ((h ◦ ib )(Ab ), v ∗ N ) = dim(h ◦ ib )(Ab ) > 0,

which is a contradiction. Thus (h ◦ ib )(Ab ) must be a point, and we finish
proving the claim. Since B is smooth and C is an abelian variety, we deduce
that there exists a morphism t : B → C such that h = t ◦ g by [Kaw81,
Lemma 14]. Since g and h are fibrations, t is also a fibration. 

Next, we prove Theorem 1.12, which requires more techniques.

Proof of Theorem 1.12. Statement (1) follows from the same argument as
in the proof of Theorem 1.11.
We prove statement (2) now. Let h : A → C be a fibration satisfying
statement (1). Let
f∗ OX (D) ∼
= (αi ⊗ p∗ Fi ) i
be a finite direct sum decomposition of f∗ OX (D) such that each Ai is an
abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each Fi is a nonzero M-regular
coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion line bundle. We
consider the following commutative diagram where c ∈ C is a general closed
point, and fc is obtained by base change from f via the closed immersion ic
of the closed fiber Ac of h over c.

(Xc , ∆|Xc ) (X, ∆)

fc f
ic pi
Ac A Ai

{c} C

We can choose c sufficiently general such that (Xc , ∆|Xc ) is klt, and fc is
surjective. We have
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ac , i∗ T ) = κ(Ac , i∗ h∗ N ) = 0.
κ(Ac , i∗c detf c c
We have that Fi is a direct summand of pi ∗ f∗ (OX (D) ⊗ f ∗ α−1i ) for every
i ∈ I. Thus we deduce that Fi is torsion-free since pi ◦ f is surjective.
Since Fi is an M-regular sheaf on Ai , it is ample by [PP03, Proposition 2.13]
and [Deb06, Corollary 3.2]. The sheaf Fi is big since an ample sheaf is big
(see e.g. [Deb06, Section 2] and [Mor87, Section 5]). Thus detF c i is a big
line bundle by [Vie83b, Lemma 3.2(iii)] (see also [Mor87, Properties 5.1.1]).
c i is an ample line bundle. Since pi is flat
Since Ai is an abelian variety, detF
c i ⊗ p∗ Fi ) is a line bundle, we deduce that
and det(α i
c ∗ OX (D) ∼
detf = c i ⊗ p∗ Fi ) ∼
det(α = c ∗ Fi ⊗ α⊗ rank Fi )
i i i
i∈I i∈I
O O O ⊗ rank F

= c i ⊗ α⊗ rank Fi ) ∼
(p∗i detF = ( p ∗c
detFi ) ⊗ ( αi i
i i
i∈I i∈I i∈I
c i is an ample line bundle, we deduce that κ(Ac , i∗ p∗ detF
Since detF c i ) ≥ 0.
c i
Thus we deduce that
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ac , (
0 = κ(Ac , i∗ detf c i) ⊗ (
i∗ p∗ detF i∗ α⊗ rank Fi ))
c c i c i
i∈I i∈I
= κ(Ac , c i ) ≥ κ(Ac , i∗ p∗ detF
i∗c p∗i detF c i ) ≥ 0.
c i
Thus for every i ∈ I, we deduce that
c i ) = 0.
κ(Ac , i∗c p∗i detF
We claim that the image of Ac under the morphism pi ◦ ic is a point for
sufficiently general closed point c. We prove the claim by contradiction.
Assume that it is not a point. Then the scheme theoretic image denoted
by (pi ◦ ic )(Ac ) of pi ◦ ic is an abelian variety of positive dimension since
pi ◦ ic is a morphism between abelian varieties. We consider the following
commutative diagram where v is the closed immersion from (pi ◦ ic )(Ac ) to
Ai , and u is the surjective morphism induced by pi ◦ ic .
Ac A
u pi

(pi ◦ ic )(Ac ) Ai

Since v is a closed immersion, we deduce that v ∗ detF c i is an ample line

bundle on (pi ◦ ic )(Ac ). Since u is surjective, we have
c i ) = κ(Ac , u∗ v ∗ detF
0 = κ(Ac , i∗c p∗i detF c i)
c i ) = dim(pi ◦ ic )(Ac ) > 0,
= κ((pi ◦ ic )(Ac ), v ∗ detF

which is a contradiction. Thus (pi ◦ ic )(Ac ) must be a point, and we finish

proving the claim. Since C is smooth and Ai is an abelian variety, we
deduce that there exists a morphism ti : C → Ai such that pi = ti ◦ h for
every i ∈ I by [Kaw81, Lemma 14]. Since h and pi are fibrations, ti is also
a fibration. 

Proof of Corollary 1.13. It follows directly from Theorems 1.11 and 1.12.

