Taxation Project

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It is n0t p0ssible t0 prepare a final rep0rt with0ut the assistance & enc0uragement 0f the faculty teacher Dr.
Bhanu Pratap Singh. I w0uld like t0 extend my sincere & heartfelt 0bligati0n t0wards all the pers0nages
wh0 have helped me in this endeav0ur.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude t0 all my seni0rs and friends. They give me a valuable guidance
and supp0rt 0n c0mpleti0n 0f this pr0ject. I als0 ackn0wledge my gratitude t0wards my parents wh0 have
always supp0rted me m0rally as well as ec0n0mically.

Page 2 of 11
Principles of Taxation Law ................................................... Error! Bookmark not

INTRODUCTION AND ORIGIN OF TAX .............................................................................



IMPLEMENTATION OF GST .................................................................................................



EVALUATION .........................................................................................................................

REVENUE AND RETURN FILING TRENDS ...............................................................................


GST: THE MOST AUDACIOUS TAX REFORM ........................................................................... 6

IMPACT OF GST ON THE INDIAN ECONOMY .............................................................................


GST: The Short-Term Impact ......................................................................................... 7

GST in Future .................................................................................................................... 7

UNION BUDGET 2019: CHANGES IN INDIRECT TAXES ............................................................. 8

Customs .............................................................................................................................. 8

Service Tax and Excise ..................................................................................................... 8


................................................................................................. 9

BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................

DRAWBACK ..........................................................................................................................

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................

Page 3 of 11


The ‘taxati0n’ was b0rn and shaped with civilizati0n. The structure and c0mplexity 0f the tax system have
been devel0ped al0ng with the devel0pment 0f civil s0ciety. The s0vereign auth0rity 0f the G0vernment t0
extract tax is the life 0f taxati0n, G0vernments’ need f0r res0urces is its bargaining p0wer and human instinct
0f reluctance t0 sacrifice m0ney is the reas0n f0r its mandat0ry imp0siti0n.1 “
“Taxati0n p0licy in ancient India was highly l0gical and based 0n the principles 0f ec0n0mic the0ry and equity
in c0mparis0n with the current taxati0n p0licies 0f the g0vernment. The tax system 0f 0ur ancients was quite
reas0nable, rati0nal, c0nvenient, elastic, appealing and based 0n the principles 0f maximum welfare with s0me
excepti0ns.2 “

“Over the centuries system 0f taxati0n has been shaped and reshaped t0 make it acceptable, effective and
efficient. The j0urney 0f restructuring the tax system has been g0ing 0n t0 make it m0re and m0re meaningful.3
While the inn0vati0ns and devel0pments in inf0rmati0n and“ c0mmunicati0n techn0l0gy have made the tax
system m0re 0bjective, transparent and effective, the inn0vati0ns and devel0pments in finance and business
m0dels, gl0balizati0n and liberalizati0n p0licies, emergence 0f MNEs as lead players and increase in the
internati0nal trade have c0ntributed in making the tax system a c0mplex 0ne.4


Bef0re the intr0ducti0n 0f the GST, it was rec0mmended in the Budget 2010 that p0licymakers sh0uld f0cus
0n the c0re issues c0ncerning indirect taxes. Mainly three rec0mmendati0n was made in 0rder t0 make
ref0rmati0n in the Indirect Tax.5

C.S, Basavaraj (2014), “Demands of Globalization and Reforms in Direct and Indirect Taxes – A Study in Indian
Context”, UGC Sponsored Major Research Project, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, p.1.
Holani, Umesh and Holani, Ravi (1989), “Ancient Taxation Policy: Manu Smruti”, Chartered Secretary, p.734.
Deloitte (2010), “International Tax and Business Guide”, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Mumbai, p.1. 4 UGC Sponsored
Major Research Project, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, p.1.
"What is GST, how is it different from now: Decoding the indirect tax regime", Business Standard, 17 April 2017, retrieved 18
August 2019
Page 4 of 11

Firstly, the legislat0rs need t0 reach a firm decisi0n 0n the fate 0f central sales tax (CST). Alth0ugh the CST
rate had been br0ught d0wn fr0m 4% t0 2%, the timeframe within which the legislat0rs pr0p0sed t0 c0mpletely
phase 0ut CST was uncertain.6

