BA UoE Unit 7

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Use of English


Unit 7: Knowing a
second language
Unit 7: Knowing a
second language

1. Review of:
a. present simple
b. present progressive
c. past simple
d. past progressive

2. Vocabulary: knowing a
second language
We use the Present Simple to talk about facts,
feelings and everyday routines and activities. For this
reason certain verbs such as love, agree,
hear, and think always use the Present Simple.

For example:

I love French.
People think Spanish is a difficult language.

I don’t study Portuguese. I study English.

My friend speaks German and English.

We often use the Present Simple with adverbs of

frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes,
never, etc.) to talk about how often we do an activity.

For example:

I always practice English two hours a day.

I never get up early to study.

Subject + verb (s / es) + complement

• I love French.
• My friend speaks German.


I/ you/ we/ they (verb in base form)

He / she/ it (verb + s / es)


Subject + don’t / doesn’t + verb (base form) + c

• I don’t know how to speak Italian.

• My friend doesn’t like Japanese.


I / you / we / they don’t (do + not)

He /she / it doesn’t (does + not)

Do/ Does + subject + verb (base form) + c?

Do you study French?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does your friend like Chinese?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.


Do + I / we / you / they…?
Does + he / she / it…?


Wh + do/does + sub + verb (base form) + c?

Q: When do you study English?

A: I study English on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays.
We use the Present Progressive to talk
about temporary situations and to talk
about actions that we are doing at the

For example:

• I am studying English 2 this semester.

• Students are taking online classes


• We are doing homework at home

this week.
Subject+ be + verb-ing + complement

I am reading sentences in English now.

We are learning a foreign language this year.

Subject + be (not) + verb – ing + complement

We aren’t learning Chinese.

I’m not reading Italian now.

(Wh) + Be + subject + verb-ing+ complement?

Are you studying a foreign language this

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

What are you studying now?

I am studying English.

Present simple Present progressive

I study at 5:00 pm every day. I am learning English now.

My friend likes Chinese culture. We are taking online classes this month.

We get up early on Mondays. People aren’t travelling to foreign countries these

Students don’t know how to speak Russian. I’m not studying Portuguese right now.

Markers of time help us know which tense we are using.

We use the Past Simple to talk about an
action that started and finished in the past.

For example:

I went to The USA to practice some English

last year.

My friends didn’t like to speak English in class

when I was in school.

My aunt lived abroad from 2000 to 2006.


We have regular verbs (verb + d / ed).

live / lived work / worked study / studied

We have irregular verbs:

go / went buy / bought have / had

subject + verb (past) + complement

I went to the USA last year.
We liked English at school.


Subject + didn’t (did not) + verb (base form) + c

My friend didn’t like English at school.
My aunt didn’t live in Peru from 2000 to 2005.


(Wh) + did + subject + verb (base form) + c?

Did you like English when you were at school?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

When did you learn English?

I learned English when I was at school.
We use the Past Progressive to talk about
actions that we did repeatedly or
continuously in the past.

• I was studying English last night.

• My brother was studying hard for his

exam of French so I couldn’t make any

• We weren’t reading subtitles while we

were watching the series.


I / he / she / it + was

You / we / they + were


Subject + be (was / were) + verb–ing + c

I was studying for my exam last night.
They were speaking English with foreigners.


Subject + be (was / were)+not + verb-ing + c

I wasn’t reading the subtitles.
We weren’t listening to music in Spanish.


(Wh) + was / were + subject + verb-ing + c?

Were you speaking in English with a foreigner
just a minute ago?
Yes, I was. / no, I wasn’t.

What were you talking about?

We were talking about the global situation.

Past simple Past progressive

I listened to some songs in English yesterday. I was studying English all day long yesterday.

We saw many movies without subtitles last month. We were reading a book in English yesterday at 5:00
I learned some English when I was at school. I wasn’t writing in class while the teacher was
I didn’t understand the grammar lesson last class. They weren’t paying attention to the teacher while
she was giving instructions.

