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Nama : Ahmad Sugiarto Adhari

NPM : 2021130016

Prodi : S1 Manajemen

Teks 1

A. Match the following words with their meaning

1. Recent : Baru – baru ini
2. Intend : Bermaksud
3. Has Risen : Naik
4. Make Up : Mencapai
5. Research : Penelitian
6. Interested In : Tertarik
7. Lack of : Kekurangan
8. Skill : Keterampilan
9. Reason : Alasan
10. Cost : Biaya

B. Match the following words with their meaning

1. Available : Berarti
2. Significant : Menjelaskan
3. Refuse : Menolak
4. Increasing : Bertambah
5. Challenge : Tantangan
6. Explaining : Menjelaskan
7. Encourage : Mendorong
8. Divide : Terbagi
9. Opportunities : Kesempatan
10. Especially : Khususnya

C. Choose the right answer of the following statements

1. A) Increasing
2. D) People involved in the research
3. C) They are computer illiterate
4. D) The unwilling person to get connected with Internet
5. B) Getting Costly

D. Decide the following statements are TRUE or FALSE based on the text above!
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. True

E. Complete the following sentence with the words given

1. Have Risen
2. Research
3. Skill
4. Interested In
5. Lack Of
6. Recent
7. Cost
8. Available
9. Reason
10. Intends

F. Match the following words with their synonym

1. Provided
2. Important
3. Turn Down
4. Improving
5. Stimulate
6. Describing
7. Quest
8. Split
9. Chances
10. Particulary

Teks 2

Please complete the paragraph below using options provided!

1. D) Launched
2. B) Aging
3. C) Which
4. A) Is
5. B) Calculation
6. D) Successful
7. C) Many
8. A) Experience
9. B) Writting
10. C) Whose

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