Proof of Corollary 1.5. If f∗ ωX = 0, then the statement is trivial. Thus
we can assume that f∗ ωX 6= 0. By [Men22, Theorem 3.6, Remark 3.7 and
Lemma 3.8], we only need to prove that
c ∗ ω ⊗m ).
κ(V ) ≥ κ(A, detf X

Let T be a divisor on A such that OA (T ) ∼ c ∗ ω ⊗m . Let Z := A\V which

= detf X
is a closed subset of A. Then Z = W ∪ D where W ⊆ A is a closed set with
codimA W ≥ 2 and D is an effective divisor on A. By a well-known structural
theorem, there exist a fibration g : A → B between abelian varieties and an
ample effective divisor H on B such that D = g∗ H. By Lemma 2.6, we have
κ(V ) = κ(A, KA + D) = κ(A, g ∗ H) = κ(B, H) = dim B.
By Theorem 1.11, there exist a fibration h : A → C to an abelian variety C
such that T ∼Q h∗ N where N is an ample effective Q-divisor on C and a
fibration t : B → C such that h = t ◦ g. Thus

κ(V ) = dim B ≥ dim C = κ(C, N )

c ∗ ω ⊗m ).
= κ(A, h∗ N ) = κ(A, T ) = κ(A, detf X

Next, we prove Theorem 1.1 which gives an equality of Kodaira dimension

of surjective morphisms to abelian varieties.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. We only need to prove the equality when l = 1. By

[Men22, Theorem 2.6], there exists a fibration p : A → B to an abelian
variety B such that f∗ OX (kD) admits, for every positive integer k, a finite
direct sum decomposition
f∗ OX (kD) ∼
= (αi ⊗ p∗ Fi ),

where each Fi is a nonzero coherent sheaf on B satisfying IT0 , and each

αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion line bundle. We consider the following commutative
diagram where b ∈ B is a general closed point, and fb is obtained by base

change from f via the closed immersion ib of the closed fiber Ab of p over b.
(Xb , ∆|Xb ) (X, ∆)
fb f
Ab A

{b} B
We can choose b sufficiently general such that (Xb , ∆|Xb ) is klt, and fb is a
surjective morphism. We have that Fi is a direct summand of p∗ f∗ (OX (kD)⊗
f ∗ αi−1 ). Since Fi satisfies IT0 , Fi is M-regular and thus ample by [PP03,
Proposition 2.13] and [Deb06, Corollary 3.2]. By [Men22, Lemma 3.4] which
works for surjective morphisms by the same argument as in the proof of it-
self, we deduce that
κ(X, D) = κ(X, OX (kD) ⊗ f ∗ α−1
i )

= κ(Xb , OXb (kD|Xb ) ⊗ (f ∗ α−1

i )|Xb ) + dim B = κ(Xb , D|Xb ) + dim B
for very general b. We can choose very general b such that
fb OX (kD|X ) ∼
∗ b = i∗ f∗ OX (kD)
b b
for every positive integer k by [LPS20, Proposition 4.1]. Thus we deduce
that M
fb ∗ OXb (kD|Xb ) ∼
= i∗b f∗ OX (kD) ∼
= (i∗b αi ⊗ i∗b p∗ Fi ).
Thus fb ∗ OXb (kD|Xb ) is a direct sum of torsion line bundles for every positive
integer k. The general fiber of fb is F . We deduce that
h0 (Xb , OXb (kD|Xb )) = h0 (Ab , fb ∗ OXb (kD|Xb ))
≤ rank fb ∗ OXb (kD|Xb ) ≤ h0 (F, OF (kD|F ))
for every positive integer k. Thus κ(Xb , D|Xb ) ≤ κ(F, D|F ). By [Men21,
Theorem 1.1], we have κ(Xb , D|Xb ) ≥ κ(F, D|F ) since Ab is an abelian vari-
ety. Thus
κ(Xb , D|Xb ) = κ(F, D|F ).
By [HMX18, Theorem 4.2], κ(F, D|F ) is constant for general fiber F of f
since (X, ∆) is klt. We deduce that
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(X, D) = κ(Xb , D|Xb ) + dim B
= κ(F, D|F ) + dim B = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim B.
By [LPS20, Lemma 3.3], we deduce that
dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) = dim B.
By [Men22, Lemma 3.8], we have that
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)).
κ(A, detf

Thus we have
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))
c ∗ OX (D)).
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detf

Proof of Corollary 1.2. It follows directly from Theorem 1.1. 
Proof of Corollary 1.3. We can assume that κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) ≥ 0. Thus we
can choose a sufficiently divisible positive integer N > 1 such that N (KX +
∆) is a Cartier divisor and f∗ OX (N (KX + ∆)) 6= 0. By [Men22, Theorem
2.6] and [LPS20, Lemma 3.3], there exists an abelian variety B such that
dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (N (KX + ∆))) = dim B ≤ q(Y ).
By Theorem 1.1, we deduce that
κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (N (KX + ∆)))
≤ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + q(Y ).

