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Disruptions of Perception

Category Module 3


Created @May 24, 2023 10:34 AM


Status Open


Updated @June 1, 2023 1:33 PM

Disruptions of Perception
much can be learned about perception by studying it in individuals for whom it has
gone wrong, either because of some form of brain injury or because of an issue that
was present at birth

single case study is typically used

individual suffering from stroke or other brain injury might be tested with
note made of both the preserved and damaged abilities

connection can be drawn between the perceptual ability and the brain area that
contributes to it

Visual Agnosia
inability to identify an object by sight: can “see” the object

visual skills not impaired

cannot identify by sight

Apperceptive Agnosia

can see and interpret contours and outlines

Disruptions of Perception 1
have a difficult time maintaining these basic representations in memory to even
match objects or to distinguish amongst them

Associative Agnosia

can match objects and copy drawings, but do so slowly

cannot name objects just seen or even just copied

it is not that they cannot see the object or do not know what it is

if tested in a different way the person will show they can identify it

cannot access meaning or semantics from a visual description alone

Perception Prosopagnosia
form a visual agnosia specific to faces

can recognize visual objects and can see details of faces, but cannot recognize
a face as a coherent unit, even those of loved ones and friends or famous

can use other information (voice, hair, posture, gait, etc.)

prosopagnosics can recognize faces, but cannot do so consciously

lack explicit face recognition and cannot overtly name someone from looking at a
photograph of a face

same photograph can be used to demonstrate implicit face recognition abilities

that are preserved

Galvanic skin response (GSR) recorder will show different responses to pictures of
loved ones versus pictures of strangers

impaired explicit or overt face recognition, but preserved implicit or covert face

Capgras Syndrome
individuals have preserved explicit or overt face recognition, but impaired implicit or
covert face recognition

Disruptions of Perception 2
can look at a picture and tell you whom the picture looks like, but do not
produce galvanic skin response

claim person to be an imposter

denial is hypothesized to occur because of:

deficit in reasoning

attempt to reconcile the face with the lack of warmth one normally feels
when seeing a loved one

Concept Check 3d1

What is prosopagnosia?

impaired explicit face recognition but functioning implicit face recognition

visual agnosia for faces

Concept Check 3d2

How do associative and apperceptive agnosics differ in their ability to match one
object to another?

apperceptive - faces only

associative - can match but do so slowly and carefully

apperceptive - much more difficulty matching one object to another due to only
being able to process a very limited amount of perceptual information

Disruptions of Perception 3

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