Detailed Lesson Plan

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Content Standard The learners demonstrates understanding of lines, shapes, colors and texture, and
principles of balance, proportion and variety through drawing
Performance The learner creates a portrait of himself and his family which shows the elements and
Standard principles of art by drawing
Learning Competencies
1. The learner tells that ART is all around and is created by different people

I. Objectives
a. describe and name the different kinds of lines;
b. use the lines to draw representations of people, animals and things or anything that could be seen around
them; and
c. appreciate the importance of lines in an artwork
II. Content Topic: Lines
Learning Resources References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide Arts
Materials: Printed hand-outs/ Modules, Projector, Laptop &
Instructional Materials

III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

a. Reviewing Previous Let us stand to do the
Lesson or Presenting the prayer.
New Lesson

Jesus, teach me day by day in what to do and say.

Make me gentle and loving. Guide us always and
protect us in harm. In Jesus name we pray.

You may now take your

seat, class.

Good morning class.

Good morning teacher.

“For the evidence of your

presence, please stand up
and say present as I call
your name.”
(as the teacher calls their name, the students
continuously stand up and response by saying
“Okay, it is good to know present)
that no one is absent for
today’s class. Hopefully,
this will continue until the “yes Ma’am, we will take every opportunity to
end of the school year. So, attend the class everyday.”
be consistent and always “yes Ma’am, we will.”
attend your class.”
“yes Ma’am, we will make every effort to join the
class regularly.”
“thank you for the reminder Ma’am and we will do
our best.”

b. Establishing a purpose of So before proceeding to (students silently watching the action song)
the lesson the new lesson, we will
exercise ourselves first.
Let us all stand and listen
to the movie and dance as
“Yes Ma’am
Did you enjoy watching “Yes Ma’am we had fun”
and dancing to the song?

Alright. That’s good to


For now, we will have our

activity. All you need to
do is to paste the picture
that you think best
describes the given word.
1. Vertical lines
2. Horizontal lines
3. Diagonal lines
4. Zigzag Lines
5. Curved lines

Who wants to try? If you

got it right, I will give you (students participating)
a prize.

everyone! Let’s give
ourselves an amazing
Anybody can guess what
are we going to learn this
About lines teacher.

That’s very good.

c. Presenting examples/ Our discussion for today

instances of the new lesson is all about Lines and its

Everyone please read the Line is the path of a point moving in space.
meaning that is written on
the board.

A line in art is defined as

a point moving in space,
and it’s one of the seven
elements of art (line,
color, shape, form,
texture, value, space).

There are five types of

1. Vertical Lines
2. Horizontal Lines
3. Diagonal Lines
4. Zigzag Lines
5. Curved Lines

I have here pictures and

try to guess what type of
line is this.

Very good!
Vertical lines are straight
up and down lines that are
moving in space without
any slant and are
perpendicular to
horizontal lines. They
suggest height and
strength because they
extend towards the sky
and seem unshakeable.

Example of a vertical line

is the flagpole.

Next one, what type of

line is this?

Very good!
Horizontal lines are
straight lines parallel to
the horizon that move
from left to right. They
suggest width, distance,
calmness and stability.

One of the example of

horizontal lines is the
What type of line is this?

Very good!

al lines
slant in
tal or
in use,
ent or
Diagonal lines are straight
lines that slant in any
direction except horizontal
or vertical. When in use,
they suggest movement or
lack of stability.

Here is the example of

diagonal line.

What type of line is this?

Very good!
Zigzag lines are a series of
diagonal lines joined at
ends. They can convey
action and excitement as
well as restlessness and

So this is one of the

example that we can see a
zigzag line.

What type of line is this?

Very good!
Curved lines are lines that
bend and change direction
gradually. They can be
simply wavy or spiral.
Such lines convey the
feelings of comfort and
ease, as well as sensual
quality as they remind us
the human body.

Here is a picture that we

can see a curved line.

Do you have any

questions about the
different lines?

Well and great, I hope

guys you fully get what
we covered in today’s

d. Discussing new concepts Now, I will give a group ( all students become noisy and say yes Ma’am )
and practicing new skills activity since you already
know the types of lines. I
will group you into 4 ( students become excited)
groups, alphabetically
arranged. All you have to
do is to draw with the use of
the different types of lines
that we discussed earlier.
It’s up to you if you will
include people’s faces,
animals, houses, schools or
anything you see around us.

Are you ready? “Yes Ma’am”

“It is perfectly understandable Ma’am”
Did you understand the “It is crystal clear Ma’am”
instruction? “Extremely clear Ma’am”

Then I will group you into

four. Now start counting.
1.2…3,4 1,2….3,4
1,2….3.4 After finishing the
task assigned someone to
present and explain your
work in front of the class ( the activity started )

(The teacher will ask every (expected answer)“Yes Ma’am it was fun”
presenter in the group what
kind of line did they used in
their output)

Okay that’s all everyone,

(students followed me)
good job guys you did very
well. And for that let’s give
ourselves an amazing clap!

f. Developing mastery Does the line important in Yes ma’am.

(leads to formative making your artworks?
And why? We can express emotions or show movement in
g. Finding practices our artwork by using lines. (Tricia raises her
application of concepts and hand)
skills in daily living
Yes, it is true and in
addition, artists often use
lines to guide the viewer's
eyes through the art piece
by creating focal points and

h. Generalizing and Did you understand our Yes ma’am.

abstractions about the lesson for today’s class?
What is a line again? The path of a point moving through space,
Very good class!
What are the type of lines? Vertical line, horizontal line, diagonal line,
curved line, and zigzag line, ma’am.

None ma’am.

h. Evaluating Learning I. Direction: True or False: Write true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is wrong.
______1. Curved lines are lines that bend and change direction gradually.
______2. Zigzag lines are a series of diagonal lines joined at ends.
______3. Diagonal lines are straight lines that slant in any direction except
horizontal or vertical.
______4. Vertical lines are straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from
left to right.
______5. Horizontal lines are straight up and down lines that are moving in
space without any slant and are perpendicular to horizontal lines.
II. Draw the following line
1. Curved line
2. Vertical line
3. Horizontal line
4. Zigzag line
5. Diagonal line

i. Assignment Direction: Draw a house that uses the different type of lines (horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, zigzag and curved line.
a. Number of learners who
learned 80% in the
b. Number of students who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
c. Did the remedial lesson
work? Number of learner
who have caught up with
the lesson.
d. Number of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of the teaching
strategies worked well?
What did these work?

f. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
helped to resolve?

g. What teaching materials

did I prepare which I can
share to my fellow

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