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1. Mrs. Merry is … in the kitchen.

A. cooking B. fishing C, running D. sleeping
2. Reza is … in the bedroom, now.
A. fishing B. jumping C. sleeping D. cooking
3. Supri : ….
Woko : I am reading a story book.
A. how are you B. what are you doing C. where are you going D. Do you like it
4. Let’s …. marbles.
A. catch B. eat C. play D. swim
5. Today, we learn ….. (Bahasa Inggeis)
A. religion B. English C. Mathematic D. Science
6. The lesson is a…. ( IPS)
A. Science B. sosial science C. mathematic D. religion
7. Is Mr. Bayu standing up>
A. Yes, he is B. Yes, I am C. No, she is not D. No, he does not
8. Salsa : Are you touching your knee?
Zulfi : ….
A. Yes, I am B. Yes, you are C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I do not
9. Alifia : …. ?
Nadia : He is running.
A. What is he? B. What is he doing? C. Is he playing? D. What does he do?
10. Cat is a …. animal
A. wild B. ugly C. dirty D. tame
11. Lion has a sharp … to catch its prey.
A. tail B. wings C. claws D. trunk
12. Dea likes to feed a…. ( ayam jantan)
A. cat B. cow C. hen D. cock
13. I am an animal. I have long neck. I have four legs. I am a…
A. snake B. giraffe C. elephant D. crocodile
14. The… like to eat banana..
A. tiger B. monkey C. deer D. lion
15. It is animal. I has four legs. I has black and white skin. It looks like a horse. It is a…
A. wolf B. deer C. bear D. zebra
16. I am big. I am sweet and juicy. I am round. I am green outside, red inside. I am a…
A. banana B. starfruit C. jackfruit D. watermelon
17. Shakila : I am very….
Natasya : What do you want to eat?
Shakila : I want to eat fried rice.
A. happy B. angry C. hungy D. thirsty
18. Rena : Do you like lemon?
Reni : No, I don’t. It is….
A. sweet and juicy B. sweet C. juicy D. sour
19. The baby wants to drink …. (susu)
A. tea B. coffee C. milk D. juice
20. Alicia wants to eat …. (roti) with jam for breakfast.
A. fish B. breads C. potato D. meatball
21. What fruit you can eat with its skin (dapat dimakan bersama kulitnya) ?
22. What is Dino’s hair ? Dino’s hair is (keriting) …..
23. Riri is (kurus dan berambut lurus) ……
24. What lesson do you have on Tuesday? (Kewarganegaraan) ….
25. My lesson on Friday is…. (Matematika dan IPA)
26. Look Dani and Rian! They are (bermain sepak bola) ….. in the field.
27. What students in class 3D do is? (bertepuk tangan) ….
28. Write 3 lesson on Monday!
Susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar!
29. Shila? – do – some – want – apple – you
30. Banana – would – you – Lia? – like – some
31. do – what – drink – want – you - ? - to
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan a atau an !
32. I have … art and culture book.
33. I like … physical education.
34. She wear …. uniform.

Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut!

35. Sony is jumping.

36. Nenekku sedang duduk di kursi.
37. Laila dan lena dedang berjalan.

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini!

My Pets

I have a pet. It is cute cat. His name is Fani. The fur is smooth and thick. He always stay at home. He helps
me take care of the house. He likes eat fish. I always play with him. We are very happy.

38. What is the cat’s name?

39. Does the cat eat fish?
40. Does the cat always stay at school?

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