Latihan Pat B.inggris Kls 5

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Dela gets ten candies frim her father. She give four candies to Salsa. Then, Salsa eats two candies of hers. Dela
has two candies and Dela has six candies now.

1. Dela gets candies from….

2. Salsa gets …… candies from Dela.
3. Now, Dela has… candies.
4. Nine multipled by four is… .
5. Twenty one is number …. twenty.
My name is Johan. I am fifth grade students. I want to tell you about my family. My father is a farmer. He work in
the field. My mother is a teacher. She helps a student. Someday, I want to a doctor.
6. Johan is a….
7. Johan’s father work in the….
8. Johan’s father is a….
9. Johan wants to a…. someday.
10. Johan’s mother is a….


11. A : What is your hobby?

B : My hobby is….. and….. (membaca dan menulis buku)
12. Fadila borrows the…. and…. in the library. (matematika dan ensiklopedia)
13. Pieter like to read…. and…. (koran dan majalah)
14. She like novel about…. (komedi dan ceita yang indah)
15. She likes to read …. (komik dan novel)


16. Sinta goes to Jakarta.

Where Sinta goes to? ….
17. Quensa goes to the railway station. she will goes to Surabaya by…
18. We can find the train in the…
19. The train is….. transportation.
20. Before go by train, we have get ticket on the….


21. Tina is a ….. (pustakawan)

22. The librarian work at….
23. She helps the visitors to find the…..
24. Vina is my… (saudara perempuan)
25. Rani …. her job. (menyukai)


26. Toni is drawing ….. (piramida)

27. Fani is drawing…. (persegi panjang)
28. the shape of drawing book is ….
29. The shape of can is…..
30. Wahyu drawing shapes in the…. (buku gambar)


Susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar!

31. autum – is – summer – after
32. day – I – every – like – reading
33. on – table – the – is - newpaper
Terjemahkan kalimat berikut!
34. Bentuk pensil adalah silinder.
35. Seorang perawat bekerja di rumah sakit.

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