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2nd Quarter – Week 1 (MIL)


 Realizes opportunities and challenges in media and information; and

 Researches and cites recent examples of the power of media and information to affect change



A. Opportunity, Challenges, and Power

1. Opportunity – is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Some are the examples of
Economy – examples are news industry, film production, entertainment programs, print, broadcast, internet,
advertising, public relations
Education – Learning has never been easier and at the same time more complicated than it is today in the age
of media and information. Examples are lecture video, multimedia for learning.
Social – Media of today is playing an outstanding rolde in creating and shaping of public opinion and
strengthening of society. Examples are social networking sites (Facebook, Instragram, Youtube, Twitter, etc.)
Political – Candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on Facebook and Twitter. Each party
has its own pages, from which it broadcasts propaganda and requests for donations.

2. Challenges – the following are the examples are:

Illegal Content – any type of content that could be damaging to very young people.
Cybercrime – any criminal activity that involves internet
Copyright Infringement – using works of other people without any permission.
Identity Theft – using someone else’s identity to take advantage.

3. Power – The mass media is powerful because audiences tend to trust them all the time. The following examples
Information Dissemination
Business Strategy

B. Threats, Risks, Abuse, and Misuse

1. Threats
Social Engineering – one of the most prevalent in social media threats and also the most popular tactic for
cyber criminals. Social media platforms allow attackers to find personal information that can be used to target
specific individuals.
Targeted Phishing Account - threats are an elevated form of phishing virus attacks that use social
engineering to get a specific person to reveal sensitive information.

2. Risks
Request from fake profiles – On social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, there are users who create
fake accounts and with the help of these, they try making spams. These fake account users also lead to
dangerous and harmful viruses being let into your computer devices. To avoid these serious issues, one must
stay alert while using social media websites.
Brand Impersonation – Today, businesses are also falling prey to brand impersonation as most of the
hackers or even competitors may promote false things on duplicate profiles of your business. Your social
media profile may represents your company and any false activities conducted on this profile will send the
wrong message to your costumers and it will create serious harm to your brand.

Prepared by: Carol D. Musica Week 1 – 2nd Qtr 1 / 2

3. Abuse – Social media abuse can also manifest itself in the form of harassment of friends, family, coworkers or
complete strangers. Social media should be a source of joy and an open venue for communication wit those you
love. When invited strangers or unidentified individuals start commenting, “liking”, “porking”, or sharing your
personal life. If these people cross the line, it can damaged relationships with friends, family, and even cause you
to lose your job. If you are being harassed online by someone you know or do not know utilize the professional
internet investigators to help put a stop to it.

4. Misuse
Loss of Privacy – One basic problem that can come with the use use of socila networking sites is the loss of
individual privacy. This is because all social networking sites involve placing personal information on the
internet, and it’s possible for people in almost all corners of the world to see that information.
Sexual Predators – A very serious problem which is related to loss of privacy is sexual predation. Bceause
they don’t always think before they post, students sometimes upload scandalous pictires of themselves onto
their profiles. These cound then be viewed by sexual predators.


Answer the question. 10 points

As a student, what do you consider is the biggest challenge and, on the other hand, the best opportunity
offered to you by the new media?

A. Identify if the following examples are opportunity, challenge, or power.
1. copyright infringement
2. education
3. freedom of expression
4. distribution of information
5. cybercrime

B. Identify if the following examples are threat, risk, abuse, or misuse.

1. loss of privacy
2. phishing
3. scam
4. media scandal
5. posting insults and false allegations

References: Opportunities, Challenges and Power of Media and Information by Marielie Noran (Youtube Channel)
Opportunities, Challenges and Power of Media and Information by Media and Information Literacy (Youtube Channel)
“You only fail when you stop trying.” - Anonymous

Prepared by: Carol D. Musica Week 1 – 2nd Qtr 2 / 2

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