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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

may peace be upon us all.
1. Excellencies Ambassadors and Collegues of Diplomatic mission and International Institution
and Organization
2. Secretariat of Royal Highnes of Yogyakarta Sultanate
3. Colleagues from BKKBN Central and Provincial Offices
4. Indonesian Line Ministries and Local Governments
5. Private sectors
6. Distinguished participants in your ranks, grades, and qualities,
7. Ladies and Gentlement,

A very good morning to us all, my dear collegues and friends. May we and our families always
be blessed with good health. On behalf of BKKBN I would like to convey my highest
appreciation for each and everyone of you for joining the meeting this morning.

As everyone knows, BKKBN has been mandated to accelerate the stunting reduction in
Indonesia. The latest survey of SSGI found that the stunting rate in Indonesia is still high at 21,6
percent in 2022. While to achieve 14 percent in 2024 is challenging.

Stunting is a threat to human resource quality. Indonesia’s fundamental homework is to elevate

the quality of its human resource. The Basic Health Survey shows that 1 of 3 children in
Indonesia experiences stunting

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Children have the right to the best
health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live
in. In this regards, we want to ensure that these right is fullfiled. But, Government also relized
the capacity and resources that we have.

The efforts to reduce stunting rate require reciprocal vertical and horizontal efforts. In other
words to accelerate stunting reduction need multi-sector collaboration and contributions.
Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, SE, M.Si – Minister of Women Empowerment and Child
Protection, the Head of Delegation. It is an honor for BKKBN to be participated as one of the
Indonesian delegate on this important forum.

Reducing maternal mortality rate (MMR) and improving access to sexual and reproductive
healthcare across the country is remain continue to be the high priority of the national agenda. In
this regards, the national family planning program remains crucial in improving the health and
well-being of mother and children.

The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) has been implementing its
program of Family Development, Population and Family Planning (Bangga Kencana) by
prioritizing the fullfillment of the rights of women and girls in Indonesia by providing the
provision of family planning services and reproductive health. To strengthened the FP Program,
Indonesia continuously revitalizes the FP Program, by increasing awareness and education on
family planning by optimizing the use of ICT; empowering communities access to family
planning services; mobilizing the Family Welfare Movement in 289,635 Integrated Health
Centres/Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu) across the country, and providing affordable and
free treatment on family planning for married couple integrated in the Universal Health
Coverage Scheme.

The number of FP users participating in the Universal Healh Coverage scheme was increase
from 17,270,962 participants in July 2019 to 18,088,800 in May 2020 (Source: BKKBN). In
term of provision of contraceptives and drugs nationwide, including for UHC participants,
BKKBN has issued the BKKBN Regulation No. 9 year 2019 on the fulfilment of needs of
contraceptives and drugs for the eligible couple in the service of family planning. BKKBN has
also issued the BKKBN’s Chairperson Decree No. 24 of 2017 concerning post-partum and post-
abortion FP services for women. A National Guideline on Comprehensive Post-Abortion care
has also been developed where it is stated that every woman women who received post-abortion
care should be provided with counselling on pregnancy plan that includes choices of
contraception, and should be able to decide on contraceptives method of their choice.

Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, Commitee of CEDAW, Ladies and Gentlement,

In an emergency or in crisis situation BKKBN together with the MoH have ensure the provision
of family planning and reproductive health for women. The MoH provides FP services through
implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP). One of the components of the
MISP is family planning; the MoH provides the services while BKKBN provides the
contraceptives. For those living in remote and border regions, and outermost islands, FP services
are carried out by Primary Health care DTPK (Remote and border regions, and outermost
islands) with the help of the Nusantara Sehat team. The mobile FP services are operated by

In Covid-19 situation, where challenges faced for women to access health facilities, BKKBN has
published the Head of BKKBN Letter no 8 year 2020 for family planning services during
pandemic COVID-19, which include relaxation in contraceptive distribution’s regulation to
involve cadres in distributing repeated pills and condoms to eligible couples. BKKBN also
developed guidelines on FP services during COVID-19 and new normal situations. BKKBN has
celebrated “Pelayanan Serentak Sejuta Akseptor” (Providing Family Planning Services for 1
Million FP Clients in one Day) as a commemoration of National Family Day on 29 June 2020
and as an effort to prevent discontinuation of FP and promote additional FP users.

