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Final project FEM Assignment

The objective of the final project is to design, analyze, and verify a framework using finite element
methods (FEM). The project aims to showcase a comprehensive understanding and application of FEM
principles throughout the different stages of the analysis process. The primary objective is to design a
framework consisting of at least 6 bars and a support point for a bucket, considering factors such as
shape, weight, and material selection. The structure should be able to withstand a minimum weight of
10 kilograms. The project requires conducting a thorough FEM analysis, encompassing preliminary
analysis, pre-processing (including modeling and defining material properties), solution, and post-
processing. It is crucial to accurately analyze the stresses, strains, and displacements experienced by the
framework under anticipated loads. Additionally, a physical model of the framework should be
constructed to validate the FEM analysis, and tests should be conducted using a 10-kilogram weight
bucket. The ultimate objective is to deliver a comprehensive report documenting the project's details,
analysis methodology, results, and conclusions. The report should effectively convey the objectives,
approach, and findings of the project, demonstrating a proficient understanding of FEM principles and
their practical application in structural analysis.

The objective of this final project is to analyze and verify the structural behavior of a framework using
finite element methods (FEM). Finite element analysis is a powerful numerical technique widely used in
engineering and design to simulate and understand the response of structures under various loads and
conditions. This project provides an opportunity to apply FEM principles to design a framework that
meets specific requirements and analyze its performance.

The framework design should consist of at least 6 bars and incorporate a support point for a bucket,
which will be used to apply weight to the structure. The primary goal is to ensure that the framework
can withstand a minimum weight of 10 kilograms. By leveraging FEM techniques, we can accurately
predict the structural response, evaluate stresses, strains, and displacements, and optimize the
framework design to ensure its strength and stability.

In addition to the analysis, this project also involves constructing a physical model of the framework.
This allows us to validate the FEM analysis by conducting tests with a 10-kilogram weight bucket and
comparing the actual behavior with the predicted results. The combination of theoretical analysis and
experimental validation will provide a comprehensive understanding of the framework's performance
and confirm the reliability of the FEM approach.

The results of this project will be presented in a detailed report that includes project information, the
methodology used for FEM analysis, key findings, and conclusions. This report serves as a
comprehensive documentation of the project, highlighting the analysis process and demonstrating
proficiency in applying FEM principles to solve real-world engineering problems.
Preliminary Analysis: Perform an initial assessment of the framework design, considering factors such as
overall shape, size, and material selection. Conduct preliminary calculations to estimate the expected
loads and forces acting on the structure.

a. Modeling: Create a finite element model of the framework using specialized software or tools. Define
the geometry, elements (bars), and connectivity between nodes.
b. Material Properties: Assign appropriate material properties to the bars based on the chosen materials
(e.g., steel or aluminum). Consider factors such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density.

a. Load Application: Define the loading conditions, including the weight of the bucket and any additional
loads or constraints.
b. Finite Element Analysis: Apply FEM principles to solve the structural problem numerically. Use the
finite element software to calculate the stress, strain, and displacement distribution within the
framework under the specified loads.
c. Iterative Analysis: If necessary, perform iterative analysis to optimize the framework design,
considering factors such as bar dimensions, cross-sectional shapes, and the number of elements.

a. Results Evaluation: Analyze the output results from the FEM analysis, including stress and strain plots,
displacement profiles, and safety factors. Evaluate the performance of the framework against the
specified weight capacity.
b. Vibration Modes Analysis: Perform a vibration modes analysis to determine the natural frequencies of
the structure. Identify any potential resonance or stability issues.

Physical Testing:
a. Construct a physical model of the framework according to the designed specifications.
b. Apply a 10-kilogram weight bucket to the support point and measure the structural response,
including deflections and deformations.
c. Compare the physical test results with the FEM analysis predictions to validate the accuracy and
reliability of the numerical model.

Determine the Loads:

Assumethe weight of the bucket is 10 kilograms.

Select the Material:

Let's consider steel as the material for the framework.

Assume the material properties for steel as follows:
Young ' s modulus ( E):200 GPa ( 200 x 10 Pa )

Poisson's ratio (ν): 0.3

Yield strength ( σy ) :250 MPa ( 250 x 106 Pa )
Density (ρ): 7850 kg / m
Design the Structural Members:

Let's consider a triangular truss configuration with three bars.

Assume the truss is equilateral with a base length (L) of 1 meter.
To calculate the dimensions of the bars, we need to consider the weight capacity and distribute it
among the bars evenly.

Weight per :̄ 10 =3.33 kg

Weight per :̄ 3.33 kg x 9.8 2
=32.67 N ( Newton )

To ensure the bars do not yield under the weight, we need to calculate the maximum stress.

F max
Maximum stress ( σ max ) =Maximumforce area ( A )

Assume a rectangular cross-section for the bars with width (w) and height (h).

For the truss bars, let's assume a safety factor (SF) of 2 to provide a margin of safety.

We'll use the yield strength to calculate the maximum force.

Maximum force ( F max )=SF∗Weight per ¯¿ 2∗32.67 N=65.34 N

Assuming a width-to-height ratio of 1:5, we can calculate the dimensions of the bars.

Cross−sectional area( A)=w∗h

F max N
Maximum stress ( σ max ) = =65.34
A w∗h

We can select an arbitrary value for the width or height and calculate the other dimension.

Let's assume a width (w) of 20 mm (0.02 m).

Cross−sectional area( A)=0.02 m∗h

Maximum stress ( σ max ) =65.34
Now, we can solve for the height (h) using the maximum stress equation and the yield strength of steel.

σ max=σ y =250 x 10 Pa
6 N
250 x 10 Pa=65.34
0.02 m∗h

h=65.34 6
0.02m∗250 x 10 Pa

h ≈ 0.013 m(¿ 13 mm)

Therefore, for this simplified example, we have calculated the dimensions of the bars to be a width of 20
mm and a height of 13 mm to meet the weight capacity requirement of 10 kilograms.

3D Model Design:

In conclusion, the objective of the final project on finite element methods was to analyze and verify a
structure through the application of FEM principles. The project specifications required the design of a
framework consisting of at least six bars and a support point capable of withstanding a minimum weight
capacity of 10 kilograms.

Throughout the discussion, we explored the methodology for approaching the project, including
preliminary analysis, pre-processing, solution, and post-processing stages. We recommended the use of
a truss structure, either in a planar or three-dimensional configuration, due to its simplicity and
suitability for FEM analysis.

Key points emphasized in the project included conducting a comprehensive finite element analysis to
evaluate stresses, strains, and displacements under anticipated loads. Vibration modes analysis was also
recommended to understand the natural frequencies of the structure for long-term stability.
To design the physical system, we provided an example calculation for determining the dimensions of
the truss bars. This involved considering the weight capacity requirement, material properties, and
safety factors. A MATLAB code snippet was shared to illustrate the calculations and generate a graphical
representation of the truss framework

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