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Time Response

Second Order Systems

Second Order Systems
• Varying parameter of first order system simply
changes the speed of the response
• Varying the parameters of a second order
system can change the form of the system
General Second Order System
• To establish quantitative specifications of a
second order system, we use natural
frequency and damping ratio.
Natural Frequency ωn
• The natural frequency of a second order
system is the frequency of oscillation of the
system without damping.
Damping Ratio,
• To quantify the damped oscillations, we use
ratio of exponential decay frequency to
natural frequency
General Second Order System
For a general second order representation, we need to find a and b in
terms of natural frequency and damping ratio

For an un-damped system, a=0, since the poles are purely imaginary

Next what is a? Assume an under-damped system,

General Second Order System


General second order transfer function is

Pole locations can be found from the above general second order transfer function:
Nature of Responses: Over damped

Input Pole System Poles

on real axis
Nature of Responses: Under damped

Input Pole Complex System Poles

• Real part of pole matches
exponential decay frequency
of sinusoid amplitude
• Imaginary part corresponds
to frequency of sinusoid
General damped Sinusoidal response
of a 2nd order system

Second order step response components generated by complex poles

•The transient response is equal to exponential decaying amplitude (due to real part
of pole) multiplied by sinusoidal waveform (due to imaginary part of pole)
•Time constant of exponential decay = reciprocal of real part
•Imaginary part = frequency of sinusoid. It is named as damped frequency of
oscillation ωd
Nature of Responses: Undamped

Input Pole Complex System Poles

Nature of Responses: Critically damped

Input Pole Complex System Poles

Nature of Responses: Summary
Response Poles Natural Response Mathematical form
Over-damped Two exponential with time
constants equal to reciprocal
of pole locations
Under-damped Damped sinusoid with
exponential envelope. Time
constant is equal to
reciprocal of real part and
damped frequency of
oscillation is equal to
imaginary part
Un-damped Un damped sinusoid with
frequency equal to imaginary
part of poles
Critically- One term is exponential
damped whose time constant is equal
to reciprocal of pole location.
The other term is product of
time t and an exponential
with time constant equal to
reciprocal of pole location
Under-damped Second Order Systems
• Step response of a general second order system

• Solving partial fractions (derivation– reading assignment)

• Taking inverse Laplace transform

Under-damped Second Order Systems
* The lesser the value of damping ratio, the
more there are oscillations
Under-damped Second Order Systems
Parameters of a second order system:

Other Parameters are:

* Definitions of settling time and rise time for second order system are same as that
of first order system.
Under-damped Second Order Systems
Rise time, peak time and settling time yield
information about the speed of the transient
Under-damped Second Order Systems
1. Evaluation of Tp (derivation in section 4.6 – reading assignment) as a function of damping
ratio and natural frequency

2. Evaluation of %OS (derivation in section 4.6 – reading assignment) as a function of damping

ratio and natural frequency
Under-damped Second Order Systems
3. Evaluation of Ts (derivation in section 4.6 – reading assignment) as a function of damping
ratio and natural frequency

4. Evaluation of Tr (derivation in section 4.6 – reading assignment). No analytical solution, only

numerical solution
Under-damped Second Order Systems

Radial distance from origin to

pole using Pythagorean
theorem is natural frequency

Peak time and settling time

in terms of pole location

- Tp is inversely proportional to imaginary part of pole

- Ts is inversely proportional to real part of pole

General second order system

With 20% overshoot

Second Order Transfer Function Via Testing

We can use the step response of a system to obtain settling

time and percentage overshoot, which can then be used to
find the natural frequency and damping ratio and hence the
transfer function of the system.
System Response with Zeros
• Till now we have focused on systems without
any zeros
• We saw earlier that zeros effect the amplitude
of the response and has nothing to do with
the nature of response (sinusoid, exponential
• Let’s add zeros to the system
System with 2 poles at
We add zeros at -3, -5 and -10

• The closer the zeros to dominant
Poles, the greater its effect on
transient response
• As zeros move away from
dominant poles, response starts
to become similar to a two pole
Pole-Zero Cancellation
Pole-Zero Cancellation

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