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Handout Guide Cheat Sheet Reference thing

Adamantia was once a pure and pristine world, with many kingdoms living
in peace. A Song wove through the world, its frequency reverberating across
the bones of the land, their many different voices weaving a harmonious
symphony of life and joy. As each new voice was added to the song it grew
like frost across a pane of glass, manifesting new and wondrous life-forms.
It was an age of farmers, artists, and scientists, from a vast kaleidoscope of
life-forms and cultures. The notes of the Song reverberated across the
lands, powering wonderous works and mighty magics.

The various lands of Adamantia were made in the image of these harmonies,
symmetrical and perfect. The jungles of Obsidium, The volcanoes of
Magmaria, the frozen wastes of Sapphiria, the verdant forestlands of
Beryllia, the mysterious mountains of Amethysia, the serene waters and
skies of the archipelago of Azurra, and the idyllic hills and farmlands of

It was an age that ended in Discord.

The hum was felt by all living beings, a deep and awful note that drowned
out everything else. It radiated across Adamantia for seven days before the
world broke. In parts of every region, the landscape crumbled, erupted,
sank, and rose; living beings twisted and mutated. The bones of the land
had been cowed, and they began to sing a new song, one of death, despair,
and evil. The twisted inhabitants of these blighted areas enacted their
violence and chaos upon each other first but began to threaten the peaceful
kingdoms of the world. War erupted, and from those wars emerged the
Lords of Evil, ruling over the Domains of Darkness.

Generations later, the remaining Lands of Light are isolated from each
other, the Domains of Darkness ever encroaching. The Lands of Light need
protectors and warriors that will foil the plots of the Dark Lords and protect
the Song. The Sages and Lapidarists experiment constantly in their quest to
correct the Discord, but they need skilled and adventurous heroes to test
their advances. The Sages speak of the Seven Prime Notes that underlie this
world; do you dare undertake their mastery? Will you become… a Guardian
of Adamantia?

Adamantia is a science-fantasy “Saturday morning cartoon” adventure with

a focus on battling over-the-top villains and their minions.

Themes in Adamantia include heroism, adventure, and conflict between

good and evil. The heroes are on the front lines of these conflicts, facing off
against various villains and monsters. In terms of genre tropes, Adamantia
draws inspiration from various sources, including high fantasy, sword &
sorcery, and science fiction, but most importantly action-adventure
cartoons (and some live-action) from the last few decades of the 20th
century. Properties like He-Man, She-Ra, Thundercats, Thundarr,
Dino-Riders, and even Power Rangers are all inspirations for Adamantia.

Technology in Adamantia is advanced, but it's not the focus of the story like
traditional science-fiction. Instead, technology is used in a way that
parallels a technological level from the past. For example, advanced energy
weapons might be used alongside swords and other melee weapons.
Medical technology is limited to that of an industrial era at the most.

Adventures in Adamantia are episodic, with each adventure serving as a

standalone "episode" within a larger but loose meta-narrative for each
"season" of the campaign.

Here are some tips for players to capture the "Saturday Morning Action
Cartoon" vibe in their characters and adventures:

● Be larger than life: Characters in action cartoons are often

over-the-top, with exaggerated personalities, abilities, and
appearances. Embrace this by creating a character that is larger than
life, with unique quirks, powers, and traits that set them apart.
● Lean into the action: Action is a key element of any good cartoon, and
your adventures should be no different. Make sure your character is
ready for combat and able to face off against powerful foes. Use the
distinction and abilities traits to give them signature weapons and
features that they can use to turn the tide of battle.
● Embrace teamwork: In most action cartoons, the heroes work together
to defeat their enemies. Make sure your character can work well with
others and has skills that complement those of their teammates.

To play Guardians of Adamantia, you need access to the Cortex Prime Game
Handbook or Codex, this guide, enough dice for each player and the GM, and
a character ­file for each player.


This setting uses values, affinities (roles), abilities, specialties, and

distinctions. The distinctions define your character’s origin, a catchphrase
they are known for, and a bond that drives them. Abilities and distinctions
have SFX attached.

Guardians of Adamantia uses action-based resolution mod and the doom

pool mod (renamed Discord). Most scenes are action scenes with players
battling evil lords, lieutenants, and minions, exploring ancient ruins to
safeguard powerful artifacts, or defending people and settlements from war
threats and Discord-induced disasters, which may be represented by crisis
pools spawning from the Discord pool. Contests aren’t used in this game.
Stress (page 39) is organized into speci­fic types: AFRAID, ANGRY,
EXHAUSTED, or INJURED, along with free-form complications that may be
created during play. A Growth Pool is generated from these stress for
growth advancement, similar to the Trace 2.0 setting.


The Guardians of Adamantia are a loose organization of adventurers, heroes, and warriors
who have dedicated themselves to protecting the people of Adamantia from the many
dangers that threaten them. Although they have no official recognition or legal authority,
their reputation as brave defenders of the weak and champions of justice has earned them
the respect and admiration of many communities across the land.

Despite their lack of official status, the Guardians are widely regarded as a positive force in
Adamantia. They are often called upon by local leaders to help deal with threats that are
beyond the capabilities of the local militia or guard. Although they have no legal authority,
their presence is often enough to deter criminals or hostile forces from attacking peaceful

Membership in the Guardians is open to anyone who shares their values and is willing to
undertake perilous missions or render aid against the Domains of Darkness. While some
Guardians work independently, many belong to small groups or teams that specialize in
particular kinds of missions. Some members ride a fine line between membership in the
Guardians and service to their kingdom, with a few even serving at the highest ranks of the
Union’s military or as royal guards to the Pantherans.


Adamantia is a realm of endless possibilities, where players can create characters of any
form they can imagine. From traditional human characters to cyborgs and androids, to
intelligent animal-people and even mythical creatures, the possibilities for character
creation are only limited by one's imagination.

Bipedal humanoids that resemble animals are a common sight in Adamantia, with species
ranging from feline to canine, reptilian, and avian. These beings often possess physical
traits that are suited to their animal counterparts, such as sharp claws, powerful jaws, keen
senses, and even the ability to fly.

Robots and androids are also prevalent in Adamantia. Some are purely mechanical in nature
and suitable as companions, but others possess advanced artificial intelligence and are
suitable as player characters.


Adamantia is a land of wonder and invention, where technology and magic coexist to
create a unique blend of progress and wonder. The people of Adamantia are a diverse
bunch, with different cultures and traditions influencing the technology that they develop.

Airships, sky-sleds, hover-speeders, domesticated animals, and even magical conveyances

such as flying carpets are all common means of travel in Adamantia. Clockwork robots are
used in factories and mines, while energy shields protect important buildings and cities
from attacks. Laser weapons are used by some of the more advanced civilizations, while
other cultures prefer traditional weapons like swords and spears.

While the medical technology in Adamantia is not as advanced as some other areas of
technology, there are still many innovations in the field. Surgical robots assist doctors in
performing complex surgeries, while steam-powered prosthetics replace lost limbs. Some
healers also use crystals and other magical items to aid in the healing process.

Communication technology in Adamantia is primarily powered by crystals as well. Crystal

radios allow people to communicate over long distances, while crystal projectors display
images and messages for large crowds.

Despite the technological advancements in Adamantia, magic still plays a major role in the
lives of the people. Magic crystals are used to power many devices and machines, and there
are still some areas where magic is more powerful than technology.

