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Corel at ou TEM eee ee goal, along with getting (or keeping) its forces out of the country unscathe The more Troops and Bases the Coalition has in its Available Forces box, the higher it Resources Phase (6.2) Sabotage SSogteseh rbot ia wre the ‘umber alton Gumi eee Hp Government Earnings \PR) Grssteragedtecs (arnt Econ ‘thnotafsabtaed aca @ Secure, ctgroegiwegercinomeracy ae genta pa pains a ie Sa i i a cial the Sprain PATROL 2 SWEEP. ‘Support Phase (6.4) Lr oan esate eo aac : Chi Acton ee Saas | Vistory Conditions 72 == Se 2-9-9 rig z Redeploy Phase (6.5) econ meee Se gs elegy ras acoroe Deen ome ar Forces 14 or @ ms Bases Resources 623 @ ti Afghan Government ks COIN Control over the population by security errs Tee) ‘Sequence of Play Passing (239) Limited Operation (23.5) 2.0 72 Resources Phase (6.2) ray fa uSatrage.o where ‘umber alton Gumi eee (>). Government Earnings RC) rsateragests 12 rien Een ‘thnotafsabtaed aca Support Phase (6.4) a Civie Action Tips dorennertencuer tt ‘ie Acsn stout Cotien wea es Sire enero ote a-@-s Redeploy Phase (6.5) Desertion % Revore ins Goncibestomenshpace feeloy Si cond sce CON ee Ma pat ay CON Canta eace ety inca me cored Ber Ty dy Forces eo Resources e™= Sa infrastructure by building Bases. 14 624 The Taliban rrust inspire hatred for the puppet government by inciting Bete ane uses cal and military Sequence of Play 20 Passing (23.3) Limited operation Final Event Card. (238) Victory Conditions a) Opposition ‘StoponPase 6) Resources Phase (6.2 Taliban Earnings Support Phase (6.4) G Redeploy Phase (6. AMET ate GE eee peel eee ot honors ocr DO ee ea en eens Resources Phase (6.2) poreneereenticnc Coherent soe oo @ wz raw Limited Operation ng @ Uncontrolled Afghan Population Warlord Resources et) eee ey MOVE @ ory) end may MOVE @ 1s) ver @eeoves) Destination: Adjacent. may frst move through unSabotaged Loc Government Troops: May only move with Coalition Troops if moving rom (Cost: 3 Resources per space to ‘which Government Troope move AcTIVATE (Bo @ eee REMOVE 1 ENEMY per B/G») Destination: Province (Cost: 3 Resources per space ony it Goverment cubes used REMOVE 1 ENEMY Per B/G Destination: Loe/Kabul ‘Cost: 3 Resources per space ony if Government cubes used {ate unin 2 aos san tcion lore curisenastace eho ‘emo ve ASSAY ost, POE eee ea a) ee) Destination; Coalition Base MOVE @B/@ rong spaces) Cost: 3 Resources Destination: Move Coalition pieces ‘among the 3 chosen epaces and ‘the Coalition Available Forces box main adtino akematly moni labe ace transren @ 2, O then mayo ace Destination: Kabul ROLL and or SHIT @/@ +x cavic acTION Rl: Distbute fully among Aid ‘and Warlord Resources ewove QB onc SHIFT_X, Bad Destination: COIN-Conteo (Cost 3 Resources per marker/level et) mm [REMOVE 1 ENEMY Removal: Same as ASSAULT, MOVE. @ trom any 9208) ‘enemy per space ‘hen ope, ust Destination: May keep entering adacenttocercabuluntienters | SHFT 1 Sabotage LoCor chooses to step te ‘Shift box toward Sponsorship ifany Pakistan spaces are chosen ‘AcTvATE (8B) = SOB aim omer e rr Destination: 1 LoC % s Lum 0 re mve destin sce {oshg io ASSALL Rut one nhs 321 eee eo = puce ae: Destination: COIN Base Acrwate Cost 3 Resources Marker. One per space, once placed ne longer avaiable BB)Oo = @B™ reat ena ° some REPLACE @/BO + @ ransren [x] fom @ reansren O1.