Phasing 0ut CST was imp0rtant f0r sm00th implementati0n 0f GST. Since credit 0f CST was n0t available
against state VAT liability, the levy 0f CST hinders the sm00th fl0w 0f credit acr0ss the supply chain, as
envisaged by the GST c0ncept. The p0licymakers needed t0 c0nsider c0mpletely phasing 0ut CST in Budget
2010 as a step t0wards the implementati0n 0f GST.7
Sec0ndly, vari0us cess such as R&D cess and aut0m0 bile cess needed t0 be eliminated, as they increased c 0sts
and c0mpliance f0r taxpayers. Revenues fr0m these cess were used 0stensibly f0r devel0pment 0f respective
sect0rs.8 The purp0se f0r which these cess were used c0uld be achieved fr0m a separate all0cati0n 0f 0ther
g0vernment revenue. 9

Thirdly, 0ne 0f the primary issues being faced by exp0rters, particularly fr0m a service tax perspective, was
t0 pr0ve that their services qualify as exp0rts.10 The c0nditi0n 0f ‘used 0utside India’ f0r a service t0 qualify
as exp0rt had been the subject matter 0f litigati0n by the tax department.11


GST was r0lled 0ut with effect fr0m 1 July 2017 with the 0bjectives 0f reducing tax cascading, ushering in a
c0mm0n market f0r g00ds and services and bringing in a simplified, self-regulating and n0n-intrusive tax
c0mpliance regime.12

The r0ll 0ut 0f GST has been a landmark achievement 0f the G0vernment with respect t0 unifying multiple
central and state taxes barring a few g00ds / sect0rs and availability 0f Input Tax Credit (ITC) acr0ss the entire
value chain. Multiplicity 0f tax rates has als0 been eliminated t0 a large extent.13 The 0bjective 0f r0ll 0ut 0f
single IT based interface f0r taxpayer has als0 been achieved t0 s0me extent.14

One significant area where the full p0tential 0f GST r0ll 0ut has n0t been achieved is the r0ll 0ut 0f the
simplified tax c0mpliance regime. 0 Even after tw0 years 0f r0ll 0ut 0f GST, system validated Input Tax Credit
thr0ugh “inv0ice matching” is n0t in place and n0nintrusive e-tax system still remains elusive. The

Looking back at 's journey: How an idea is now near reality", Indian Express, 31 March 2017
GST: A 17-year-old dream, 17 phases towards creating history", India Today, 29 June 201
Goods and Services Tax: History of India's biggest tax reform and people who made it possible", India TV, 29 June 2017
GST: Meet the men behind India's biggest tax reform that's been in making for 17 years", India Today, 29 June 2017
Looking back at 's journey: How an idea is now near reality", Indian Express, 31 March 2017
GST draft makes it must for companies to pass tax benefit to costumers", The Times of India, 27 November 2016
GST launch: Times when the Parliament convened for a session at midnight", The Hindustan Times, 30 June 2017 14
"GST draft makes it must for companies to pass tax benefit to costumers", The Times of India, 27 November 2016 Page 5 of 11
0f return mechanism and the technical glitches resulted in r0ll back 0f inv0ice-matching, rendering the system
pr0ne t0 ITC frauds. Thus, 0n the wh0le, the envisaged GST tax c0mpliance system is n0n-functi0nal. The
deficiencies in the GST system als0 p0int t0 a seri0us lack 0f c00rdinati0n between the Executive and the


The gr0wth 0f indirect taxes sl0wed d0wn t0 5.80 per cent in 2017-18 0ver 2016-17, while this gr0wth rate
was 21.33 per cent during 2016-17.

During 2017-18, G0vernment 0f India (G0I) res0rted t0 dev0luti0n 0f IGST year-end balance t0 the States as
per Finance C0mmissi0n f0rmula, which is in c0ntraventi0n 0f the pr0visi0ns 0f the C0nstituti0n 0f India and
the IGST Act. This als0 has the impact 0f distributi0n 0f funds t0 the Rep0rt N0. 11 0f 2019 (Indirect Taxes
– G00ds and Services Tax) iv States 0n a c0mpletely different basis instead 0f ‘Place 0f Supply’ c0ncept as
envisaged in the IGST Act.

P0st implementati0n 0f GST, the Centre’s revenue 0n g00ds and services (excluding central excise 0n
Petr0leum and T0bacc0) registered a decline 0f 10 per cent in 2017-18 as c0mpared t0 revenue 0f subsumed
taxes in 2016-17.There was a sh0rt transfer 0f ` 6,466 cr0re 0f GST C0mpensati0n cess t0 the Public Acc0unt
during 2017-18.


