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Allenhouse Public School Khalasi Lines, Kanpur

Half Yearly Examination
Sample paper
Subject - Social Science
Class IX
M.M - 80

General Instructions -
● Section A: Question no.1 to16 consists of objective type questions of one mark each.
● Section B: Question no. 17 to 22 consists of 3 marks.
● Section C: Question no. 23 to 26 are competency / case based questions each comprising four
questions of one mark each.
● Section D: Question no. 27 to 31 consists of 5 marks each.
● Section E consists of 2 map based questions. 32.1 (History) for 2 marks & 32.2 (Geography) for 3

Section A

1. Which of the following theories was proposed by Montesquieu?

a) Social Contract Theory
b) Theory of Division of Powers
c) Theory of Popular Sovereignty
d) Theory of Democracy

2. Read the statement and choose the correct option.

Assertion (A): Conservatives were opposed to radicals and liberals.
Reason (R): They believed that past had to be respected and change had to be brought about
through a small process.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

3. Which important document does this picture depict?

 The figure symbolises the right to liberty, property, equality, etc enshrined in the new
Constitution of France.
4. If you visit Amravati, identify the state
(a) Chhattisgarh
(b) Jharkhand
(c) Telangana
(d) Andhra Pradesh
5. This range consist of the famous valley of Kashmir, the Kangra and Kulu valley in Himachal
Pradesh. This region is well known for hill stations.
(a) Shiwaliks
(b) Himadri
(c) Himachal
(d) Purvanchal

6. Which of the following lake is the result of the tectonic activity and is the largest fresh water Lake
in India
(a) Loktak
(b) Barapani
(c) Wular
(d) Bhimtal

7. The state that does not share international frontier with Myanmar-
a) Nagaland
b) Manipur
c) Mizoram
d) Meghalaya

8. Assertion (A) - With a rich soil cover combined with adequate water supply and favourable climate,
Northern Plains are agriculturally a productive part of India.
Reason (R) - The velocity of the rivers decrease in the lower course due to gentle slope and much load
thus forming meanders.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is wrong.
(d) A is wrong but R is correct.

9. By- elections are held in one constituency to ___.

a) fill the seats in Vidhan Sabha.
b) select a capable candidate.
c) fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member.
d) elect two leaders in the constututency.

10. The Constitutent Assembly met for ______ days.

a) 113 days
b) 114 days
c) 115 days
d) 120 days

11. Define Universal Adult Franchise.

The universal Adult Franchise refers that all citizens who are 18 years and above irrespective of
their caste or education, religion, colour, race and economic conditions are free to vote. 

12. ‘Unemployment is a situation when people who are willing to work but cannot find jobs.’
Which of the following statement does not show consequence of unemployment?
a) People who are an asset for the economy turn into liability.
b) There is feeling of hopelessness and despair among the youth.
c) People have enough money to support their family.
d) It tends to increase economic overload.
13. Which of the following activities is not included in tertiary sector activities?
a) Trade
b) Health
c) Transport
d) Manufacturing
14. Which of the following is not a fixed capital?
a) Agricultural Land
b) Tube well
c) Fertilizers and Pesticides
d) Farm machinery
15. Read the information given below and select the correct option :
Literacy among males is nearly 16.6 % higher than females and it is about 16.1% higher in urban areas as
compared to rural areas.
a) Number of females are more educated than males in rural areas
b) Number of females are more educated than males in urban areas.
c) Number of males are more educated than females.
d) Number of males and females are equally educated.

16. Assertion (A) : The higher growth rates have helped significantly in the reduction of poverty.
Reason (R) : There is a strong link between economic growth and poverty reduction.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

Section – B

17. What were the differences between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks?

he word Menshevik comes from the word "minority" (in Russian of course), and Bolshevik from
"majority". Bolsheviks believed in a radical —and elitist— revolution, whereas Mensheviks
supported a more progressive change in collaboration with the middle class and the
18. In what ways was the working population in Russia different from other countries in Europe,
before 1917?
19. In reference to the Drainage explain the following geographical terms :
(i) Drainage Basin
(ii) Water Divide
(iii) River System
Give reason for the following:
a) Peninsular rivers as Narmada and Tapi do not form deltas.
b) Most of the peninsular rivers flow from West to East.
c) Gorges are a feature in the Himalayas.
20. How does Democracy improve the quality of decision making?
21. What are the three sectors of Indian Economy? Explain.
22. Suggest any three ways to transform population into an asset.

Section C
23. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
The population of France rose from about 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789. This led to a rapid
increase in the demand for food grains. Production of grains could not keep pace with the demand. So the
price of bread which was the staple diet of the majority rose rapidly. Most workers were employed as
labourers in workshops whose owner fixed their wages. But wages did not keep pace with the rise in prices.
So the gap between the poor and the rich widened. Things became worse whenever drought or hail
reduced the harvest. This led to a subsistence crisis, something that occurred frequently in France during
the Old Regime.

