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Elementary A1 – English

Around town
Worksheet / Homework


2 Writing different texts in English as Use forms of written language accurately
a foreign language
Use Free and responsible Integration

I. Put the words in the correct order.

1. I / here? / Can / eat

Can I eat here?

2. Sarah / bike. / can / a / ride


3. you. / I / see / can’t


4. drive / My / a / can / car. / brother


5. can / but / Cats / fly. / they / run / can’t


6. drink? / I / have / Can / please / a


II. Choose the correct word and complet the text.

My brother and sister are called Molly and Tony. We are best friends. Molly is very good at sport.
1) She (She/Her) swims every day. Tony likes music. 2) _______________ (He/Him) always plays
his guitar and 3) _______________ (he/him) sings. I love listening to 4) _______________ (he/him).
5) _______________ (I/Me) often go to the park and play football with 6) _______________
(he/him). Sometimes friends play with 7) _______________ (we/us) in the park. After, I go to the
shops. Tony usually comes with 8) _______________ (I/me) and 9) _______________ (we/us) have
a cold drink in a café. My brother and sister are fantastic! 10) _______________ (I/me) love
11) _______________ (they/them) very much!

- Oxford university press (2017).

III. Complete the sentences with object pronouns. Use the underlined words to help you

1. I can’t find my book. Please help me.

2. Dave and I are hungry. Please buy ________ a drink.

3. The train leaves at 3.00. Wait for ________ here.

4. Mum doesn’t know where the library is. Please go with ________ .

5. Why are these CDs here? Put ________ in your room.

6. ‘Can John do this exercise?’ ‘I don’t know. Ask ________ .’

IV. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

cycle cycles go by goes by goes by walk

1. Jane usually goes by car to school.

2. Simon often __________________ to town on his bike.

3. I haven’t got a bike. I __________________ to town.

4. We never __________________ bus to my grandparents’.

5. John sometimes __________________ train to my house.

6. They’ve got new bikes. They __________________ to school every day.

- Oxford university press (2017).

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