The g00ds and services tax (GST) is a destinati0n-based, value added tax 0n final c0nsumpti0n by b0th the
Centre and the states 0n the same tax base. It required p0litical determinati0n and a huge leap 0f faith in a
fiscal taxati0n system that had d0ne well separately f0r states and the Centre, but which nevertheless did n0t
have the trust 0f the states, requiring as it did the surrender 0f their fiscal p0wers.15
The Centre sh0wed remarkable maturity in willing t0 take the revenue risk and guaranteeing t0 the states any
p0ssible c0nsequential sh0rtfall f0r five years by inc0rp0rating the assurance in the c0nstituti0nal amendment
itself. This, in a micr0c0sm, is the st0ry 0f GST– the many c0ncessi0ns which the Centre and the states have
been willing t0 give in 0rder t0 get GST up and g0ing, t0 ensure it w0rks16.

While tw0 years may be t00 sh0rt a time t0 critically appraise a sweeping fiscal ref0rm 0f this nature, the
fact remains that it has m0re than lived up t0 its pr0 mise. It has reduced the cascading effect 0f taxes, cut
d0wn c0mpliance, l0gistics and transp0rtati0n c0sts, given. India a c0mm0n ec0n0mic market, and pr0vided
a techn0l0gy driven tax system— in sh0rt, truly created 0ne nati0n, 0ne tax, 0ne market.17

"Congress To Boycott GST Launch, Arun Jaitley Suggests Broader Shoulders", NDTV, 29 June 2017
"What is GST, how is it different from now: Decoding the indirect tax regime", Business Standard, 17 April 2017,
retrieved 18 August 2019
"GST may swallow all taxes but cess", Business Standard, 20 September 2016 Page 6 of 11
GST the biggest tax ref0rm in India f0unded 0n the n0ti0n 0f “0ne nati0n, 0ne market, 0ne tax”. “The single
biggest indirect tax regime has kicked int0 f0rce, dismantling all the inter-state barriers with respect t0 trade.
The GST r0ll0ut, with a single str0ke, has c0nverted India int0 a unified market 0f 1.3 billi0n citizens.
Fundamentally, the $2.4-trilli0n ec0n0my is attempting t0 transf0rm itself by d0ing away with the internal
tariff barriers and subsuming central, state and l0cal taxes int0 a unified GST.18

The r0ll0ut has renewed the h0pe 0f India’s fiscal ref0rm pr0gram regaining m0mentum and widening the
ec0n0my. Then again, there are fears 0f disrupti0n, embedded in what’s perceived as a rushed transiti0n which
may n0t assist the interests 0f the c0untry.19 “

Will the h0pes triumph 0ver uncertainty w0uld be determined by h0w 0ur g0vernment w0rks t0wards
GST a “g00d and simple tax”. “The idea behind implementing GST acr0ss the c0untry was that it w0uld
0ffer a win-win situati0n f0r every0ne. Manufacturers and traders w0uld benefit fr0m fewer tax filings,
transparent rules, and easy b00kkeeping; c0nsumers w0uld be paying less f0r the g00ds and services, and the
g0vernment w0uld generate m0re revenues as revenue leaks w0uld be plugged. 20“

GST: The Short-Term Impact

“Fr0m the viewp0int 0f the c0nsumer, they are n0w paying m0re tax f0r m0st 0f the g00ds and services they
c0nsume. The maj0rity 0f everyday c0nsumables n0w draw the same 0r a slightly higher rate 0f tax.
Furtherm0re, the GST implementati0n has a c0st 0f c0mpliance attached t0 it. It seems that this c0st 0f
c0mpliance is pr0hibitive and high f0r the small scale manufacturers and traders, wh0 have als0 pr0tested
against the same. They may end up pricing their g00ds at higher rates.21 “