(i) Which of the following factors led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains?
a) Rise in migration of people
b) Rise in population
c) Shortage in food availability
d) Spoiling of food grains.

ii) The term Old Regime is usually used to describe the society and institutions of France before

a) 1679
b) 1789
c) 1777
d) 1799

iii) ______was an extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood were endangered.
a) chronic hunger
b) famine
c) subsistence crisis
d) economic crisis

(iv) _______ was the staple food for the people of France.
(a) Rice
(b) Bread
(c) Wheat
(d) Maize

24. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow-
‘Each physiographic region of India compliments the other and makes the country richer in its natural
resource. The mountains are the major sources of water and forest wealth. The northern plains are the
granaries of the country. They provide the base for the early civilizations. The plateau is a storehouse of
minerals, which has played a crucial role in the industrialization of the country. The coastal region and
island groups provide sites for fishing and port activities. The Rajasthan desert has immense scope for
solar and wind energy. Thus the diverse features of the land have immense future possibilities of

(i) What type of mountains are Himalayas? Name the longitudinal valleys formed in between.
(ii) How was the Peninsular Plateau formed?
It has its formation associated with the breaking of Gondwana land. 

(iii) Name the types of sand dunes that cover sandy plains of the Indian Desert.
(iv) Give the economic significance of the coastal plains.
Good for trade, agriculture and tourist spot
25. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
"I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the
ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal
opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I
am prepared to die."

(i) Identify the speaker of above speech.

a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Nelson Mandela
d) Winston Churchill

(ii) Why was he imprisoned?

a) To live in restricted area.
b) To oppose the apartheid regime.
c) To hope to live together.
d) To have wrong ideals.

iii) For how many years was he imprisoned?

(a) 25 years
(b) 28 years
(c) 32 years
(d) 35 years

iv) Which statement is irrelevant to the making of a new Constitution of South Africa?
a) The oppressor and oppressed in this new democracy were planning to live together as equals.
b) The whites did not agree to the principles of majority rule and that of one person, one vote.
c) The black agreed that the majority would take away the property of the white minority.
d) They also agreed to accept some basic rights for the poor and workers.

26. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
While determining the poverty line in India, a minimum level of food requirement, clothing, footwear,
fuel and light, educational and medical requirement, etc ., are determined for subsistence. These
physical quantities are multiplied by their prices in rupees. The present formula for food requirement
while estimating the poverty line is based on the desired calorie requirement. Food items, such as
cereals, pulses, vegetable, milk, oil, sugar, etc ., together provide these needed calories. The
calorie needs vary depending on age, gender and the type of work that a person does.

(i) What is the accepted average calorie requirement in urban areas in India?
a) 2000 calorie per person per day
b) 2100 calorie per person per day
c) 2400 calorie per person per day
d) 2800 calorie per person per day

ii) What is the full form of ‘NSSO’?

a) New Sample Survey Organisation
b) National Simple Survey Organisation
c) National Sample Survey Organisation
d) National Size Survey Organisation

iii) Which of the following is the correctly matched option related to most vulnerable group to
a) Social group - scheduled tribe household
b) Economic group - scheduled caste
c) Social group - urban casual labourers
d) Political group - rural agricultural labourer

iv) Which is/are the dimensions of the poverty?

a) It means lack of regular job.
b) It means availability of safe drinking water.
c) It means better job opportunities.
d) It means sick people could not afford treatment.

(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 2 and 4
Section D
27. Describe how the new political system of Constitutional monarchy worked in France.
The new political system of constitutional monarchy in France worked in the following
manner: The constitution of 1791 had given the power to make laws to the National
Assembly, that was indirectly elected by a group of electors voted by the citizens who had
chosen the assembly. The right to vote was given to men above 25 years of age, who paid
taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labourer’s wage, were given the status of active citizens,
i.e., they were entitled to vote. The remaining men and all women were classed as passive
citizens. To qualify as an elector and as a member of the assembly, a man had to belong to
the highest bracket of taxpayers.
What changes did industrialization bring to the then society in Russia?
 (i) Industrialisation brought men, women and children to factories. (ii) Work hours were often long and
wages were poor. (iii) Housing and sanitation problems were growing rapidly. (iv) Almost all industries were
properties of individuals. (v) Many liberals and radicals themselves were often property owners and
employers. (vi) So, it was the time when new cities came up and new industrial regions developed, railways
expanded and the Industrial Revolution happened.
28. Give five differences between the Great Himalayas and the Peninsular Plateau.
Give the regional divisions of the Himalayas

29. How was apartheid system practiced in South Africa?

30. Describe the challenges to free and fair election in India.

31. What is unemployment? How does unemployment lead to wastage of manpower resource?

Section E
32. 1. On the outline map of the World given below, name and locate the following places-
i) Marseilles
ii) Any ONE allied power of First World War. france
32.2 On the given Political map of India
a) Locate and label 82°30' E.
b) Locate and label the Aravalli Mountains.
c) Identify the river marked 'R'

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