Overall, Adamantia is a land of innovation and creativity, where technology and magic
work together to create a world that is both familiar and fantastical. From the skies to the
deepest crystal mines, the people of Adamantia are always pushing the boundaries of what
is possible.


In the world of Adamantia, there is a powerful and mysterious force known as The Song. It
is observed to flow through all things, from the smallest insect to the largest mountain; the
very essence of life. Those who can hear it are said to be blessed by its power. Most cultures
and people describe The Song as a psychic energy that flows through the minds of sentient
beings, a manifestation of the emotions and thoughts of all living things, the collective
consciousness of the world. Those of a more mystical or scientific outlook might have
differing opinions on the true nature of The Song.


The people of Adamantia have a unique and complex religious philosophy centered around
The Song. The Song is believed to be a positive energy that is created and strengthened by
the collective participation of each being who adds their voice to it. Some believe it is the
voice of a creator, while others see it as a manifestation of the harmony that exists between
all things in the world.

This philosophy is not based on any specific deity or set of deities, but instead focuses on
the idea of collective consciousness and positive energy. It is a belief system that
emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and encourages individuals to contribute
positively to the world through their thoughts, actions, and participation in The Song.

This religious or spiritual philosophy is shared by most of the inhabitants of Adamantia,

regardless of their nationality or cultural background. However, different groups may have
their own unique interpretations and practices surrounding The Song. It is not a religion
with a set of rigid doctrines or dogmas, but rather a flexible and inclusive philosophy that
encourages individual growth and spiritual exploration.

Overall, religion in Adamantia is less about worshiping specific deities and more about
cultivating a positive and harmonious relationship with the life around them.


The Discord was a great cataclysmic event that shattered the harmony of the world of
Adamantia, plunging it into darkness and chaos. Scholars and sages have long debated the
true cause of the Discord, but none can agree on a single explanation. Instead, many
theories and rumors abound:

● The Discord was caused by a powerful artifact or weapon that was unleashed, and it
must be found and destroyed.
● Others think that it is a sign that the end of the world is coming, and they are
preparing for the worst.
● The Discord is a natural occurrence, a result of the world's cycles and the ebb and
flow of magic.
● The Discord is actually a call to action, a signal for heroes to rise up and restore
balance to the world.
● There are whispers that a secret society or cult is behind the Discord, trying to
manipulate events for their own purposes.
● Regardless of its true cause, the Discord has left its mark on Adamantia. The land is
scarred and ravaged, its once-great civilizations now shattered and scattered. And
yet, even amidst this darkness, there are glimmers of hope. The people of Adamantia
persevere, clinging to the remnants of their shattered world and working tirelessly
to rebuild and restore the harmony that was lost.


The jungles of Obsidium are dense, lush, and vibrant. They are home to some of the most
exotic and unique flora and fauna on the continent. The climate is warm and humid, with
heavy rainfall that nourishes the vegetation and makes it thrive. The jungle is a place of
incredible beauty, but also great danger. In the heart of the jungle lies the ancient city of
Serpentia, a sprawling metropolis of ruins and temples that was once home to a civilization
of serpent-worshippers. The city is said to be cursed and haunted by the ghosts of the
ancient people who once lived there. During the Discord, many natural springs and pools in
the jungles oozed forth a mysterious and dreadful corruption that mutated everything it
touched. These mutatonic pools have spawned all manner of terrifying predators that now
haunt the jungles of Obsidium, the most dreadful being the Dread Tyrant-Sauris and his
minions, the Muta-Men.

The mysterious mountains of Amythesia are a place of wonder and danger, shrouded in
mystery and legend. It is said that ancient civilizations once thrived there, leaving behind
ruins and artifacts that hold great power and knowledge. But the mountains are also home
to monstrous creatures and treacherous terrain, making exploration a perilous endeavor.
The sky above the mountains is said to be haunted by strange and otherworldly
phenomena, adding to the mystery and intrigue of the region. The peaks themselves seem
to shift and change, with new paths opening and old ones closing, leading to rumors of
magical guardians and sentient entities that protect the mountains from intruders.

The mighty volcanoes of Magmaria are a treacherous and unforgiving region, characterized
by their rugged terrain, scorching temperatures, and intense volcanic activity. The area is
home to several active volcanoes, which spew molten lava and noxious gasses into the air,
creating a hostile environment for all but the hardiest of creatures. Despite this, the region
is home to a variety of unique and fascinating species, including fire-breathing dragons,
lava golems, and giant fire beetles. The Golmec, a race of rock-people, are the only
intelligent beings known to live in the region, and they have adapted to the harsh
environment by developing a culture that values strength, endurance, and martial prowess
above all else. The volcanoes are also the source of many valuable minerals, such as
obsidian and sulfur.

The frozen wastes of Sapphiria are a desolate and inhospitable region in the north. It is
perpetually covered in ice and snow, with few plants or animals able to survive. However,
the region is also rich in sapphire crystals, which are highly valued for their magical
properties. The few hardy creatures that do live in the frozen wastes are adapted to the
extreme cold, like the terrifying ice wolves.

The verdant forestlands of Beryllia are a lush and fertile region. The forests are home to
many kinds of creatures, both magical and mundane. The trees are also infused with beryl
crystals, which give them a distinctive glow and imbue the surrounding area with magical

The serene waters and skies of the archipelago of Azurra are a group of islands and shallow
seas in the east. Infested with pirates, the islands are also home to many kinds of peoples
and creatures, including mermaids, sea dragons, flying fish, and sky whales. The water and
sky are infused with blue topaz crystals, which give them a shimmering, serene quality.

The idyllic hills and farmlands of Citria are a peaceful and prosperous region in the center
of the continent. The rolling hills and fertile fields are home to many farms and small
villages. The region is also home to many kinds of creatures, including crystal golems,
colorful chimeras, and rainbow unicorns.


The creatures of Adamantia are unlike any other in the lands of light, as they are infused
with the very essence of the crystals that dominate the landscape. Chimeras roam the
crystal fields, each made up of different animals with unique colors and crystals infused
into their bodies. Some have jagged crystal growths that shimmer in the sunlight, while
others have iridescent scales that reflect the colors of the crystals around them. These
creatures are a sight to behold, with their bodies infused with the magical essence of

The wildlife of Adamantia is also influenced by the sounds and vibrations of the crystals.
Some creatures have evolved to use crystal structures as resonant chambers, producing
melodic songs that echo across the landscape. Others have developed intricate mating
rituals that involve flashing crystal growths and synchronized movements to attract a mate.
The sounds and sights of Adamantia's creatures are a symphony of light and sound, a
testament to the unique and magical nature of this world.

The plants of Adamantia are no less remarkable than the creatures that inhabit it. The
crystal fields are home to vibrant and colorful flora, with delicate flowers that bloom in the
light of the crystals. Some plants have evolved to absorb the magical energy of the crystals,
growing larger and more vibrant with each passing day. Others have developed thorns and
spines infused with crystal shards, providing both defense and a source of magical energy.
The flora of Adamantia is a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, a true reflection of the
fantastical ecology of this world.


