04 Readings 1 Discussion - ARG 2

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Yes, according to McLuhan, who thought that technological interconnection would create a
global community. The development of the internet facilitated this connection. And if we're
talking about global technical advancement, we might claim that the World Wide Web
revolution has made the world into a global village. It has made it possible to connect individuals
regardless of their location.
Some aspects of McLuhan's concept of a global community may have been realized, while others
may not have. Many of us utilize numerous gadgets to carry out a range of duties, connect with
others, and continually check social media to stay up to date on current events as a result of what
we are going through. Additionally, we are currently experiencing globalization. It hasn't exactly
come to pass, though, the way the global village must have. And yet, even though we should and
must live in a society that values harmony and peace, this did not happen since so many of us
utilize media technology for personal gain.

2.The media has unique rights and obligations as a result of freedom of expression. The media
educate society on topics of general interest and provide a crucial forum for public discussion,
examination, and reflection. 
Media freedom refers to the basic right of all media, including print, radio, television, and online
media, to operate freely in society without interference from the government. 

3. Social media is about conversations, community, connecting with the audience, and building
relationships. It is not just a broadcast channel or a sales and marketing tool. Authenticity,
honesty and open dialogue are key. Social media not only allows you to hear what people say
about you, but enables you to respond.

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