Markers of time help us know which tense we are using.

* While is a time conjunction we usually use in past progressive.

I. Write the correct questions for the underlined words in the answer. You can use present simple
or present progressive.

1. ________________________________ ? I usually practice English in the afternoon.

2. ________________________________ ? She’s watching a movie in English without subtitles now.
3. ________________________________ ? I want to do listening activities.
4. ________________________________ ? No, I don’t. But I speak some Spanish and Portuguese.
5. ________________________________ ? Yes, she does. My mom likes to read books in English too.
6. ________________________________ ? I’m studying for my English exam right now.
7. ________________________________ ? My friends are going to a meeting with some foreigners this week.
8. ________________________________ ? No, I’m not. I’m taking English classes now.
9. ________________________________ ? Yes, they do. My friends really like American culture.
10. ________________________________ ? My dad speaks two languages.
11. ________________________________ ? Yes, I am. I’m learning new words.
II. Complete this conversation using the correct words.

A: Mom, I really want to study a new language please.

B: Oh! That’s good. Which language ______1. you want to study?
A: I want to ______2. Spanish. All my friends ____________________3. Spanish now.
B: That’s great. Where ______ your friends ___________________4. Spanish now?
A: In a language school called “Lengua latina”. It’s near the city center.
B: Ok. _______5. you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
A: I like mornings, but all my friends are studying in the afternoon so I _______6. want to study alone.
B: Ok. You don’t want to be alone. I’ll go to the language school tomorrow.
A:Yay! I ____7. sending a message to my friends right now. They’ll be happy.
B: Good. Uh. Sweetie. What _____ you ___________ 8. now? I mean, apart from sending messages.
A: Nothing much mom. Why? _____9. you need anything?
B:Yes, I _______ 10. some help with my new cellphone.
A: Oh! I can help you with that. What ____11. you need?
III. Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis. Use past simple or past
An anecdote in a foreign country

I _________ 1. (go) to the U.S.A last year and it _______ 2. (be / not) the fantastic trip I expected. First, I had
to rent a car because there were no buses available so I ____________ 3. (not/ have) any other choice. Well,
my story began there. I _______ 4. (start) to drive and I _______5. (be) completely scared. It was about 4 in
the afternoon and while I _________________ 6. (drive), I _____________ 7. (try) to feel calm. However,
many other cars ________________ 8. (honk) because I _________________ 9. (drive) slowly. Luckily, I
___________ 10. (not / hit) them.
After four hours, I finally ________ 11 . (arrive) at the hotel but I was absolutely terrified. I had never felt so
frightened in my whole life.
1. bilingual
2. culture
3. formal
4. informal
5. monolingual
6. multilingual
7. native speaker
8. personality
9. raise
10. vocabulary
2a. Vocabulary: Knowing a second language
Read the short conversations. Complete them with the correct words from the box. Check verb conjugation.

1. A: I love to learn new things about Brazilian __________.

B: That’s true. I love it too. Our Portuguese classes are great!
1. bilingual
2. A: The most difficult part of learning a language is ____________.
B: That’s true. There are many words to memorize. 2. culture

3. A: I would love to speak many languages, but I only know two.

3. formal
B: So, you want to be ____________ but you are _____________ now.
4. informal
4. A: it’s not a good idea to be ____________ these days.
5. monolingual
B:Yes. Everybody needs to know at least two languages.
6. multilingual
5. A: I have a friend who is a _______________.
B: Really? Where’s he from? 7. native speaker
6. A: When you study languages in a school, you learn ____________ words. 8. personality
B: That’s true. But when you listen to music or watch series, you learn ___________ words.
9. raise
7. A: People say that when you know a new language, your _____________ changes.
B: I agree. It’s because we have a different perception of the language and the cultural aspects. 10. vocabulary
8. A: you speak perfect Japanese. Where did you learn it?
B: Well, actually I was ___________ by my grandparents in Tokyo.
Sources & Credits

● Exercises: Guisella Villavicencio
● English Discoveries Student platform


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