Proof of Theorem 1.4. Since κ(A, L) ≥ 0 and A is an abelian variety, L
is semiample and thus f ∗ L is semiample. Thus we can find an effective

Q-divisor E such that E ∼Q flmL and (X, ∆ + E) is klt. We have that
f ∗L
lD + f ∗ L ∼Q lm(KX + ∆ + ) ∼Q lm(KX + ∆ + E)
where lm > 1 is a rational number. Since f∗ OX (D) 6= 0, κ(F, D|F ) ≥ 0 and
thus κ(X, D) ≥ 0 by Theorem 1.1. Since κ(X, D) ≥ 0 and κ(X, f ∗ L) ≥ 0,
we deduce that κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(X, lD + f ∗ L). By Theorem 1.1,
we deduce that
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(X, lD + f ∗ L)
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L)))
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, det(f
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L)).
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L)) ∼
We have det(f c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (rL) where r =
= detf
rank f∗ OX (lD). Since κ(A, detf∗ OX (lD)) ≥ 0 by [Men22, Lemma 3.3] and
κ(A, L) ≥ 0, we deduce that
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L))) = κ(A, detf
κ(A, det(f c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (rL))

c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OA (L)).
= κ(A, detf
We finish the proof. 
Next, we prove a general theorem and then prove Theorem 1.7 as an
application of the theorem.

Theorem 3.1. Let f : X → A be a surjective morphism from a klt pair

(X, ∆) to an abelian variety A, m ≥ 1 a rational number, and D a Cartier
divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆). Let
f∗ OX (D) ∼
= (αi ⊗ p∗i Fi )

be any finite direct sum decomposition of f∗ OX (D) such that each Ai is an

abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each Fi is a nonzero M-
regular coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion line bundle.
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim Aj for some j ∈ I, then there exists a fibration
If κ(A, detf
tji : Aj → Ai such that pi = tji ◦ pj for every i ∈ I.

(X, ∆)
A Ai

Proof. If f∗ OX (D) = 0, then the statement is trivial. Thus we can assume

f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. Let
f∗ OX (D) ∼
= (αi ⊗ p∗ Fi ) i
be a finite direct sum decomposition of f∗ OX (D) such that each Ai is an
abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each Fi is a nonzero M-
regular coherent sheaf on Ai , each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion line bundle,
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim Aj
κ(A, detf
for some j ∈ I. We consider the following commutative diagram where
b ∈ Aj is a general closed point, and fb is obtained by base change from f
via the closed immersion ib of the closed fiber Ab of pj over b.

(Xb , ∆|Xb ) (X, ∆)

fb f
ib pi
Ab A Ai

{b} Aj

We can choose b sufficiently general such that (Xb , ∆|Xb ) is klt, and fb is
surjective. By Lemma 2.5, we can choose b sufficiently general such that
c ∗ OX (D) ∼
i∗b detf c b ∗ OX (D|X ).
= detf b b

By the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.12, we have

O O ⊗ rank F
c ∗ OX (D) ∼
detf =( c i) ⊗ (
p∗i detF αi i
i∈I i∈I

c i is an ample line bundle. We have κ(A, p∗ detF

and detF c i ) ≥ 0 for every
i ∈ I. Thus we have an injective morphism
c j )⊗N ֒→ (detf
p∗j (detF c ∗ OX (D))⊗N

for sufficiently divisible positive integer N . By [Mor87, Proposition 1.14],

we deduce that
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ab , i∗ detf
κ(A, detf c ∗ OX (D)) + dim Aj

c b OX (D|X )) + dim Aj
= κ(Ab , detf ∗ b b

for very general b. Let T be a divisor on A such that OA (T ) ∼ c ∗ OX (D).

= detf
By [Men22, Lemma 3.3], we have
c ∗ OX (D)) ≥ 0.
κ(A, OA (T )) = κ(A, detf
Thus there exists an effective Q-divisor E on A such that T ∼Q E. We can
choose a rational number ε > 0 small enough such that (A, εE) is a klt pair.
By [HMX18, Theorem 4.2], κ(Ab , KAb + εE|Ab ) is constant for general b. We
deduce that
c b OX (D|X )) = κ(Ab , i∗ detf
κ(Ab , detf c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ab , i∗ OA (T ))
∗ b b b b