The Plateau of Luster, located amid a rugged mountain range, is a breathtaking sight to
behold. The plateau is made entirely of pure quartz, giving it a stunning, otherworldly
shimmer that can be seen from miles away. It was once the site of a powerful kingdom,
Ardelia, that stood for centuries as a beacon of hope and innovation.

After the Discord, the Evil Lords waged war against the kingdom, seeking to conquer its
advanced technology and magical artifacts. Despite the valiant efforts of Ardelia's heroes,
the kingdom ultimately fell, and the Plateau of Luster was left vulnerable to the ambitions
of the Evil Lords.

As the war raged on, the refugees of Ardelia sought sanctuary on the plateau, drawn by its
mystical properties and the protection of the Occurian Order. These monks, possessing
formidable psionic powers, took on the responsibility of protecting the plateau and its
inhabitants. They trained for years to defend against any threats that may come their way,
becoming masters of both the mind and body.

Living on the plateau can be a difficult existence, as resources are scarce, and the sages
must constantly be vigilant against any threats that may arise. Despite the challenges,
however, the refugees who have made the plateau their home are grateful for the safety and
protection that the Occurian Order provides. They are a tight-knit community that
supports each other through the hardships of their new lives.

Adventurers who seek to aid the refugees and the Occurian Order are always welcome on
the Plateau of Luster. The sages are in constant need of supplies and assistance, and the
refugees are always eager to hear news of the outside world. Those who venture to the
plateau will find themselves amid a unique and awe-inspiring community, one that is
dedicated to preserving the knowledge and magic of a fallen kingdom.


Headmaster Phantar - The Headmaster of the Occurian Order is a wise and kind mentor to
all who seek refuge on the plateau. He has dedicated his life to preserving the knowledge
and wisdom of his order, and to protecting those who have sought sanctuary there. Phantar
is deeply respected by his fellow monks, and by the refugees who have found safety within
the force field that the Occurian Order maintains around the plateau.

Lady Eliana Valtara - The descendant of a ruling noble of Ardelia, Lady Eliana is a skilled
warrior and strategist who has taken up the mantle of leadership on the Plateau of Luster.
She is a determined and fiercely independent woman, who is driven to protect her people
and preserve the legacy of her ancestors. Lady Eliana is highly respected by the Occurian
Order, who have formed a close alliance with her, and she has become a beloved figure
among the refugees on the plateau.

Brother Thorne - A member of the Occurian Order, Brother Thorne is a wise and patient
mentor to those seeking refuge on the Plateau of Luster. He has dedicated his life to helping
others and preserving the knowledge and wisdom of the Order, and he is widely respected
for his compassion and understanding. Brother Thorne is an expert in psionics, and he has
helped many refugees to cope with the trauma of their past experiences.


The Crystal Caverns - Located deep beneath the surface of the Plateau of Luster, the
Crystal Caverns are a natural wonder that draws visitors from all over Adamantia. The
caverns are filled with vast geodes of sparkling quartz crystal, which cast a shimmering
light throughout the tunnels. The Caverns are also home to a variety of subterranean
creatures, some of which are highly dangerous.

The Hall of Heroes - A large temple complex located near the edge of the Plateau, the Hall
of Heroes is a place of pilgrimage for aspiring adventurers and heroes from across the land.
The Hall contains countless relics and artifacts from the fallen kingdom of Ardelia, as well
as a vast library of knowledge on strategy, combat, and history. The Hall is also the
headquarters of the Order of the Shield, a group of brave warriors who are dedicated to
defending the Plateau from any threats that may arise.

The Fields of Memory - A peaceful meadow located on the western edge of the Plateau, the
Fields of Memory is a place of reflection and healing for the refugees who have sought
sanctuary on the Plateau. The Fields are filled with wildflowers and ancient stone pillars,
which are said to contain the spirits of the fallen heroes of Ardelia. Many refugees come to
the Fields to pay their respects to those who have given their lives to protect the people of
the plateau, and to find solace in the quiet beauty of the meadow.


The Union of Western Citria is a small democratic nation known for its advanced
technology based on crystals and mechanical enhancements. The Union's cities are under
constant attack from the evil lords, but its well-trained and regimented military forces have
thus far managed to repel these invasions. The Union is governed by a council of
representatives who are elected by the people.

Culture and People: The people of the Union of Western Citria are disciplined and
regimented, valuing order and efficiency above all else. They are also highly skilled in the
use of crystals and mechanical enhancements and take great pride in their technological
advancements. However, they do not relish the idea of war or conflict, and instead fight out
of necessity to protect their people and way of life. The Union is also home to many skilled
artisans, who create intricate and practical works of art using crystal and mechanical


Citadel City: The capital city of the Union of Western Citria, Citadel City is a heavily
fortified metropolis that serves as the heart of the Union's military forces. The city is
powered by a massive crystal reactor that generates energy for both civilian and military
The Mechanical Institute of Technology: A prestigious institution located in Citadel City,
the Mechanical Institute of Technology is dedicated to the study and development of
mechanical cyborg enhancements. Many of the Union's greatest minds have studied at the
institute, and its graduates are highly sought after for their expertise.

The Swiftwing Outpost is a small floating fort in the rural outskirts of the Union's territory.
It serves as a minor military garrison for the defense of the surrounding area. The outpost
is equipped with a small arsenal and a healing ward. The outpost is manned by a small unit
of soldiers, led by a grizzled veteran named Captain Landon.


Dr. Emrys: A retired doctor and war medic, Dr. Emrys now serves as the elected
representative of the Healer's Union on the Council. He is a kind and compassionate man
who has dedicated his life to helping others. However, he sometimes butts heads with
those he feels are careless with the lives of those they command.

Master Aric: The headmaster of the Mechanical Institute of Technology, Master Aric is a
brilliant engineer and inventor. He is highly respected by his students and colleagues alike
and is renowned for his groundbreaking research in the field of mechanical enhancements.

Commander Thorne: The commander of the Union's military forces, Thorne is a disciplined
and strategic leader who values the lives of his troops above all else. He has led the Union's
armies in many battles against the evil lords, and his leadership has been instrumental in
the Union's survival.


The Plains of Ilyara are a vast, open expanse of rolling hills, grasslands, and canyons that
stretch as far as the eye can see. The people who call this land home are hardy and
self-reliant, with a deep respect for the natural world around them. They are expert riders
and hunters, with many of them taming and training dinosaurs to use as mounts and

The Lawgivers are the closest thing the Plains of Ilyara have to a government, but even they
are more of a traveling order than a formal authority. They travel the land, settling
disputes, punishing wrongdoers, and spreading justice and peace wherever they go. Each
of these mystical warriors has taken a sacred vow to uphold the law and protect the
innocent. They carry laser sabers, which are long, curved blades of pure plasma that hum
and crackle with energy. These weapons are both elegant and deadly, and the Lawgivers are
highly skilled in their use.

Despite their love of freedom, the people of the Plains of Ilyara are fiercely loyal to one
another and their way of life. They often band together to resist the encroachment of Sauris
and his minions from the nearby jungles, and they have proven themselves to be tough and
resourceful fighters. They are proud of their independence and their ability to survive and
thrive in a harsh and unforgiving land.

NPC Spotlight
Beau Cannon is a tall and rugged cowboy with a confident swagger and a quick
draw. He has a chiseled jawline, piercing blue eyes, and a thick mane of blonde hair
that flows beneath his wide-brimmed hat. He wears a leather duster and carries a
pair of laser revolvers that he wields with deadly accuracy.

