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Milwee Middle School PTSA

Budget Overview: 2022-2023 Budget March amendments - FY23 P&L

July 2022 - June 2023

Beg Balance 14,945.05
Donations 1,000.00
Event Sales 8,500.00
Apparel 6,500.00
Fall Calendar Fundraiser 9,830.00
Merchandise 800.00
Skate Nights 1,300.00
Spirit Nights 400.00
Total Fundraisers 18,830.00
Grants 4,300.00
Membership Dues
Membership (local portion) 600.00
Membership (state natl portion) 1,400.00
Total Membership Dues 2,000.00
Sponsorships 1,000.00
Total Revenue $50,575.05
GROSS PROFIT $50,575.05
Admin Operating Exp 828.13
Insurance 324.00
Membership (state and national portion) 1,400.00
Printing 500.00
SCCPTA Dues 70.00
Total Admin Operating Exp 3,122.13
Carryover to 2023-2024 3,000.00
Apparel 5,000.00
Fall Fundrasier 1,191.36
Merchandise 1,000.00
Skate Night Expense 50.00
Spirit Night Expense 75.00
Total Fundraising 7,316.36
Hospitality (Staff & Volunteer) 2,000.00
Teacher Appreciation Week 2,000.00
Total Hospitality (Staff & Volunteer) 4,000.00
Interim Purchases 2022 561.56
Interim Purchases 2023
Apparel for 2023-2024 6,000.00
PTSA Training 1,200.00
Staff Welcome Back 2,500.00
Total Interim Purchases 2023 9,700.00

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Campus Improvements 800.00
Diversity Equity & Inclusion 600.00
Fall Student Program 225.00
Food Pantry/Hygiene Items 750.00
Health & Wellness Initiatives 1,000.00
Literacy Inititatives 550.00
PBIS Student Store 1,000.00
Scavenger Hunt 1,000.00
SCCPTA Scholarship Fund 200.00
Spring Student Program 2,000.00
Stem Night 1,800.00
Student Member Treats 500.00
Student/Family Events 2,200.00
Total Programs 12,625.00
PTSA Grants
6th Grade Level Grant 1,000.00
7th Grade Level Grant 1,000.00
8th Grade Level Grant 1,000.00
Classroom Grants 3,750.00
Student Club Grants 3,500.00
Total PTSA Grants 10,250.00
Total Expenditures $50,575.05

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