= κ(Ab , i∗b E) = κ(Ab , εE|Ab ) = κ(Ab , KAb + εE|Ab )

is constant for general b. Thus
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ab , i∗ detf
κ(A, detf c ∗ OX (D)) + dim Aj

c b OX (D|X )) + dim Aj
= κ(Ab , detf ∗ b b

c ∗ OX (D)) = dim Aj , we deduce that

for general b. Since κ(A, detf
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Ab , detf
κ(Ab , i∗b detf c b ∗ OX (D|X )) = 0
b b

for general b. Thus by the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.12,
we have
c i) = 0
κ(Ab , i∗b p∗i detF
for every i ∈ I.
We claim that the image of Ab under the morphism pi ◦ ib is a point for
sufficiently general closed point b. We prove the claim by contradiction.
Assume that it is not a point. Then the scheme theoretic image denoted
by (pi ◦ ib )(Ab ) of pi ◦ ib is an abelian variety of positive dimension since
pi ◦ ib is a morphism between abelian varieties. We consider the following

commutative diagram where v is the closed immersion from (pi ◦ ib )(Ab ) to

Ai , and u is the surjective morphism induced by pi ◦ ib .
Ab A
u pi

(pi ◦ ib )(Ab ) Ai

Since v is a closed immersion, we deduce that v ∗ detF c i is an ample line

bundle on (pi ◦ ib )(Ab ). Since u is surjective, we have
c i ) = κ(Ab , u∗ v ∗ detF
0 = κ(Ab , i∗b p∗i detF c i)
c i ) = dim(pi ◦ ib )(Ab ) > 0,
= κ((pi ◦ ib )(Ab ), v ∗ detF
which is a contradiction. Thus (pi ◦ ib )(Ab ) must be a point, and we finish
proving the claim. Since Aj is smooth and Ai is an abelian variety, we
deduce that there exists a morphism tji : Aj → Ai such that pi = tji ◦ pj for
every i ∈ I by [Kaw81, Lemma 14]. Since pj and pi are fibrations, tji is also
a fibration. 
Proof of Theorem 1.7. If f∗ OX (D) = 0, then the statement is trivial. Thus
we can assume f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. By [Men21, Theorem 1.3], f∗ OX (D) has the
Chen–Jiang decomposition
f∗ OX (D) ∼
= (αi ⊗ p∗i Fi ),
where each Ai is an abelian variety, each pi : A → Ai is a fibration, each
Fi is a nonzero M-regular coherent sheaf on Ai , and each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a
torsion line bundle. By [LPS20, Lemma 3.3], we deduce that
V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) = α−1 ∗ 0
i ⊗ pi Pic (Ai )
dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) = max dim Ai .
Assume that
c ∗ OX (D)) = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)).
κ(A, detf
Thus there exists some j ∈ I such that
c ∗ OX (D)).
dim Aj = max dim Ai = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) = κ(A, detf
Thus by Theorem 3.1, there exists a fibration tji : Aj → Ai such that pi =
tji ◦ pj for every i ∈ I. We can choose a sufficiently divisible positive integer
M such that α⊗M ∼
= OA for every i ∈ I since each αi ∈ Pic0 (A) is a torsion
line bundle. We deduce that
[ [
V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M = (α−1 i )
⊗ p∗i Pic0 (Ai )⊗M = p∗i Pic0 (Ai )
i∈I i∈I
[ [
= p∗j t∗ji Pic0 (Ai ) = p∗j ( t∗ji Pic0 (Ai )) = p∗j Pic0 (Aj ).
i∈I i∈I
0 (A, f (D))⊗M
In particular, V ∗ OX is irreducible for sufficiently divisible pos-
itive integer M .
Assume that V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is irreducible for sufficiently divisible
positive integer M . We can choose a sufficiently divisible positive integer M
such that α⊗M ∼
= OA for every i ∈ I and V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is irreducible.
We have that
[ [
V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M = (α−1 i )
⊗ p∗i Pic0 (Ai )⊗M = p∗i Pic0 (Ai ).
i∈I i∈I

We deduce that there exists some j ∈ I such that

p∗i Pic0 (Ai ) ⊆ p∗j Pic0 (Aj )

for every i ∈ I since V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D))⊗M is irreducible. Thus we deduce

that there exists a morphism tji : Aj → Ai such that pi = tji ◦ pj for every
i ∈ I. Since pj and pi are fibrations, tji is also a fibration.
pj tji
A Aj Ai

We deduce that
dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)) = max dim Ai = dim Aj .

By the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.12, we have

O O ⊗ rank F
c ∗ OX (D) ∼
detf =( c i) ⊗ (
p∗i detF αi i
i∈I i∈I

c i is an ample line bundle. We deduce that t∗ detF

and detF c i is a nef line
N c i is an ample line bundle. Thus
bundle, and i∈I t∗ji detF
O O ⊗ rank F
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(A, (
κ(A, detf c i) ⊗ (
p∗i detF αi i
i∈I i∈I
= κ(A, c i ) = κ(A,
p∗i detF c i ) = κ(Aj ,
p∗j t∗ji detF c i)
t∗ji detF
i∈I i∈I i∈I

= dim Aj = dim V 0 (A, f∗ OX (D)).

