Lease Agreement Sample

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THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into at Kalmunai on this

03rd Day of February Two Thousand and Sixteen (2016) between
of in the said Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter
sometimes called and referred to as the “LESSOR” which term or expression as herein used
shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said
their heirs executors and administrators) of the ONE PART and E SOFT METR COLLEGE
a Company duly registered in the said Republic of Sri Lanka and having its office at No……,
…….., Colombo in the said Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter called and referred to as the
“LESSEE”which term or expression shall where the context so requires mean and include
the said its successor and permitted assigns) of the OTHER


WHEREAS the LESSOR is seized and possessed of and/or otherwise well and sufficiently
entitled to all that premises bearing Assessment No: more fully
described in the schedule hereto. (hereinafter referred to as the “DEMISED PREMISES”)

AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed to let and lease unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE
has agreed to take on lease the said premises bearing No: 102,106, Akkaraipattu Rood,
Kalmunai subject to the terms, stipulations, covenants, requirements and conditions
hereinafter mentioned.


1) That in consideration of the rent to be paid as follows:


b) The total rental for twelve months of the Lease Agreement aggregates to a sum of
Rupees One Hundred and Eighty Thousand (Rs. 180,000.00/-)paid in advance at the
commencement of these presents .

c) A sum of Rupees Fifty Thousand (Rs. 50,000/-) of lawful money of Sri Lanka well
truly to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor as a refundable deposit of or before the
execution of these presents which sum shall be held by the Lessor during the
continuance of this lease and shall be refunded free of interest to the Lessee at the
termination of the Lease hereby granted after vacant possession of the premises
hereby demised has been handed over to Lessor by the Lessee in accordance with
the provisions contained hereof less all arrears of rent, electricity, water, telephone
and other bills damages and other charges due from the Lessee to the Lessor.

And in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and the
part of the Lessee to be observed and performed the Lessor doth hereby let lease and
demise unto the Lessee the said demised premises together with the fixtures and fittings
affixed or lying thereon.

TO HOLD the demises with the rights and appurtenances hereof unto the Lessee for the
full term or period of one year (12 months) commencing from the 03 rd of March 2015 and
terminating on 04th of March 2016.

2) The LESSEE to the intent obligation hereby created may continue throughout the
term or period hereby created and granted doth hereby covenant and agree to and
with the LESSOR as follows;

a) The LESSEE shall pay the rent during the said term in the manner hereinbefore

b) To use the demise premises for the purpose of a business of the Lessee, office and
office related activities.

c) The LESSEE shall not do or permit suffer or cause to be done upon the demised
premises any illegal or immoral business or activity which in the opinion of the
LESSOR should not be undertaken or carried out in the demised premises and the
LESSEE shall use the demises premises exclusively for the purpose herein set-out.

d) The LESSEE shall not assign sublet, sub-lease or part with the possession of the
demised premises hereby demised or any part or portion thereof without the prior
written consent of the LESSOR except however to its Associate or Subsidiary
Companies and shall use the demised premises for the business stipulated as

e) To pay all charges for the supply of the Water and Electricity to the demised

f) To peaceably and quietly yield up and deliver complete vacant possession of the
demised premises with the buildings everything standing thereon or found therein
as well the floor, apparatus, fans, lights, sanitary ware and drainage system and all
property belonging to or deemed to belong to the LESSOR at the expiration or
sooner determination of this demise hereby created and granted as herein provided
in good order and condition (excluding reasonable wear and tear).

3) The LESSOR to the intent that the obligations may continue throughout the term or
period hereby created and granted to and with the LESSEE as follows;

a) To pay all rates, taxes assessments and other levies imposed by the State and the
Local Authority in respect of the demised premises.

b) To warrant and defend the title to the demised premises during the currency of this
demised premises and to make good any loss and damage caused by the
deprivation of the use and occupation of the demised premises by the LESSEE at
any time during the currency of these present and to indemnify and keep
indemnified the LESSEE against any claims and demands made in respect thereof.

c) The LESSEE paying the rents hereby reserved and performing observing and
complying with the several covenants conditions stipulations requirements and
terms herein contained on the part of the LESSEE to be observed performed and
complied with shall and may peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the demised
premises during the period or term hereby created and granted without any
interruption interference or disturbance whatsoever from and by the LESSOR or
person whomsoever claiming under the LESSOR.

d) To perform all upgrades promised by the LESSOR to the LESSEE at the time of
entering in to these presents.

4) And it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows;

a) The parties hereby agree that this Indenture constituted the entire and only
agreement and no modification charge or amendment of this Indenture shall be
binding upon the parties except by mutual express agreement in writing.

b) That in the event of a breach of the conditions hereby agreed upon by either party
the other party may first inform of same to the party in default in writing requesting
to rectify such breach within a period of two weeks. Failure of same the party
aggrieved may terminate these presents by giving One (01) months notice in writing
of its intention to do so, provided however that such termination shall not prevent
the party terminating these presents from making any claim for loss, injury or
damage incurred as a result of such breach, whether under these presents or

c) It is also agreed that either party may by giving Sixty (60) days notice in writing to
the other terminate these presents. In any such termination the LESSOR shall
refund to the LESSEE refundable deposit held by the LESSOR on the date of such
termination after deducting any amount payable for any damages caused to the
demised premises. In the event of a delay the Lessor shall be obligated to settle to
the Lessor 4% more than the Bank lending rates (on personal loans) for the
outstanding payment, until total payment is settled.

d) The LESSEE may upon being desirous of extending these presents for further
periods give to the LESSOR notice of such desire in writing Three (03) months prior
to the expiration of these presents and the LESSOR shall consider for such renewal
upon the terms and conditions mutually agreed upon at such time by way of
making a new agreement.

e) The Laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka shall govern the validity
performance and enforcement of this Indenture.

f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereof of otherwise contained this

Indenture serves for all purposes be deemed to be effective and valid up 04 st March

g) At the expiry of one year period the party of the second party shall handover the
peaceful vacant possession of the Demised premises.

h) ALL notices required to be served hereunder shall be deemed sufficiently and duly
served if addressed and sent by registered post to the LESSOR and the LESSEE at
the aforestated addresses.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the LESSEE and the LESSOR have set their respective hands
hereunto and to three others of the same tenor and date as these presents at Colombo on this
02nd day March 2015.


Signed by the LESSOR ) ……………………………………..

Signed by the LESSEE ) ……………………………………



1. .....................................
Name :
Address :
N.I.C No :
Occupation: Bussiness

2. .....................................
Name :
Address :
N.I.C No :
Occupation: Technical Assistant,

Foregoing instrument was read and explained by me unto the above named parties and
witnesses and they signed in my presence on 3rd of March 2015 at Kalmunai.

Attorney – at – Law.

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