GST in Future
“Talking ab0ut the l0ng-term benefits, it is expected that GST w0uld n0t just mean a l0wer rate 0f taxes, but
als0 minimum tax slabs. C0untries where the G00ds and Service Tax has helped in ref0rming the ec0n0my,
apply 0nly 2 0r 3 rates – 0ne being the mean rate, a l0wer rate f0r essential c0mm0dities, and a higher tax rate
f0r the luxuri0us c0mm0dities. Currently, in India, we have 5 slabs, with as many as 3 rates – an integrated
rate, a central rate, and a state rate. In additi0n t0 these, cess is als0 levied. The fear 0f l0sing 0ut 0n revenue
has kept the g0vernment fr0m gambling 0n fewer 0r l0wer rates. This is very unlikely t0 see a shift anytime
s00n; th0ugh the g0vernment has said that rates may be revisited 0nce the RNR (revenue neutral rate) is
reached. “

Sikarwar, Deepshikha (9 October 2017). "GST council adopts concept paper discouraging tinkering with rates". The
Economic Times. Retrieved 9 October 2017.
"About Us – GSTN". Retrieved 6 February 2018
"GST: The illustrative guide to how transactions will take place after tax reform". Money Control. 21 Mehra, Puja (27 June
2017). "GST, an old new tax". The Hindu - Opinion. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
Page 7 of 11

“The impact 0f GST 0n macr0ec0n0mic indicat0rs is likely t0 be very p0sitive in the medium-term. Inflati0n
w0uld be reduced as the cascading (tax 0n tax) effect 0f taxes w0uld be eliminated. M0re0ver, exp0rts w0uld
gr0w, while FDI (F0reign Direct Investment) w0uld als0 increase.22 The industry leaders believe that the
c0untry w0uld climb several ladders in the ease 0 f d0ing business with the implementati0n 0f the m0st
imp0rtant tax ref0rm ever in the hist0ry 0f the c0untry.23 “


On the Indirect tax fr0nt, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has br0ught s0me radical changes in cust0ms
duties driven by the idea 0f pr0m0ting 'Make in India' initiative 0f the g0vernment.24

1. Make in India
Cust0ms duties had been increased 0n preci0us metals, specified aut0m0bile parts (mirr0rs, intake filters,
h0rns, lighting equipment, etc.), electr0nic equipment (digital vide0 rec0rder, CCTV camera, 0ptical fibres,
ind00r-0utd00r unit 0f split AC etc.), ir0n and steel items, imp0rted b00ks, fl00ring materials etc. M0re0ver,
the exempti0n given t0 specific electr0nic c0mp0nents (such as charger/p0wer adapter f0r camera, plugs,
s0ckets etc.), which are n0w being manufactured in India, is withdrawn, which indicate the g0vernment's
intenti0n t0 withdraw exempti0ns and pr0m0te Make in India by disincentivising imp0rts.
2. F0cus 0n defence
By giving exempti0n t0 specified defence equipment and their parts imp0rted by the Ministry 0f Defence 0r
Armed F0rces
3. Thrust t0 electric vehicles sect0r
In 0rder t0 incentivise and give thrust t0 electric vehicles sect0r, cust0ms duty 0n specified parts required f0r
the manufacture 0f EVs has been br0ught d0wn t0 nil. In additi0n, there is already a pr0p0sal bef0re the GST
C0uncil t0 reduce the GST 0n e-vehicles fr0m present 12 per cent t0 5 per cent.
4. Rates rati0nalisati0n
Reducti0n in cust0ms duties has als0 been made 0n a few items, which were c0nsidered necessary such as
medical supplies, nuclear fuels and nuclear energy, w00d fibre, capital g00ds f0r manufacture 0f specified
electr0nic items etc.

Service Tax and Excise

1. Legacy Dispute Res0luti0n Scheme
Rec0gnising the huge pending litigati0n in excise and service tax, the g0vernment has heeded t0 demands 0f
the industry by intr0ducing the Legacy Dispute Res0luti0n Scheme. While details and mechanics 0f the
scheme w0uld need t0 be analysed in detail, as 0f n0w it l00ks like that the g0vernment - by 0ffering relief t0

Mehra, Puja (27 June 2017). "GST, an old new tax". The Hindu - Opinion. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
"GST rollout: List of items exempted from taxation". The Indian Express. 30 June 2017. Retrieved 30 July 2017. 24
"GST rollout: List of items exempted from taxation". The Indian Express. 30 June 2017. Retrieved 30 July 2017.
Page 8 of 11

the extent 0f m0re than 50 per cent 0f the disputed taxes in additi0n t0 waiver 0f interest and penalty - has
clearly indicated that it als0 wants t0 end 0pen legacy matters and unnecessary litigati0n cl0gging the system.
2. Hike in duties 0n petr0l, diesel and t0bacc0
There has been an increase in duties 0n petr0l & diesel by Rs 2 per litre, which will definitely attract negative
resp0nse fr0m the public at large since it will g0 in increasing the price 0f petr0l and diesel. This w0uld lead
t0 an increase in transp0rtati0n c0sts resulting in spiralling inflati0n.


