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Ghetu Vlad-Mihail

MMIB, 966

Digital Product Design

From my point of view, the biggest risk that a company assumes in terms of digital
product design, is that whatever research was done before, the risk remains high in terms of
the adaptability of the product on the market, regardless of whether we are referring to the
market internal or external. I agree that an extraordinary amount of research and analysis is
done, prototypes are produced, the market is researched, but in terms of the interior design as
well as the functionality and utility of the product, the risk is high when the product is
launched on the market. There are several stages in terms of digital product design such as
preplanning, exploration, design, QA and feedback and obviously for any versions with new
features, we go back to the first stage of preplanning, but this is not it means that the risk for
the adaptability of the product on the market or even the adaptability of the market for the
launched product is not high enough.
Ghetu Vlad-Mihail
MMIB, 966

Digital transformation: challenges and opportunities for digital acceleration

When it comes to digital transformation, we may refer to a variety of risks that are
crucial to DT. First of all, when I think about this digital transformation, meaning bringing
more advanced technology into a company or digitizing existing operations, the risk of a
cyber-attack for data theft also comes to mind. As there is more and more secret data, the
growth of hackers is inevitable. Moreover, there is the need for the adaptability of employees
in terms of the competencies related to DT. This comes with a risk that the company assumes,
namely, the feasibility of the company but also its continuity from the point of view of
operational management. In the event of unanticipated occurrences like system failures or
natural catastrophes, digital transformation may bring risks that might impair corporate
operations. Risks include insufficient redundancy, poor backup and recovery procedures, and
a lack of disaster recovery strategies. To reduce possible interruptions, it's essential to have
strong business continuity plans, backup procedures, and disaster recovery mechanisms in
Ghetu Vlad-Mihail
MMIB, 966

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - The Rise of the Deep Learning Models

Regarding the digital transformation, there are many positive aspects that bring with
them negative aspects. To begin with, AI technologies have developed a lot recently, they are
an extremely important factor in the decision-making of some companies because they can
analyse a lot of data in a much shorter period than an analyst would do. Considering that they
store a lot of data, there is a risk of committing data theft because the cyber security part will
also have to be developed. Moreover, these AI technologies objectively analyse the risks of
the market, but from hour to hour, or even from one minute to the next, spontaneous events
happen that can overturn the analysis by 180 degrees. These super-advanced technologies
must be permanently supervised to give maximum performance and for the risk to be low in
terms of the probability that the conclusions drawn by the AI technology are not true. As I
mentioned above, these AI technologies objectively analyse the data, but do not take into
account people's problems or situations that may arise spontaneously.
Ghetu Vlad-Mihail
MMIB, 966
Intelligent Automation and Business Processes

While there are many advantages to intelligent automation, its implementation must
be efficient and secure, therefore risk management issues must be taken into account. Being
law student, first of all, I think about the regulatory field because risks include non-
compliance with industry-specific regulations, contractual obligations and infringement of
intellectual property. The company must ensure that automation processes comply with
applicable laws and regulations and conduct periodic legal reviews to mitigate potential risks.
Impact on personnel and change management are two more factors to take into account.
Intelligent automation may modify job functions and necessitate retraining or workforce
reorganization. Resistance from employees, job dislocation, and morale issues are risks.

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