@ rranseen [KX] 10 @ von Resources: Per Loc entered Pre suet LE) tang any ocor’sGueilas owen ane REMOVE Bond surr_X, fy | Destination No coattin sare Destination: COW-Cono ASSAULT 3.2.4 | cost: 3 Resources per marker/level Ca tr ry ‘3 Resources per space baie PATROL 3.22 REMOVE ENENY per BO») Move Bio) ‘Resources total aa ea Destination: May keep entering Deere ae oa: ‘adjacent Locs/Kabul and then ito _ MOVE @/B (iomany soace) “final adjacent destination. Must stop when entering Sabotage REMOVE 1 ENEMY per @ (2) Destination: May keep entering adjacent Locs/Kabul until enters Sabotaged LoC or chooses to stop Cost Transfer Resource to Warlords for each space entered, Destination: Province containing any facton’s Guerilas REMOVE 1 ENEMY per @/B >) ror Destination: Loc/Kebul en rere ‘teitsosaia may SHIT B 49.8 @iomoy & SHIFT @ +5 pe JOGO Destination: Loo Remove @ & sHiet_1, Bil moneet te ie eo! | Seca tmatomnte nerove Regardless irae oom rete ct exer in ‘a it rer cer er erieaes pace @o> Destination: Pashtun space RALLY 331 TERROR 334 1 Resource per Province/Kabu RMAC eon 1 Resource per space (@t00) ACTIVATE. (| activate then TeanseeR @2.@ vr @ pace FA TTanafr Per Warlord Base in space Destination: Lo « © SHET @+1 PLACE and Destination: Province/Kabul . sHieT 1, i a nur f Transrer @_.@ Destination: Unsabotaged Lo Destination: Province/Kabul Destination: Taliban Base pee tes REMOVE [BB end sHiFT_X, Fi ‘MARCH 332 Rete Destination: 1 Taliban Base space || Resource per destination Selected for RALLY (100) Cost 1 Resource per matter ATTACK (motes) wove Bion) REMOVE 2ENEMIES. and ATTACK 333 actvare (JI) end 1 Resouce pr space eu ACTIVATE (BJ imo» ACTIVATE ([BJi@ltin soace) and Destination: fnon-Pashun space or Loc, and moving rou G8 pieces plus enemy Guerias+ (J aa ete Cubes in destination exceeds 3 ae e BOO v0:-s05I00 Usor:atnonra cin masenine REPLACE tier neon ass act [Soromoeed (GN aresony sera ibs) secret yas aah swiet @-1 oe JOCK thasound td Guile, Requirement: Per piece removed acTivaTe (f§) i Puce HA Destination: Lo Puace Bond remove i Destination: Province/kabul ‘TeRROWSABOTAGE Sova! Teer mares may ‘eepy a Pricer taal One Stage per Upnofane a enersabtage manera ‘sees on eur Day acrivare [{B) io s°8) and rou « @ Remove: Upto 2 enemy pieces, if rolls les than or equal to Warlord Guerilasin space ‘Mayne anyon 2) Maybe UnasteurdCua. 3Rerane Geren ‘ites tte este 4) aes cme be ‘ered be al et tens onmaer0.bes ‘Seremove (ODN Sates ate aeses) owe roravedby ATTACK mothe aes box. ‘apTURED G0008: het nae ="T ace? Traore ated Gra ee Coe ron ste) Puace (Bi) remece Bo @ Puce §- @e +E] Destination: Watlorde Base ‘and non-Pashtun space FUP (BJ (alinsv009) Destination: Warlords Base ‘and non-Pashtun space ee es Move ion ACTIVATE: {) (al movino) Destination: Pashtun space ‘or Lots and moving pices plus ‘enemy Guertias exceeds 3 Shubaesinaonspa Ree rE oy Pee ees piace @ (0 eee SHIT @ + ver @ow suet @a Destination: Taliban Control SHIFT @ +1 (40-09) Destination: COIN Control eMove BB « @B FUP (BIB) or/Hin sce

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