Beau is a legendary gunslinger and a hero of the Plains of Ilyara. He is known for his
bravery and his unwavering sense of justice. He travels the plains on his trusty
dinosaur mount, a towering triceratops named Thunder, and often lends his aid to
those in need.

Despite his tough exterior, Beau has a kind heart and a strong sense of honor. He
despises the evil lords and their minions and will stop at nothing to protect the
people of the Plains. He is always on the lookout for new allies and is willing to lend
his expertise and his guns to those who share his cause.


Pantheros is a nation of cat-people, the Pantherans collectively, ruled by a monarchy of

melanistic tiger-people. They are a proud people, deeply concerned with preserving the
balance between technology and nature. They have a keen affinity for technology and have
developed unique weapons and tools that meld with their natural prowess.

The ruling family of Pantheros is a limited monarchy, where the royal family leads a council
of tribal elders that have a voice in the government. The current ruler is Queen Nia, a strong
and respected leader who has worked to maintain peace and balance between the different
tribes of Pantheros. Her family have been in power for generations and are widely
respected among the Pantherans for their fair and just leadership.

The capital city of Pantheros is known as Tamarin, a bustling metropolis that is a hub of
trade and commerce. The city is filled with colorful buildings, bustling marketplaces, and
stunning architecture that blends modern and traditional styles. Many visitors to Pantheros
come to Tamarin to trade goods or learn from the skilled craftsmen and artisans that call
the city home.

The Pantherans value the natural world highly and believe in working in harmony with
nature. As such, they have taken it upon themselves to incorporate technology into nature,
rather than control or dominate it. They use gemstones to power their plasma whips and
laser bows, which they have crafted to merge with primitive forms. This technology, while
advanced, is designed to work in perfect harmony with their natural abilities and

The Pantherans' mastery of both technology and nature makes them formidable opponents
to the Evil Lords. Their skills in combat are unparalleled, and they are deeply committed to
preserving the balance between good and evil. They are one of the most significant forces
of the Lands of Light, and their determination to use their technology to protect the natural
world makes them a beacon of hope to many.

The Sky People are a group of evolved primates who once lived in the Skylands, a
technologically advanced civilization that circled high above Adamantia. They had lived in
peace for generations, playing in the low gravity jungles until the day the Fyush-en Core
that kept their home safe began to fail. The Silverback Elders were forced to invoke the Rite
of Emergency Landing, bringing the Skylands crashing down into a lush jungle below.

But their new jungle home was already claimed by the Dread Tyrant-Sauris and his
Mutamen, who enslaved the gentle Sky People! Hylo, a brave and resourceful Sky Person,
searches the ruins of his ancestors' civilization for the secrets they left behind, hoping to
find a way to free his people and restore their once-great civilization.

The Sky People's ancestors were one of the most technologically advanced groups before
the Discord. They left behind a wealth of knowledge and secrets, including the location of
hidden caches of advanced technology that could be used to defeat their enemies and
liberate their people. However, accessing these secrets will not be easy, as they are often
guarded by dangerous traps and fierce creatures.


The rock-people, known as the Golmec, are a race of tough and resilient individuals who
make their home in the volcanic region of Magmaria. They are renowned for their prowess
in battle and their obsession with strength and honor. The Golmec are a proud and insular
people, often keeping to themselves and their own kind. They have little interest in the
politics and struggles of the other lands of light, preferring to focus on their own affairs.

The Golmec are a fiercely independent people, with a society built around strength, might,
and glory. They believe that only the strongest and most capable individuals should be
allowed to lead, and they place a great deal of value on individual prowess and physical
strength. The Golmec are skilled warriors and are renowned for their ability to fight in
harsh and unforgiving conditions, such as the volcanic landscape of their homeland.

The Golmec have a strong emphasis on physical fitness, martial prowess, and honor. They
have a strict code of conduct that governs their behavior, and they place a great deal of
importance on honor and personal integrity. Despite their insular nature, the Golmec are
not entirely isolationist and do maintain some trade relations with the other lands of light.

However, the Golmec have little patience for weakness, and they view those who are not as
strong or capable as themselves with disdain. They are particularly hostile towards the evil
lords, whom they view as weak and unworthy opponents. The Golmec will only involve
themselves in conflicts if there is a chance for them to prove their strength and earn glory
on the battlefield.


The Avali are a whimsical and carefree race of bird-like people, with brightly colored
feathers and an infectious love of life. They are smaller in stature than most humanoid
races, standing only a few feet tall on average, and have a slender, graceful build. Their
wings allow them to soar through the skies with ease, and they are known for their
acrobatic feats and playful demeanor.

The Avali have a significant presence in cities and are known for their social and outgoing
nature, but they do not have the same concept of personal property and personal space as
most humanoids. They love the hustle and bustle of city life more than nature, and while
they do not have leaders as a people, they coexist fairly well under the cultures and laws of
other humanoids. The Avali are also known for their sense of humor and can provide comic
relief in the setting.

Most Avali prefer to live among good-natured people and are generally good-natured
themselves. They are quick to flee from the advances of the domains of darkness and are
usually not involved in war or rebellion efforts; their transient natures mean they rarely feel
an obligation to defend a home.


Azurra is a group of islands and shallow seas in the east, known for its shimmering blue
topaz crystal-infused water and sky. However, danger lurks in these tranquil waters as
pirates roam the area. These pirates have a loose council and specialize in looting
technology, magic, and crystal reaving. While some are malevolent and evil, others are
dashing and lovable rogues. They value their freedom and independence above all else,
making them unlikely minions for any dark lord.

Mermaids also call Azurra home, residing in coastal raft villages both above and below the
water's surface. Their society is matriarchal, and they can transform to have legs and
breathe air, although they lose access to their sea magic and gain air magic instead. The
mermaids are rumored to have an underwater capital, but they keep its location a closely
guarded secret. They are at odds with the pirates in the area, but both groups set aside
their differences when facing threats from the domains of darkness.



Skullandrea is known for her striking appearance, with a tall and lithe frame, adorned with
flowing black robes and an ornate headdress made of bone and adorned with jewels. She
wields a staff made of obsidian and topped with a glowing crystal. Her eyes are a piercing
green, and her skin is pale and almost translucent.

Skullandrea possesses a powerful artifact rumored to be the source of her incredible

magical abilities. The Eye of Valoria is a skull-shaped crystal that many believe enhances
her already formidable powers. Its true nature and whereabouts are known only to
Skullandrea and her most trusted followers.

Valoria was once a prosperous kingdom, ruled by a powerful dynasty of sorceresses who
possessed a deep understanding of magic and the arcane arts. However, Skullandrea
coveted their power and sought to take control of the kingdom for herself. She defeated
and captured the seven sisters who ruled Valoria, siphoning their power and lifeforce to
bolster her own. Since Skullandrea took over, Valoria has become a dark reflection of its
former self. The castles have become fortresses, the towns are now slums, and the
farmlands are barren. The people live in fear of the queen's wrath, oppressed and without

One of Skullandrea's minions, Ulric Bloodstone, betrayed her and saved six of the captive
sisters. Ulric is a powerful warrior that Skullandrea had imbued with a magical bloodstone
garnet set into his chest, which gives him great strength and vitality. The eldest sister,
Xai'lra, sacrificed herself to the hunger of Ulric's magic blade and transferred her soul into
the weapon. Xai'lra lives on in the sword and grants some of her magic to Ulric.

