Skills 7-8

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A noun clause is a clause that fr"rnctions as a nolrn; because the noun clause func-
tions as a noLrn, it citn be used in a sentence as an object of a verb (if it follori's a
verb) or-iln object of a preposition (if it follou/s a preposition). Studv the clauses
and connectors in the follorving sentences.
I don't knos, ,[rr
/,i lfg'said such tnr"etl

I l-1h,nq=q ubout f[l* 99ld\.t"+ lhingr.

rot r crrt se ls oeJF-( T or pREposrrtoN
the first example, the're are tr,rro clauses, I dott't kttott, and he soitl suc/t thhrys.
These tu'o clauses are joined r,r,ith the connector u,/zri IMhy changes the clause /ze
suitl srclt tlirtgs into a nolln clatrse u'l-rich functions as the object of the verb dort't
In the tu,o clauses I cttrt t/tinking and he srLid sttch thhtgs
the- second example,
:rt'e also joined bv the connector^ tt,/t),.W/t,- changes the clause he said strch thirtgs
into a noun clause which functions as the object of the preposition about.
The follon'ing example shows hou, these sentence patterns could be testecl ir-r
tl-re Structtrre section of the TOEFL test.

The citizens \\'onl about is doing.
(A) u'hat lhe
(B) the government
(C) rr,hert
(D) t'hat the -eorrernment it

In tlris e-rample, thc- sentence contains the rnain subject and r,erb, the citi:.erts
i,orr\', zrnd it also contains an additional verb, is doing. The sentence needs a sub-
ject for the verb is doittg ancl a connector to join the tr,r,o clauses. The best ans\\/er
is ansu,er'(A) becar-rse it has the conneclor whnt and the subject govenunertt.
Ansrver (B) is incorrect becztrse it does not harre a connector. Ansu'er (C) is incor-
rect because it does not have a subject for ls tk>irtg. Ansu,er- (D) is incorrect
because it has trt,o subjects for is doirtp.

The follorving chart lists the noun clause connectors and the sentence patterns
used rvith them.


. what, when, where, why, how
' whether, if
' that

5V 6ofi cEG\ SV
Sally explained why she did it.

EXERCISE 7: Each of the follorving sentences contains more than one clause.
Underline the subjects once and the verbs tl'ice. Circle the connectors. Then indi-
cate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C 1. It is unfortunzrte ($a9)the meal is not read.v vet.

| 2. She lold -" tlft1ry)$ggldlltg\g the children.

3. The instructor explained rvhere r,."'as the computer lab located.

.1. We could not believe u'hat he did to us.

.5. Do voll want tcl knor,i' iI it going to rain tomorrorr'?

6. We never knou, rvhether u'e will get paid or not.

7. This evening vou can decide rvhat do voll want to do.

8. The manager erplained hou' u,anted the ivork done.

9. The map showed rvhere the party u'ould be held.

10. Can vou tell me u,hv was the mail not delivered todav?

In Skill 7 rve sar,v that noun clause connectors can bc used to introduce nolln
clattses. In Skill 8 u,e r.r,ill see that in some cases a noun cleruse connector is not
just a connector; a noun clause connector can also be the subject of the clausc- at
the same time. Studv the clartrses and connectors in the follou,ins sentences.

I know w h at happened yesterday.


We are thinkins about Y!!! \?PP9!99 Yes te rd aY'


In the first example, there are two clauses: I know and what happened yesterday.
These two clauses are joined by the connector what.It is important to understand
that in this sentence the word what serves two functions. It is both the subject of
the verb happened and the connector that joins the two ciauses.
In the second example, there are two clauses. In the first clause we is the sub-
ject of are thinking. In the second clause what is the subject of happened. What
also serves as the connector that joins the two clauses. The noun clause what ltap-
pened yesterday functions as the object of the preposition about.
The following example shows how this sentence pattern could be tested in the
Structure section of the TOEFL test.

The companv uras prepared for happened rvith the
(A) ir -
(B) the problem
(C) rvhat
(D) when

In this example, the sentence contains the main clause the company was prepared
and another verb, happened. The sentence needs a subject for the verb happened
and a connector to join the two clauses. Answer (C) is the best answer because
what is both a connector and a subject. Answer (A) is incor^rect because lr is a sub-
ject, but there is no connector. Answer (B) is incorrect because the problem is a
subject, but there is no connector. Answer (D) is incorrect because w/u, is a con-
nector, but it is not a subject.
The following chart lists the noun clause connector/subjects and the sentence
oattern used with them.


who which

SV noun clause connector

Al told me what happened.