4. Results on Conjecture 1.8

In this section, we mainly study Conjecture 1.8 and prove Theorems 1.9
and 1.10. We start with a useful lemma.

Lemma 4.1. Let f : X → Y be a surjective morphism from a klt pair (X, ∆)

to a smooth projective variety Y of maximal Albanese dimension, m ≥ 1 a
rational number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX +∆).
If f∗ OX (D) 6= 0, then
c ∗ OX (D)) ≥ 0.
κ(Y, detf
Proof. Since Y is of maximal Albanese dimension, the Albanese morphism
aY : Y → Alb(Y ) of Y is generically finite onto its image. By [Men21, Theo-
rem 1.1], there exists an isogeny ϕ : A′ → Alb(Y ) such that ϕ∗ (aY )∗ f∗ OX (D)
is globally generated where A′ is an abelian variety. We consider the follow-
ing base change diagram.
X′ X
f′ f
Y′ Y
a′Y aY
A′ Alb(Y )
Since aY is generically finite onto its image, the morphism a′Y which is
obtained by base change from aY via ϕ is also generically finite onto its
image. Thus we can take a Stein factorization of a′Y such that a′Y = h ◦ g,
where g : Y ′ → Z is birational, h : Z → A′ is finite onto its image, and Z is
a normal projective variety.
g h
Y′ Z A′

Since ϕ∗ (aY )∗ f∗ OX (D) is globally generated, we deduce that

h∗ g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) ∼
= (a′ )∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) ∼
Y = ϕ∗ (aY )∗ f∗ OX (D)
is globally generated. We deduce that h∗ h∗ g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) is globally gen-
erated. Since h is a finite morphism, we deduce that the following adjoint
h∗ h∗ g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) → g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D)
is surjective and thus g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) is globally generated. We deduce that
g∗ g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) is globally generated. Since g is a birational morphism,
we deduce that the following adjoint morphism
g∗ g∗ (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) → (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D)
is generically surjective and thus (ϕ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) is generically globally gener-
c ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) is generically globally generated. In particular,
ated. Thus det(ϕ
c ′ )∗ f∗ OX (D) has nonzero sections. By [Men22, Lemma 3.1], we deduce
c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Y ′ , ϕ′∗ detf
κ(Y, detf c ∗ OX (D)) = κ(Y ′ , detϕ
c ′∗ f∗ OX (D)) ≥ 0.


First, we deal with a special case of Theorem 1.10 when the base Y admits
a birational morphism to an abelian variety.
Proposition 4.2. Let f : X → Y be a surjective morphism from a klt pair
(X, ∆) to a smooth projective variety Y which admits a birational morphism
g : Y → A to an abelian variety A, F the general fiber of f , m > 1 a rational
number, and D a Cartier divisor on X such that D ∼Q m(KX + ∆) and
f∗ OX (D) 6= 0. Let L be a divisor on Y such that κ(Y, L) ≥ 0. For every
positive integer l, we have
c ∗ OX (lD) ⊗ OY (KY + L)).
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(Y, detf
Proof. We only need to prove the equality when l = 1. Since f∗ OX (D) 6= 0,
κ(F, D|F ) ≥ 0 and thus κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) ≥ 0. Then κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥ 0
by Theorem 1.1. Since κ(Y, L) ≥ 0, there exists an effective Q-divisor L′
on Y such that L ∼Q L′ . We can choose a positive integer k which is
∗ L′
sufficiently big such that (X, ∆ + fkm ) is klt. We have kD + f ∗ L ∼Q
∗ L′
km(KX + ∆) + f ∗ L′ ∼Q km(KX + ∆ + fkm ). By Theorem 1.1, we deduce
f ∗ L′ c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L)).
κ(X, KX + ∆ + ) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detg
Since κ(X, KX + ∆) ≥ 0 and κ(X, f ∗ L) ≥ 0, we deduce that κ(X, KX + ∆ +
∗ L′
f ∗ L) = κ(X, KX + ∆ + fkm ). Thus
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L)).
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detg
Since g is a birational morphism, we deduce that
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L) ∼
detg c ∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L))∨∨
= (g∗ detf
∼ c ∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OY (L)))∨∨ ∼
= (g∗ det(f c ∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OY (rL)))∨∨
= (g∗ (detf
∼ c ∗ OX (kD))∨∨ ⊗ (g∗ OY (rL))∨∨ ∼
= (g∗ detf c ∗ f∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OA (rg∗ L),
= detg
where r = rank f∗ OX (kD) and g∗ L is a divisor on A which is the pushfor-
ward of L under the birational morphism g. Since g∗ f∗ OX (kD) 6= 0, we
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD)) ≥ 0 by Lemma 4.1. Since κ(Y, L) ≥ 0,
deduce that κ(A, detg
κ(A, g∗ L) ≥ 0. Thus we deduce that
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L)) = κ(A, detg
κ(A, detg c ∗ f∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OA (rg∗ L))
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OA (g∗ L)).
= κ(A, detg
Let T be a divisor on Y such that OY (T ) ∼ c ∗ OX (D). By Theorem 1.4,
= detf
we deduce that
c ∗ f∗ OX (l′ D)⊗OA (g∗ L))
κ(X, KX +∆+f ∗ g ∗ g∗ L) = κ(F, KF +∆|F )+κ(A, detg
for every positive integer l′ . In particular, we have
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OA (g∗ L)) = κ(A, detg
κ(A, detg c ∗ f∗ OX (D) ⊗ OA (g∗ L))
c ∗ OX (D))∨∨ ⊗ OA (g∗ L)) = κ(A, (g∗ OY (T ))∨∨ ⊗ OA (g∗ L))
= κ(A, (g∗ detf