Skullandrea's ultimate goal is to restore Valoria to its former glory and become the most
powerful sorceress in all of Adamantia. She believes that the key to achieving this lies in
unlocking the secrets of the Eye of Valoria and using its power to further enhance her own.
However, to do this, she must first eliminate all those who stand in her way, including the
players and the other evil lords.


Blademaster Vayne, a skilled swordsman with a reputation for ruthless efficiency; Shadow
Weaver Miri, a master of stealth and deception; and Ashen Pyromancer Zalara, a
fire-wielding sorceress who commands the power of the flames themselves. Vayne wields
twin blades with deadly precision, Miri strikes from unexpected angles with her
poison-tipped daggers, and Zalara uses her powers to sow chaos and destruction among
Skullandrea's enemies. Each of these minions is dedicated to Skullandrea's cause and will
stop at nothing to see her enemies defeated.


The most numerous of the Dark Queen’s minions are the once-elite knights of the kingdom
of Valoria, now enslaved by her dark magic. The knights' armor is fused with a black layer
of onyx crystal, which robs them of their will and makes them completely subservient to
Skullandrea's commands. These knights are incredibly resilient and can keep fighting even
after taking severe damage, but their minds have been shattered beyond repair. However,
there is a glimmer of hope as it may be possible to rescue them by disrupting the dark
magic or breaking the onyx just right.

In addition to the enslaved knights, Skullandrea commands a legion of crystal golems.

These golems are imbued with different gemstones, granting them magical and elemental
powers that make them incredibly dangerous in battle. Their diverse range of powers
makes it challenging to predict their next move, making them a formidable opponent.
Despite their powerful abilities, the crystal golems are still mere constructs, and breaking
them down is possible with enough force.

Where Skullandrea is involved, one never knows what other forces may be arrayed against
them. Her command of sorcery enables her to summon all manner of terrifying
abominations or haunting specters, sometimes sending them great distances to enact her
dire plans.

Mekkron is a twisted genius who rules over a horde of machines with an iron fist. His power
lies not in brute strength, but in his unparalleled knowledge of mechanics and technology.
He is a master planner who can create and control an army of machines and cyborgs that
obey his every command.

Mekkron's appearance is striking and somewhat comical. He is short and stout with a round
face and a pair of beady eyes that seem to sparkle with malevolent glee. He wears a large
and ostentatious suit of armor made of rare and exotic metals, adorned with glowing
gemstones that amplify his power.

Mekkron's ultimate goal is to use his mastery of technology to rule over all of Adamantia.
He seeks to create a world where machines and cyborgs are the dominant force, and where
he can reign supreme as the ultimate Master of Machines. His enemies fear him and his
allies respect him, for they know that he is a formidable foe who will stop at nothing to
achieve his goals.


Mekkron is the creator of a group of cyber-ninja siblings who serve as his personal
enforcers. The eldest sibling is known as Steel, a ruthless warrior who leads her younger
twin brothers, Brass and Bronze, in battle. Each of them is adorned in sleek cybernetic
armor and wields deadly, gemstone-infused weapons. They are feared for their incredible
speed and deadly accuracy in combat.


Mekkron's armies are composed of a wide variety of mechanized troops, ranging from
simple drone soldiers to heavily armed battle mechs. Mekkron's armies also include
smaller, more nimble units like the Jump-Jets, sleek flying machines equipped with
powerful energy weapons, and the Tracer Droids, small, spider-like machines that track
and hunt down Mekkron's enemies. Mekkron's most fearsome soldiers are his cyber-ninjas,
deadly warriors who are part machine, part human, and serve directly under his children.
Finally, Mekkron's forces include specialized units like the Drill Tanks, massive, burrowing
machines that can tunnel through the ground and attack from below.


Sauris, once a mere saurian predator of the jungle, was twisted by the mutatonic pits of the
Obsidium jungles and risen to sentience. He now controls these foul sources of mutation
and corruption with his army of Muta-Men, seeking to expand his domain by any means
necessary. Sauris is infamous for his raw power, bloodthirsty nature, and love of violence.
However, he is not very intelligent and often lets his wrath control him, leading him to
make mistakes. Like all the evil lords, he only allies with others for selfish gains and will
betray anyone eventually.

● Pterror-feet is a feathered pterosaur-like humanoid with razor-sharp eagle-like feet

and talons. He is cruel and boastful. He often leads a squadron of pteratroopers.
● Grata, a hulking saurod with the ability to spit acid and a stubborn streak.
● Vipor, a snake-like man with venomous fangs, a cunning mind, and the ability to
hypnotize its prey. The other Lieutenants worry what Vipor may be whispering in
Sauris’ ear.
● Clagoth, a black and white crab-like creature with enormous pincers that can crush
almost anything in its grasp.
● Leaptongue, a giant mutated frog with a silly, almost childlike personality. Despite
his appearance, he is surprisingly powerful and can jump incredible distances. He is
often derided by his peers for his jovial and simple demeanor.


Sauris commands an army of mutated jungle beasts and saurods who follow his every
command without question. Some of his forces include:

● Raptroids, fierce reptilian warriors with a love for battle.

● Pteratroopers, flying soldiers who rain down death from above.
● Chimerex, a hybrid between a tiger and a chameleon that can change its skin color
to blend in with its surroundings and launch surprise attacks.
● Screechbats, bat-like creatures with razor-sharp teeth and the ability to emit
high-pitched screeches that disorient their enemies.
● Muta-spiders, giant spiders with venomous bites and the ability to shoot webs to
trap their prey.
● Thornbacks, armored creatures with spikes on their backs and the ability to roll up
into a ball and charge at their enemies.
● Thunderlizards, massive reptilian creatures that can emit electric shocks from their
bodies and crush anything in their path.

The jungles of Obsidium are a dangerous place, and Sauris and his army of Muta-Men rule
with an iron fist. Few dare to challenge his authority, and those who do often meet a swift
and gruesome end.


While we have introduced you to some of the lords of evil who threaten the safety of
Adamantia, it is important to understand that they are just the tip of the iceberg. There are
many other malevolent forces lurking in the shadows, waiting for their opportunity to
strike. These evil lords come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique
motivations and goals.

Some are after power, seeking to become the ruler of all of Adamantia. Others are driven by
revenge or a desire to bring chaos to the land. Whatever their reasons may be, they all share
one thing in common: they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. As a Guardian, it is
your duty to protect Adamantia from these threats, whether they come from the lords of
evil we have introduced you to or from other dangerous adversaries. Be vigilant and always
be prepared for anything that may come your way.


Creating your character in Guardians of Guardians of Adamantia uses the growth

Adamantia uses the scratch-built pool system of character growth. The
character creation method, rather than growth pool starts with a base of .
archetypes or pathways. No die may be
Then, for each stress type, a growth die is
rated above at character creation.
added equal to the highest level of stress
from that session. Additionally, the
Define your three distinctions: your
highest rated complication may be added
origin, your catchphrase, and your drive
as well. This growth pool can only have
or bond. Assign one SFX to each
up to five dice. If a character took more
distinction, in addition to Hinder.
than three types of stress, they can
replace the base dice. During tag scenes,
Assign dice to Affinities: two at , four at
players may play out their character’s
, and one at . Adjust by one step if
examination of their struggle and pain
desired. from the session, perhaps in connection
with significant events or actions that
Assign dice to Values: two at , three at
took place. Then, they decide what traits
, and one at . Adjust by one step if
they want to add, replace, or step up. Roll
desired. the growth pool as a test versus a
difficulty set by the GM based on a set
Choose up to three specialties and assign
dice: either three specialties at , or one
Affinities, step one up. Add an
specialty at and one specialty at .

