Expired Domains Quick Start Guide

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This guide is a quick start to work with expired auction domains

So, in this guide, I will write step-by-step instructions for you so

that you can already begin to act towards your goal and understand the
full scope of work, tools, and knowledge that you will need.

STEP 1. You need to use SEO services to work

1. Spamzilla is an online software to find expired auction domains on

most auction platforms. This online service is the best of its kind.
It has a huge database of domains and convenient tools for searching,
filtering domains and sorting them according to specified parameters.
Each domain has its own assessment (SZ Score), and you can easily scan
thousands of desired domains for their quality and authority metrics

2. Majestic is the best online software for analyzing domain

authority, its backlinks, quality, history, and many other important
criteria by which an expired auction domain is evaluated before buying

3. Semrush is the most powerful online SEO software. It is necessary

to analyze competitors, their SEO tactics and strategies, compose a
semantic core and create a powerful content strategy, evaluate the
work of competitors and discover the most effective money
niches/products/keywords. Without SEMrush you can forget about an
effective content strategy and effective internal SEO necessary to
reach the Google’s TOP and monetize the expired auction domain you

STEP 2. Start working on searching for domains

So, let's get started on finding the best expired domains. First, let
me remind you that our main task is to find authoritative, quality,
non-spammed expired auction domains with huge backlinks profile.

Trust Flow of the domains and the links quantity are not really
important, but I do not recommend to buy sites with Trust Flow below
15 or less then 100 backlinks.

The domain should not have negative history on Google and you have
tools to check this(I have described the process of the domain history
check in my course).

Roughly speaking, it must be clean of negative SEO factors, and it is

you who must be the first to rebuild the site into an affiliate one.
Please, be attentive to the details and check the domain carefully
before placing any bids.

Sign up for Spamzilla if you haven't already. The service price is

only $37 per month, while its capabilities surpass the other similar
Domcop service in a number of functional differences and prices. In
addition, this service is at least 3 times cheaper and has features
that make it easier for the SEO to select high-quality sites for

STEP 3. Registration on auction platforms

To be able to buy domains freely, you need to register on those

platforms whose domains are in the Spamzilla database. Let's list the
most necessary:

Namejet - registration
Godaddy - registration, and participation in auctions
Namesilo - registrar. You need to deposit money into the balance
of CatchClub - a platform for buying domains can work through Namesilo
DropCatch - registration, you need to upload your documents to be able
to participate in
Dynadot auctions - registration

After completing the registrations and getting all the functionality

of the bidder, you can quickly go to the auctions directly from the
Spamzilla service. I strongly recommend that you create accounts with
all of the above services and get all the functionality of an auction
participant to have no restrictions on bidding.

In my course, I describe in detail the process of participating in

auctions for each of the platforms and their features for buying
authoritative domains. I use many nuances, techniques, and strategies
and succeed in buying powerful domains on these platforms for the best

Through my course, you will be able to follow best practices and learn
how to avoid paying for useless domains and bid only for authoritative
ones based on the metrics that you confident in.

STEP 4. Domain analysis

So, the analysis of expired auction domains takes place in the format
of primary and dative verification.

Let's start with the primary. How to evaluate sites?

1. So, after setting up search filters in Spamzilla, which I described

in my course, you start the work with the domains table on the
Spamzilla website

2. All domains should be sorted by the number of links given by

Majestic. In general, I must say that for the backlinks analysis and
the quality of domains, Majestic gives the most accurate results.

3. Next, we continue the primary evaluation of domains. First, we look

at the Maj Topics and SZ score parameters. SZ Score is the internal
domain’s quality metric in Spamzilla service that gives a quick
assessment of the site. The cross icon indicates the presence of
problems. When you hover over it, you can find out the reason - these
are either stop words that occur on the site and mean SPAM, or the
domain language problem, which may indicate spam, or the lack of
domain history in the archive.org, which may obscure what the old site
was like.