= κ(A, OA (g∗ T ) ⊗ OA (g∗ L)) = κ(A, g∗ T + g∗ L).

Since g is a birational morphism to an abelian variety A, there exists an
effective and g-exceptional divisor E on Y such that KY ∼ E and Supp E =
Exc(g). There also exist effective and g-exceptional divisors E1 and E2 on
Y such that g∗ (g∗ T + g∗ L) + E1 = T + L + E2 . By Lemma 4.1, κ(Y, T ) =
c ∗ OX (D)) ≥ 0. Since we also have κ(Y, L) ≥ 0 and Supp E =
κ(Y, detf
Exc(g), we deduce that
c ∗ OX (D) ⊗ OY (KY + L)) = κ(Y, T + E + L) = κ(Y, T + E + L + E2 )
κ(Y, detf
= κ(Y, E + g ∗ (g∗ T + g∗ L) + E1 ) = κ(A, g∗ T + g∗ L)
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD) ⊗ OA (g∗ L)) = κ(A, detg
= κ(A, detg c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L)).
Thus we have
c ∗ f∗ OX (kD + f ∗ L))
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(A, detg
c ∗ OX (D) ⊗ OY (KY + L)).
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(Y, detf

Proof of Theorem 1.10. We only need to prove the equality when l = 1.
Since f∗ OX (D) 6= 0, κ(F, D|F ) ≥ 0 and thus κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) ≥ 0. Since
Y is of maximal Albanese dimension, the Albanese morphism aY : Y →
Alb(Y ) of Y is generically finite onto its image. Thus we can take a Stein
factorization of aY such that aY = h ◦ g, where g : Y → Z is birational,
h : Z → Alb(Y ) is finite onto its image, and Z is a normal projective variety.
By [Kaw81, Theorem 13], there exist an étale cover ϕ : Z ′ → Z, an abelian
variety A, and a normal projective variety W such that Z ′ ∼ = A × W and
κ(W ) = dim W . Denote the projection of Z ′ onto W by p. We consider the
following commutative diagram, where the morphisms in the middle column
are obtained by base change from g and f via ϕ and then ϕ′ , while on the
left we have the respective fibers over a general closed point w ∈ W . We
define a Q-divisor ∆′ by KX ′ + ∆′ = ϕ′′∗ (KX + ∆). Since ϕ′′ is an étale
morphism, the new pair (X ′ , ∆′ ) is klt and ∆′ is effective. Define D ′ by
ϕ′′∗ D then we have D ′ ∼Q m(KX ′ + ∆′ ). By the flat base change theorem,
we have that f∗′ OX ′ (D ′ ) ∼
= ϕ′∗ f∗ OX (D).
(Xw′ , ∆′ |Xw′ ) (X ′ , ∆′ ) (X, ∆)

fw f′ f
iw ϕ′
Yw′ Y′ Y

gw g′ g
= Aw Z′ Z aY

p h

{w} W Alb(Y )

The projective variety Y ′ is smooth, since ϕ′ is étale. We can choose w suffi-

ciently general such that (Xw′ , ∆′ |Xw′ ) is klt, Yw′ is smooth, fw′ is a fibration,
and gw′ is birational. By [Fuj17, Theorem 1.7] and Theorem 1.1, we deduce