Create two abilities rated at and assign

Values, step one up and one down.
three SFX across those two abilities.
Abilities, step up. Add a SFX.
Finish your Guardian: write a physical
description, describe your personality, Step up a specialty die rating or add

and name your Guardian. a new specialty. Rewrite an ability.

Rewrite a distinction, rewrite SFX. end of the session, keep only the five
largest dice for the growth pool. Unlike
Dice used to attempt growth are spent other tests, you can’t use PP to affect the
and go away after the session ends. Dice outcome of this one. Ignore all hitches. If
may be banked between sessions. The you win, you get to step up your trait or
maximum size of the growth pool is add a new one. You may bank a growth
capped at five, even with banked dice. If
die for next time for each failed growth
more than five dice are generated by the


Origin - A unique aspect of your character's backstory that sets them apart from others.
Although your character’s heroic actions and abilities have earned them a reputation as a
Guardian of Adamantia, it probably was not always so. Did they have a former vocation,
maybe one they still practice? A checkered past? A royal upbringing? Consider adding an
adjective to this distinction for some insight into your character’s personality.

Examples: Clever Performer, Brooding Royal, Fearless Investigator, Insightful Inventor, and
Considerate Knight.

Catchphrase - A memorable phrase or quote that your character frequently uses. Corny
isn’t bad. Examples:


"With the speed of the wind, I'll be there to save the day!"

"Thunder and lightning, I am the storm!"

"Harnessing the power of the moon, I'll put an end to your doom!"

"The Song flows through me!"

"Let's rock this crystal kingdom!"

Bond or Drive - Who or What does your character care about? More than just a summary of
their values, what bond to an external person, place, or thing drives them to be their best?
What inspires you to the heights of heroism, or leads you to act against your own best
interests when they are threatened? Examples:
The Skylands must be free

I owe everything to the Healer’s Union

Waving wheat and open skies

The Prince is our only hope

I guard the secrets of Keep Whitefemur


Machines - Your affinity with technology Mind - Your affinity with the mental, from
of all kinds, from vehicles to gadgets and studying ancient lore to resisting psychic
more. attacks.

Magic - Your affinity with sorcery and Mischief - Your affinity with misdirection
spells, from curses to enchantments and and cunning, from tricking a foe to
beyond. sneaking past guards.

Might - Your affinity with the physical, Mobility - Your affinity with movement,
from feats of strength to trials of from dodging an attack to climbing a wall.
Mystery - Your affinity with secrets and
intrigue, from deciphering runes to
solving crimes.


Devotion - Have you ever been obligated Liberty - Have you ever resisted the
to others? Duty, Faith, Friendship. control of others? Freedom & Autonomy

Glory - Have you ever wanted to be Mastery - Have you ever needed to rise
celebrated by history? Legacy, Fame, above your own limits? Control,
Fortune. Achievement, Skill.

Justice - Have you ever been compelled to Truth - Have you ever sought out all the
fix what’s wrong? Balance, Virtue, Reward. answers? Certainty & Authenticity.


Agriculture: The raising of crops and Divination: Using Magic to reveal truths.
Drive: Control and operate a typical small
Animal Training: The care and handling of land vessel.
animals. May be renamed Animal Ally if
Enchanting: Using Magic to benefit an
it’s less about training and more about
item or person (by creating an asset)
just getting along with them.

Explosives: Creating and using explosives

Archery: Using bows and arrows.

Gossip: Finding out what people in a

Caregiving: Looking after people when
community think, believe, and talk about.
they need help.

Heavy Artillery: projectile weapons too

Climbing: Scaling or clambering up walls
big to handle, usually mounted to a
and other surfaces.
defensive location or a vehicle.
Cooking: Making meals for yourself and
History: Understanding what has come
before and why things happened.
Crafting: Making useful or artistic objects
Instruments: Using musical instruments
from various materials.
to create pleasing sounds and songs.
Dancing: Using movement to express
Knife-fighting: Engaging in battle with
stories and songs.
short blades, like knives and daggers.
Diplomacy: Making people get along
Literature: Understanding stories and
together through bargains, deals, or
tales written in books.
Mathematics: Understanding numbers, Sneaking: Getting around quietly and
calculations, and formulas. without making noise or attracting
Medicine: Treating others who are sick.
Spear-fighting: Engaging in battle with
Pilot: Fly a typical airborne vessel.
pointed spears, javelins, or pikes.

Pistols: Using small handheld firearms.

Sorcery: Using Magic to harm or
negatively affect someone or thing (with a
Poetry: Understanding verse and rhyme
when used to express ideas.

Stewardship: Taking care of castles,

Pole-fighting: Engaging in battle with
houses, or communities and their various
long sticks, pole arms, or staffs.
Politics: Making communities work
Strategy: Planning battles, organizing
together using laws and government.
people for war, and understanding
Long-guns: Using rifles and similar defense.
projectile weapons.
Swordplay: Using swords and long blades.
Ride: Caring for and controlling beasts or
Teaching: Instructing and educating
robots that serve as mounts.
people in various subjects that you know.
Sail: Control and operate typical
Thievery: Picking pockets, opening locks,
water-bound vessels.
and removing things from places they
Singing: Using your voice to express were supposed to stay.
songs and stories.
Tracking: Finding and following the trails
Slinging: Using catapults, whips, and left by animals and people.
Unarmed Combat: Using your bare hands,
feet, and other body parts.


Abilities are a trait set mod of Powers. In Guardians of Adamantia, there is not a generic list
of Abilities. The ability and its SFX are created by the player, with input from the other
players, including the GM. Abilities are not as cinematic as the list in the Prime Handbook;
their SFX should be created using the guidelines for powers and standard SFX. Abilities do
not require descriptors or limits, although SFX that produce PP are a strategic and viable

Abilities grant narrative permission related to their name, description, and SFX. If your
ability says you have feline hyper-agility then you have feline hyper-agility, whatever the
group agrees that means. Sometimes abilities can be used as benchmarks for performance
on an automatic success (the GM can simply say that, because the player has an ability at
or , their PC can just do that thing if the outcome isn’t really in question). Abilities

aren’t a prime set; like specialties they’re added to a dice pool when their use can be
justified as key to the test or action success or failure. Each ability has at least one SFX, and
more can be added with growth.

Think about the character's unique features and weapons. What makes your character
stand out in battle? Do they have a powerful weapon, a unique fighting style, or a special
feature? Use exaggerated language and grandiose descriptions. Action figures from the
1980s often had taglines or descriptions that were over-the-top. Use this style of language
to describe your character's abilities. Consider the toy's packaging art; action figures often
had artwork on the packaging that showcased the character's special abilities in action.

Here are some examples of abilities and their descriptions. See further under SFX for how
these abilities are expanded with SFX.

