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Question no 1


• Medical receptionist
• Nurse
• Manager
• Doctor

An actor in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) "specifies a role played by a user or any other system
that interacts with the subject." "An Actor models a type of role played by an entity that interacts with
the subject (e.g., by exchanging signals and data), but which is external to the subject."

Example: Doctor, nurse, patient, medical receptionist.

Use case

• Setup consultation
• Register patient
• View personal info
• View record
• Edit record
• Export statistic
• Generate report

A use case is a written description of how users will perform tasks on your website. It outlines, from a
user’s point of view, a system’s behavior as it responds to a request. Each use case is represented as a
sequence of simple steps, beginning with a user's goal and ending when that goal is fulfilled.

Elements of a Use Case

Depending on how in depth and complex you want or need to get, use cases describe a combination of
the following elements:

Actor – anyone or anything that performs a behavior (who is using the system)

Stakeholder – someone or something with vested interests in the behavior of the system under
discussion (SUD)

Primary Actor – stakeholder who initiates an interaction with the system to achieve a goal
Preconditions – what must be true or happen before and after the use case runs.

Triggers – this is the event that causes the use case to be initiated.

Main success scenarios [Basic Flow] – use case in which nothing goes wrong.


Edit record, view record, delete record, manage patient info, generate report.
Question no 2

Extend is used when a use case conditionally adds steps to another first class use case.

Include is used to extract use case fragments that are duplicated in multiple use cases. The included use
case cannot stand alone and the original use case is not complete without the included one. This should
be used sparingly an only in cases where the duplication is significant and exists by design (rather than
by coincidence).
Question no 3

Context model are use in MHC-PMS

A user shall be able to search the appointments lists for all clinics.

The system shall generate each day, for each clinic, a list of patients who are expected to attend
appointments that day.

Each staff member using the system shall be uniquely identified by his or her 8-digit employee number.

Product requirement

The MHC-PMS shall be available to all clinics during normal working hours. Downtime within normal
working hours shall not exceed five seconds in any one day.
Organizational requirement
Users of the MHC-PMS system shall authenticate themselves using their health authority identity card.

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