In International level, BKKBN is the focal point of global partnership Family Planning 2020
(FP2020), where one of the goals of FP2020 is to support the rights of every woman to be able to
freely determine, and for themselves, whether they want to have children, when to have children,
and how many children they wish to have. Its fulfillment is a form of protection against women.
Currently FP2020 is in the process of recommitment to FP2030.

Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, Commitee of CEDAW, Ladies and Gentlement,

To reduce the child marriage, the Law on marriage in Indonesia has been revised. BKKBN also
contributed in the amandement proccess. The amendment raises the minimum age for first
marriage and omits the minimum age difference between boys and girls. Today, the minimum
age for first marriage for boys and girls are 19 years old, an improvement from 19 and 16 years
for boys and young girls respectively. Reducing the percentage of child marriage in 2024 is also
part of national agenda.

In order to provide access to reproductive health education to adolescdent girls, BKKBN has
launched the Planning Generation (Genre) program. This program aims to provide an
understanding of the maturity of marriage age so that they are able to carry out education levels
in a planned manner, have careers in planned work, and marry in full planning according to the
reproductive health cycle. This program is expected to shape the character of the nation by
staying away from early marriage, premarital sex and drugs.

BKKBN has also established Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R). This centers
provide information and counseling on adolescent reproductive health and the necessary life
skills. The program was later scaled up as a nationwide initiative. The objective is to facilitate a
successful transition from adolescence to adulthood, laying a strong foundation for their future
stages of development. The program equips the adolescent with the necessary skills to plan their
family life by delaying the age of first marriage to be 21 years old for women and 25 years old
for men, and to promote a healthy lifestyle by saying no to drugs and premarital sex. The number
of centers has increased with the total of 24,606 centers (50% increase) in 2020. Most of the
PIK-R are being established at school level (64%). To strengthen the program, BKKBN has
revitalized the PIK-R program to be more “youth-friendly” and enrich reproductive health
information, education, and counselling materials for adolescents. In addition, BKKBN has also
established a special youth/adolescents program for Papua and West Papua provinces. BKKBN
also provides online counseling services in collaboration with JHCCP.

In International level, Under the coordination of BKKBN, and with support from Ministry of
State Secretariat, and UNFPA, the Government of Indonesia has organized a Knowledge Sharing
Program on reproductive health for Bangsa Moro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao of
Philippines Youth Muslim Leaders every year. The Government of Indonesia through BKKBN
has also struck a Memorandum of Understanding with UNFPA Indonesia and Fatayat Nadhlatul
Ulama Indonesia (NU) on the involvement of religious and community leaders in promoting
family planning and reproductive health as well as preventing gender-based violence.
Considering that the majority of our population is religious and put strong trust in
religious/community leaders, this initiative is a welcome addition to our arsenal in combating
bad practices in family planning, reproductive health and gender-based violence.

Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, Commitee of CEDAW, Ladies and Gentlement,

In 2021, the President of Indonesia, Bapak Joko Widodo has been mandated BKKBN to lead the
stunting reduction program in Indonesia with the target of reduction of 14% by 2024. There are
20 Indicators as a target to be achieved by 2024, consist of 9 Specific intervention and 11
Sensitif intervention. The intervention targeted on teenagers/adolescents, Pregnant Mothers,
Interval/post-Partum Mother, and also children under five years old. The intervention is to ensure
the health of teenagers/adolescents, Pregnant Mothers, Interval/post-Partum Mother, and also
children under five years old. The targets is written in the Presidential Regulation number 72
Year 2021 on the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction.

As for our most recent efforts internationally, we have collaborated with UNFPA to cofacilitate
the 54th session of Commission on Population and Development (CPD54) Side Event entitled
“Strategies to Address Malnutrition/Stunting Among Women and Girls in Indonesia and the
Philippines” on 22 April 2021.

In addition, the President has also been mandated BKKBN to coordinate the vaccination of
Covid-19 for pregnant woman and for infants and children under 5 years old throughout 34
provinces nationwide.

Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, Commitee of CEDAW, Ladies and Gentlement,
Finally, I hope those information I have mentioned could enrich the documents of the
commitment of the government of Indonesia to eliminate all forms of descrimination against
women through the provision of family planning and reproductive health services for woman and
adolescent girls.

Thank you.

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