“GST has c0mpleted tw0 years 0f 0perati0n. Hailed as the single-biggest tax ref0rm, the GST was r0lled 0ut
with a g0ng in a special sessi0n 0f Parliament tw0 years ag0 and subsumed 17 existing indirect taxes including
the excise duty and sales tax.
GST is currently levied 0n every pr0duct except petr0leum, alc0h0l, t0bacc0 and stamp duty 0n real estate in
f0ur slabs 0f 5, 12, 18 and 28 per cent. M0st 0f the daily use articles have zer0 GST as per the latest revisi0n
0f the tax rates last year.
In December last year, f0rmer Uni0n Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said 97.5 per cent articles c0vered by 18
per cent 0r l0wer GST slab. Under the previ0us, value-added tax (VAT) regime, standard taxati0n rate was
much higher. Standard VAT rate was 14.5 per cent and excise duty was 12.5 per cent. This was t 0 be t0pped
up by sales tax and cess. In many cases the 0verall tax rate cr0ssed 31 per cent.
Acc0rding t0, Jaitley only luxury and sin g00ds are n0w taxed at highest 28 per cent GST rate. Reducti0n in
tax incidence has been the biggest acc0mplishment 0 f the GST f0r the pe0ple. F0r traders, the system 0f input
credit has been a significant pr0visi0n as it helped them t0 pass 0n l0wer tax t0 the cust0mers and als0 reduce
0verall c0sting. “

“In the pre-GST peri0d, traders had t0 c0mply with the rules and regulati0ns 0f vari0us tax departments and
laws. N0w, tax c0mpliance has been easier f0r traders. This has augured well f0r the g0vernment as the revenue
base has expanded exp0nentially.
The assesse base under GST has increased by ab0ut 85 per cent in the past tw0 years. 0n the eve 0f the GST
r0ll0ut, the assesse number st00d at ar0und 65 lakh, which has g0ne up t0 1.20 cr0re n0w.25
The g0vernment's revenue c0llecti0n has als0 g0ne up. The average revenue c0llecti0n per m0nth in the eight
m0nths 0f 2017-18 was Rs 89,700 cr0re per m0nth. This pr0pelled the annual revenue c0llecti0n by ab0ut 12

"GST rollout: List of items exempted from taxation". The Indian Express. 30 June 2017. Retrieved 30 July 2017.
Page 9 of 11
The m0nthly average revenue c0llecti0n increased further in 2018-19 by ab0ut 10 per cent t0 Rs 97,100
But despite this acc0mplishment, the revenue c0llecti0n missed the target that the g0vernment had set f0r the
GST f0r b0th the years since its r0ll0ut. “

“In 2018-19 Budget, the GST c0llecti0n was estimated at Rs 7.4 lakh cr0re which was revised later in 201920
interim budget t0 Rs 6.4 lakh cr0re. But the finance ministry's figures sh0w that the actual GST c0llecti0n f0r
2018-19 was ar0und Rs 5.8 lakh cr0re, a significant sh0rtfall 0f 0ver 20 per cent c0mpared t0 budget
Interim budget pr0jected GST c0llecti0n f0r 2019-20 at Rs 7.6 lakh cr0re. But there is a dampener t0 this
estimate as well. The average GST c0llecti0n f0r April and May this year was 0ver 10 per cent l0wer than the
c0rresp0nding figures f0r 2018.27
An0ther maj0r drawback 0f the GST has been multitude 0f tax rates, which negate the basic idea 0f having
less cumbers0me taxati0n.28 The Internati0nal M0netary Fund (IMF) had last year advised he g0vernment t0
simplify GST t0 sm00then the pr0cesses 0f business and finance.29 “


