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Flash Poll of Cuban Americans’

Reaction to President Obama’s Change in U.S.-Cuba Policy

Do you agree or disagree with President Obama’s
announcement to begin normalizing relations with Cuba?
By Country of Birth

Born in Cuba 38% 53% 9%

Born in the U.S. 64% 33% 3%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Agree Disagree Don’t know/No answer
Do you agree or disagree with President Obama’s
announcement to begin normalizing relations with Cuba?
By Age

18 to 29 53% 36% 11%

30 to 49 47% 45% 8%

50 to 64 58% 38% 4%

65+ 25% 67% 8%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Agree Disagree Don't know/No answer
Do you agree or disagree with President Obama’s
announcement to begin normalizing relations with Cuba?
By Political Party Affiliation (Among registered voters)

Democrat 73% 23% 4%

Republican 11% 79% 10%

Independent/Other 63% 27% 10%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Agree Disagree Don't know/No answer
Do you favor or oppose easing restrictions on
travel between the United States and Cuba?


Favor Oppose Don't know/No answer

Do you favor or oppose easing restrictions on travel
between the United States and Cuba?
By Country of Birth

Born in Cuba 45% 44% 11%

Born in the U.S. 53% 26% 22%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Favor Oppose Don’t know/No answer
For additional information on this study or the firm, please contact:

Fernand Amandi
Managing Partner

3250 Mary Street, Suite 403

Miami, FL 33133

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