4. You can also get other information about the domain in the
Spamzilla interface - for example: its current bid at the auction, the
auction end date, the age of the domain and Trust Flow by Majestic

5. Next, we can decipher the SZ Score parameter in more detail.

Spamzilla 's most powerful feature sets it apart from Domcop's
competitor . If the site has a cross icon, open the additional menu.
It contains data from the archive.org, information on the number of
backlinks, link texts that link to the site, the presence of redirects
that may indicate spam, a general data panel from Majstic (you don’t
even need to go to the service with a cursory analysis). There is
information about how many drops the domain had, whether the domain is
in the Google index now (important for checking manual sanctions and
history pages on the site), you can see the language history of the
site, which will make it clear whether spammers bought the site, and
of course WHOIS data – how did the owner’s detailes change. The WHOIS
data change may indicate that spammers or SEOs bought the site and
domain may be corrupted. Remember - you need to buy the domains with a
clean site history.

However, you need to understand that only a set of SEO metrics and
manual check determines the value of a particular domain and its
possible negative history.

STEP 5. Manual site analysis

So, when you choose a domain at auction using Spamzilla service, it's
important to ensure that the expired domain is really worthwhile.
Spamzilla tools alone will not be able to do this.

Even if he has access to the underlying Majestic data, you need to

have a paid account with Majestic to check the domain
manually(starting from $49).

After all, if you’re are going to bet hundreds and thousands of

dollars you have to avoid risks. You can lose hundreds and thousands
of dollars buying useless domains even.

Even if tons of other auction members place bids like crazy, don’t be
folled by the hype. Check everything using my personal techniques and
you’ll be secured from making wrong steps on domain auctions that can
cost you time, efforts and money.

STEP 6. Applying for auctions to buy expired domains

So, when you have selected domains and checked them carefully, it's
time to record your interest in the selected domains. There are
usually a lot of them.

I search domains every day, and sometimes I find 5-7 quality domains
auctions a day. These are the ones I'm willing to fight for. Each
auction platform provides its own set of bidding tools. For example:

· Namejet allows you to bid $69 to add a domain to the Backorders list
· Godaddy gives you not just to place a bid but to add the site to the
Wishlist in order not to show a lot of interest in the domain and
thereby reduce the number of competitors

· Catch Club allows you to make a minimum bet. You may not even have
an account there, but create one on Namesilo.

STEP 7. Auction bidding

So, usually, domains auctions take from 3-6 days. During this time,
you can observe the bidding activity for each specific domain. At the
same time, some auction platforms give you different functionality for

For example:

· Godaddy gives you the ability to bid and track trades in its
Investor app · Namejet also provides a bidding app, but it has very
few features. In fact, participation in auctions

· Most auction platforms will simply send you email notifications if

your bid is outbid.

· It would help if you used reminders on your smartphone and notebooks

to organize your work with auctions.

STEP 8. Winning the auction, paying for and getting the domain on the

In order to win the auction, it is important to follow the chosen

strategy. It is not only about the highest bid, although this is the
main factor. But you want to buy a domain for the least amount. You
don't want to fight with competitors who are making huge bids. Here,
sometimes everything is decided by your bidding tactic for specific
domain on each platform.

Once you win, you will need to make a payment. I wrote in my course
how this process takes place on different platforms and when you can
start using the domain you won.

STEP 8. Installing WP and preparing the Money site

So, immediately after receiving the domain on the registrar's balance,

you should already host your website and setup WP. First of all, in
order to install an SEO plugin on it and connect it to Google Search
Console with a meta tag.

This will give you quick access to Google's manual sanctions data. It
is important for you to ensure that they are not there and that the
domain is not banned. Only then can you exhale and start working with
the site.

What is needed for that?

1. Installing a modern WP site

2. Select the content/niche/products/keywords 3. Content design
4. Internal optimization
5. Create beautiful meta tags to imrove Google’s snippets CTR 6.
Create sales copies
7. Register in affiliate programs and select products for sale 8.
Improve your conversion rates

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