κ(X, KX + ∆) = κ(X ′ , KX ′ + ∆′ ) = κ(Xw′ , KXw′ + ∆′ |Xw′ ) + dim W
≥ κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + dim W ≥ 0
since κ(W ) = dim W . Since κ(Y, L) ≥ 0, there exists an effective Q-divisor
L′ on Y such that L ∼Q L′ . Let T be a divisor on Y such that OY (T ) ∼ =
c c
detf∗ OX (D). By Lemma 4.1, κ(Y, T ) = κ(Y, detf∗ OX (D)) ≥ 0. Since
κ(Y, T ) ≥ 0, there exists an effective Q-divisor T ′ on Y such that T ∼Q
T ′ . We can choose a rational number ε > 0 sufficiently small such that
(Y ′ , εϕ′∗ L′ + εϕ′∗ T ′ ) is klt. By [Fuj17, Theorem 1.7],
κ(Y, KY + εL′ + εT ′ ) = κ(Y ′ , KY ′ + εϕ′∗ L′ + εϕ′∗ T ′ )
= κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + εi∗w ϕ′∗ L′ + εi∗w ϕ′∗ T ′ ) + dim W
since κ(W ) = dim W . Since κ(Y, KY ) ≥ 0, κ(Y, L) ≥ 0, and κ(Y, T ) ≥ 0,
we have κ(Y, KY + L + T ) = κ(Y, KY + εL′ + εT ′ ). Similarly, we have
κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + i∗w ϕ′∗ L + i∗w ϕ′∗ T ) = κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + εi∗w ϕ′∗ L′ + εi∗w ϕ′∗ T ′ ). Thus
we have
κ(Y, KY + L + T ) = κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + i∗w ϕ′∗ L + i∗w ϕ′∗ T ) + dim W.
By Lemma 2.5, we can choose w sufficiently general such that
∼ i∗ ϕ′∗ OY (T ) ∼
OY ′ (i∗ ϕ′∗ T ) = c ∗ OX (D) ∼
= i∗ ϕ′∗ detf c ′∗ f∗ OX (D)
= i∗ detϕ
w w w w w
∼ c ′ OX ′ (D ′ ) ∼
= i∗w detf c ′ OX ′ (D ′ |X ′ ).
= detf
∗ w∗ w w
Thus we deduce that
c ∗ OX (D) ⊗ OY (KY + L)) = κ(Y, KY + L + T )
κ(Y, detf
= κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + i∗w ϕ′∗ L + i∗w ϕ′∗ T ) + dim W
c ′ OX ′ (D ′ |X ′ ) ⊗ OY ′ (KY ′ + i∗ ϕ′∗ L)) + dim W.
= κ(Yw′ , detf w∗ w w w w w
By the same argument as above, we deduce that
κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(X ′ , KX ′ + ∆′ + ϕ′′∗ f ∗ L)
= κ(Xw′ , KXw′ + ∆′ |Xw′ + (ϕ′′∗ f ∗ L)|Xw′ ) + dim W
= κ(Xw′ , KXw′ + ∆′ |Xw′ + fw′∗ i∗w ϕ′∗ L) + dim W.
We have that D ′ |Xw′ ∼Q m(KXw′ + ∆′ |Xw′ ) and gw ′ is birational. By Propo-

sition 4.2, we deduce that

κ(X, KX + ∆ + f ∗ L) = κ(Xw′ , KXw′ + ∆′ |Xw′ + fw′∗ i∗w ϕ′∗ L) + dim W
c ′ OX ′ (D ′ |X ′ )⊗OY ′ (KY ′ +i∗ ϕ′∗ L))+dim W
= κ(F, KF +∆|F )+κ(Yw′ , detf w∗ w w w w w
c ∗ OX (D) ⊗ OY (KY + L)).
= κ(F, KF + ∆|F ) + κ(Y, detf


Proof of Theorem 1.9. Statement (1) follows directly from Theorem 1.10.
For statement (2), since Y is of general type, we have that
κ(X) = κ(F ) + dim Y
by [Vie83a, Corollary IV]. By [Vie83a, Theorem III], we have that f∗ ωX/Y
is weakly positive for every positive integer m such that f∗ ωX/Y 6= 0. We
c ∗ω
deduce that detf ⊗m
is weakly positive and thus pseudo-effective. Since
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ω ⊗(mr+1) is also big, where r = rank f∗ ω ⊗m . We
ωY is big, detf X/Y Y X/Y
deduce that
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ω ⊗(mr+1) )
κ(X) = κ(F ) + dim Y = κ(F ) + κ(Y, detf X/Y Y

