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Bridge Master (Fathers Love) High Quality: All For Love by: Hillsong

(Reaction Paper)
Once there was a man who had a son that he loved very much. The man
worked as a bridge master for the railroad. His son loved to watch the trains
and the people who travelled on them. People who were lonely,
angry, selfish, hurting, and addicted. A tragic mistake leads to a
terrible choice:
Allow everyone on the train to die or pull the lever and allow his son to
be crushed by the bridge. The salvation of all required the sacrifice of one
most dear. The sacrifice of one bought hope for the future.
If you were the father would you sacrifice your son's life to save the lives
onboard the train?
If I was in the position of the father, I would sacrifice my son’s life to save the
lives onboard the train because doing that would save the lives of others even
is it’s sacrificing my own son’s
Or would you choose to save your son and sacrifice the lives of those in the
If I would save my son and sacrifice the lives of those trains, my life would be
full of guiltiness even though it is for the sake of my son.
If I would have done it differently, in the first place I would keep an eye of my
sons for I will make sure that he’s safe because I have the knowledge that
playing on the trains trail would be very dangerous.
I can consider the father’s action as morally good for the others but not for
himself. The sacrifice of One offers life to all as it enhances the life of others but
he’s living the life full of longing for his son.
Our lives were significantly impacted by this story. It teaches us that God's
grace has delivered us via the death on the cross of Jesus. In order to prevent
the deaths of the train passengers, the father offered his son as a sacrifice.
Just as he wants his people to have a permanent home free of grief, suffering,
and challenges, God wants us to be with him in Heaven.
Everyone makes sacrifices. There will always be a situation where we are forced
to let something go in order to make room for bigger things. Most of the time,
we make sacrifices in order to accomplish goals that will ultimately be to our
advantage. We find ourselves using all of our resources and effort to achieve it,
with the belief that the sacrifices we make will be worthwhile.

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