● Cosmic Claws: His metallic gauntlets have retractable razor-sharp claws capable of
slicing through almost anything!
● Fists of Thunder: With lightning-fast reflexes, Thunderfist can strike down his
enemies before they even know what hit them!"
● Thunderbird Rider: He rides a giant bird that can create thunderstorms and gusts of
wind with its wings!
● Psionic Vision: She can see the emotions and thoughts of others, using her psychic
powers to anticipate their moves and respond accordingly!
● Plasma Pistolero: He dual-wields plasma pistols that can shoot rapid-fire blasts of
energy or charge up for a massive, explosive shot!
● Crystal Blades: Her twin blades are made of pure crystal, each one capable of
channeling different elemental powers like fire, ice, and lightning!
● Gravity Grenadier: He carries a satchel of gravity grenades that can create pockets
of zero gravity, crushing gravity, or even anti-gravity!
● Shadow Shifter: She can blend into the shadows, moving with unnatural speed and
agility, and even create solid constructs out of pure darkness!
● Mech-Tamer: He can interface with and control any kind of mechanical device, from
giant robots to tiny gadgets, using his cybernetic implants!
● Arcane Archer: She can imbue her arrows with magical energy, making them
explode, freeze, or electrify on impact, or even summon mystical creatures to fight
alongside her!


Afraid - This is the stress of fear, apprehension, and panic. Once this exceeds , you are

gripped in the clutches of terror and self-doubt.

Angry - This is the stress of rage and frustration. Once this exceeds , you are lost to your


Exhausted - This is the stress of fatigue and weariness. Once this exceeds , you can no

longer remain awake.

Injured - This is the stress of pain and wounding. Once this exceeds , you collapse

unconscious and may die.


Choose from these example lists, or create your own:

ABILITIES WITH SFX: ● Spinning Back-Fist: On a

successful defense reaction
Xai’lra, Sword of Magic: Your sword can against a melee attack action,
channel magical energies to empower it spend a to inflict your Effect die
but grows heavier and harder to wield the as Injured stress to your opponent.
more magical energy it channels in a
● Spend one to include both your
short time.
Might and Movement affinities in a
dice pool to attack with your Fists
● Spend a to step up and include
of Thunder. Keep three dice for
both your Magic and Might your result.
affinities in a dice pool with your
sword. Crystal Blades: Her twin blades are made
● Take Exhaustion stress to gain a of pure crystal, each one capable of
channeling different elemental powers
like fire, ice, and lightning!

Fabulous Secret Powers Are Revealed To

● You can use the knife-fighting
You: Your mystical knowledge allows you
specialty to attack with elemental
to shapeshift into animals no smaller than
blasts at a pistol range.
a raven or larger than a bear.
● Blades: Add a to your dice pool
● Test against to create an for an attack and step down the
asset representing wings, claws, or highest die in your pool by one.
similar animal features and step up Step up the effect die by one.
your effect die.
Holo-projector: A handheld crystalline
Laser Revolvers: Beau dual-wields laser gadget that can cover an area with an
revolvers that fire precise beams of light illusory image.
with deadly accuracy. He can fan the
hammer to unleash a barrage of rapid-fire ● In plain sight: Spend a to add a
shots or focus his aim for a single, die from the Discord Pool to your
powerful blast! pool that includes Mischief when
your team attempts to bypass the
● Step down and double your defenses of your enemies. If you
Machines die when rapidly firing. succeed, discard the die. If you
● Spend a to reroll your dice pool fail, return it.
when taking an aimed shot. ● Enemies everywhere!: Add a
and step up your effect die when
Fists of Thunder: With lightning-fast you create illusory images to
reflexes, Thunderfist can strike down his befuddle your target with a
enemies before they even know what hit “Surrounded” complication.
Psionic Vision: She can sense the
emotions and thoughts of others, using
her psychic powers to anticipate their
moves and respond accordingly!

● On a roll to defend against an

attack, if your effect die isn't
smaller than the attacker's, spend
a to step down their effect die.

Gravity Grenadier: He carries a satchel of

gravity grenades that can create pockets
of zero gravity, crushing gravity, or even

● Spend a to make a character or

object so light that it can float in
the breeze.
● Spend a to increase the gravity
in a scene; you may use the
crushing gravity as an asset
stunt for the remainder of the
DISTINCTION SFX: Gossip: Spend a when inflicting Angry

Bedside Manner: When you succeed on a or Afraid stress to step up the stress die
recovery test to help another character once.
with their Exhausted or Injured stress,
step up your effect die once. Graceful Warrior: Spend a to add both

your Might and Movement affinity to your

Composure: When you spend a to push dice pools that deals with battle, instead
your Exhausted or Afraid stress, do not of just one affinity, for the scene.
step it up.
Healing Hands: When you spend a
Crack in the Armor: When you include an recovery scene treating others, step down
opponent’s Afraid or Exhausted stress in their Exhausted or Injured stress an
your dice pool, you can spend a PP to step additional time.
that stress up.
Heart-to-Heart: When you spend a
Fond Memories: Recover either Afraid, recovery scene comforting others, step
Exhausted, or Angry stress when you down their Afraid or Angry stress an
spend a scene interacting with someone additional time.
or something from your home.
Hearth and Home: When you enjoy the

Free-Spirited: Spend a to convert your comforts of civilization during a recovery

scene, choose a stress to step down twice
Angry or Afraid stress into another kind
instead of once.
of stress. If you already had stress of that
new type, step up that stress. Homecooked Meal: When you spend a
recovery scene feeding others, step down
Furry Friends Forever: When you first
their Angry or Exhausted stress an
meet a non-hostile animal, you may gain
additional time.
them as an asset for the scene; if you

spend a to extend the asset for the How Dare You: When you take Angry

session, you may also step up the die stress, you can choose to step it up once.

rating once. If you do, gain a .

Get Behind Me: Gain a when you put I Believe in Us: Spend a to step up or
yourself in danger to protect someone double your Devotion value in your pool
else. for the duration of a scene.
I Can Do This All Day: When you push Killed the Cat: Gain a when your
Exhausted stress, you do not have to
curious nature gets you into trouble.
spend a .
Lap of Luxury: When you enjoy the
In the Saddle: When riding your mount, hospitality of others during a recovery

spend a to double the distinction die in scene, choose a stress die to step down
twice instead of once.
your dice pool and keep an extra die in
your total. Let It Go: When you push Afraid stress,

Inspiring Offensive: Use your effect die to you do not have to spend a .

recover your or another character’s

Measure Twice: When you roll a hitch in a
existing stress on a success, instead of
inflicting stress or removing a crisis pool test, you may spend a to reroll your

die. pool. You must keep the result of this new

Instant Recall: Spend a to remember a
New to Me: Step up your effect die once
helpful fact or detail from something you
when you succeed on an asset test to find
once read, giving yourself or an ally a
something used or abandoned.
asset for a single scene.

On the Road: Spend a to add two

Inventive Fury: Add Angry stress in
order to create a asset when you are affinities to your dice pool that deals with

forced to improvise a solution. pathfinding, stealth, or wilderness travel,

instead of just one.
I’ve Had Worse: When you push Injured
Panache: When you achieve a heroic
stress, you do not have to spend a .
success, instead of stepping up your
effect die you may recover a stress of your
Just Another Day: Spend a to convert
your Afraid or Angry stress into
Exhausted stress. If you already had Pastoral: When you enjoy the rustic life
Exhausted stress, step it up. during a recovery scene, choose a stress
to step down twice instead of once.
Just Breathe: When you would take or
step up Angry stress, spend a to step that Playing with Fire: When you take Injured
stress down once. stress, you can choose to step it up once.