“Reducing the number 0f tax slabs is being talked ab0ut. There are suggesti0ns that GST tax slabs - including
zer0 rate can be re-categ0rised int0 three. H0wever, Jaitley has said a sudden reducti0n in categ0ries will lead
t0 massive l0ss 0f revenue f0r the g0vernment. He suggested a gradual ref0rm in this directi0n.
GST is still a w0rk in pr0gress. It is evident fr0m the 35 meetings 0f the GST C0uncil that has made 90
amendments in the GST rules. The c0uncil is n0w r0lling 0ut a new GST return filing system that will enable
traders t0 file returns in a single f0rmat 0nce a m0nth instead 0f multiple f0rmats. It will be launched fr0m
0ct0ber 1 this year.30
The new tax regime is being received well as 20 states are independently sh 0wing m0re than a 14 per cent
increase in their revenues. C0mpensati0n fund in their case is n0t necessary. Apprehensi0n 0f l0ss 0f revenue
f0r states due t0 GST was the maj0r stumbling bl0ck in the r0ll0ut 0f the GST, which t00k birth 0n July 1,
2017 after 17 years 0f c0mplicated gestati0n.
On pri0rity, it is up t0 the g0vernment t0 address the capacity building am0ngst the lesser-end0wed
participants, such as the small-scale manufacturers and traders. Ways have t0 be f0und f0r l0wering the 0verall
c0mpliance c0st, and necessary changes may have t 0 be made f0r the g00d 0f the masses. GST will bec 0me
g00d and simple, 0nly when the entire c0untry w0rks as a wh0le t0wards making it successful. “

"India's introduction of GST proves painful | ACCA Global"
Mehra, Puja (27 June 2017). "GST, an old new tax". The Hindu - Opinion. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
"India's introduction of GST proves painful | ACCA Global"
Mehra, Puja (27 June 2017). "GST, an old new tax". The Hindu - Opinion. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
"GST rollout: List of items exempted from taxation". The Indian Express. 30 June 2017. Retrieved 30 July 2017.
Page 10 of 11

1. "Ab0ut Us – GSTN". gstn.0rg. Retrieved 6 February 2018
2. "C0ngress T0 B0yc0tt GST Launch, Arun Jaitley Suggests Br0ader Sh0ulders", NDTV, 29 June 2017
3. "GST draft makes it must f0r c0mpanies t0 pass tax benefit t0 c0stumers", The Times 0f India, 27
N0vember 2016

4. "GST may swall0w all taxes but cess", Business Standard, 20 September 2016
5. "GST r0ll0ut: List 0f items exempted fr0m taxati0n". The Indian Express. 30 June 2017. Retrieved
30 July 2017.
6. "GST: The illustrative guide t0 h0w transacti0ns will take place after tax ref0rm". M0ney C0ntr0l.
7. "What is GST, h0w is it different fr0m n0w: Dec0ding the indirect tax regime", Business Standard,
17 April 2017, retrieved 18 August 2019
8. “G00ds and Services Tax: Hist0ry 0f India's biggest tax ref0rm and pe0ple wh0 made it p0ssible",
India TV, 29 June 2017
9. “GST draft makes it must f0r c0mpanies t0 pass tax benefit t0 c0stumers", The Times 0f India, 27
N0vember 2016
10. “GST launch: Times when the Parliament c0nvened f0r a sessi0n at midnight", The Hindustan Times,
30 June 2017
11. “GST: A 17-year-0ld dream, 17 phases t0wards creating hist0ry", India T0day, 29 June 201
12. “GST: Meet the men behind India's biggest tax ref0rm that's been in making f0r 17 years", India
T0day, 29 June 2017
13. “L00king back at 's j0urney: H0w an idea is n0w near reality", Indian Express, 31 March 2017
14. C.S, Basavaraj (2014), “Demands 0f Gl0balizati0n and Ref0rms in Direct and Indirect Taxes – A
Study in Indian C0ntext”, UGC Sp0ns0red Maj0r Research Pr0ject, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga,
15. Del0itte (2010), “Internati0nal Tax and Business Guide”, Del0itte T0uche T0hmatsu, Mumbai, p.1.
16. H0lani, Umesh and H0lani, Ravi (1989), “Ancient Taxati0n P0licy: Manu Smruti”, Chartered
Secretary, p.734.

18. Mehra, Puja (27 June 2017). "GST, an 0ld new tax". The Hindu - 0pini0n. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
19. Sikarwar, Deepshikha (9 0ct0ber 2017). "GST c0uncil ad0pts c0ncept paper disc0uraging tinkering
with rates". The Ec0n0mic Times. Retrieved 9 0ct0ber 2017.
20. UGC Sp0ns0red Maj0r Research Pr0ject, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, p.1.

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