c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).
= κ(F ) + κ(Y, detf X
Statement (3) follows from statement (1) since a smooth projective curve
with nonnegative Kodaira dimension is of maximal Albanese dimension. 
Next, we prove Theorem 1.6. We start with a special case of Theorem 1.6
when the base Y admits a birational morphism to an abelian variety.
Proposition 4.3. Let f : X → Y be a surjective morphism from a smooth
projective variety X to a smooth projective variety Y which admits a bira-
tional morphism g : Y → A to an abelian variety A where f is smooth over
an open set V ⊆ Y , and m a positive integer. Then
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).
κ(V ) ≥ κ(Y, detf X
Proof. If f∗ ωX = 0, then the statement is trivial. Thus we can assume that
⊗m ⊗m
f∗ ωX 6= 0. Then g∗ f∗ ωX 6= 0. Let S := Y \ V which is a closed subset of
Y . Then S = C ∪ D where C ⊆ Y is a closed set with codimY C ≥ 2 and D
is an effective divisor on Y . Since κ(Y ) ≥ 0, we have that
κ(V ) = κ(Y, KY + D)
by Lemma 2.6. Since g is a birational morphism to an abelian variety A,
there exists an effective and g-exceptional divisor E on Y such that KY ∼ E
and Supp E = Exc(g). The morphism g is an isomorphism after being
restricted to the open set V \ Supp E. Thus g ◦ f is smooth over the open
set g(V \ Supp E) ⊆ A. By Corollary 1.5, we deduce that
c ∗ f∗ ω ⊗m ).
κ(V \ Supp E) = κ(g(V \ Supp E)) ≥ κ(A, detg X
By Lemma 2.6, we deduce that
κ(V \ Supp E) = κ(Y, KY + (D + E)red ) = κ(Y, E + (D + E)red )
= κ(Y, D + E) = κ(Y, KY + D) = κ(V ).
By the same argument as in the proof of Proposition 4.2, we have that
c ∗ f∗ ω ⊗m ) = κ(Y, detf
κ(A, detg c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).

Thus we deduce that

c ∗ f∗ ω ⊗m ) = κ(Y, detf
κ(V ) = κ(V \ Supp E) ≥ κ(A, detg c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ).

Proof of Theorem 1.6. If f∗ ωX = 0, then the statement is trivial. Thus we
can assume that f∗ ωX 6= 0. Since Y is of maximal Albanese dimension,
the Albanese morphism aY : Y → Alb(Y ) of Y is generically finite onto its
image. Thus we can take a Stein factorization of aY such that aY = h ◦ g,
where g : Y → Z is birational, h : Z → Alb(Y ) is finite onto its image, and
Z is a normal projective variety. By [Kaw81, Theorem 13], there exist an
étale cover ϕ : Z ′ → Z, an abelian variety A, and a normal projective variety
W such that Z ′ ∼ = A × W and κ(W ) = dim W . Denote the projection of Z ′
onto W by p. We consider the following commutative diagram, where the
morphisms in the middle column are obtained by base change from g and
f via ϕ and then ϕ′ , while on the left we have the respective fibers over a
general closed point w ∈ W . By the flat base change theorem, we have that
⊗m ∼ ′∗ ⊗m
f∗′ ωX ′ = ϕ f∗ ωX .

Xw′ X′ X

fw f′ f
iw ϕ′
Yw′ Y′ Y

gw g′ g
= Aw Z′ Z aY

p h

{w} W Alb(Y )

The projective varieties X ′ and Y ′ are smooth since ϕ is étale. We can choose
w sufficiently general such that Xw′ and Yw′ are smooth, fw′ is a fibration,
and gw ′ is birational. Let S := Y \ V which is a closed subset of Y . Then

S = C ∪ D where C ⊆ Y is a closed set with codimY C ≥ 2 and D is an

effective divisor on Y . Since κ(Y ) ≥ 0, we have that
κ(V ) = κ(Y, KY + D)
by Lemma 2.6. Since ϕ′ is finite, we have codimY ′ ϕ′−1 (C) ≥ 2. Thus we
can choose w sufficiently general such that codimYw′ i−1
w (ϕ
′−1 (C)) ≥ 2 and
−1 ′−1
iw (ϕ (D)) is a divisor. Thus we have
w (ϕ
(V ))) = κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + (i∗w ϕ′∗ D)red ) = κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + i∗w ϕ′∗ D)
by Lemma 2.6. We have that fw′ is smooth over i−1
w (ϕ
′−1 (V )). By Proposi-

tion 4.3, we deduce that

κ(i−1 ′−1 c ′ ω ⊗m
(V ))) ≥ κ(Yw′ , detf
w (ϕ w∗ X ′ ⊗ ωYw′ ).

By the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.10, we have that

κ(V ) = κ(Y, KY + D) = κ(Y ′ , KY ′ + ϕ′∗ D) = κ(Yw′ , KYw′ + i∗w ϕ′∗ D) + dim W
= κ(i−1
w (ϕ
(V ))) + dim W,
c ′ ω ⊗m
c ∗ ω ⊗m ⊗ ωY ) = κ(Y ′ , detf
κ(Y, detf X w w∗ X ′ ⊗ ωYw′ ) + dim W
for sufficiently general w. Thus we deduce that
κ(V ) = κ(i−1 ′−1 c ′ ω ⊗m
(V ))) + dim W ≥ κ(Yw′ , detf
w (ϕ w∗ X ′ ⊗ ωYw′ ) + dim W

= c ∗ ω ⊗m
κ(Y, detf ⊗ ωY ).

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