EXERCISE 8: Each of the follon'ing sentences contains more than one clause.
Underline the sublects once and the verbs tu,ice. Circle the connectors. Then indi-
cate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C l. The tcacher hcarcl GD ansrrtrcd rhe quesrion.

| 2. I clo notft".1"l$g!4 ($'hrl) it u'ent \\rron-q.

3. Of the three rnor,ies, I can't decide l,hich is the best.

4. She did not rementber u'ho in her clarss.

5. No one is sur-e u,hat did it happen in fror-rt of the building.

6. We found out urhich u'ars her f avorite tvpe of candl'.

7. Do vou knou'u,hat caused the plants to die?

8. I am not slrre u,hich it js the most important course in the program.

9. We thought about n,ho u'ould be the best vicc president.

10. She sarv u'hat in the bo.r in thc closet.

EXERCISE (Skitls 7-8): Each of the follorving sentc-nces contains rnore than one
clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs tr,r'ice. Circle the connectors.
Then indicate if the sentences are col'rect (C) or incorrect (I).

1. It cloubtful u'hether- he u'ill perss the test c>r not.

2. The- sroup discusse'd u,ho hc sl-roulcl receive the priz-e.

3. tt is not cerlain r.r'hv the class u,as cancellecl.

.1. I rvill do u,hat does it ner-d to be done.

5. We for-qot u'hen dic'l the movie start.

6. I u'or-rld like 1o ask if votr could come over for dinner this u,eekend.

7. The children knet'u'hicl-r the best game to plav.

8. The advisor ir-rl'ormed her that needed to add another class.

9. He sau, rvho took the mone\..

10. It is unclcar hou'the u,indou'eot broken.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 7-8): Choose the letter of the u,,ord or group of words
that best completes the sentence.

1. Todav the true ston. of at Littie 7. Minute Nationai Historical park

Bighorn remains a mvstel\'. is a ntonuntent to u'here
(A) happened (A) the beginning ol-the
(B) it happenecl Revoltrtionarn War
(C) r.,"'hat happened (B) in the beginning of the
(D) r,,"'hat happeninq Revolutionarl' War
(C) the Rer:oltrtionan- War to begin
2. Fol more than a decade-, _ that (D) the Ru,olutionarr War began
certain species are becoming scarce.
(A) the rvarnings of bircl-lr,:rtchers B. Tests on the colors of cars u'ere
(B) u,arn the bird-u'atchers conducted at the Universitv of
(C) bircl-u'atchers have rvarnecl California to dc-termine _ thc-
(D) a u,arning for bird-rt'atchers saf'est colors for cars.
(A) rvhich
3. Earlv in the eighteenth century (B) u,hich rvere
Hall ev accurat elv pre.dictecl rvher-r (c) il
of 1682 rr,ould return. (D) hou'r",,'ere
(A) the comet
(B) rvas the comet 9. The National Institr-rte of Dental
(C) the comet \\'as Research estimates _ in
(D) had the comet fluoridated areas har.e about 25
percent less tooth decav than childrel
4. No single factor explains t,hv clseu,here.
\.all so greatll' amons individuals. (A) for school children
(A) aging affects (B) school children's
(B) the effects of aging (C) that school children
(C) aging has an ef{'ect (D) that lor school childrcn
(Dl the a-eing effecr
10. The process of photosvnthesis
5. Lack of clarity about the party e.rplains hou,_ able to use the
in the coming vear u'ill be removed at energ-\' in sunlight [o manufactur-e
the partr.'s convention. foods from the simple chemicals in
air and u,ater.
(A) ,"vill lead
(B) lead (A) grecn plants
(C) they will lead (B) green plants are
(D) rvho r,vill lead (C) planting greens
(D) u,ith green plants are
6. We do not the bou, clrill rt'as
first developecl fbr u'oodu,or-kins or
fire making.
(A) u'hether it
(B) krrorr uherher ir
(C) knor,v rr,,hether
(D) sure rrhethcr'

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