If you do, gain a .

Please, Allow Me: When helping someone Saving Face: When you achieve a heroic

to recover their stress, spend a to success, you may keep an additional

effect die to recover your Afraid or Angry
double your Devotion value die in your
dice pool and keep an extra die in your
total. Sea Legs: When at sea or on a boat, spend

a to double the distinction die in your

Principled: Spend a to step up your
dice pool and keep an extra die in your
Glory or Justice value in your dice pool
for a scene.

Sentinel: When another character takes

Pull Your Punches: Use your effect die to
create an asset for yourself or another stress, you can spend a to take that

character on a success, instead of stress in their place.

inflicting stress or removing a challenge
die. Skilled: Spend a to step up or double a

Pulse Racing: When you spend a to
Sunny Side Up: When you succeed on a
push your Exhausted or Injured stress, do
recovery test to help another character
not step it up.
with their Afraid or Angry stress, step up
Reliable: Spend a to reroll your dice when your effect die once.
creating an asset with a test. You must
Surefooted: When in difficult terrain,
keep the result of this new roll.
replace two dice of the same size in your
Righteous Fury: Add Angry stress in dice pool with a single die of one size
order to step up two of your values for the higher.
duration of any scene.
Tactics: When you activate an
Roiling Storm: When you push Angry opportunity, you may apply its benefits to

stress, you do not have to spend a . another character instead of yourself.

The Bigger They Are: When you are in a

Roughing It: When you are in the
scene against an opponent who is at least
wilderness during a recovery scene,
twice as big as you are, spend a to
choose a stress to step down twice
instead of once. double your distinction die and keep an
extra die in your total.
Tough: Spend a to convert your Injured Worrywart: When you take Afraid stress,
you can choose to step it up once. If you
or Exhausted stress into another kind of
stress. If you already had stress of that do, gain a .
new type, step up that stress.
Yeah, I Really Do: When trying to mislead

Tra-La-La: Spend a to share a melodic someone, spend a to double the

tune, giving yourself or an ally a asset distinction die in your dice pool and keep
for a single scene. an extra die in your total.

Twist the Knife: When you include an You Don’t Scare Me: When you would take
opponent’s Exhausted or Injured stress in or step up Afraid stress, spend a to
your dice pool, you can spend a to step step that stress down once.
that stress up.
You, There! : When you first meet someone

Well Educated: Spend a to step up your of a lower station who is not hostile
towards you, you may gain them for free
Mind and Mystery affinity in your dice
as an asset lasting a scene; if you spend a
pools for a scene that draws on your
to keep the asset for the session, you
scholarly studies.
may step up the die rating once as well.
Whistle While You Work: When you spend

a to push your Angry or Exhausted

stress, do not step it up.

Worker Bee: Spend a to choose to

ignore either your Exhausted or Injured

stress for the duration of a scene.

The rules for playing Guardians of Adamantia may be found in the Cortex Prime Game
Handbook and Cortex Codex. The mods being used are shown in the Big Menu of Mods
image in this Chapter. A separate rules primer assembled from the Codex is currently
available for players. That document will eventually be incorporated into this text.

When your character is taken out of a scene through complications or stress, you
are unable to continue to act in the scene. With this mod, you may be able to
temporarily recover enough to do what is called a last ditch effort. This must be
prompted by somebody trying to rouse you, which is treated like a recovery test
against a difficulty plus your complication or stress. This does not recover
you, however. If the ally succeeds in rousing you, they give you their effect die as
an asset to use in your last-ditch effort. If they fail, there’s no rousing you until the
scene is over. In a last-ditch effort, you can do a short or immediate
activity—anything you can accomplish over the course of a standard test. You roll
the test as normal, but only keep one die for your total. You can spend one or more
to include more dice in your total. Once you succeed in your last-ditch effort,
you return to being taken out. You cannot use, change, or recover the complication
or stress that took you out using a last-ditch effort.

You can attempt to rouse yourself for a last-ditch effort, making the recovery test
for yourself. You cannot add any dice to your total—your total starts at zero. You
may then spend one or more to add results to try to beat the difficulty.
Otherwise, the rules are the same as if someone else has roused you.


Are certain affinities used for reaction and others for actions? Every affinity could
be used for both, or in any test that narratively makes sense. In addition to the
types of actions you would expect, (i.e. using Movement to catch someone, Might
to break down a door, Mystery to solve a riddle) every affinity could be used to
create a complication or inflict stress on an opponent. Movement can be used in
reaction pools to dodge attacks, but could also be used proactively in an action to
frustrate a lumbering opponent, inflicting Angry or Exhausted stress.


How do you ‘do’ magic? You can’t use Machine to shoot something if you don’t
have a gun. You can’t add your speciality of Swordplay if you don’t have a sword.
You can’t cast a spell with Magic or use Mind to assault someone’s psyche without
a Focus. Just like Machine can be used to model crafting and using many varieties
of technology, Magic and Mind can have a wide variety of effects. Your character is
assumed to have access to appropriate Foci within the narrative bounds of their
character, just like a swordsman would have a sword, or an archer would have a
bow. Narratively, you could have one Focus, like a magical staff, or a component
pouch of foci crystals that focus your mind for different effects, like healing or

Losing access to your tools and weapons can happen as a result of player agency,
like with a shutdown or gear style SFX on an Ability, or more rarely as a GM
imposed complication or plot point. A swordsman who has lost his sword, or a Seer
without his crystal ball, would need to test to recover said items or obtain a
substitute item. Getting a substitute is most likely a test to create an asset. The
Seer pours out the guard’s soup and fills the bowl with water, creating a temporary
scrying pool. The Seer may no longer have access to some of the SFX of the ability
associated with his crystal ball until he gets it out of the vault it has been locked in,
but until then he has regained narrative permission to do Seer things and has an
Asset to add to his pools.

If my special gear is part of my distinction and abilities, what are assets used for?
Since signature assets are not being used, many of the things they would typically
model are placed in your distinctions or abilities. Creating an asset for a scene or
session represents temporary or semi-permanent aid, like friendly non-PC allies
assisting you, a magical or technological benefit, a vehicle you’ve hijacked, a
strategy you enacted with the team based on your reconnaissance, and so on.
Assets are very flexible and benefit from creative use. SFX can be built to create
assets during play and typically allow for more powerful assets.

Guardians of Adamantia uses the session callback system of character growth, here called
episodes. If an episode takes more than one session to complete, only record the episode
on the log after the episode ends, not after each session ends. Logged episodes may be used
on future episodes for callbacks or they can be checked off for training.


Here is a summary of the advancements and upgrades players might spend their episode
on. Note that no trait may be raised higher than .

● 1 episode • Rewrite a distinction and/or distinction SFX

● 2 episodes • Rewrite an ability SFX
● 3 episodes • Add or step up a specialty / Add a new SFX to an ability.
● 4 episodes • Step up an ability / Step up an affinity.
● 5 episodes • Step up one value and step down another / Add an ability with one SFX

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